Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: Team Naventic vs Superstars :: Discussion Thread

HGC North America :: Team Naventic vs Superstars :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:30 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Tempo Storm vs No Tomorrow :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match is planned to start at 16:30 PST / 1:30 CET, the same time as this post was posted.


Community challenges


Team Naventic vs Superstars
bigempct ranged - ranged Faye
bkid warrior - melee Goku
Kenma support - ranged Hosty
Tomster flex - support iakona
Zuna flex - warrior Srey


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Game version

HGC matches this weekend are played on current live patch. Valeera is available for draft.

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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My Li-Ming cosplay!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:28 AM PST

I've just finished uploading photos of my Li-Ming cosplay, hope you like it guys! (^ -^)


(Me as Li-Ming and photos by La-Clover http://la-clover.deviantart.com/ )

submitted by /u/sigmanas
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When I die, I want Naventic to be my pallbearers....

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:31 PM PST

..... so they can let me down one last time. #PleaseWinOut

submitted by /u/Johnnyy_T
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Blizzard, PLEASE make ability descriptions more informative

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:24 AM PST

Using the most recent offender as an example,

Angelic Flight -- After channeling for 3 seconds, Auriel flies to the target location.

submitted by /u/Battlecrab
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Tyrande's owl build is pretty strong

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:39 PM PST

HGC Matches this weekend will be played on the current patch.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:23 AM PST

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to give a heads up that the Heroes Global Championship matches this weekend will be playing on current live patch.

Valeera is also available for draft!

Hope you enjoy the games and as always you can find the stream, schedule, standings, and VoDs on PlayHeroes.com/esports. Games start in just about 45 minutes.

submitted by /u/eSportsMatt
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If you're from Australia, DO NOT PLAY COMP THIS WEEKEND

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:59 AM PST

The current heat wave hitting the country is forcing the electricity companies to turn off power to some places because the current infrastructure of the country can't support all the people with their air conditioners.

If you do decide to play, expect leavers for that reason.

This isn't a joke btw.

submitted by /u/WNx_Rain
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Tracer ninja nerf or bug

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:53 PM PST

Me and my friend have been playing Tracer recently and we've noticed something really weird to her movement. I think it happened after the Valeera patch.

So basically you feel like you're getting ministunned for like 0.01 seconds and what I think it really happens is that whenever you blink, you character simply stops, so you have to spam right click to resume her movement (even though you spam right click you feel like you're mini-stunned for 0.01 seconds. It feels very clunky. What I think it happened in the past is when you right-clicked to move, Tracer would continue to follow that path regardless if you would blink so in that case it felt smooth. Now, however, when spamming for example 3 blink, you feel like getting ministunned between blinks.

Would like a dev to look into this shenanigan and confirm if it is a bug.

submitted by /u/umcs_cubrick
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Stealth is easy to counter, but Heroes does a bad job of explaining that

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:18 AM PST

I have every stealth character at least level 10, and I kind of just sigh when I see an enemy team that has two, if not more stealth heroes on it, because I know someone on our side is going to get punished. As someone who has played stealth and is trained to look for the shimmer (or check a bush), I think they're easy to counter, but it's not very intuitive for less experienced players.

Just yesterday I played as Azmodan (who can get blown up if he's caught out) against a Valeera/Nova combo who were roaming the entire game. I called MIA for my teammates in addition to pings, I ensured that if I was ever extending I knew where they were, and had zero deaths top siege/XP/hero, and helped with objectives/pushed my own lane to the keep. We still lost.

The enemy stealth duo just kept getting picks and ensuring that every teamfight was a 4v5 at best. We had one person with 12 deaths (Varian) because they kept over-extending, and I'd say close to 90% of my games against 2+ stealth heroes, this is commonplace. Again, this is a teachable moment and I try to encourage/help people, but it never works. Over-extending is one of the biggest issues in Heroes, mostly because the game makes no effort to explain how crippling it can be if you're playing the entire game 4v5 -- at that point you're just relying on playmaking/carrying teammates. The very first day I played the original DOTA mod nearly 10 years ago, I learned about MIA calling. I feel like there needs to be a tutorial on it.

TLDR: Stealth makes over-extending exceedingly punishable, especially Valeera with her stun. It's only going to get worse with her buffs, and will only scare more of the playerbase away. I don't really know how to fix it other than trying my best in QM and hope people pay attention to MIAs.

submitted by /u/chrisjc
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Why is Quick Match taken so seriously?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:05 PM PST

I have spent most of my time with Heroes (2,400 total games) in Quick Match. I play my Hero League placement matches and that's it (Silver League for reference).

Lately (past few months) I've noticed players in QM are taking it waaaay to seriously. It is the lowest level of play in this game without AI, it is not life or death, or even close to HL.

So why piss and moan and act like you're the best player ever (maybe be nice in chat and try to strategize instead)? I know I'm not that good (otherwise I would be higher than Silver) and I know you aren't that good if you're matched with me.

tl;dr Can't we just have fun in QM? Is that too much to ask?

submitted by /u/IrishByName
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It was only logical that I create Abathur as my first needle felting project

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:13 AM PST


I made Abathur out of wool :D My very first needle felting project.

I have the process posted to www.realplush.tumblr.com if you want to check it out.

submitted by /u/RealPlush
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Apparently you can now play Heroes of the Storm in North Korea !

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:31 AM PST

[HGC KR] Brotherly love from Lockdown and Hide

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:13 AM PST

I don't want Kaeleris to leave HGC Europe.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:56 AM PST

I like him. He's fun, he's interesting. I'll be happy with Khaldor coming in of course, but at the same time I'll be sad.

submitted by /u/nar2k16
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First 3 Level 10's in Heroes!

