Diablo - How would you feel if Blizzard released five new acts in D3 at the same time?

How would you feel if Blizzard released five new acts in D3 at the same time?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:36 PM PST

Because that is what GGG is doing with PoE.



All new Act 5.

Act 6 - 10 will be revisiting previous acts, where your actions in the story in the first 5 acts will have changed the landscape and inhabitants of the area. All new bosses and storyline, with the entire story arc ending in act 10. At first this seemed like just a reskin, but after watching the trailer (and ziggyD's video) it has a lot more content in it.

Sounds pretty sweet, but more to the point: Would this be something we would like to see in Diablo? Is content what we are lacking? Or would we rather see more mechanics added to the game?

submitted by /u/KunfusedJarrodo
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The problem with D3 is that it's trying to make a loot based game competitive

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:00 PM PST

How do you make a loot based game competitive? Isn't the person who spends the most time more likely to get the better items? And if they have the better items, aren't they stronger than me just naturally? So if time = how strong you are, isn't it just the person who's played the most? So someone entering in the middle of the season could never catch up to someone at the top of the leader boards. That's not competitive, the playing field isn't even.

D3 should have never been made into a competitive game, not the way it's currently iterated. If the higher the paragon you are means the higher the grift you can climb, then the person who spends the most time is ALWAYS going to do better than the person that doesn't.

Personally, I view a loot based game as competitive when you compare gear. You found a near perfect Ancient Yang's? That's more respectable to me than being able to clear GR80.

Greater rifts aren't bad, I think a scaling difficulty rift is necessary (hard difficulty to farm rarer items). But rifts aren't about the loot at some point, they're about the paragon you earn.

Tl;dr This game should have never become competitive, it's taken the focus off of gear finding to experience farming


submitted by /u/Catkatcatkatcatkat
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[2.4.3] In-depth Manald Heal Lightning Wizard guide

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:25 AM PST

Patch 2.5.0 PTR Notes (Updated 2/14)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:42 PM PST

S10 Rewards on PTR

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:45 PM PST

Soulstone portrait for S10 (top right line) -- http://media-diablofans.cursecdn.com/attachments/22/214/2-4-p2-items-portraits.jpg

New pennant reward (will grab a screenie)

Standard armor transmog -- helm and shoulders

Conquest list:

Sprinter (Act1-5 under 1hr)

On a Good Day (3 gems over lvl65)

Boss Mode (kill bosses within 20 minutes in T10)

Years of War (GR55 with 6 class sets)

Masters of the Universe (Master 8 Set Dungeons)

Haedrig's Gift speculation as S10=S6 is accurate -- https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/5u1h54/s10_which_free_haedrigs_set_clears_gr70_the/

submitted by /u/EarthBounder
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S10: Which free (Haedrigs) set clears GR70 the quickest?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:16 AM PST

So you want perfect ancients (Otherwise known as Primals), then pick the best free set of the season:

Free sets in S10:

Barbarian - Legacy of Raekor

Crusader - Armor of Akkhan

Demon Hunter - Embodiment of the Marauder

Monk - Innas Mantra

Witch Doctor - Zunimassa's Haunt

Wizard - Delsere's Magnum Opus

I think Monk or Wizard. Monk gets the Innas weapon and there are several Innas builds that are GR90 capable. An added bonus is the Innas set is used every season for the best support build there is: Innas ZDPS Pull monk.

Wizards have so many builds that are GR70 capable with terrible gear, even if you need to use a hybrid of Delsere and tals it will be fast.

I've played all the classes but not nearly as much as a lot of you. Which do you think will be quickest to solo GR70?

EDIT: Pet doctor Zunis will probably stomp 70 pretty quickly too.

submitted by /u/Pastuch
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Upcoming PTR Patch Along With Wipe and XP Buff

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:36 PM PST

XP Buff -- https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20753327294

Wipe -- https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20753148351

GR Map Tileset tweaks -- https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20753187879#post-9

Both of these going live following a PTR patch to be deployed shortly. Party on Garth.

submitted by /u/EarthBounder
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If there's one thing I can appreciate about Diablo 3, it's the cutscenes

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:41 PM PST

Here's Acts I-IV, And Act V.

What I appreciate about them the most is the mood. When you watch them, you get that feeling that the first two Diablo games are so well-known for: Everything's dark and ominous. You really feel like something bad could happen at any moment.

To me, it's pretty clear that whoever had art direction for the actual game didn't have any say in these. There's no shortage of death and decay in the world these people live in, in contrast to the games bright, almost pastel color palette.

