Fallout - A Valentine's Day gift to my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. dweller

A Valentine's Day gift to my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. dweller

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:06 AM PST

I used Fallout 2 to propose to my long-time girlfriend.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:23 AM PST

First a little background. For those who don't know, the Fallout 2 Restoration Project is a popular Fallout 2 mod lead by killap which seeks to add in a whole bunch of content that the original Fallout 2 developers had at some point considered including in the game but never fully implemented.

It was about a decade ago that killap brought me on board to design and write the dialogue for one of the RP's new recruitable NPC followers. I created Dex, and killap was impressed enough with my writing that he tasked me with going over all the RP's dialogue (which had been written by killap and other fans) and try to bring it more up to snuff with the game's original writing. I also ended up providing the voice for Cassidy's optional talking head.

Anyway, a few years ago, when we released the last major update to the RP, killap and I made a little extra content meant specifically for the version of the game that my long-time girlfriend would play.

[Warning: post end-game RP spoilers ahead]

After you beat Fallout 2, the RP added a special encounter were you can talk to the developers of the RP, represented by Star Wars characters. For my girlfriend's version of the game, the Imperial Guard sprite that represented me would, at the end of the conversation, propose to her.

Now, my girlfriend is almost constantly busty working on art (we make an '80s-themed comic together) so she barely has time to play any games. So I wasn't too surprised that it took her over three years to finally get around to playing Fallout 2. She finally beat it last week and was completely taken by surprise to discover a marriage propose had been lurking on her computer, undiscovered for over three years:

Of course, she said yes. Or, more specifically, "Fuck yeah. Let's do it."

submitted by /u/ExplodingSatan
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TIL that if you don't learn Dogmeat's name from Mama Murphy, the game will never update his name to Dogmeat and will still label him "Dog."

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:57 PM PST

Just found this interesting, I started a new character and never realized that Dogmeat's name actually is Dogmeat. I thought it was lame that he was just "Dog" forever.

I feel pretty dumb on this one. What are some moments that you've had like this?

submitted by /u/Link_of_Skyloft
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Ad Victoriam!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:04 PM PST

http://i.imgur.com/ZmPo6pw.jpg was gonna order online, find at a local new ave used game shop.

submitted by /u/bang_Noir
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is it possible to have a build that's good with guns but also a super good melee character?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:15 AM PST

i wanna play through the game again but i'd really like to have a melee character because it looks quite fun. but was wondering if it's possible for that character to also be good with guns, so i have a bit of freedom.

submitted by /u/JakeHodgson
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YSK there is a massive fan-made restoration of Fallout 2 which restores omitted content and bug fixes. Adds about 50% content expansion Makes for a bigger, better, fresh play of Fallout 2.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:32 PM PST


includes 2 new locations, 1 new follower, a big follower story mission for Sulik, lots of new missions, adds back in some unused speech pack, several alternate side quest completion methods, and much more.

This is an expansion of the original game. It is not a sequel so it is OK for 1st time playthroughs.

submitted by /u/Googunk
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So I'm Finally Looking at Mods - Tips for Kids?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:25 PM PST

Hi all! It's been a while, and that's all thanks to Skyrim Special Edition.

I've been kinda anti-mod until very recently, and for no good reason other than a couple crazy notions:

  • I'll actually get around to unlocking all the achievements someday
  • Keeping achievements enabled is somehow more important than adding depth, challenge, or crazy new stuff to the game

Well, I finally got over that thanks to watching EVERYONE in my house make at least 2 Skyrim characters, and quickly growing to absolutely loathe the intro sequence. Someone at work turned me onto a Skyrim mod that lets you skip that, and I'm so freakin' happy about it!


So today I started browsing the Bethesda website to see what's out there for my upcoming return to Fallout, and I stumbled across something unexpectedly-awesome: Batman.

Our 9-year-old is a Batman fanatic. He's also been slacking off on getting his homework done (without us fighting with him). The promise of an amazing-looking, non-Lego Batman RPG experience could be a great way to rev his engines.

Unfortunately, Fallout 4 is too scary, what with fast-zombies (and other critters) constantly leaping out at you from nowhere.


So I was hoping that some of you fine folks might have enough experience with the Xbox One mods to give me some tips. Things I'd like to find:

  • Something that removes non-quest ghouls from the game. Or changes them into something else that isn't so scary?
  • A mod to remove most blood might also be nice.
  • Is there anything that makes hand-to-hand combat more dynamic and visually-appealing?
  • Besides turning the game difficulty to Easy, are there solid, fun mods that generally make Fallout easier?

I really don't expect that he'll ever go far enough in the game where I have to worry about him sexing up a companion or anything like that, so mostly I just want to let him jump into the game and use the power of Batman to punch the crap out of evildoers.

submitted by /u/jeffdschust
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The New Vegas Experience

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 04:03 PM PST

Is there an app that adds VATS overlay to cell phone pics?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:51 PM PST

If not then :(

submitted by /u/Konebred
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How do Companion Relationships work exactly in FO4?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:37 PM PST

So my Romantic Companion in the game is Piper and I usually do good things around her and I always order her to stand next to a lock that needs picking to impress her. "Piper liked that!". But every now and then I do something she dislikes or hates.... for example if I steal something it'll show "Piper disliked that" but if I killed someone that's "innocent" like Moe Cronin for example.(I hated him the first time we meet so I robbed and killed him in the middle of the night) it showed "Piper hated that!" Right now I just flirted and slept with Magnolia in front of Piper and sure enough... "Piper hated that" . I can feel Pipers eyes penetrating me through her power armor helmet.

