Heroes of the Storm - For Azeroth! Heroes of the Storm and World of Warcraft Team Up!

For Azeroth! Heroes of the Storm and World of Warcraft Team Up!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:12 AM PST

Welcome World of Warcraft players and current HotS players. This thread is for those wanting to complete 'For Azeroth' and are looking for someone to play with. If you are new to HotS make sure to also take advantage of the HotS Recruit-A-Friend program.

For Azeroth!

Party up with one or more of your friends and play at least 15 Heroes of the Storm games in Co-op vs. AI, Quick Match, Unranked Draft, or Ranked modes between February 14th and March 14th.

World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm Rewards

Complete 15 Heroes of the Storm games with a friend before time runs out during the event and pick up the following rewards:

World of Warcraft: Primal Flamesaber Mount

Heroes of the Storm: 10-day Stimpack

Heroes of the Storm: Flames of Judgement Charger Mount​​


Make sure the RAF link you use corresponds with the region you want to play on. Recruits must be level 5 or lower to be eligible for recruitment. Rewards are only awarded in the game region where the initial recruitment took place. For example, if a player in the Americas sends a recruitment link to players in Europe, the recruits will not receive rewards unless they also play in the Americas.

Recruit Rewards

Log in -----> Raynor

Reach level 10 -----> Sylvanas, 5-day Stimpack, Recruit A Friend portrait

Posting your details

Post your details below. A Recruit-A-Friend link is optional but please make sure you post the RAF link that corresponds to the region you play on.

Make sure you include your preferred game modes, some people may want to play QM against other players while others might want to play Easy AI.

Sell yourself in the additional information field, convince why other players should play with you. :)

Also remember to type "/join Reddit" in HotS to find other Redditors to play with.

Please follow the following format:



Recruit-A-Friend link: (optional)

Preferred Game Modes:

Available days & hours:

Additional information:

Additional links for new players





See you on the Nexus!

submitted by /u/ILuffhomer
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Lego Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:29 AM PST

Hey, I've digitally built and rendered my lego rendition of most of the characters in HotS! Album.

I used LDD (Lego Digital Designer) to build them, then used LDD-to-POVRay converter with pov-ray to convert and render them.

Edit: Some replies to questions/comments below:

But why is Sonya flying? - Because the program I use to render can't let things clip through the floor... er.. oooAAUUGHHH!

With way too much time on your hands, but still. - I've been working on this slowly since Beta, one or two heroes at a time.

No Brightwing? No Dehakas? - Yeah, the non-human ones are so darn hard. Also no Stitches :( Don't worry, I'll post more someday :D

But why does Leo have a singular chromie breast mid torso? - It is the same peice, it's got two studs in the back (for mounting wings, same as tyrael) and a single circle in the front. For chromie, I turned it around for her.. uh.. details.

Edit #2:

Post LDD Files? - Will do, when I get home! Work work, zug zug.

What about _insert_hero_name_here? - There's a few (Zarya, Zeratul) which I rendered and must have not uploaded, or imgur is stupid. There's also a few which I haven't got to (stitches, dehaka, bdubs) because they're hard. I hope to wait for a few more heroes to release and then I'll make another post with the new ones!

Edit #3:

Here's a link to LDD, the program used to make these. Here's the link to the dropbox with all the heroes! Let me know if that doesn't work, dropbox might be stupid.

submitted by /u/tsoccer93
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Please make MVP heroes play their Taunt animation on MVP screen

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:00 PM PST

It would be such a great little detail...

Most of the people probably have never seen most or any Taunt animation at all and they are great and would fit so well on the MVP screen ( the first of two directly showing up after the end of the match).

We had this topic some months ago but please make it happen Blizz!

