Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: B-Step vs Team Freedom :: Discussion Thread

HGC North America :: B-Step vs Team Freedom :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:00 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: Gale Force eSports vs Team 8 :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match was planned to start at 16:30 PST / 1:30 CET, 90 minutes before this post was posted, so it should be starting very soon.


Community challenges


B-Step vs Team Freedom
aPm support - flex daneski
iDream flex - flex Insomnia
k1pro flex - support KilluZiioN
KingCaffeine warrior - flex Nazmas
McIntyre flex - warrior zugrug


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft. Initial map bans:

B-Step Team Freedom
? ?

Game version

Games in HGC weeks 1-3 are played on the patch before Valeera patch. Most notably, Valeera is not in the game and Tassadar and Rexxar reworks are not there either.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch -
YouTube -

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Lucio releases to PTR on February 6th!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:39 PM PST

HORSEPANTS Nazeebro text guide

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:53 AM PST

As always, skip down to the sections to get to the meat of the guide. I won't cuss you out this time.

Here's some music to go along with your reading experience: https://youtu.be/nzk_ZT4HK-Q?t=5


  • HC: Hexed Crawlers
  • ToD: Thing of the Deep


Hello. I'm back. Sadly, that asshole Cover out did me with his art and gifs and level 20 Alarak. Seriously, fuck that guy. Who does he think he is? I'll show him, I'll do another guide and this time I'll make sure to make it as LOW quality as possible. No gifs, no art, no proofreading. But if you're into that kind of stuff, check out his guide here: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/5s1dqp/covers_lvl20_alarak_guide/

Anyhow, I'm here today to talk about my favorite African frog tosser Nazeebo. I think this hero is incredibly strong in the HL meta, and even stronger with the build I'm about to grace you with. He is a late game terror along with being a situational unstoppable pick. Just a note, I don't have as much experience with this build as I did with the Tassadar one. At the same time I feel really comfortable to write about it because I've tried all of his other builds ALOT and still put a decent amount of games into this one, and this one has felt MUCH stronger than the others in every situation. Spiders were a fad, toads were a prank.


The sections will be the following:

  • Pros/Cons/Onions
  • Main build/builds/talent explanation
  • Gameplay (limited for now)
  • Edit (Anything useful from comments/guide fixes/additions)




I liked the format of doing this then talents, so here's the main build: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/nazeebo#oqF- I've cleverly named it the 'Spider Zombie Thing' because it's a combination of all of his strongest talents. If your friends ask you what dumbass, no direction build you're going tell them to fuck off THEN let them know the name.

Let's look at some overall pros/cons of Nazeebo:


  • TODDLER TIER EARLY GAME. Seriously, this hero is super underwhelming early game. This is one of the benefits of taking Thing of the Deep (ToD). Your damage is over time and potentially inconsistent (spiders long CD, toads/walls are readable and dodge-able
  • No CC. None. 0. Nazeebo has anxiety. I'm sure most of you can relate. He might get judged if he controls the crowd.
  • Zombie wall may or may not work. I'm including this because Blizzo loves making it so you can dash out of his wall (Valla vault for example). When this bug is in effect he loses alot of his strength.
  • Needs to focus on stacking to ensure 150 stacks. Although the garg upgrade is alright, Vile is on a different level. Not to mention increasing your health and mana is important. This is con because your Jebaited teammates don't care about you or your African heritage. You're practicing witch craft and don't deserve these stacks.
  • NO MOBILITY. Seriously, challenge a toddler to a race. When you enter dad hood the alcohol lessens the pain of the enemy team and you'll have more health which will make up for this.


  • DAD STRENGTH TIER LATE GAME. Post level 10 is when you begin to enter dad hood. The mix of Garg/Dead rush will give you consistent teamfight damage. If it's a superstition game you're hard to deal with. Level 16 spiders offers a consistent dead end jo... damage. Level 20 allows you to spread your seed, which in turn will convert more people to Nazeebo. Every talent tier after 10 further your dominance. This hero's late game damage is broken honestly.
  • ZOMBIE WALL. This ability is fantastic when it lands, a huge reason for taking ToD. Without ToD this ability is way too hard to land consistently. This is one of his greatest strengths as some heroes can't deal with this at all. This is his only early game strength.
  • SUSTAIN. This hero's sustaining power is crazy, and never having to backup is always a strength. And because it's % based it only gets stronger as the game goes on.
  • POKE. LIKE. SUBSCRIBE. Bob bless thing of the deep.
  • Good wave clear. This comes with blood ritual/dead rush. You can blow your load on every wave thanks to BR, and DR cleans up waves much quicker/stack MUUUUCH quicker A huge strength of this build.
  • SIEGE. Late game you are building cancer.