With that being said can you do tasks to redeem yourself or if you keep on doing things your companion hates they will eventually leave you despite doing alot of things they liked?

submitted by /u/GAZAYOUTH93X
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What would be the Value of Plastic Bottlecaps against metal bottlecaps if they existed in-universe?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:30 PM PST

Who need Vault 111 when you have a refrigerator at home??����

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 04:14 PM PST

(FO4) Besides the Colt Delta Elite, are there any 10mm replacer mods?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 03:04 PM PST

Are Vault Tec and the Institute associated?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 01:31 AM PST

I ask because it seems like The Institute would be one of the few organizations that exist post-war that would be around to collect and make use of the data from the vault experiments.

Also, what real purpose do the vault experiments serve? Seems like a lot of evil social experimentation with nobody to really collect the data(not that most of the experiments would produce useful information).

submitted by /u/ObamaLovesKetamine
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Why is modding Fallout 4 damn near impossible?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:49 PM PST

I spent a couple of years modding Skyrim, and Fallout 4 has given me more grief than any game I have ever played in my life when it comes to modding. I've tried using NMM, Mod Organizer, and just manually installing everything. Over half of the mods I install don't even show up in-game. Clothing replacers, custom hair/eyebrows, and don't EVEN get me started on how much of a pain it was to even get BodySlide working with it. I've tried deleting all files, including the saved games and everything regarding Fallout 4 in My Documents, and reinstalling from scratch, but the result is always the same. This is getting ridiculous, I've been trying off and on for the past month, and I'm getting no improving results no matter how closely I follow the guidelines laid out before me. And before you ask, yes, I HAVE made the necessary INI edits before and after running Fallout 4 for the first time.

Any suggestions are welcome.

submitted by /u/SweenerButtz
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Fallout shelter Xbox one connected to ios?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 02:02 PM PST

Am I able to use the iOS version saves into the Xbox?

submitted by /u/Nusent
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Piper turns into a demon

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:13 PM PST

My RPing playstyle has me stuck in Fallout 4 - help please!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:38 AM PST

I've recently started my first playthrough in Fallout 4. In Elder Scrolls/Fallout games I always do my first playthrough in a kind of role-playing way where I would act exactly as I think I would in real life ... quite strictly.

This has got me a bit stuck in game now, mostly because I can't resolve important quests in my ideal way.

I started the game purely doing main quest, because, why wouldn't I? My son is kidnapped, he's my first priority.. (in my little RP head) and this has gotten me to:

So far - I somehow sided with everyone to a certain degree apart from the BoS who are now hostile to me.

Institute wise, I'm at the place where the last thing Father said was "Kill the Railroad. That's an order." This isn't something I wanted to do so I simply left it. Which then took me to continue the Minutemen quests where I felt like I had a calling. So we re-took the castle and all that jazz.

But now I'm stuck in a loop where I can't advance the Minutemen story line because I've got so far in the Institute. I think my next big thing would be Defend the Castle .

I can't do Inside Job for the Minutemen I think because I initiated the same quest with the Railroad - but I don't want to help them! I would totally side with the Minutemen now I think but I don't seem to have the option.

During the Pinned quest I think I told the Minutemen to stand down. So I couldn't be banished that way.

In an ideal world, my playthrough would have me finish with the Minutemen, probably destroying BoS and leaving the Institute/Rail Road alone .. but destroying the Institute if I have to. But I suppose that's not possible? Is my only choice now to "break character" and kill Father?

Any words of wisdom/advise please?


submitted by /u/Botslavia
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Know if any areas with clothes

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 12:36 PM PST

odd question I know... but, has anyone found a great place (or multiple places) to get "clean" or new clothes? I search the commonwealth for clothes to put on my settlers so I can tell which ones are newcomers to the settlements.

submitted by /u/unicornfartchaser
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Some Fallout themed pickup lines...

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:35 PM PST

Just a little something for you wastelanders to use if you're lonely this Valentine's Day. Make sure your Charisma skills are high enough.

"I'll be your 60 minute man if you take a ride on my Rocket 69."

"According to VATs, looks like I have a 95% of hitting on that."

"Are you a vault dweller, because you stepped out of the vault and into my heart."

"You're hotter than all of the bombs that fell during the Great War combined."

"Even after taking some RadAway, you are sill glowing"

submitted by /u/Tr0llFap
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[fo4] Is there any way to reset the Ad Victoriam quest?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:57 AM PST

I tried doing so using "ResetQuest BoS304" in the console, but nothing happened. I already activated prime, but his escort was rather laggy and I kind of wanted to redo it from the point where he's booted up.

Usually I save before big events like this but apparently I forgot to before prime's activation

The next closest one I have is 6hrs back and I don't want to lose those 6hrs, then again I think most of it was minor side quest stuff.

submitted by /u/Nubbiecakes_Gaming
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