For those who don't know: You can press NumPad 2 or type /taunt in game to see your hero's taunt animation.

submitted by /u/asscrit
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Lucio Patch Notes Feb 14th

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:12 AM PST

Are you trying HotS for the first time for the WoW mount? Here's some advice and a place to ask questions! (xpost /r/WoW)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:42 PM PST

Hello all! As an active WoW player since vanilla and a Heroes of the Storm veteran I was happy to see a cross promotion between two of my favorite Blizzard games with an awesome mount reward I'll be working to unlock myself. I just wanted to offer some bits of advice if you've never played HotS or have limited experience with Mobas in general. If you are just looking for basic info about the event itself or people to team up with there is a LFG thread on r/wow and a thread on the Heroes of the Storm subreddit with more info. Also, this is probably a longer post than it should be but I had trouble deciding when to cut it off, so apologies and feel free to skip around to sections that of use or interest to you! :)


Advice if you have no interest in HotS/MOBAS and just want the mount as fast as possible: The mount can be obtained by playing vs AI only. Watch chat for people saying something like "LFM Mount Farming". If you join a farming group, friend one or more players in the group, they will then set the AI to the lowest difficulty and try to rush down one lane as fast as possible to kill the core. One key WoW hero you'll want in your group is Sylvannas because she disables towers and forts allowing you to push safer and faster. She is also available for free from the recruit a friend promotion (See more info on that in the HotS Subreddit post above.)

That being said HotS is primarily a PvP focused game and stomping easy AI is not much fun. As someone who has sped through other Blizzard cross promotions, if you want to get your mount as fast as possible, I totally understand that. You can stop reading here and good luck farming as fast as possible! :) However if you have interest in giving HotS a real shot or just want to play more interesting game modes while earning your mount, read on!


Why WoW Players Might Enjoy HotS: At its best HotS heavily evokes the feeling I get during my best moments of WoW PvP. Comboing abilities with your allies, being countered by another player but then popping a powerful, long CD ability that turns the tides of the fight, experiencing crazy comebacks and nail biting wins after escaping with a sliver of health.

Aside from the gameplay, this game is essentially Super Smash Brothers for Blizzard. It evokes a ton of great memories of WoW and other Blizzard games for me. It also "settles" some of those fun/silly debates many of us have had with friends, ex: "Hey, who would win in a fight Arthas or Thrall?" Several heroes have skins based on iconic WoW armor sets. Heroes also have unique voice lines about each other that can play at the start of the match or after killing each other. Jaina and Arthas have some pretty great interactions for example given their... ehem... unique history. Basically, the game is full of WoW/Blizzard lore, inside jokes, and nods I enjoy as a fan.


The Basics of HotS if you've never played a MOBA: You and four other teammates face off against another team of five in an attack/defend style game. Your goal is to push down one or more "lanes" (paths that lead to the enemy base) while the other team tries to stop you and do the same to you. You must destroy several layers of enemy defenses on the way until you reach and destroy the enemies core, a powerful building that deals a large amount of damage to your team and will take awhile to kill. To help you, AI minions will spawn down each lane periodically which will clash in a stalemate with the enemy teams minions. You can help them by killing the other teams minions, earning XP to level up and allowing your minions to advance, deal damage to defenses, and absorb damage for you. The enemy team will try to stop you and destroy your defenses instead. Objectives spawn on the map periodically that provide your team with a huge advantage if you secure them. Killing members of the enemy teams gives you XP and time to take down their defenses as they can take awhile to respawn. Destroy the enemies core before they can destroy yours and you win.


How HotS is different, if you've played other MOBAS: I was going to type out a section on this, but aside from a few unfortunate marketing phrases, this Blizzard video does the job of laying out how HotS is different faster and better than I could. https://youtu.be/wPk004vsjuE


First Steps, Play some AI games: "Wait what, you just said those aren't as fun!" Good catch reader! I did say that, but in my opinion there is a value to playing a handful of AI games if you are a new player. They are extremely low stress and a good place to learn as you play your first few games. Test out heroes and learn to play on different battlegrounds until you find a hero you like and are comfortable with their abilities. Try to bump up the difficulty of the AI slightly as you go. If you hover your mouse over a hero on the selection screen you will see a difficulty rating, stick to heroes rated Easy or Medium when you start out.


Next Steps, Finding Groups and Jumping Into PvP: When you join the game you will be placed in New Player chat. Right now New Player chat should be a reasonably pleasant place full of other people looking to earn their WoW mount. Once you level up your account some you'll also be placed in General chat. The quality of discussion in General chat is roughly akin to that of Trade chat in WoW. AKA its often full of spam, memes, racist BS, political shouting matches, etc. (But at least theres no gold farming spam!) My advice and what I do personally is to leave general chat and join a few alternatives. Type "/join Reddit" and "/join MFPT". The former is the chat channel of the HotS subreddit, the later is a channel populated by fans of a popular HotS Youtuber, MFPallytime (I believe he made his name doing stuff in WoW, so you may know of him). You don't need to be a member of those communities in any way to join, they are just two of the largest, more positive channels to chat and find groups in.