Main build/builds/talent explanation

I'll be referring to talents like this: 1 4 7 10 13 16 20, then a bullet point going from left to right on the talents I link. The main talents will be in bold. Situational picks will be in italy.

MAIN BUILD aka 'SPIDER ZOMBIE THING': http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/nazeebo#oqF- le USE ME I le REPEAT PLZ USE | note: he has situational picks. Look below for those

SPIDER BUILD: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/nazeebo#gOik | Still a strong build, I prefer ToD at level 1 but this is the most common spider build.

FROG BUILD: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/nazeebo#kg92 | I think in the right scenario this build is bonkers, it was my bible build for a bit and was taken every game. What situation it's good in I have no clue I'm not very smart.

Runner up: Zombie wall build. I won't link it though because a 2nd place build doesn't deserve it.



  • The choice for spider build.

  • The choice for frogs (at this point to the guy who's about to make a comment about how they are toads, PRANKED BRO)

  • Awwwww yiss. This talent is amazing. It allows you to position much safer, and makes landing zombie walls consistently actually possible. It gives you much more space to lead a running enemy into them because of how delayed they are. That's the main reason for this talent, the added range onto spiders and toads are a bonus. This hero is super telegraphed, and casting from further away fixes those issues (think of Chromie). Everytime I try a different Naz build I feel cucked when I don't have this


  • I'll take this talent over BR on a map like BoE where we are fighting in the middle a ton.

  • This talent is good, but overrated imo. Late/super late game it does play on your stacking strengths, and will give you a hefty hp increase (600 more once you reach your 150 goal), but at the price of broken sustain. Not to mention it'll be harder to get these stacks since with BR, or even HC, you get crazy sustain so you can continue stacking. I only like this with toads because of Soul Harvest. Even then not the biggest fan.

  • The least picked, but in my onion the strongest choice. 14 percent health + mana every creep wave (7 creeps/wave), not including the globe and the small amount you gain from stacks. With this talent you NEVER have to back up, and can blow your load on every creep wave resulting in faster clear, and more consistent stacks. It's % based so it restores even more raw health and mana as you stack. A little known fact is this works on monsters, such as the objective minions on Infernal Shrines. You won't get stacks, but you'll get the 2 percent regen from each. Just look at this image of its strengths: http://i.imgur.com/OiwtwQ5.jpg


  • Spider build talent.

  • I used to go spider build but with ToD until I learned about how strong this talent is (not to mention I like BR over HC). This talent is amazing, let's go through some of its strengths:

    1. Consistent stacking/faster wave clearing. You can W > Q a wave and call it a day if any teammate is nearby. Not to mention it plays on my rule of not trusting/relying on teammates. The zombies will ensure you spread your seed and get stacks. This is probably the greatest strength of this talent and the reason I always get 150+ stacks. 2.Consistent damage. Once they uproot they will beat on heroes for really good damage, not to mention they can block skill shots. Consistency is important on a delayed skillshot hero, having these AND garg beating on people is great. 3. FANTASTIC SEED SPREADER. Level 20 these will uproot and spread your vile seed onto the enemy team. It's amazing. 

    Overall, another consistency talent like ToD. It's damage output is greater than Spirit because at this point you don't have Widowmakers

  • Frog build talent.


  • CONSISTENCY. Place him down and forget. Hit R when enemies group up or someone is right underneath him. His damage output is I N S A N E considering he doesn't hinder your spellcasting abilities. When your Jebaited frontline doesn't peel for you, you'll always have budget tank in your pocket. Not to mention at 20 he spreads your seed.

  • Honestly, this ult is strong. There might be some wombo combo scenarios this is better than Garg, but even then garg can cause AoE damage too. It has a higher CD, doesn't put a body on the field, and requires every bit of wisdom and focus you learned at witch doctor school.


  • If you can't pick superstition, this isn't a bad alternative. I'd take this if they don't have any super hard dive, and they are heavily physical damage focused.

