Fallout - Someone made a Mod for New Vegas, that allows you to climb ladders

Someone made a Mod for New Vegas, that allows you to climb ladders

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:55 AM PST

I thought it was impossible, but apparently not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjEaGlDRfDc

submitted by /u/SinisterC
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When they just won't stop talking.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:32 AM PST

What questions are you sick of people asking?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST

I know it's been a while since any fallout content comes out (hd packs are not "content" ) but come on , this subreddit seems to be on an perpetual cycle of "What would you like to see in the next fallout?" , "New Vegas(Obsidian) vs Fallout 4(Bethesda)" and "WoW , look at this small detail! See! Bethesda knows how to make a good game! ".

I know I'm going to get down voted but I just tired of the same questions over and over again.

submitted by /u/Lonewalker125
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Why is there so much power armor in the game?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:44 PM PST

This has probaby been asked many times before, but why is there so much power armor in Fallout 4? In Fallout 3 you had to earn the right to wear one, now you get one within minutes of playing.

submitted by /u/Tocho98
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Favorite Fallout game/dlc atmosphere?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:14 AM PST

Characters, stories, RPG, mods and technological advancements aside.

Mine: Fallout 3 (never played 1 and 2) - Even though it was 200 years after the bombs was dropped I liked that everything felt like the day after. It's just a fictional video game

submitted by /u/thousande
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Instead of a clumsy Pip-Boy why not include a Vinyl disc with all the Soundtrack?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:19 PM PST

Hear me out, I love the Pip-Boy that came with some editions of the game but it is ultimately a novelty item, something that you will wear a couple of times to show off and little else. It is something expensive yet of not much worth.

Why not instead add all the Soundtrack and radio songs of the next game in a retro Vinyl disc? I think it would be cheaper and besides old Disc players aren't completely phased out and are still able to be found pretty easily.

submitted by /u/Mendomendo
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New update for PS4 isn't helping me enjoy my Fallout 4 experience.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:15 PM PST

Long story short: Bethesda has put a Mod limit into the game. Meaning that you can only download 100 mods into the game, but I clearly used a fraction of 1GB of memory.

Are console users not allowed to have the leisure of playing with mods, are we the bastard child of video games?

Edit: thanks to /u/Shaka1277 for clearing up the confusion i had.

submitted by /u/Zenxolu
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How S.P.E.C.I.A.L are you

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:37 PM PST

Howdy pardner,

If you were to step right up to one of those Vit-o-matic Vigor Tester. What would you score and why?

See you real soon -Victor

submitted by /u/Oswald_the_tuba
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Fallout 4:Nonstop raiding!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:05 PM PST

All my settlements keep getting raided! And I have defense in green...help?

submitted by /u/Withergaming101
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Fallout Arizona: Part 3 - El Centro

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:43 AM PST

Good evening Captain. Your papers please.

The sentry held out his hand in anticipation; Haywood retrieved her identity papers from her inside coat pocket and complied.

NAVY EL CENTRO were the words inscribed on the familiar sign that arched above the entrance to the NCR southern headquarters. Beyond the entrance gate stood a pre-war flying machine: a statue stood frozen in time, constructed as a symbol then of the might of the old world, and now a symbol of ironic hubris: lonely and isolated, the sole survivor when everything else had been lost.

Thank you, Ma'am. Sergeant, if you please?

Fernandez acquiesced. Watch towers loomed above into the night sky. Spotlights probed the enveloping desert. An oasis for traders and new recruits that travelled eastwards along the "Great Eight" from Dayglow, before moving onwards to the NCR outposts in the south, or east towards the edge of civilization. Haywood regarded this place as her home away from home.

Thank you. The sentry saluted and the two rangers responded in kind.

They made their way through the gate towards the Tandi Military Housing barracks, which also located the administration buildings and armoury.

Listen Alicia, don't mention what happened with the scout to anyone. Not until the Major has got my report.

Haywood was still seething. She had awoken on the warehouse floor that morning, drowsy and disordered. It took her a moment to realise where she was. Bleary she scanned the large room until she remembered the legionary scout. She looked over to where he had been sleeping, only to find him gone. She concluded rapidly that the horsetail he gave them the night before must have been drugged. It was late morning and the storm had passed from the previous day. She frantically awoke Fernandez and cursed their stupidity before they made their long journey back to HQ.