In the chat channel of your choosing, try finding mount groups that are willing to test out slightly higher AI difficulty or who are doing Quick Match (QM). QM is the only PvP mode available to you early on. Don't be afraid to state that you're a new player, I and many other vets will be happy to play with you, and offer advice if you want it. :)


You want to go deeper: You've enjoyed your time with the game in AI and QM? Awesome! From here you can start thinking about expanding your pool of heroes and getting into Draft and Ranked modes. HotS uses a League of Legends style free hero rotation. Every week new heroes will become available to be played for free and last weeks will become unavailable. You will need a larger selection of heroes to play Draft and Ranked game modes. You can unlock a hero permanently with real money or by using Gold you earn by playing the game. Before purchasing any hero, make sure you try a hero while they are on free rotation or at least click "Try" on the heroes shop page to see if you like them in Try Mode. Heroes have wildly different play styles and abilities, you probably wont be a fan of every Hero, find your favorites and unlock those permanently.

Make sure you're maximizing your gold earnings by completing your daily quests and playing 3 Brawl games per week. (If you've played Hearthstone or Overwatch you probably know that Brawls are unique weekly game modes that provide a "twist" on the games typical gameplay). Just know that you only need to PARTICIPATE in 3 Brawls per week to earn a whopping 1000 gold. You should do so as soon as you have some basic comfort with the game, losing Brawls has no consequences. Heroes range in price from 10,000 gold down to 2000 gold, buying cheaper heroes first is my advice. Cheaper heroes aren't any "worse" than expensive ones. Some of the top tier heroes in the game are 4000 or 2000 gold, find ones you like and use your gold unlocking them!


Places to ask questions or learn more about the game: Check out the info on the rest of the HotS subreddit and feel free to ask questions in replies to this post and I'll do my best to answer any I can :) If other HotS vets see questions on this post that you can answer please do so!

Have fun earning your mounts!


PS To fellow HotS players, obviously I know there are many ways to approach the game and you might disagree with something I said in this post. Not saying my way is the right way, this is just meant as some general advice for newbies. :)

submitted by /u/Ryzor99
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Rejuvenescência (Nexus Remix)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:00 AM PST

Forgive me for Stim Droning the Lucio when I play Medic

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:22 PM PST

I can't help it, my cursor just locks onto him and I end up boosting him by accident ;)

submitted by /u/Axonn_0
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Should teammates be able to see the radius of Lucio's aura?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:27 PM PST

I think it would be really helpful if allies could see the range of his songs. In the few games I've played there have been many times where teammates are spread just barely too much for Lucio to heal everyone. Also, since there are talents that increase the range of his songs, you can't easily just get a feel for the distance without a range indicator.

submitted by /u/ajax1101
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Revert the Rexxar/Misha control changes

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:19 PM PST


It's impossible to really control now; there was nothing wrong with it before, it worked fine.

Don't kill a hero because you can't play it, and then leave it untouched because you still can't play it, and worse, can't own up to a mistake.

I'm salty because I loved Rexxar, and now I spend more time fighting the new controls than fighting the enemy. I just want to play the hero with the old control scheme I was used to and loved.

submitted by /u/fereddit
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Tired of all those stealthies ruining your QM experience? I give you my personal solution: Stun City Uther!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

I have been seeing a lot of people complain about the stealth overload that seems to be QM now. Part of that comes from the fact that the inherent lack of warriors and supports in QM make the stealth heroes twice as effective at doing their jobs and thus more popular.

My personal solution to this has been to queue up a hero that's not quite favorable right now and go to town. Who is this hero you ask? The man, the myth, the legend: Uther Lightbringer.

Now what makes Uther so good at countering stealth heroes you ask? Why let me tell you, he has a kit that combined with his new little armor buff, allows him to bring everything you need to a QM match full of assassins and specialists.

Now on to the important part, the talents:

Level 1. Fist of Justice Let me tell you a little something about stealth heroes, turns out, these guys HATE to be stunned. So right out of the gates, were going to maximize our ability to drop hammers on their asses and let its ring strike fear into other stealthies hearts.