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:22 PM PST


Loving this game after playing League for a long time. Just wanted to share some cool progress I've made so far!

submitted by /u/HarrysManor
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Why are brawl maps on the Map Record under statistics?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:55 AM PST

I feel like having them there is completely meaningless and detracts from the value of your map record, being able to quickly see which maps someone is best on.

I have a 100% win rate map on the map record, and it'll probably be on the top for a long while to come, but it's Garden Arena so who cares?

I'd rather not have them at all.

submitted by /u/lemindhawk
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Why stealth is making me lose interest in this game.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 03:37 PM PST

Okay, let me preface this by saying that this is just my opinion, although from the threads that have popped up over the past few days I really suspect this sentiment is shared by many.

I've always had trouble seeing stealth in this game. Over the past year or so, I've tried all the various different methods including

-Setting graphics to low and textures to ultra

-Using a larger screen

-Playing the game in a well lit room, reducing the glare on the screen.

-Actively scanning the area around my char every few seconds for a shimmer.

However, I cannot for the life of me seem to reliably spot the stealth shimmer. Sometimes I see it for a second or two (particularly if I know where the stealthed character is), then lose track of it again.

Now, of course I have tried various methods to alleviate this inability to see the shimmer, including positioning properly and taking vision talents. I'm not the best player but at a ranking of diamond in QM and plat in UD, I do feel like my positioning in fights is at least decent.

These methods work to a certain extent, although obviously they aren't always applicable (like if my hero doesn't have a vision talent). Positioning next to my tank is great, but isn't always feasible especially if they are someone like Varian who dashes around a lot. I can't always be next to my tank ALL the time, especially during laning phase. Venturing even slightly outside the gates next to forts is unavoidable during laning phase, but for someone to whom stealth is effectively invisibility, this can be really disastrous (particularly if it's Valeera who just stuns and kills me).

Not being able to spot the shimmer no matter how hard I try is already pretty frustrating. To make matters worse, a lot of the threads in the past few days were full of people saying 'git gud' both literally and figuratively. Almost all of them have people saying that stealth is super easy to counter if you can just spot the shimmer. Almost all of them have told players to do all the things that I have listed above. At this point, it is really irritating and frankly a little offensive that they assume I'm not already doing that.

I'm really considering just not playing HotS anymore, partly because of my less-than-perfect eyesight, but especially because of these posters' inflammatory comments just making the overall experience very frustrating.

As I said in the beginning, this is just me. Maybe everyone else has perfect 20/20 eyesight and spots the shimmer all the time (but probably not). But the posters who just say 'git gud' are not constructive, and also assuming that everyone who has issues with stealth isn't trying anything to help that at all is extraordinarily presumptuous.

submitted by /u/Sarah_Bananah
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When can we know the type of game before joining a party?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:53 PM PST

If you are in the initial screen right after logging in, you can see parties which are inviting members in the right part of the screen. However, Nobody knows what type the game is in. [vs A.I.], [quick match], [brawl]???

So my opinion is that the screen display the type of member-inviting game: vs A.I., quick match, brawl, etc.

submitted by /u/ongbak90
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Punisher feinting the leap

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:19 PM PST

No Kaelaris at Katowice :(

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:24 AM PST

When do we get to hear more from Alan Dabiri?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:12 AM PST

It's been a few months since Dustin Browder's departure from Heroes. One thing I am starting to really miss is Dustin's vigilance with his twitter, reddit, and Blizzard forums accounts.

Here's what a quick google search revealed about Alan. His favorite hero is Johanna, and we've read an interview where we learned about where he will focus efforts in early 2017.

I know he is incredibly busy, and I for one am super happy with how the game is developing so far this year! However, I almost feel left out of the loop not having Dustin's candid comments about game development.

submitted by /u/Strahk
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New to the game, am looking for heroes similar to these 2 champions, suggestions please?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 07:03 PM PST

Hello! Trying to learn the game, am considering to buy a hero. Trying to buy something that is similar in play style to Master Yi or kha'zix in league of legends, please suggest! Thank you.

submitted by /u/Boostedkhazixstan
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Heroes of the Storm: WP and Funny Moments #103

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 11:16 AM PST

Weekly Sale Items for February 14 – 21, 2017

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:55 AM PST

Animals Husbandry cap

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:17 PM PST

The level 4 talent of Rexxar, Animal Husbandry, has a cap at 4000 bonus health, which you will get after 2000 seconds or 33 minutes and 20 seconds of staying alive. This cap is not mentioned in the talent, but you can't get infinite health with it (sadly).


submitted by /u/Alphander
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Valeera/Nova overload in QM

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:53 PM PST

Yes, you can play against them and win if you know what you're doing.

Yes, more than 1 stealth character is hugely detrimental to the enemy team.

No, they aren't that bad.

But what they are? Annoying, especially duo-queues that ignore the objective and get enough kills to tilt my teammates.

My level of enjoyment should be more even across my characters. While I love Rexxar and Tassadar as they're some of my faves and crush stealth characters, I find that I have to lean on them more to win games because of their reveal mechanics.

I don't know what Blizzard can do because stealth characters are about the same as snipers in a Battlefield game. They're everywhere and people just flock to them because it's easy to stomp noobs with them. How did Battlefield handle snipers? Did they ever?

But QM shouldn't have to suffer so much. I should have a higher chance of getting wacky compositions, not Valeera match-ups in every. Single. Game.

Like I said, I don't know what Blizzard can do, and I needed to vent. But I am just tired of looking for shimmers day in and day out.

submitted by /u/PatchYourselfUp
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