They passed a platoon of volunteers on night drills and manoeuvres in the open yard outside the armoury. Inside, they were admitted by a pre-war military Mister Gutsy - a levitating sphere affixed with eyes and protruding metallic arms - reprogrammed to serve its new masters, and in the livery of the Republic.

Good evening Captain. It mechanically barked.

Evening Gear. Haywood responded wearily.

She handed in her weapon for inventory check, and a robotic limb took it up and the machine used it's "eyes" to scan it's serial number before placing Law-bringer into a locked cage.

Did you give those Commie sons-of-a-bitch a what for? It asked.

Are you defaulting again? Remind me when was your last maintenance check-up? Asked Fernandez cautiously.

No bleeding-heart sissy doctor needs to have a look at me, Staff Sergeant. I'm as fit as a fiddle.

After a brief bureaucratic checklist of the ammo spent and the rounds they'd returned, they exited the armoury as Fernandez made a comment regarding the risk and likelihood of that machine going haywire around the camp. Haywood disregarded her, and merely stated that she would meet up with her later, and promptly left in the direction of the administration buildings to deliver her report.

The whole fucking jaw.

Fernandez was sat up on her bunk in the ranger barracks, a beer in hand, and relaying her story to a young lieutenant that was sat on a nearby bunk.

Bullshit Sergeant. She's good but not that good. Replied the lieutenant.

You don't know Haywood. Four years I've been her spotter and every year she surprises me. The sick fuck was withering away on the ground and then BAM another shot to the brain. Now that's justice. She's a one woman fucking army. Her and Law-bringer could defeat the Legion on their own and I can retire in peace.

What did you say? Legion?

The barracks was alive with chatter; a radio blared in the corner of the room. A programme on NCR Public Radio was seemingly discussing the proposal of a new welfare bill for veterans of the NCR military.

Huh? No… I said region. She could defeat everyone in the region. What the fuck is this shit? Someone change the channel, it's Jerry time. Lieutenant, would you do the honours?

The Lieutenant begrudgingly rose and obliged, changing the station on the radio.

Anyone would think you're the officer Fernandez. The Lieutenant quipped as he took the opportunity to slink away.

Hello guys, gals, and ghouls. What's the haps? How you fine looking soldiers doing out there throughout the sunset nation tonight? I'm Jerry McGhoulberry and I'm feeling good, and here on ANCR radio I'm kicking off with Ella and the spots.

Out on the plains down near Santa Fe, I met a cowboy ridin' the range one day, And as he jogged along I heard him singin', The most peculiar cowboy song…

The music continued and Haywood entered the barracks. As she did so she was regarded and received with a round of applause from the other rangers in appreciation of her feat. Reticent, she nodded half-heartedly in response.

I'm assuming Alicia has updated you all. My very own cheerleader.

I prefer public relations officer. Fernandez responded between taking gulps of beer.

The rangers returned to their own interests, and Haywood made her way over to Fernandez sitting next to her on the bunk. Fernandez supplied her a beer.

Where have you been? Did you speak to the Major?

Just needed some air. Yeah, I told him what happened. He said to write it all down in my report and he'd speak to the colonel. He must have been with him when I handed in my final report to his secretary, cause he wasn't there when I got back.

Speak of the devil.

A man entered through the door and barracks rose to their feet and saluted, all albeit Fernandez who made a feeble attempt at a salute.

At ease guys, at ease. Ah Fernandez, I'm surprise to see you here. According to Haywood's report she said she left you with the Salt Faces. We could be so lucky I suppose.

The barracks laughed, and Fernandez took another sip of her beverage through an honest smile. Major Sandford was the ranger commander at the base, very popular with troopers, rangers, grunts and officers alike. He began as a private in the regular army and had made his way up to Major in the rangers after twenty-five years of service. Always ready and willing, he was also patient, kind, and jocular with his troops. His promotion was seen by some as overdue, and that he should have replaced Colonel Merritt as the overall Commander of El Centro, and thus director of southern operations. Others saw it as a compromise with the establishment, an attempt to moderate his repartee with the grunts by giving him more responsibility. It failed: he remained considerate and yet competent in his judgements.

