Destiny - Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to Lore Thursday! Let's discuss the lore and story in Destiny.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!

In need of more Destiny Lore? Come visit /r/DestinyLore!


You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Destiny II is on course for 2017 release, per Activision Investor Slideshow

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:15 PM PST

The slideshow has been released, and Destiny II does appear to remain slated for 2017.

EDIT 1: Thanks to u/IceDevilGray-Sama for the screenshot!

EDIT 2: CALL NOTES - Destiny showed "Steady Engagement" in Y3, referred to the "eager" fanbase, and referred to "Content Seasons" to follow the launch.

submitted by /u/Gonzalla
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Bungie, it's time you start thinking about working with some of the top PvP players of the community to help balance the Crucible

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:32 AM PST

343 Industries did this in development of Halo 5. They worked with former esport scene members Andy "Bravo" Dudynsky and Quinn DelHoyo to fine tune the multiplayer. The result speaks for itself. It's an incredibly balanced game.

There are easily dozens of well-versed, passionate community leaders in the Destiny PvP scene that could offer fantastic advice on Crucible weapon/class balance ideas. Some of those names include tripleWreck, TrueVanguard, SirDimetrious, nKuch, mtashed, Gernader Jake, I am Coolguy, Ninja With No L, Wish You Luckk, AEGabriel, WTFisPoshy, and WaRbulletproof to name a few.

They have countless hours of experience in Crucible at the highest levels of play. They've mastered each class, weapon archetype, grenade and super ability. Any of them working with Bungie in development of the multiplayer could do wonders for the game.

submitted by /u/SporesofAgony
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Urk on Twitter: "Forge of Nope"

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:56 AM PST


Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:16 AM PST

Hi everyone, I am under a NDR yada yada super secret info gonna get fired cause I didn't totally make this up on the spot yada yada Destiny 2 info I have.

-Cloud Based Vault Space! That's right get all your favorite weapons anywhere, even on your phone! Annoying boss not letting you get off work to play Destiny? Your portable Gjallarhorn should fix that problem!

-Beards, facial hair, and dope tattoos! Including new community submitted tattoos as well! That's right you can get a tattoo of Dickbutt covering your entire face! Bungo is sure this will not backfire in any way!

-New frabjous cloak exclusives for Playstation! That's right! Bungiez marketing team has done their research and has found that releasing cloaks only for Play Station will increase playstation sales by 400% more than any raid or strikes!

-More dialogue! The Exo Stranger is given exactly one more line in Destiny 2 to try to explain everything! All other lore information excluding this one line will come from grimoire cards. No exceptions.

-FIRZT RAID:DINKELBOTS REVENGE! That's right Nolanbot actually killed our old ghost.... or so he thought! This raid will consist of defending over FIVE different doors at once while Nolanbot floats around!

-Special guest appearance by Chris Pratt as Starlord! Yup, Disney bought out Activision as well, all hail the mouse. They have decided that the Marvel Universe and Destiny are one and the same. Your first mission involves going to Universal Studios for a top secret assassination mission.

-Preorder bonuses include a full set Master Chief armor It will be obsolete in 5 minutes and you will never use it again! We don't currently have a way to accept preorders so throwing your money at the screen should suffice!

submitted by /u/Lun06
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[Towerthought] Having seen the way the PVP devs all played in the Crucible yesterday, no wonder Bungie have been so reluctant to opt for pure CBMM...

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:47 PM PST

... they'd all get absolutely murdered.

In all seriousness though, so many of their previous decisions and balances etc all make way more sense now when you consider the level they're playing at. Of course you're going to nerf bladedancers. They're impossible to kill if you have the same dexterity with your controller that a giraffe has, playing with it's hoof.

submitted by /u/ChrisCohenTV
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To my fellow Fusionbros, it's been an honor serving with you...

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:12 AM PST

In light of the yesterday's patch announcement, I just wanted to take a second and pay homage to my favorite special weapon type in the game. For so many months now we have been relegated to the fringes of the meta, any chances we have had to reclaim relevancy dashed by nerf after unnecessary nerf. And yet we've stuck with our beloved fusions, fought off the shotgunners, unleashed the voop, and even managed to be competitive at times.

But now it seems there is truly nothing we can do. We will lose our ammo after our first failed encounter with a shotgunner, and we are the only class without the ability to regen ammo or spawn with more. It seems that Bungie, either through negligence or spite, has relegated us to the trash can.

While I am disappointed with the state of fusion rifles, I can't help but look back fondly on all of the time I have spent with my trusty Thesan. Oh how we made shotgunners rage and blinded them with the power of the voop. I will still work to keep the class alive, but I am not optimistic about our chances.

I guess all we can really do now is hope that the future will be brighter for fusions. See you all in Destiny 2, and long live the voop!

submitted by /u/SaxophoneSniper
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Give the new patch a chance

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:49 AM PST


I'm new to creating reddit posts but I have been reading them for quite sometime within the Destiny subreddit. I've been playing the game since year one and I have over 1500 hours play time with somewhere around 95% of that PvP.

