Halo - Perhaps my most eloquent single kill

Perhaps my most eloquent single kill

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:09 AM PST

EVA Helmet Preview

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:35 AM PST

Alright...50 seconds left, no probl- *throws Xbox out of window*

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:10 PM PST

Cortana is the reason I work out

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:23 PM PST

Cortana is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the UNSC Cocktails Mixer. We exchange a few pleasantries. She asks what I do. I say I loved her role in saving humanity. She laughs. I get my drink.

"Well, see ya," I say and walk away. I've got her attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave a conversation with Cortana? She touches her neck as she watches me leave.

Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, she finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette.

"Got a spare?" she asks.

"What's in it for me?" I say as I hand her one of my little white ladies. She smiles.

"Conversation with me, duh."

I laugh.

"What's so funny?" she protests.

"Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the politics?"

"You get used to it," she says, lighting her cigarette and handing me back the lighter.

"What would you do if you weren't a rampant AI?" I ask.

"Teaching, I think."

"And if I was your student, what would I be learning?"

"Luck," she says quickly, looking up into my eyes, before changing the subject. "Where are you from?"

"Bermuda," I say.

"Oh wow. That's lovely."

"It's ok," I admit. "Not everything is to my liking."

"What could possibly be not to your liking in Bermuda?" she inquires.

"I don't like sand," I tell her. "It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

submitted by /u/Tomzorbaus
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3D printed, fully detailed, 2 foot long Spirit of Fire replica! (Just in time for HW2)

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:35 AM PST

343 should coincide an MCC update/patch with a free release or severe discount on Games with Gold

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:42 PM PST

Even if it's somewhat playable now this is what's needed to bring fans back who left or never got it. It's really unforgivable they are leaving such a severe blotch on Halo's track record.

submitted by /u/JumpIntoTheFog
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Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:49 PM PST

Insane weapon pick up play

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:20 AM PST

Found these hot wheels at Toys R Us (X Post with r/HotWheels

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:38 AM PST

I've been working on a new let's play/tutorial for Sins of the Prophets - a mod for the RTS game Sins of a Solar Empire - you play as the Covenant or the UNSC, colonizing planets, building capital ships, and fighting battles. In this video I play as the Covenant, capturing a forerunner shield world.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 01:58 PM PST

/u/-Guyver89- Commissioned my SPARTAN in Line Art Two Years ago, I've always loved this helmet.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:41 AM PST

Anyone ever notice this face on Battle of Noctus?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:42 AM PST

The one time I decide to play LWZFF by myself perfectly illustrated why I don't

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:25 PM PST

Saved by a black hole...

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:26 PM PST

If we have to keep blackeye, remove the respawn timer increase. Or vice versa.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST

I enjoy mythic and always have. Ive had my ups of winning with randoms and downs of losing rounds in under a minute with core protections.

I almost always find myself thinking that while i enjoy the difficulty of the game type, it is taken to an extreme thats beyond my reasoning.

I dont hate any aspect individually. If we had no blackeye but kept the respawn increase timer, thats ok because my chances of staying alive are lifted but it is still a massive challenge. If we had no timer increase but kept blackeye, you still die repeatedly and often but the lower respawn timer means you arent out of the fight for 2+ minutes per game. This is still difficult, but its doable and would alleviate a lot of player frustration.

My biggest gripe, which is entirely subjective and you may disagree, is the later rounds. The combination of not regenerating shields and increasing the time it takes to respawn creates one particular dilemma; where if 2-5 players die at any point in the 4th or 5th round, your chances of winning plummet because of the time lost not putting damage on the enemies. This is especially prominent in round 5. For example, im in a decent team. Weve got tanks and wraiths of ultra or higher rarity. We are shooting the bosses, and suddenly a hunters projectiles follow me around 60 corners and cover a distance of no less than 300 miles and violates my precious wraith ultra until naught is left but plasma flames and crumpled metal.

THAT IS FINE. I mean it. Not a problem, it should be challenging and i should die often.

But then i open the fireteam, and all but two guys are dead. These two guys are firing their br's valiantly but to no avail but hey, theyre alive. And then i see it; a row of red x's on almost everyone else. And we sit there and watch as the last minute hits and for half of that minute we can do naught. My req energy is up, but there is no point in spawning another vehicle for those last 30 seconds because by the time i haul ass halfway across the map, i get 3 shots off and the game ends.

Honestly, im not salty. I dont have to play this game type. But i enjoy it for the most part. Id just like 343 to look at the gametype and reevaluate; are you really giving us the most fun we can have?

There are many like me who enjoy the challenge. What we do not enjoy is watching our home base while rendered powerless to do anything or experience the challenge.

submitted by /u/cokezone
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I've never received a party invite so fast before in my life.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:49 PM PST

What questions should be asked to help solve the Timmy the Whale helmet?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:20 PM PST

Hey everyone, I'm wanting to help solve this mystery with a quick survey, so I'm trying to get an idea for the sorts of questions that could be relevant.

"players who have enjoyed more than their fair share of custom games will eventually join Club Timmy"

Therefore I'll be looking at total Custom Game kills, total games, total play time etc. but are there any other sorts of questions you guys can think of?


submitted by /u/ElWonAte
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Official image of the new EVA helmet

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:22 AM PST

Hydra appreciation

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 07:43 AM PST

I'd just like to say that I really like the design of the Hydra. Generally in shooters, the higher-skill weapons are slower firing precision weapons, and everything else is more spray and pray or splash damage. Most of the time, the only way a gun requires skill is if it fires slower and requires you to shoot more accurately. The Hydra is an exception because it's difficult to use correctly and requires a totally different skill set. The shots home in, which would make it a braindead weapon, but they have little splash damage and generally require two hits to kill. The slow projectile speed and delay before lock-on require you to assess the geography of the map around you and aim up or down to better utilize curvature. If the enemy is actively shooting and descope you, good luck getting the lock-on. It feels powerful, but it has a lot of nuance, counterplay, and intimate knowledge of the cover and routes your target can take. Also, shout-out to the Reach grenade launcher and Plasma launcher, more instances of a splash damage weapon going from mindless noob tube to something that requires some actual planning and foresight.

submitted by /u/Leadfarmerbeast
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Hail Mary.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 05:55 PM PST

"Out of map" glitch on Plaza

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 02:32 PM PST

[Question/Discussion] If Bungie continued making Halo games, do you think the graphics style would be similar to Destiny's?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:16 PM PST

Online Dater goes berserk during his livestream

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:23 AM PST

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