Level 4. Boundless Conviction This talent is pretty much picked for a few small reasons. Turns out in QM there's a fair amount of uses for it. For starters, this talent takes your only ranged attack and gives it bigger better range. It also makes it easier to get healing on your spastic QM team that's inevitably out of position in ways you can't imagine. Another neat aspect of this ability is that it actually heals your minions. So if you've got a huge wave pushing and you run past it you can throw this in their direction and heal it up while damaging the enemy wave. This is QM afterall, you're every role now, not just support. Finally, the main reason for taking this talent, is that it helps a lot in terms of pulling enemies out of stealth. The faster you can spot shimmer and pull them out of it, the safer your team will be.

Level 7. Holy Fire Here's where things get fun. You may be sitting there saying "But Stripes, Valeera has a 1.5s stun form stealth, you need to take cleanse!" My reply to that is "She can't stun you if she can't stealth!" This talent tier is when we truly become a stealth hunting nightmare. It's now your job to spot the shimmer, run straight towards it, and then stun them once the Holy Fire pulls them from stealth. Hopefully your team gleefully hops onto the juicy stunned stealthy you just delivered them and eats it alive. Also, remember that this is QM and you are ALL roles, Holy Fire just gives you more wave clear here.

Level 10. Divine Storm You're not a healer, you're a stun machine, invulnerability is for bitches. Obviously this is the only choice here. This now gives you the ability to keep a stealth hero locked down even longer to pretty much guarantee that they die. Incidentally, this build also wrecks Tracer if she gets too close to you.

Level 13 Shrink Ray So another thing that traditionally goes along with stealth heroes is burst. Well, they can't really be too dangerous if you cut that burst in half. It also slows them down tremendously, which they also happen to have great disdain towards. If you're only up against Samuro, I actually take Holy Shock at that point. He's not as bursty as the other 3 so Shrink Ray doesn't get as much value.

Level 16. Benedi- fooled you, Righteous Defense "But Stripes you said this was stun city and you just passed up on taking a talent for double stuns, WTF?!" "I know my child, the problem here is that we have to act a little bit like a support even though we're secretly a stealth hunting assassin." For real, this talent helps a lot because once again those pesky stealth guys have huge burst and this will allow their target to survive that. I do often take benediction, but that's generally only when I've got a real tank on my team, but this is QM so that doesn't happen.

Level 20. Divine Hurricane Lets be real, Divine Storm is one of the most fun abilities in the game. If you've made it this far, you're probably pretty ahead by now so this shit is for funsies. If you do actually need to try hard, Redemption is the go to talent as always. Nothing quite like having two lives.

So the gist of this build is to hit shit with your hammer and burn them all while keeping them stunned the whole time. You're going to die, a lot, but that's okay, because when you're dead you're actually a support so you can totally turn a fight and heal the shit out of someone who is about to meet your same fate. Not today bitch, you're time has not come, now finish off this Valeera for me. I'll admit, this build pretty much falls apart if you can't spot shimmer, but it's got to be the most fun way you could possibly play Uther in my humble opinion. Hit me up with any ???'s.

submitted by /u/WhiteStripesWS6
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If players are only receiving messages from friends they should not be able to message nonfriends.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:01 PM PST

Tell me again why those that are only receiving messages from friends can message non friends? Any case I've seen they just trash talk. irritating.

submitted by /u/hvanderw
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I used to play a ton of rexxar. Now I don't play him at all. The change to Misha's Controls are BAD and makes her far less responsive.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:04 PM PST

Having 2 keys to control misha enabled me to have far greater control over her. Now that its bound to 1 key, it's very clunky and you can't issue rapid commands to her.

Even if it wasn't as clunky as it was before, I took the time and effort to learn how to Control Misha, and my Muscle Memory is set for a 2 key system.

As such, I can no longer play Rexxar. It's confusing and I can't override my muscle memory.

submitted by /u/FreshmeatOW
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WoW cross promotion = People throwing games for quest progress

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:50 PM PST

I don't mean new players. I mean assholes who state at the beginning that they're feeding / throwing so they can get their WoW mount and leave.