The only area that got close to this feeling was The Chamber of Suffering, and even that was given no shortage of bright lighting. If you watch Tyrael's Sacrifice, you'll see that the only lighting is the pale moonlight and torch, but the torch doesn't light up the entire scene. They contrast this in Heaven by making the entire area filled with pure, bright, full light that seemingly comes from everywhere.

Let's say they had done this in the game. Act I-V have very little lighting, unless it's from very bright things or important events. The contrast from Sanctuary to Heaven would've been so much more impactful, and seeing it succumb to the Prime Evils' fury would've been that much more crushing; almost like Heaven was the last pure place in the Diablo universe.

But it's too late for that now, so I'll just be here, wasting away during Seasons and watching these amazing cutscenes when I get in the mood.

TL;DR the cutscenes in Diablo 3 are awesome and aren't talked about enough.

submitted by /u/AngerIssuez
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Rename the Primal Ancients to "Perfected Ancients"

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:05 AM PST

..Since that is essentially what they've become. Picking up something called a "Primal Ancient" feels to me like it should be more powerful, but it is no longer a guarantee, since you can actually pick up a normal ancient with perfect rolls anyway with some RNG on your side.

If you want to bring in the concept of uber powerful "Primal Ancient Legendaries" in the future, it obviously(considering the outcry from the community) needs to be reiterated a bit first. For now, please rename them to at least make a bit more sense.

submitted by /u/FreakyIdiota
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I use NUM Lock "trick" for certain skills/spells but it won't cast if I hold onto the mouse when cooldown is finished. There are ways around this?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:39 PM PST

i think I read a while back that there are some ways to cast skills automatically without the num lock trick but it might get us banned. I think I read a legal way though but need more into on that.

submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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When does Blizzard usually announce when season is over and new season starts? I want to know ahead of time to put in vacation time at work

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:33 PM PST

Normally I wouldn't care this much about a game to request days off to play it but this next patch seems pretty good and I want to experience it to the fullest so that's why I'll put in vacation time

submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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Finally finished Act 1

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:51 PM PST

Thoughts on the story of Act 4

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:50 PM PST

It seems to be generally accepted that Diablo's story was kind of meh. I'm in that camp too. I think that the main part of the problem is in act 4. There's three major things there that just don't work.

1, Campy villain

'Very good, Nephalem, you've managed to defeat that minion, but you'll never defeat this other minion!'

Three characters in this game have this trope. They feel the need to constantly talk to you over some kind of PA system they rigged up on the battlefield. These are Magdha, Azomdan, and Diablo. For Magdha and Azmodan, it actually works with their characters, as they're both vain and need some kind of validation from the Nephalem for their own egos. Whenever Azmodan spoke to my party, I'd always call out, 'notice me, Nephalem senpai!'

Diablo is the lord of terror. His aspect is his complete understanding of his enemies and the ability to manipulate them. He played the Horadrim, the Angiris Council, and the other Evils in order to become the Prime Evil. He's very intelligent. He should know that the Nephalem doesn't give a damn about taunts, because Leah knew that from her experience with the Nephalem in relation to Maghda and Azmodan. This villain style doesn't work with him.

2, Pathetic Angels

The only angel who seems to be doing literally anything in the battle for the High Heavens is Imperius. Auriel is subdued off screen by some random demon. Once you free her, she Tyrael and Itherael show up and congratulate you when you complete one objective before they herd you on to the next one. They're helpless. This doesn't fit thematically with angels who can hold their own against legions of demons and who are battle hardened with millions of years of warfare.

3, Stupid bosses.

Izual is a reskinned Oppressor with way too many ice bombs. He's not a boss, he's a presumptuous rare.

I know that nobody from Blizzard will read this, or is interested in remaking Act 4. However, if I were to direct it, this is how I'd go about doing it.

1, Make Diablo Scary Again

This has several points. First and foremost, when Diablo makes a comment, the player needs to piss his/her pants. The way to do this is to mess with things that have been constant the entire game. For example, have the camera spin to observe from the other side of the character, have enemies that are disguised as other enemies until they're struck, or even randomly disable one of the player's abilities, maybe randomize which ones are slotted. Most evil will be the time Diablo makes a remark, but nothing happens at all. The player will check every screen, only to find out that nothing happened.

The next part is about Iskatu. Iskatu is a pushover, literally an oversized Terror Demon. He needs to be a persistent menace. When you get him down to 20% health, he needs to channel for 3-10 seconds and then vanish. If you don't kill him in time, he'll appear at your location in 3-10 minutes, randomized. He'll even show up in boss fights if he's not dead, and he'll bring his army of shadow monsters too. That would make him actually scary.