  • SOUND THE BROKEN ALARM. Seriously, this talent is broken, moreso than my arm. You're a ranged backline with VERY good cast ranges. That means it's hard to get the chance to auto you while taking half the damage from any pathetic attempt at poking you down. Then you sustain all of that pathetic damage back. The ONLY time you don't take this talent is against heavy physical damage teams. Even if it seems like it's just an 'okay' game for this talent, take it. The majority of damage you'll suffer is AP. Wombo lockdown comps won't even phase you. Examples of where you might not want this is against an EQ + BL comp, an Odin that is able to hit you constantly, illidan focused comps. Comps where you'll be consistently punished by the negative aspect of this talent. But if the enemy is heavily AP focused and you need a ranged damage dealer, snap pick this hero.

  • It's ice block. I like this more than guardian toads if I can't take superstition. 3 seconds of stasis will save you and allow your team to turn on the enemy/save you if have become the dive target.


  • What the fuck is this. Michaeludall is probably rolling in his pro career's grave. You're telling me that you take a picture of the spider when you clearly ignore ALL OF THE OTHER PICTURES? Well, hear me out. 3 spiders that attack once a second for 65 damage each for 4 seconds. That's 780 potential damage, not including the added 100 jar damage. Correct me if my GoogleMath TM is Jebaited. Ring of poison does 600 and has a MUCH longer cooldown and requirement to do its damage. This talent is simple too much damage and consistency to pass up. Even without the other spider talents it's fantastic. It also helps spread your seed at 20 too.

  • I think ever since this talent was nerfed, spider colony was buffed, soul harvest was buffed and spiders linger it's just become a trap talent. I'm calling it a trap because zombie wall build was considered the strongest build at first, and because this build follows that old build pretty closely you'd be inclined to take this. The truth is that it's just not as good as the other talents now. It doesn't fit the other builds whatsoever. The only strength is that yes, if you can catch people you'll have the spider damage AND this damage and melt them. Nazeebo plays more around poke/trapping people when he CAN. His damage is already there and he will kill/chunk them without this.

  • This works on all ENEMIES. It's the go to with the toad build. I repeat it works on ENEMIES. I forced multiple streamers to try the toad build, watch them hit 16, then not fucking realize this. I swear you big nosed freak, your ability to not read abilities is astounding. 98 percent positive it works with Big Voodoo. Massive health + ap increase, super strong talent.


  • Please

  • Take

  • Vile

  • Infection. You're Rocky. You trained your whole career for this moment. You've stacked harder than my father stacks beer cans. Spread your seed.




This will be a little bit lackluster for now. I'll try to get some good games in today and share those, so check back in about 10-12 hours from now and hopefully I have more VoDs/highlights to share. If nothing is here by then check back tomorrow, I'll do my best to get them here.

Incase you're wondering why I don't go indepth on how to actually play the hero, this section is for that. I'm not good at explaining gameplay so I'd much rather show you through actual gameplay. My drafting skills aren't the strongest so I don't want to go indepth with that.

This aside, here's quick tips:

  • Rotate and stack 1-10. You need the mix of garg + dead rush to be really useful in fights. Focus on stacking and maybe catching somebody with a zombie wall during rotations. Remember you're a toddler early and dad later.
  • Stacking involves hitting as many creeps as possible with the jar and walling the wave. Position at an angle with toads if needed. Level 4 just go ham on the waves. If you're low mana throw jar, auto missed ones, have team clear.
  • Learn zombie wall timing/leading. ToD helps with this.
  • For drafting, he's BROKEN anti magic. Draft him into magic heavy enemy teams. Don't draft if you already have a mage, need a support or frontline. He's okay as a 2nd mage if the enemy team is also magic heavy because of how broken superstition is.

Misha's Shire game: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/119508891?t=04h53m48s | Bumpy early game, but dominate late game. You'll see how many stacks I was able to gather thanks to dead rush, the damage I don't take from KT/other heroes thanks to superstition, and I was able to do 44 percent of the teams damage + majority of siege damage. Ended with 230 stacks, 101k damage. | Sorry if it mutes towards the end.



SPECIAL THANKS: The guy from HGC week 1 who ran this build on Infernal Shrines but took crawlers instead of ritual. Ritual works on the shrine dudes you Jebait. Thanks for the build dude, I stole it and made it my own. If anyone remembers the name of the player I'll add it here.




submitted by /u/HORSEPANTSU
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The Best Moment From HGC Europe - Week 3 - Day 3

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:07 AM PST

If you have ever pressed a button and not had the game respond (in-game), please read and share

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

As the title alludes, this post is regarding the phenomena of pressing a key and not having the game respond (e.g. casting an ability). Personally, I feel as if this happens frequently (where I will spam a button, hear/feel the feedback of doing so - but the ability does not go off in game). I always try to look for explanations (silence, stun, lag, out of range with quickcast, etc...) and there are occasions where I cannot find one.