Captain Haywood, the Colonel would like to see you.

Haywood and Fernandez exchanged a glance as the barracks fell silent. Haywood returned the beer to Fernandez and followed the Major out of the barracks, who had left the moment he had delivered his message. Once she had joined him they strode towards the Colonel's office on the other side of the housing compound.

I got your written report. I've handed it in to Merritt, but after speaking to him, he was keen to talk to you as soon as. Now listen Faith, I can't say much right now, but he's going to ask you to go out again tomorrow. After the two day's you've had in the wastes I reckon you deserve a break, so I'm telling you now, you can refuse and I will be behind you one hundred percent.

Haywood was taken slightly aback by this. She had never refused an order no matter how much she disagreed with it, or the dangers that it entailed. Maybe the Major was concerned about fatigue, but it was more likely that the impending mission carried risks.

You know you've just made it more likely that I'd accept, right?

Yeah, I know. Just remember… He stopped and turned to face her. Only I can give you direct orders. They have to come through me, so if you refuse, he can't do shit to you.

Now what kind of ranger would I be if I just passed along the responsibility to someone else?

The Major smiled.

I thought you'd say that. Just don't let the old bastard off lightly if he starts sneering at us rangers again. If it were up to him then we'd still be sending troopers in to fight that butcher Malo.

They continued and reached the Colonel's office building, greeted by a receptionist in the lobby who remarked that the Colonel was expecting them, so that they could head right into his office. Upon entering, Haywood presented herself in front of the Colonel who sat behind his desk and saluted.

His office was typical and unremarkable: a desk was placed in the centre of the room, adorned with a pre-war terminal, stationary, lamp, a photo of the family, and several files that were scattered across the work surface. A portrait of President William Peterson peered down upon then from the wall at the rear of the office, and on either side of the picture, flag poles proudly draped the flag of the Republic. To Haywood's left and right upon entering, sofas sat below an assortment of portraits of NCR officials from its one-hundred-year existence. On the couch to her right a dapper dressed man sat languidly with legs crossed, eyes fixated on Haywood since she had entered.

The Colonel swivelled in his chair slightly from side to side, peering over some pages in his left hand, in which Haywood identified as her report from her own hand writing, as the index finger of his right hand rested on his chin.

Colonel Merritt was an aging soldier, balding and a girth that was ever expanding to the relative size of his ego, he remained steadfast and stubborn. A veteran of the NCR-Enclave war, his combat credentials were not in question, but the rumour around camp was that he had come to such an elevated position of power through "friends in high places", whilst others believed it was a simple matter that no one else was available, or rather wanted the job. Although the calamitous engagement with the Salt Faces, and the fact that as a consequence he had not been relieved of his command suggested otherwise.

Merritt continued to study his papers and Haywood at eased herself. Sandford closed the door to the office and sat on the sofa opposite to the strange man, whose hands busied themselves with a grey fedora that matched his immaculate grey suit, his eyes meanwhile remained on Haywood. Haywood, in turn took half a glance at the man and then pulled it back towards the Colonel. Merritt took one last look at the report and set it on the table, raising his head slowly.

Captain. You're to be congratulated it seems for single handedly taking out the raider known as Malo.

Staff Sergeant Fernandez was with me sir.

Discounting ghouls, obviously. He corrected himself swiftly. Oh, this is Special Agent Christiansen of the Bureau of Intelligence.

Merritt held out his left arm to indicate the man in the suit, who rose and presented his hand, which Haywood took.

Please, call me Arnold. He smiled.

Agent Christiansen has been hiding in the shadows at it were, overlooking our progress on the Salt Faces threat. How are we doing Mr Christiansen?

Oh, swell. He beamed to Merritt. He retook his seat and his gaze refocused on Haywood. Just… swell.

He also has an interest in the man you supposedly saw. A man that seems to have slipped away from you. The Colonel sat back into his chair and enveloped his hands, resting them over his gut. You claim he drugged you. I find that quite embarrassing for a ranger.