On Diablo's lines, first thing to do would be to keep Jennifer Hale as the voice actress. Possessed Leah has an amazing sinister voice. Run it through some filters if needed, but keep Hale. Second, never directly acknowledge the Nephalem's achievements. The best way to indicate that Diablo finds the Nephalem to be insignificant is to not acknowledge them as anything more than a toy. Finally, have the comments be actually insightful, even meta-gamey:

You should have listened to Zoltan Kulle.

(After Imperius bombardment) You're sure I'm the evil one?

(After slotting a new gem) That was the wrong socket. Best take it to Shen.

(When Kormac is a follower) How do you know his mind was erased only once?

Mind the gap (gaping chasm appears in front of the Nephalem's feet after brief telegraphing, can kill the Nephalem. Closes almost instantly) [chuckles].

Mind the gap. (Nothing happens for five seconds) [uproarious laughter]

Diablo's lines need to fall into one of four categories. The first is metagaming, where he comments on things no character in game has a right knowing. The second is implication, where he casts doubts on characters you've known for most of the game. The third is telegraphing, where he tells you that he's about to do some map altering action. The fourth is fakeout telegraphing, where he tells you he's going to do something, but then doesn't.

On the actual bossfight, don't have any random voice lines. Don't even have it acknowledge stage transitions. The only lines you need are player death lines. These would trigger in sequence when the player dies. Eventually, you should also have arena entry lines. "Back for more?" or "Same skills again? [yawn]"

2, Active Angels and Awesome Bosses

This is a fix to 2 and 3 from before at the same time. It'd be a pretty radical alteration to the map layout, but it would also take the sprawling design of the Gardens of Hope into account. Simply, all four archangels would be locked in combat with a boss, and you could pick which order you want to help them in. The keyword here is 'help.' The archangels would need to be doing most of the work. When each boss has been defeated, the archangel you free up would assist you on the overall map. Finally, in order for this to work, demonic reinforcements would need to be streaming in. The fifth objective of the Gardens area would be to get into the Hell Rifts and kill the spawners, but these areas need to be scaled such that you'd have to play almost perfectly to survive a Hell Rift before you helped any of the Archangels.

Imperius's fight boss fight would have a great monster that the player couldn't directly hurt, but the player could CC. Imperius would have massive, well telegraphed attacks that can kill the Nephalem. After all, he doesn't really care for us. The Nephalem's job here would be to unlock more of Imperius's power by clearing corruption from ancient, holy weapons, allowing him to spam more and hit harder. Then, or before then if you want to be safe, the Nephalem would bait the monster into Imperius's attacks.

This fight would be a radical alteration of the DPS race that most of Diablo has. It would focus on damage amplification, crowd control, and survivability.

Once saved, Imperius would occasionally carpet bomb the battlefield, again not caring if he hurts the Nephalem. Further, angel warriors would pop up all over the place. These guys would have taunts and be able to tank for the Nephalem. However, they shouldn't have infinite HP like NPCs currently do.

Auriel can still be in combat against Rakanoth, but don't glue her to the wall. She would be an active participant here, providing healing and crowd control abilities.

Once helped, Auriel would hang out at the edges of the screen, floating on and off and occasionally chucking buffs at the Nephalem and debuffs at the enemies. She would be especially useful after Imperius is on the field, as she'd buff the angel warriors to the point where they can actually make a push.

Ithereal would be in some kind of board game with a giant demon brain. However, the brain would keep cheating and try to summon demonic warriors to destroy Ithereal's game pieces. The Nephalem would have to defend Ithereal's pieces from attack. This should be a really short boss fight, it shouldn't take much longer than most cursed chest events.

Once rescued, Itherael would reveal the entire map, and he'd turn the Nephalem invincible to Imperius's carpet bombing.

Tyrael is tricky, I don't have a neat idea for him. However, the one thing I do know is that I want him to deliver the killing blow to this monster. Tyrael needs some awesome. I'm of the opinion that Izual should be the fight here. However, Izual needs a serious redesign to be worthy of this fight. Once helped, Tyrael would return to Bastion's Keep and rally the human soldiers, leading them to glorious battle in the High Heavens.

