Hearthstone - Blizzard should change Small-Time Buccaneer's art along with the nerf.

Blizzard should change Small-Time Buccaneer's art along with the nerf.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:49 AM PST

I think it would be funny if they subtly changed the card art to give the Small-Time Buccaneer a wooden leg to go along with the flavor of the nerf. That is all.

submitted by /u/Absolute_Zer0
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This Week's Tavern Brawl is: Blood Magic!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:00 AM PST

Description: How much are you willing to sacrifice for power? All your spells will cost health instead of mana!

submitted by /u/jadearmy
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Happy Valentine's Day! -Hearthstone

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:15 PM PST


To: Reddit
From: Hearthstone

submitted by /u/CM_Molly
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Kripp gets outplayed to the max

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:16 PM PST

Toast writes a letter to a certain someone for Valentines day

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:16 PM PST

This guy nailed the spirit claws nerf months ago and it wasn't just a random guess. He has blizzard's cycle figured out.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:01 AM PST

The real problem with hearthstone that nobody talks about

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:23 PM PST

Dean Ayala Talks About the Nerfs, Jade Concerns, and the Different Hearthstone Design Teams

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:26 PM PST

It's happening...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:41 AM PST

Upcoming Hearthstone changes - Meta Prediction of the upcoming Nerfs

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:01 AM PST

Greetings /r/hearthstone


We're happy to be bringing you another article, this time from the perspective of one our players and Rogue aficionado "Guukboii" on what he thinks the upcoming changes have in store for us.





Hello fellow Hearthstoners,


Some of you may already know me from my Miracle Rogue guides or just from seeing me in a tournament and/or on streams.

For those who wouldn't know who I am, my name is Guukboii and I'm a semi-pro Belgian Hearthstone player currently playing for Sector One competitively and from time to time I write guides and give my opinion on certain changes in the meta.

This article will be about my point of view on the upcoming balance changes that Blizzard has announced and the impact it will have on the meta.



Article: https://sectorone.eu/upcoming-hearthstone-changes-powered-by-nerf/


Topic Overview





We hope you enjoy the read and encourage you to leave your feedback (both positive and negative)

You can also directly get in touch with Guukboii through Twitter @ https://twitter.com/ONE_Guukboii

submitted by /u/xam34
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The idea of floors at ranks 15, 10 and 5 is good, just revert me to one floor below the one I achieved last season

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:27 AM PST

Basically the title. If I ended at rank 7, revert me to 15. If I made Legend, revert me to 5. Easy, simple, now hand me the funnel cakes.

submitted by /u/Forceful_HS
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Diversity Challenge: Take a screenshot with 9 different class' cards, + 1 neutral card

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:30 PM PST

Through the discover mechanic, it is possible to obtain cards from other classes. I'm sure many of us have obtained progress towards "Play X class cards" while not playing that class.

The hand limit is 10. We have 9 classes. And though it might be a tad difficult, I believe it is certainly possible to obtain such a hand. Tri-class cards will count as neutral for the purpose of this exercise.

Cards should be in the hand, not on the board

You can have a friend on the other side helping you. This challenge is difficult enough as it is.

Hints: Warlock, Priest, and Rogue all have several class-exclusive cards that generate other class's cards (though warlock will require replacing all of your warlock cards).

Kabal Courier, Grimestreet Informant, and Lotus Agents are very convenient for this, especially paired with Bronzebeard.

In Wild format (which is probably what you want to try this in), Unstable Portals have a chance of generating other class' minions.

You can randomize a minion onto the board and bounce it with your opponent's help.

If you steal opponent's cards, renounce darkness can get you two classes to steal from.

submitted by /u/tensing99
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"Pretty Weak Play"

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 10:05 PM PST

Shatter should destroy a Mage in Ice Block

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:14 PM PST

I mean, Sacrificial Pact can destroy Jaraxxus. Why not?

submitted by /u/pokemonnuzlocke
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HotMEOWTH no Patches/Kazakus Lineup, NA Warrior is BACK

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:43 PM PST

This Week's Tavern Brawl is: Blood Magic

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:00 AM PST

How much are you willing to sacrifice for power? All your spells will cost health instead of mana!

submitted by /u/iShapeshift
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Americas Prelims/Tavern Hero decklists and stats

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:41 PM PST

Hey r/hearthstone. I qualified for the NA tavern hero and was recently sent a document containing all of the tavern hero/prelims decklists for NA, as did everyone else who qualified. With the help of some others who qualified, I put together a list of all the decks along with the number of each deck archetype that appeared.

Here's the link; feel free to take a look: NA PRELIM/TAVERN HERO

Some interesting stats to take note of:

  • Not a single hunter deck was brought to this event
  • Contrary to the HotMEOWTH decks posted on this subreddit, he actually brought a very standard lineup of Aggro Shaman, Pirate Warrior, Miracle Rogue, and Reno Mage. We were bamboozled.
  • Pirate Warrior was the most brought deck, but shaman was the most brought class
  • Spare 1-2 people, shaman was brought by every person at either the tavern hero or prelims
  • In prelims, the number of aggro rogues was equal to the number of miracle rogues brought (17 of each). In the tavern hero, miracle rogue was the much more popular pick. Tavern hero players also tended to favor reno mage more to tempo mage more so than prelims players (though reno mage was still the dominant mage in both)
  • In prelims, the amount of rogues were equal to the amount of warlocks (34 of each), but in the tavern hero rogue was more favored to bring than warlock
  • In prelims, the gap of decks brought between Warlock and the next most brought class, priest, was 28 (34 warlock decks to priest's 6)
  • Shaman, warrior, and mage were the most brought decks (over 85% for all), followed by rogue and warlock (over 50%), and then the rest (under 10%).
  • strangest decks brought were zoolock, "water warrior" (murloc pirate warrior w/ finja), and murloc paladin in prelims and token druid in tavern hero

Anyways, hope you enjoy the NA winter qualifier this week!

submitted by /u/BadShops_
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Day9 Finds Difficult Lethal

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:02 PM PST

Photoshopped Valentines day card

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:11 PM PST

Decided to make a post separate from my original reply, since I was a bit late to the conversation.

Hope more people may see and enjoy what I enjoyed very much.

Enjoy this.

submitted by /u/JustaHearthstoneGuy
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[Spoiler] Congratulations to the winner of the Kinguin for Charity tournament

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:45 PM PST

Pavel coming from behind 3v2 against Rdu.

Happy Valentine's day Amnesiac!

Playoffs results:


Rdu 3v2 DrHippi

Eloise 3v1 Silvername

Kolento 3v2 Powder

Pavel 3v1 Lothar


Rdu 3v0 Eloise

Pavel 3v2 Kolento

3rd Place

Kolento 3v0 Eloise


Pavel 3v2 Rdu

submitted by /u/trulyskeptical
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TSM Kripparrian on Pavel

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:13 PM PST

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