I frequently watch streamers, and have heard some of them complain about this phenomena as well. I was wondering if in the reddit crowd, how many of us experience this? Do you have any explanations that those of us experiencing it may have not considered? If this is a problem with the game that many individuals experience and that we cannot find an explanation for, I would like to raise awareness of this issue, and upvotes/posts of relevant experiences seems like a good way to do it.

I will most likely be edditing this for format, as I am not a frequent reddit poster.

submitted by /u/The_Real_Spinach
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Tempo Storm introducing Kala as their new coach and analyst & giving away coaching lessons

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:09 PM PST

Reminder that Elemental Lion is still bugged

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:49 AM PST

I just wanted to give this a bit more attention, the season 2 reward is still bugged after more than half of season 3. Two of the three tints are not working properly for most likely all AMD users (edit: and some Intel/nvidia users). If you use Steams Hardware statistic as an indicator, that is about 20-30% of the playerbase (edit: this number is just about AMD users, but still gives you an idea).

I have bnet friends, who only started playing team league with us, because of the mount. Before that they would not "dare" playing ranked. But now they can only use one color. If this problem persists, this might be a bigger problem than just "one mount", because it lowers the "value" from the seasonal rewards and the incentive to play ranked.

Additionally I got recently one of the bugged forms in a brawl. Being forced to ride a poop lion looks and feels bad... :>

Edit: As it was pointed out by /u/cyclecube this issue is not limited to AMD users. So even more reason to fix it. Additionally not all AMD users are affected, as /u/reddcomet7 pointed out. Maybe some of you are the lucky few, since all my friends with AMD are affected.

submitted by /u/DavesenDave
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1 more to go then 337 :-)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:29 PM PST

It tooks me almost 12500 games to get a 999 Hero level. can't wait to see if 4 digits fit in this tiny circle :) http://imgur.com/a/eHEPY

UPDATE: 1000 done, here is the answer to our question guys :-) Beside I added 2 more screenshots, one with all my heroes and their level and another showing clearly that I did not abuse xp farming while afk in training mode. Valeera will be next when she will be down to 10k very soon.


submitted by /u/Laxie5372
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Blizzard Gear needs some updated Heroes merchandise

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:57 AM PST

The Heroes merchandise is all pretty outdated, could use some new stuff that includes heroes after 2015 (besides the Chromie poster). I would personally like to see new canvas art. What are some other things you want to see?

submitted by /u/QuiGonChim
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This probably doesn't mean much to you guys, but it feels great after starting the season in Silver :)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

I started this season in Silver 2 and quit after thinking I was stuck in elo hell, but after taking some time and really trying my best to get better, I've finally climbed up to Plat 5!

Man it feels so good :)

submitted by /u/TheEnderOfFun
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thank you guys thank you blizzard

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:27 AM PST

this game is basically my life. this is the only thing I have going for me right now. i come home from work and play this until i go to bed and i feel like i am part of a community.

submitted by /u/murlock_keeperloard
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Tychus Skin Variations

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:10 PM PST

side by side comparison of Tychus' Default Skin Variations

submitted by /u/fendermonkey
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Suggestion: Cap the number of times a player can be dropped for inactivity in a single game before they aren't allowed to reconnect.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:28 AM PST

I just had a QM game (yeah, I know) where a player kept AFK'ing and getting dropped for inactivity, only to immediately reconnect. When they were in game, they wouldn't move at all, just stood there. No AA, no ability use, nothing. They were dropped and reconnected no less than 6 times during the match. At least with the AI, it was helping somewhat. Is there any reason why Blizzard doesn't put a limit on this? Come on, it's not like the player is even moving! Why punish the other 4 players in this situation?

submitted by /u/Flesh_and_Chips
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Blizzard please slow down with HGC

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:45 AM PST

HGC korea the morning, HGC EU & NA the evening... Considering i also need to eat & sleep, i don't even have time to play HotS anymore! Please slow it down a bit!


submitted by /u/Vaalum
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Dear Blizz/HGC, Please Keep Kaelaris

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:36 PM PST

Pretty much the title. Kaelaris has been awesome so far. I love the humor he brings to the casting, and he and Trikslyr have developed an awesome chemistry. I feel like splitting them up would be like splitting up Batman and Robin. Or Louis and Clark. Or Rexxar and Misha.