Thanks for the read. I know it's silly, but I really wish that more effort was put into the story and the characters. Diablo almost had a good story, and I think that with this act 4, it would be remembered as one of the greatest stories in video games.

submitted by /u/Jyk7
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Reforging ancient?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:56 PM PST

Hi if i reforge an ancient weapon through Kanai's cube, will i risk loosing the anciantness?

submitted by /u/Yaya_C
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[D3] I got a 3rd piece of Marauders and then my head exploded

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:44 PM PST

So I have been playing D3 off and on since launch...I then started playing it on 360 with friends because they didn't believe in computers...and then PS4 because we all decided that money is a joke and bought new systems together. This means a complete restart every time I change system so long endgame progress isn't something I have.

So off and on. I have complete sets for Wizard (the "I summon Meteors" set), Barbarian (the "I jump and bring doom" set), and Crusader (the "Look how fast my magical flail is!" set). Demon Hunter was a class I never really enjoyed fully. I felt like I would, but it never clicked. It was a grind to get her to 70 and even more so to start getting sets (because I wanted to try her with at least 1 complete set). Marauders was my first set drop for her so I ran with it.

Then a second, switch something out for Animal Companion. Hey, now I have a pack of furry friends. Thats alright.

Then a Third. I equipped my ring so I got the 4 piece bonus, change my Sentries to Cold/Slow (have the quiver that gives me +2 and the passive for +1), swapped Strafe for Cluster - Loaed For Bear...upped the Great Rift a difficulty...entered the rift...dropped a few Sentries.....and...oh...my...god. Armies crumbled instantly. The Rift boss began to spawn soon after. I set up my Sentries....I have never dropped a Great Rift boss that quick. It wa sjust chunks of its health bar gone. I am sort of in love, just in time for Valentine's day.

submitted by /u/Th3Dux
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Is there a list of haedrig's gifts for each previous season/upcoming season?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:35 AM PST

I saw a little chart a few weeks ago and it had each seasons' gift set so you could tell whats coming up.

my google fu is not helping. any help here?

submitted by /u/Griever114
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This has been brought up many times, but will Blizzard ever remove region lock for their games?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:23 AM PST

I play mostly Heroes of the Storm on ANZ (NA) server and this recently pop up (again) on HotS subreddit:


I used to play a ton Diablo on EU server because I used to live there. As a guy who frequently travel for work/study/family, and I'm sure there are many other people doing the same, I would appreciate Blizzard remove region lock since I don't want spend countless time grinding again for my account on another region (particularly true with Diablo)

submitted by /u/Manxer
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Can someone with knowledge pls have a look at my DH and WD season 9 builds. And tell me how to progress from here?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:30 PM PST

The battlenet tag is:

Here's a link to view the acc:

It's the Europe Season - Witch Doctor and Demon Hunter

submitted by /u/Navso71
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Diablo III easter egg or just mistake? Sound from Doom in Act II

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:50 AM PST

In the Act II of Diablo III you could hear dying sound from Doom game. You could hear it while near your storage chest in town. Here's the picture of the monster that does such sound in Doom: http://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Doom-zombie-basic-video-game-h2.jpg

It's not only me who noticed it, here and here are other witnesses.

I had a video-recording of this, but then I lost it, and now when I tried to create a new one - this sound is no longer in game. So, my question is: was it an intentional easter egg? If yes, then why is it now removed? And if not, then it's a fun mistake - someone just took this sound from some stock database like "cow sounds"?

submitted by /u/ThisNickIsOccupied
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S9 Journey Not Loading?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:00 AM PST

Not sure, trying to look around the interwebs for an answer. But I can not see any info about my season 9 journey.

EDIT: Know how to access season journey menu, but nothing is showing in the window when I open it up. Just says Season Journey at the top with no contents in the window.

submitted by /u/vonvoldov
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Weekly Transmog Tuesday - 02/14/17

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 136 of the Transmog Tuesday thread!

Monster slaying is fun and all, but who wants to kill monsters while looking like a clown with a head injury? Thanks to transmogrification, you can look your best while destroying demons and angels alike. Maybe you want to strike fear into your enemy's eyes, or maybe you want to make your hero's appearance an homage to another franchise. Share your wonderful character designs here, so we may all appreciate how your epic heroes look.


  • Change your texture settings to High for better visuals.

  • Hit the Esc key! If you take it in the Westmarch main menu, everything will be tinted blue.

  • When posting an image, make sure you crop it and use imgur for the best quality and upvotes.

  • Include a link to either your Battle.net Profile or D3 Hero With Style page so others can see your lovely transmogs!

  • Make your transmog come to life by making it into a GIF, like this! You can use GifRecorder to make a short GIF and you can upload it to either imgur or gfycat.

If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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ELI5: Ancients and Primal Ancients

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:20 AM PST

End of Season

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:37 PM PST

If you had to guess. When will this season end?

submitted by /u/Tzenesh
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