I hope Blizzard punishes them in WoW. They don't care about HotS so a silence or month ban doesn't matter. Hit them where it hurts. They shouldn't be rewarded for throwing games.

submitted by /u/Throw_a_tass
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Interview with Mene on the meta & his team: "I play around six hours of Hero League before scrims, and then I play Team League or Quick Match to focus on the heroes I didn’t play well in scrims"

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:38 AM PST

Weird "Event" Quest

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:02 PM PST

well I just got online and saw this quest, it says it's for an event but I don't understand it... what event is it ?


submitted by /u/ilgreco112
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When is Malfurion's mouth going to move?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:37 PM PST

He's the only hero whose mouth still doesn't move as he speaks. I think they addressed he will when they added ETC and Illidan's but that was like 3-4 patches ago.

Edit: Brightwing as well!


submitted by /u/thevictorz
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Horsepants' stream: How to properly deal with Murky infestation

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:18 PM PST

Region lock = utter bs?!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:42 AM PST

So why is region lock a thing in hots?

I have so many friends on NA server, but I'm not willing to grind out a new account. I want to use my main account with all the nice stuff I bought and spend time on.

So... why is that a thing?!

In Overwatch, there isn't such a thing as region lock.

submitted by /u/Your-Doctor
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Lunara is perfectly fine the way she is

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:19 PM PST

This is going to be a long post. To start off, I am diamond player with a 60% Lunara HL win rate. She's my most played hero in ranked since Preseason and I think I have a pretty good grasp of her strengths and weaknesses. I've noticed a lot of posts lately asking for buffs or huge changes to her kit, so I'd like to address some of those and offer my opinion on why they are unnecessary.

Talent Diversity
Lunara has 3 distinct builds that can all work in different situations:

*Long-ranged poison build:
This build revolves around taking Thornwood Vine at 10, Unfair Advantage at 13, and Star Wood Spear at 16. This build is amazing for kiting teams with no hard engages or backline divers, and also allows Lunara to siege super well.

*Tank killer AA build:
This build requires Wild Vigor at 7, Giant Killer at 13, and Invigorating Spores at 16. While Lunara can't really kill tanks as efficiently as Tychus or Valla, she can still serve as her team's main AA/sustained damage versus a double tank comp if one of those two aren't available.

*1-shot assassin killer build:
This build is meant to destroy backline mages or stealth divers. It requires Leaping Strike at level 10 and Unfair Advantage at level 13. You can also talent into Choking Pollen at level 16 for the extra burst. I've played this in ranked against a Zeratul/Valeera comp and had great success. With Natural Perspective at level 1, Lunara pretty much shuts down stealths and melee assassins entirely and can kill them before they kill her.

On the subject of talent diversity overall, I'll admit that Lunara has several talents that are almost never optimal. However, people seem to forget that she has 3 distinct builds (with several talents that can be changed), which is a lot more than the rest of the roster. I don't think it's realistic for any hero to ever have compelling talents at every level, and Lunara is definitely not one of the heroes most in need right now.

Spell Armor
A lot of people have been asking for spell armor for Lunara, some for WC3 lore reasons, and others because they want her to be more of a niche mage killer like Anub. I don't know anything about WC3 lore, but IMO giving a ranged assassin baseline spell armor wouldn't make sense. Lunara already has an incredibly easy time diving mages with Leaping Strike, and if she REALLY needs spell armor, she can talent into Spell Shield at 13. Not to mention her baseline mobility allows her to dodge skillshots more easily than most other heroes. Other ranged assassins like Valla have their equivalent at the same level, so giving Lunara baseline spell armor would have to come at the cost of reducing her damage, which would change her identity as an assassin.

People seem to have an issue with wisp and assume it's useless without its level 4 talents. Yes it's slow and yes it's easily spotted, but it's an extremely powerful tool that actually allows Lunara to solo lane if necessary. Its value only increases as the game goes on. A lot of people seem to think that Nimble Wisp is the only viable talent, but I'd argue that Skybound Wisp and Dividing Wisp are also viable in the right situations.

Skybound wisp can be especially helpful versus stealth heroes or on maps where there is a lot of impassable terrains, like Sky Temple. Of course, you lose the extra movement speed, but if you know where the objective is going to spawn in advance, you should have more than enough time placing it in a spot where it will get a lot of value before the objective actually starts (like second shrine spawn in Sky Temple).