Please, in whatever way you can, please keep Kaelaris!

PS I mean no disrespect for Khaldor, and I'm sure he'll be great. But Kaelaris, especially with Trikslyr, is a big reason I tune into the HGC EU games.

submitted by /u/waterboytkd
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[Suggestion] Chen should be able to get out of the wandering keg at will.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 03:04 PM PST

This should be added to his ultimate. It is insanely frustrating to get out of a fight alive with the keg and die to some damage over-time effect. Had i been able to get out manually and use the brew trait i'd have survived. I know there are only few situations where you'll wish to get out of it faster but it would only make sense to be able to.

submitted by /u/Malstrym
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HGC Korea Week 1 Hero Stats

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:28 PM PST

Crunched some numbers and here are some basic hero stats. Team based stats, map stats etc. not done :/

Here goes:

Total number of games played: 34 Advantage: Second Pick (20 wins)

Most Involved Heroes: Malfurion (34), Tassadar (32), E.T.C. & Ragnaros & Zarya (31)

Most Picked Heroes: Malfurion (31), Ragnaros (25), Li Ming (25)

Most Banned Heroes: Zarya (23), Tassadar (19), Zeratul (13)

Highest Win Rates (More than 10 appearances): Kharazim (7W-4L, 63.64%), Dehaka & Sgt. Hammer (6W-4L, 60%), Tychus (10W-7L, 58.82%)

Most Impactful (both high win% and involved%): Malfurion (18W-13L-3B), E.T.C. (14W-10L-7B), Falstad (12W-10L-7B)

Warriors Ranked by Involvement:

  1. E.T.C. (14W-10L-7B)

  2. Zarya (2W-6L-23B)

  3. Varian* (5W-9L-8B)

  4. Muradin (7W-7L-0B)

  5. Dehaka (6W-4L-3B)

  6. Tyrael (5W-6L-2B)

  7. Johanna (5W-3L-2B)

  8. Diablo (2W-0L-4B)

  9. Artanis (0W-6L-0B)

  10. Arthas (1W-0L-0B)

Ranged Dealers by Involvement:

  1. Falstad (12W-10L-7B)

  2. Valla (10W-11L-8B)

  3. Li Ming (13W-12L-1B)

  4. Tychus (10W-7L-6B)

  5. Sgt. Hammer (6W-4L-2B)

  6. Gul'dan (4W-5L-3B)

  7. Greymane (1W-2L-1B)

  8. Sylvanas (2W-0L-0B)

  9. Tracer (0W-1L-1B)

  10. Chromie (0W-1L-0B)

  11. Nazeebo (0W-1L-0B)

Melee Assassins by Involvement:

  1. Ragnaros (12W-13L-6B)

  2. Zeratul (5W-4L-13B)

  3. Thrall (4W-4L-0B)

  4. Kerrigan (2W-0L-2B)

  5. Illidan (0W-2L-0B)

Supports by Involvement:

  1. Malfurion (18W-13L-3B)

  2. Tassadar (6W-7L-19B)

  3. Rehgar (4W-9L-3B)

  4. Auriel (2W-5L-7B)

  5. Kharazim (7W-4L-2B)

  6. Brightwing (1W-2L-2B)

  7. Lt. Morales (2W-1L-1B)

  8. Medivh* (1W-1L-0B)

Uninvolved Heroes

26 heroes were not involved in week 1: Alarak, Anub'arak, Azmodan, Chen, Cho, Gall, Gazlowe, Jaina, Kael'thas, Leoric, Li Li, Lunara, Murky, Nova, Raynor, Rexxar, Samuro, Sonya, Stitches, The Butcher, The Lost Vikings, Tyrande, Uther, Xul, Zagara, Zul'jin


submitted by /u/DRawer1106
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Can we get a Diablo Legendary Skin?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:37 PM PST

After seeing Valeera's Demon Hunter Skin... I'm thinking along the lines of a Vengeance Demon Hunter Metamorphoses for Diablo. Seems like very similar build/profile to HOTS Diablo. And many of the abilities are similar as well, including fire/lightning breath... fire aoe, charges, etc.

submitted by /u/gn0xious
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HGC Week 3 EU and NA statistics