You take whatever you can eat out there, sir. I'm just following your example. Sir.

Sandford smiled surreptitiously, hiding his reaction with a hand. The Colonel frowned.

One thing you should know about Ranger Haywood, Mr Christiansen, is that she likes to exaggerate. It's simply not enough to get the job done. You should take this report dubiously.

Sir, I apprise you that it is with the utmost certitude that I consider anything and everything in my role to be viewed askance. The agent said cheerfully.

Indeed. So, this man, this Vitus, made two claims according to your report. One: that he is a member of a group of tribals known as the Legion, and two: that he claimed that the township of Sunrise was – and these are your words Captain… The Colonel picked up one of the papers again and scanned it swiftly.Gone. He put the paper back down on the table. Is this correct Captain?

Yes sir.

Well, Ranger, I must say that do find this hard to believe. Perhaps, however, I should defer to the agent here, lest I reveal a state secret regarding my opinions on the matter.

The agent continued to eye Haywood, tapping his lower foot rhythmically on the floor. The Colonel had finished his sentence without changing his gaze, but after a moment of brief silence he looked over to the agent.

Mr Christiansen?

Uh, yes. He cleared his throat. Thank you, Colonel. He opened his mouth and paused for a moment. How much do you know of the Legion, Captain?

As much as anyone else I suppose. Only what the traders who pass through here say.

And what is that Captain?

That they are a tribe. A new and different tribe. Some praise them for their sense of order, others claim that they commit crimes worse than raiders…

The Colonel interjected.

Can we hurry this up Christiansen? It's already getting late.

Well Captain, you're certainly not wrong. The truth however, is that although they are primal in their methods, they are well organised. Numerous, our understanding is that almost every tribe in Arizona and New Mexico has been subsumed into this organisation.

You've known about them?

Oh yes, we've known about their existence for a number of years. The agent sat forwards. We were unaware however, of the proximity of their forces. Our eyes across the Colorado are not as clear as we would like, I'm sure you understand. The fact is, if you have made contact with a member of this "tribe", if you will, then this will be the first such occasion. We have received unsettling information regarding the town of Sunrise, and that it may indeed have been assaulted.

I think you overestimate these tribals, Agent. The manner in which you and the BOI refer to them, you'd think that the Enclave has returned. What Agent Christiansen is trying to say is that these undeveloped filthy savages, may have seized some citizens of Sunrise. Certainly, it has not "gone", especially to a motely band of raiders.

Er, yes Colonel. The Agent looked at the floor fleetingly. As you can understand Captain, the relationship between NCR and Sunrise is preeminent in the thoughts of President Peterson. There are ambitions to eventually incorporate the settlement officially into the Republic. So, I think it would be remiss of us not to at least send out a small scouting party to, um, survey the extent of the damage to the settlement.

I suppose I'm volunteering?

I would hope so, Captain. But there's more, continue please Agent Christiansen.

If we are to maintain favourable ties with Sunrise, then if possible we'd like to return any citizen that had been apprehended by the Legion. Now, if the number of settlers happen to be multitudinous, short of mobilising a full force and at a risk of declaring all-out war, we instead have information pertaining to the possible identification of the leader of this specific raid. This individual has been known to us for some time, we understand he has committed a number of crimes against people east of the Colorado. However, if he has perpetrated any transgressions against the people of Sunrise then he will be branded a terrorist of the state and a legitimate assassination target.

The Agent picked up a file which lay beside him on the sofa.

The name of this man is Un… Ungala – that's U.N.G.A.L.A – also known as "The Despoiler of New Mexico". The most authentic intelligence we have regarding the individual is from a trader based out of the Hub who came across him near Kingman, Arizona. He provided the following account: "The religious slaves, those who call themselves Mormons, refer to him as the Devil: a word that represents evil in their religion. The soldiers call him the Despoiler of New Mexico, on account of his brutal conquests of that area. When I first laid eyes upon him I wanted to laugh, but I'm glad I didn't. He wore the skin of a deathclaw: his feet were paws, his armour scales, and his face featured the discernible horns and mouth of the creature. He wielded claw-gauntlets in each of his hands. He chose only to speak the language of the Legion, and through an interpreter he told me that his uniform was a trophy he had taken personally from a deathclaw he had slain. And in doing so he had embodied the soul of the beast, but tamed by the touch of Caesar himself. He never removed his "skin" even when he ate. When hungry he would choose a slave or a failed legionary to sate his hunger, gutting them with his adopted hands, and would then feast like an animal on all fours from their fresh innards, as everyone else was forced to watch. I knew then that I had truly saw, and could comprehend the meaning of evil. This I saw and is my testimony."