Dividing wisp is really powerful on smaller maps where the objective doesn't move, such as Tomb of the Spider Queen. Choosing dividing over nimble allows you to place one wisp at each turn in spot, and if you are clever with your wisp pathing, you shouldn't have trouble getting it to where it needs to be without the extra movement speed.

Current spot in the meta
I'll admit that Lunara isn't the best pick in a tank-heavy meta. She's often overshadowed by Valla or Guldan, but she is still amazing on maps like Braxis Holdout and BoE. She can also kill Valla pretty easily. Sustained healers like Malf (and now Lucio) can counter her pretty hard, but again the meta will shift eventually. I feel like changing her now for the sake of a meta that will only last so long would be unnecessary. She is amazing in the right situations and can modify her build to accommodate different maps and team needs.

Lunara's win rates right now aren't amazing, but people seem to forget how versatile and powerful she can be in the right situations and in the right hands. She's a difficult hero to play, and it took me awhile before I found my preferred build and felt like I could really carry with her. Her win rates probably reflect that -- stutter stepping with her alone is really different from every other character in the game. Late game she's near untouchable with Thornwood Vine and Star Wood Spear. She can kite almost any hero in the game, maintain permanent vision on stealth heroes, and can chase down stragglers at the end of a teamfight. She can permaslow several members of the enemy team. She practically never runs out of mana, which is a problem both Valla and Guldan have to deal with. With Nature's Culling at level 7, Lunara can outsiege many specialists and destroy PvE objectives. Not to mention at level 16 with Thornwood Vine and Star Wood Spear, Lunara can destroy forts and keeps without taking any damage. Giving her baseline spell armor would change her identity as a ranged assassin. While wisp could use some changes, removing it from her kit or making it an activatable item would be OP since it allows her to solo lane and scout in ways other ranged assassins can't.

Lunara is my fav and she's fine the way she is. She has a good amount of talent diversity and can change her build to fit different comps and battlegrounds. Wisp allows her to solo lane and scout for her team and its talents are map dependent. Baseline spell armor is unnecessary and would change her identity as an assassin.

submitted by /u/avocadolord
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Forget Justin, we need Mulder and Scully (Weird Muradin Interaction)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:38 PM PST

I know it's not the highest priority thing currently, but I would love the option to have the older heroes / skins / events main menu screens available.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:25 AM PST

It would be so awesome to launch the game and see the Space Lord Leoric launch screen or hear the music from samuro's release.

submitted by /u/ScythonSoul
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HGC Week 4 review: Valeera patch and Western Clash participants

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:42 AM PST

New Nvidia Driver Fixes Heroes of the Storm Crash on Launch Bug

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:32 AM PST

Lucio Release Thread: Thoughts and Builds

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:06 PM PST

Our favorite Brazilian DJ hit the Nexus today - what are everyone's initial thoughts? Does he work as a solo support? Is be fun? What builds are you running? What talents are great, and what ones are duds? Post anything Lucio related here!

submitted by /u/imfinethough
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So will the EU not get the valentines stuff on valentines day?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:13 AM PST

I know it's going to be America first, but can we just say "Europe at the same time"? At least with events like these.

submitted by /u/vault_guy
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Fixing Lunara's Wisp (and talents)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:38 AM PST

First off I like the utility it brings in theory, however the numbers aren't quite there to make it worth an entire basic ability imo. Some suggestions to change that:

  • Increase the talentless movement speed. It's painful to see it crawl to wherever you order it.

  • No cooldown for repositioning. Why is that even a thing?

  • Maybe require multiple auto attacks to kill it, like scouting drone.

  • The cooldown in general might be too long.


  • Nimble Wisp is fine. Problem is that it's mandatory right now. The other talents don't do enough and it takes the wisp forever to get anywhere without it.

  • Timelost Wisp. Would be a decent option if the base movespeed were better. If you want to get crazy you could give it invulnerability with this talent.

  • Skybound Wips is decent in theory but getting it to die to reveal stealthed enemies is borderline impossible. Why not turn it into a mobile scouting drone? Powerful, yes, but not out of line for a basic ability plus a talent upgrade. This would perhaps make her more appealing versus stealth characters.

  • Dividing Wisp. Not bad at all. Problem is, once again, the base move speed. Having Wisps in multiple locations is potentially useful. As it stands right now you can't get much done with it.

What are your ideas?

submitted by /u/Zerujin
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