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:04 PM PST


A small note before sharing with you some TLDR and the raw data of this weeks HGC EU and NA. HGC KR is going on as well and these stats will be released Monday/Tuesday. Reason why they are not with these is that I have to be up at 9:30 am my time for HGC KR to start and i go to bed at ~5am the next day. As you see its impossible to do all of the regions in 1 go. I have not decided yet what region I will do through VoDs. It will either be KR or NA. The last note I want to ask is that Im still doing a survey and it takes around ~10 min so please fill it in: https://goo.gl/forms/u2gjtOz52rodVmUT2


Most involved hero: The following heroes were involved for 100% of the drafts this week: ETC and Tassadar. ETC was banned 11 times picked 13 times and won 46% of his games. Tassadar was banned 19 times, picked 5 times and won 80% of his games,
Least involved hero: The following hero saw no bans or picks: Abathur, Alarak, Azmodan, Chen, Gazlowe, Illidan, Kael'thas, Kerrigan, Li Li, Lunara, Murky, Nova, Raynor, Samuro, Sgt. Hammer, Sonya, Stitches, Thrall, The Butcher, Tyrande, Zagara and Zul'jin,
Highest win ratio hero: The highest win ratio hero that has played more than 4 games is Li-Ming with 89% win ratio,
Lowest win ratio hero: The following heroes have the lowest win ratio that has seen more than 4 games played. Arthas and Xul both with 20% win ratio,
Most Surprising pick: Cho'Gall! Sadly enough they lost their game,
Most picked hero: Malfurion. He was picked 22 times,
Most banned hero: Tassadar, he was banned 19 times,
Most First Picked: Tassadar, Dehaka and Malfurion all were picked 5 times in this slot,
Most Second Picked: Malfurion. He was picked 9 times in this position,
Most Balanced Hero: This is based on win ratio and more than 4 games played: Malfurion and Muradin they both got 50% win ratio. Malfurion was picked 22 times and Muradin 8 times,
Most played map: We went to the following maps 4 times: Braxis Holdout, Dragon Shire and Infernal Shrines,
Least played map: Cursed Hollow has seen no play this week ,
Most banned map: Tomb of the Spider Queen: this map was banned 3 times,
Advantage: The advantage goes to the team that picked first. They won 54% of all the games,
Highest % first obj won: On the following maps the team that grabbed the first objective won the game by 67%: Battlefield of Eternity, Sky Temple and Towers of Doom,
Longest game: The longest game lasted 32 minutes and 45 seconds,
Shortest game: The shortest game lasted only 13 minutes and 11 seconds,
Average game length: The average game length was 19 minutes and 53 seconds,
Total gameplay time: In total all games combined lasted 7 hours, 58 minutes and 8 seconds,
Highest KD Team Fnatic: They got a KDR of 2.67,
Lowest KD Team BeGenius they got a KDR of 0.37,
Team with highest first blood: Playing Ducks they got 100% of the time first blood in there games,
Highest Hero Pool: The following players played 7 unique heroes: scHwimpi (Assassin) AlexTheProG (Warrior),
Smallest Hero Pool: The following players played only 2 unique heroes this week. Do keep in mind that some of them only played 1 series: Blumbi (Warrior), Darkmok (Assassin), HasuObs (Flex), Nurok (Flex), Bakery (Support), JayPL (Warrior), Snitch (Flex), SmX (Support), Unnstable (Support), CEBKAJE (Support).