The deathclaw: the most fearsome creature of the wastes. Long thought as a myth, they now roamed the wasteland, multiplying faster than any brave hunter who dared tracked them could poach them. Their origins were shrouded in mystery, but some claimed they were a failed test subjects of Enclave research – the continuity of the US Government - whilst others said that they could be found in the wastes long before the Enclave appeared in California. Some were said to reach as high as twenty feet tall, with claws as sharp as any blade wielded by man, could be faster than a coyote, possessing jaws that could break a man in a single bite, and horns that could pierce Brotherhood steel.

So, looks like I'm going deathclaw hunting.

Yes Captain. Yawned the Colonel. Scope the town, gain intelligence, and then track the sick fuck to the Capital Wasteland if need be. We'd like to keep this as quiet as possible, you'd understand. Seeing as you're abreast of the situation you'd be ably suited. Take the ghoul too. Any objections Major?

The Colonel began clearing some papers on his desk without so much as a sideways glance to Sandford.

I think, we need to be clear here with the Captain, that we consider Sunrise to be in our sphere of influence, and so this Ungala, is a legitimate target. In that regards this does not have to be undertaken as a clandestine operation.

Absolutely. The Legion need to know that the NCR is not to be fooled with and that our interests are not to be threatened. Kill this freak, and then those misfits will think twice about crossing the river again.

Fine, sign me up.

Good. The Major will outline any further mission details. Dismissed.

Haywood saluted. The Agent rose, shook her once again by the hand, and parted a farewell and good luck. Haywood exited the room and was followed by Sandford. The Agent turned to the Colonel who was back to busying around his desk.

Gee Colonel, are all your rangers like that?

submitted by /u/Eyes_87
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FNV Questions regarding the Brotherhood of Steel

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:28 PM PST

I'm doing a neutral (mostly) playthrough of FNV. I was exploring the Mojave and came across the Hidden Valley Bunker. Never ran into the roaming BOS guards but the first entrance I went into I meet Paladin Ramos and Elder McNamara and got the quest "Still in the Dark". They took all my shit and then gave me a nice bomb collar.

My question is: does completing this quest break any other factions questlines? Assuming I don't kill the NCR trooper and talk him into leaving, will my reputation with other factions be untarnished?

For some background info: LVL 33, neutral or accepted by all factions except Powder Gangers, and have completed all DLC except Lonesome Road.

Edit: I'm also companion-less for this playthrough.

submitted by /u/Purecheetodust
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I downloaded Fallout Shelter for the Xbox One and I am loving this version of it.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:13 PM PST

I am sure that the Xbone version and the Android version are the same. Yet, I got really bored with the phone version really quickly. I played it on Xbox last night for over 2 hours and this morning for even longer... Maybe it is just in my head, but I really really enjoy this port of it.

submitted by /u/voltronforlife
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NMM doesn't install all mods

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:12 PM PST

I recently got an external hard drive so I'm moving all of my games around. I just moved Fallout 4 to my main ssd so it would load faster. However this led to me having to reinstall all of my mods. Most of the mods work fine but some just won't install. I'm not getting any error messages or anything but they're not showing up in game and if I close and then reopen NMM it says that they're not activated. I've scoured the internet and tried everything I could find but nothing seems to work. Has anyone else had this problem or know how to fix it? Any information would be useful.

submitted by /u/bzoro14
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You In the club

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:22 AM PST

And you see this thicc ass baby https://gyazo.com/037a4a469908f801087ccfe8ef31ee19 Twerking all by himself wyd?

submitted by /u/Tr4iLL
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Looking to make mod with two dungeons and unmarked quest; idea-complete but could use further suggestions/help with planning

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:44 PM PST

Somewhere in the Commonwealth (that isn't edited by another popular mod or Beantown Interiors) is the entrance to The Proscenium, a ruined theater ready for a desperate man's final act.