North America

Most involved hero: Both of the following heroes had an involvement rate of 100%. Malfurion and Tassadar, Malfurion was banned 11 times picked 13 times and won 38% of his games. Tassadar was banned 12 times and picked 12 times and won 58% of his games,
Least involved hero: The following heroes have seen no bans or picks: Abathur, Alarak, Anub'arak, Arthas, Azmodan, Cho'gall, Gazlowe, Kael'thas, Li Li, Lunara, Murky, Nazeebo, Nova, Raynor, Rexxar, Samuro, Sgt. Hammer, Sonya, Stitches, The Butcher, Xul and Zagara,
Highest win ratio hero: The hero with the highest win ratio and more than 4 games played was Falstad, he won 90% of the 10 games he was played,
Lowest win ratio hero: The hero with the lowest win ratio and more than 4 games played was medivh he won 0% of the 5 games he was played,
Most Surprising pick: Chen, he did lost his game though,
Most picked hero: ETC He was played 17 times,
Most banned hero: Tassadar he was banned 12 times,
Most First Picked: Tassadar he was picked 10 times in this slot,
Most Second Picked: Valla she was picked 9 times in this slot,
Most Balanced Hero: This is based on win ratio and more than 4 games played. The most balanced hero was Li-Ming she won 50% of the 12 games she saw play,
Most played map: The most played map is Towers of Doom with being played 5 times,
Least played map: Warhead Junction. Nobody went to shoot nukes,
Most banned map: The following maps are banned 3 times each: Dragon Shire and Infernal Shrines,
Advantage: Eumh neither first or second pick had an advantage as it was a clear 50/50 split,
Highest % first obj won: On the following map the team that picked the first objective won the game 100%: Dragon Shire,
Longest game: The longest game lasted 29 minutes and 10 seconds,
Shortest game: Shortest game lasted 12 minutes and 40 seconds,
Average game length: The average game length was 19 minutes and 39 seconds,
Total gameplay time: Overall the games this week lasted 7 hours, 36 minutes and 4 seconds,
Highest KD Team B Step, they had a KDR of 2.94,
Lowest KD Team No Tomorrow, they had a KDR of 0.21,
Team with highest first blood: Team Naventic they managed to get 100% of their games First Blood,
Highest Hero Pool: The following player had an unique hero pool this week of 7 heroes Equinox (Warrior/Flex),
Smallest Hero Pool: The following player had an unique hero pool this week of 1 hero Erho (Warrior).

Raw Data

*Overall Heroes Stats
*Team Stats
North America:
*Overall Heroes Stats
*Team Stats


submitted by /u/Dthehunter
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Can we keep talking about the awful reconnect system until Blizzard makes changes to it?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:20 PM PST

My computer crashed and after restarting, it took me seven minutes to get back into game through the awful client starting time and the "catching up" system.

Fortunately, it was a quick match, but because of this system in part, my teammates had to deal with an AI for half the match. I don't even care about the bot picking my talents, I just want to be able to minimize the damage that's done to my team.

Blizzard pls

submitted by /u/Warsandrumours
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I can't help but feel the direction they chose for Living Bomb was the wrong one...

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:32 AM PST

Before I get started, I just want to say that I'm not claiming Kael'thas is in a horrible place. His winrate, popularity, and pretty consistent presence at mid to lower level play means he hasn't been deleted or anything. This post isn't taking issue with his power level, exactly, but rather his design, and the avoidable choice that led to it.

Approaching a year ago now, Kael'thas had his (most) infamous rework, and the main highlight was making Chain Bomb a baseline component of Living Bomb. Kael'thas was no stranger to a single talent dominating his build (Ignite), but rather than choosing to remove the talent as Blizz did before, they more or less began a new solution to the problem that they have since repeated with other heroes and talents that become too closely tied to identity. Make it baseline.

I believe it was in an AMA later on that it was stated the choice between making Chain Bomb base or just removing it like they did Ignite was not an easy one to make. A close call, but they went the baseline route because they felt Kael'thas's identity as a hero was now too closely tied to this gameplay fantasy, spreading bombs.

Unlike all other heroes who have had the baseline treatment, the talent itself was left as it was (though it had been nerfed like 3 different ways leading up to the rework), and instead it was Kael'thas that was nerfed in various ways to compensate for the new baseline toy. If you recall, this was when his Bolt was stripped from him, Arcane Barrier was nerfed even further (it had already been hit pretty hard leading up to the rework) and it was locked behind a globe quest talent, royally difficult to complete on a character that is so constantly vulnerable, even putting aside how annoying globe quests are to complete in general.

This post isn't about all the survivability nerfs, nor is about the lost single target burst build including Gravity Crush and old Sun King's Fury, which seemed to be an important part of the rework but was later just ripped straight out from his tree and replaced by talents that are either mediocre (new Sun King's Fury) or flat out awful (Arcane Dynamo). This post is about Living Bomb.

The absolute biggest change with making Chain Bomb baseline was the fact that Living Bomb could no longer be detonated prematurely by the Kael'thas player (D-W-W). This, I suppose, seemed fair to most people in the context of the new baseline talent. However, it seems to me that Kael'thas would be in a far better spot, design wise, if they had gone the other way with Chain Bomb and simply removed it, preserving the D-W-W element of Living Bomb. As it stands now, Living Bomb is no longer satisfying to use. You toss it out and hope for the best. Against even just decent players, you don't expect any value beyond making them move. This is not only less than thrilling for the Kael player, but it basically locks off a good portion of his tree. Why would you build toward a move that you have no control over the value of? Even a full Living Bomb build, you're still just sitting there, fingers crossed, hoping for value. The current design of this move is boring for the player, and renders a lot of his talents as less than ideal, at best.