Inside, past a gauntlet of raiders (which I may rename as "banditos" depending on how difficult the CK makes that to do) is a man named Flint Westwood with a unique, semi-auto version of the .44 Magnum. He also has a note and a key.

The note details his backstory somewhat. It turns out he isn't the real Flint Westwood; he used to be second-in-command for a gang of Robin Hood-esque "gentlemen thieves." While fleeing from a botched heist, the group found themselves in the Carazo Pipeworks, which-surprise surprise-had an absurd number of ghouls, as well as a sinister something from Vault-not-yet-numbered, which, after a mishap and explosion, was exposed to the Pipeworks and the greater wasteland. (Fake) Northwood abandoned his boss and escaped with the majority of the gang, then assumed his identity but turned to more despicable, general murder and pillaging.

If the player is willing to follow the clues in the note, the key will unlock the entrance to the Pipeworks, which will be a sewer that connects to a small vault that connects to a factory space/water-treatment facility. Inside the player will find traps, interspersed ghouls, 2spooky4me ambient lighting/fog for immersive experience, and-after a boss fight-can find the real Northwood, who has (another) unique .44 that deals +1-4 damage, uses less AP in VATS, and makes the Mysterious Magnum noises when drawn/holstered.

As I've never used the CK before (and haven't even considered Bethesda modding since turning rusty iron longswords in Oblivion into god weapons), I don't really know what the tilesets look like outside of watching Youtube and making inferences. So I have a few questions:

  1. Is there something I can use for a stage, and an in door theater appearance? (Angled floor to elevate seats in the back, projector, stage) I could easily improvise a concessions stand out of a counter, cash register, and some snack-o-matics but I would like the center of The Proscenium to actually resemble of believable theater made from vanilla/DLC assets.

  2. How do I make it look like one of the walls/floors of a vault room exploded, with a hole big enough for the player to pass through? Is there already a location in game with assets that resemble this? Something like the broken-open pipe spilling out into a cave when breaking into the Institute or in the quest where you find The Deliverer?

  3. How does ghoul furniture work? (ambush markers/objects) I would like to recreate the feeling of the comics store or the national guard post, but on a much larger scale, before finding The Northwood (the real Flint's revolver). Like, dozens of places for ghouls to pour in from, surrounding the player, that aren't super obvious like some places in FO4 where you look and think "Yeah, a ghoul is probably going to crawl out from there."

  4. Is it easy to rename existing assets, like a generic leveled melee raider, as a "Bandito," or even to have a dynamic name list so he gets something like "Bandito Boss" as happens to higher-level enemies in the game? Without having to create new NPC entries? I would like the two new cells, the entrances to the cells, and the 2 revolvers to be the only new records the mod introduces.

  5. If I'm planning a layout on graph paper, how should I indicate changes in elevation/special objects in my notes?

  6. Are there any good bits of Eastwood Trivia I can work into the mod as a reference/joke I can't find by reading IMDB? I'll probably end up naming some select legendary ghouls and stuff after characters in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


I think I'll clone Trinity Church (the Super Mutant-filled church with the blown up floor), clear out the Supermutants/gore bags/general blood/guff, and use the pews as seats for a traditional (non-movie) theater stage. There would also be an underground section (where the player actually enters the dungeon cell), and the player will fight up into the reshaped theater before confronting (Fake) Northwood. I might also connect TC to a rebuilt Hubris Comics. I think together that would make a sufficiently large and interesting theater complex and location while I learn cell editing. The Pipeworks and vault will be made from scratch, though.

Flint's Magnum (the first revolver that only requires fighting some raiders) will deal +3 damage, and will be semi-automatic (a direct upgrade to the .44 without being ridiculous).