Further, it also relegates Kael'thas toward this Nova, Samuro, twin blades Varian style hero, where he is almost unfairly stronger against mechanically unsound or unaware players. I'm not saying this is always a bad thing, or shouldn't ever be a part of design, but I think it is fair to say that this style of design is one of the most roundly disliked. Kael'thas didn't have to be this way, if only the other direction had been taken. He is billed as somebody that punishes grouping up, but Living Bomb just doesn't leave you with that feeling. It leaves you feeling like whatever poor sap didn't move punished his own team, always. The D-W-W style of Living Bomb made the Kael'thas player, even if it wasn't due to spread but rather just explosion radius, feel as though it was HIS work that was punishing the grouping up.

This element of control has made Kael'thas significantly less satisfying to play, even in spite of his two other satisfying abilities, and has resulted in Kael'thas vanishing from competitive play. When we see a Tomb match in HGC where the enemy team has 4 melee, you need a mage, and you still pick Li-Ming, I think something is fundamentally wrong with Kael'thas's design.

Sorry for the long post but he's my favorite hero and I've been feeling like they took a wrong turn on him for some time now. Would be interested in the thoughts of others on the subject.

TL;DR: Kael'thas and Living Bomb would be better designed today if the D-W-W combo was still possible and Chain Bomb was not baseline.

submitted by /u/Esker006
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Why in the beginning of every match does everyone head down midlane for a giant fight over... an empty lane?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:24 AM PST

This has perplexed for some time now. At the beginning of most games (This is talking about Quick Match and Hero League, Gold and Platinum level), when everyone goes down the center lane. Is there a reason everyone automatically goes down mid and fights?

submitted by /u/TophsYoutube
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Diablo vs Time Trap interaction

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:20 AM PST

Tech-Wiz Li Ming, Skin Idea Complete with Poorly Drawn Pictures!

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:04 PM PST

So I thought of a skin where Li Ming would be a Tech-Wizard. She would have missiles, lasers, and a little robot drone that would act as her arcane orb. She could fall into the same universe as Super Sonya, Night Owl Medivh, and Eagle Eye Tyrande.

What do you guys think (of the concept, not the terrible drawing)? Are any other heroes good candidates for the super hero skin universe?

submitted by /u/izath46
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HGC Week 3: NA finally jumps off Artanis hypetrain; Artanis not as OP as people thought?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:00 PM PST

During the first 2 weeks of HGC, NA heavily prioritized Artanis, going to the lengths of first banning/picking him almost every game. I personally thought they were overprioritizing him, and it turned out that they were the only region that did this. The top EU teams didn't seem to value him at all over other warrior options, and almost never played him. He won 1 out 8 games.

I eagerly awaited the KR HGC to begin, to see whether he'd have a place in their meta. As it turns out, his prioritization has been around the same as EU. Some of the top KR teams (MVP Black/Miracle, L5, Tempest) don't pick or ban him whatsoever.

This weekend, we're seeing much less prioritization of Artanis in NA (less picks, less bans), and it seems like they've finally jumped off the Artanis hypetrain.

While this is a small sample size, it does suggest that Artanis isn't as OP as some believed. I personally feel, from my own playing experience and from watching the games, that his only great value is his swap combo (I say "great" as in, what he does better than other options). And even then, it's not like it can guarantee you kills, because a good game-changing swap is really hard to land (as seen in the games). Other than that, he doesn't really offer anything significantly better/more unique than other bruiser options. His situational sustain, which used to be his defining quality, isn't anything special anymore. Not once in the HGC games has he had a "wow" moment with his shields like he used to. But perhaps the top reason why he's not really prioritized is that he doesn't really offer anything to map objectives other than AO on BoE. His power lies in brawling, and in top levels of play, heroes who can brawl, but also offer map advantages at the same time will generally be more valuable.

I'm not saying he's bad, I still think he's a very strong hero (Tier 1), but he's not the Tier S monster he was hyped up to be. We'll see how things go in the following weeks, but I don't really see him being more of a force than what he is now, especially now that Sonya received a huge buff.

submitted by /u/TpsyFreezy
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