The Northwood (the second revolver, which requires a couple legendary ghoul fights) will deal +4 damage, will be semi-automatic, and will have the "Resolute" legendary effect: When down to the last bullet, you have slow motion (to secure that deadeye duel finisher).

Problem Solver is a double-barrel shotgun with the Never Ending effect (unlimited magazine capacity). It's definitely OP but I want a semi-legit way to obtain one, since I would just cheat one in otherwise. Also found in the Pipeworks, or rather the Overseer's vault connected to the Pipeworks.

The movie theater will have two knock-off items in it. The Cosplayer's Battleaxe, which is Grognak's axe but deals 1 damage and has no effects, and the Cosplayer's Loincloth, which is Grognak's outfit but it grants +2 Charisma. I may think of a knock-off/generic version of the Silver Shroud's outfit, or a "Prop gun" with a 0 magazine capacity.

submitted by /u/Applejaxc
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(Request) Joshua Graham voice sample for Windows Login

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:58 AM PST

I saw this old post which showed how to set Joshua Graham's voice as a Windows Login. Regrettably, the voice sample was deleted. Therein, I wanted to ask if anyone could find it for me, and pass it along.

The voice line was: "Welcome back. What can I do for you?".

The old post is this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/3fqjk2/want_to_change_your_windows_login_sound_to_joshua/

submitted by /u/SifuZatara
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I just realized my biggest issues with FO4

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:26 PM PST

It's not the usual stuff, I actually don't have anywhere near as many complaints as a lot of people on this sub, but I just realized... Not once does Ron Pearlman say "War, war never changes." in this game, come on Bethesda.

Edit: issue not issues, I hate not being able to edit the title of posts.

submitted by /u/Bl3av
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Where to find new Fallout 4 4K texture in files

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:16 PM PST

I need to delete it. I didn't realize that it's like 50 gigabytes

submitted by /u/-ChooseGoose-
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If you were the actual fallout character, what faction would you side with?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:25 PM PST

Fallout Shelter on Windows 10

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:17 PM PST

Not sure if this has been shared but i just saw this on the windows store so thought I would share. Fallout Shelter is available for download on Xbox one and Windows 10 https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh556n4

submitted by /u/DeathByToothPick
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Role-playing as the Vault Dweller in Tale of Two Wastelands

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:22 AM PST

Recently downloaded it, and I've fallen in love with Fallout 3 with NV's mechanics.

Like seriously the writing in 3 is so flavorful and enjoyable. I don't know where all these criticisms are coming from about it.

Anyway, has anyone else ever role-played through it like that? You emerged from the Vault and journeyed far west? Did your character change at all during the journey? Did you steer the course and follow your dad in helping everyone? Or did you continue the path of destruction and much like ridding the world of that shitheap Megaton you persued more bloodshed out west?

submitted by /u/Radidactyl
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Fallout Amino App is Cancer

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:34 PM PST

Well, after i found out that a bunch of artwork from fellow fallout fans was being stolen and posted there, i though i would check it out. Well, in three days that i used it, i got populor, had people say i was an art thief and some of my stuff removed due to it being sold on shirts… Yeah… But it gets worse.

Ok, so they basically forced me to use either a signature and or watermarks just to post my work, yet still people said i was stealing it. And funny thing is that i was trying to point out that i could easily just put my signature and or watermark on work that is not mine and post it here. They did not listen to me about it so i went to prove my point. So i posted some mediocre fallout artwork with my watermark on it. Now funny thing is one google image search would have shown that they were stolen, but they did not even do that. And i would not have been so surprised but one of them got populor and on the front page so i had to spill the beans.

Can you guys take a guess what happened? They all lost their collective shit and banned me (well, basically anyways). It was not like i removed the three posts that i used to prove me point, or write a whole post explaining what i did, how i did it and why they have a serious problem with their community. No, they all lost there shit and called me names.

Anyways, my suggestion is to avoid that place like an std. http://sta.sh/0obo3enb2sr

submitted by /u/KingVego
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Just started playing fallout 4 again on PS4. What are some Mods I should use?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:24 PM PST

The only thing that anoys me is having to scaveng for parts to build settlements. But I also want the best mods! Thanks for the help people:)

submitted by /u/astrideAreed
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