Now let me start out by saying that I was disappointed watching the Bungie stream yesterday. Some of the latest nerfs had me baffled, such as the mid air shotgun accuracy nerf (on a game where use of vertical space is massive!). Also they didn't show us any graphs stating that the Bladancer was over powered! So why nerf it? I could go on and on with what I think is wrong with this update but I wouldn't want to bore you with the details.

However, I think people should at least give this latest patch a chance. It's a fresh change to the crucible which I think everyone has been begging for the last couple of months. It seems like primaries are going to be the meta soon which in my opinion is a good thing.

Thanks for reading :D

submitted by /u/LesPaulSteve
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Now that you lose all special ammo on death, can we have our pre-nerf max ammo back?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:53 AM PST

Titles are hard but I think my point is across. Now that crucible players lose all ammo on death, can our inventory caps be increased back to where it was pre-nerf? If they can find a way to make it separate from PvP that would be great. There's no reason fusions should get a consistent 5-6 ammo more than shotguns and a snipers. Please bungie?

submitted by /u/Scrublord1453
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Activision Blizzard, Inc. earning's call schedule

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:08 AM PST

As many of you know the earning's call where we're most likely to get any kind of idea about D2's release time-frame, is happening today.

  • 11:30am HST
  • 1:30pm PST (Activision's Time zone)
  • 2:30pm MST
  • 3:30pm CST
  • 4:30pm EST
  • 7:30pm BRST
  • 9:30pm GMT/UTC
  • 10:30pm CET
  • 3:00am IST
  • 5:30am SGT
  • 6:30am JST
  • 8:30am AEDT
  • 10:30am NZDT

We'll hopefully see some information coming out from say a couple of hours after this call starts.


Edit: as /u/wsscrows pointed out, the Destiny Community Podcast (former hosts of the Planet Destiny Podcast) goes live at 7:00pm PST so there will likely be a breakdown of the information there.

Edit 2: /u/SonnySoul kindly added some more Timezones to help others avoid doing maths, please note any morning times will be for Friday the 10th.

submitted by /u/kirkygamer
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Information regarding the future of Destiny

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:10 PM PST

Hello all,

Recently through contact with an employee within the Administrative ranks of Bungie I been presented with new information about the future of Destiny. I am to remain anonymous through this entire post due to the jeopardy of my contacts.


The next installment in the DESTINY franchise will be revealed as " Destiny II: Forge of Hope".

Will be launching in Q4 2017 with an estimated window release of November 4th to November 18th.

The next installment will be launching on five platforms: PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox Scorpio (TBA) and PC.

Console Exclusivity will remain with PlayStation but the exclusive period will be reduced to 3 Months.

Will launch with three editions.

Destiny II: Forge of Hope including TBA Preorder Bonus Destiny II: Forge of Hope including TBA Preorder, Special In-Game cosmetics. Destiny II: Forge of Hope Including TBA Preorder,Special In-Game cosmetics and a 1:2 Scale of the Exo Strangers Relic of Necessity. 

The game has a whole new engine built from the ground up with the ability for Bungie to rapidly create and ad new content to the world of Destiny.

Bungie is scheduling for an event release every 1-2 months centering around a theme similar to Overwatch while also delivering new narrative paths and new game play mechanics.

Spoilers on Story

The sequel will heavily focus on chronological events set after the Fall 2015 Expansion The Taken King. The cabal forces attack the city leaving the civilians and mentors of the tower defenseless. It is the guardians job to fight back the cabal and reclaim the city. While doing so the guardian will discover the long lost stories of Queen Mara Sov and The Exo Strangers motives. The story will culminate with the tower and city fighting back the Cabal empire resulting the guardian defeating the leader of the Cabal in the new Raid.

The Future of Destiny

Bungie is planning to release a substantial content updates for each quarter (Similar to the April Update)

Bungie already have a small team working on the first major expansion to be released in Fall 2018. Details are limited but it is aimed to be centred around the Vex and the Origins of Kabr and Praydeth.

This is all my info for now, there will be more in the future.



Due to the new engine Bungie had to make the hard decision of previous Characters being left behind. The upside to this is the new release will have a more customization character creation including facial hair and class themed face paint and tattoos.

In a few days I will be presenting info about the upcoming Spring Update which will be releasing early May.

submitted by /u/Inside_Leaks
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Shotgun Update from a Titan's point of view

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:26 AM PST

A quick and dirty mini-comic about the new shotgun situation.

Yep, still works.

submitted by /u/ZaezarDraws
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The scariest part of the balance, is how long we may have to suffer through the changes.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:19 AM PST

I honestly don't know if the changes are going to be positive or not, for the gun changes im happy just because something will be different. The special ammo changes i hate but im willing to admit that it might not be as terrible as i initially thought. Skorri? i won't even comment.

The scariest thing is that if something they changed is obviously overdone, whether it be killing bladedancer, destroying the grasp/CD pulses, special ammo change etc; we may not get a fix for it for a very long time.

In the past bungie has taken things that are obviously overpowered and nerfed them to unuseable and take very long to bring them back. Suros,thorn,vex etc.

How long will it take to fix some of the fixes if it becomes obvious they are bad fixes.

edit- im not assuming that everything will be terrible, im saying if some of the changes are terrible how long will we have to endure them before they are fixed?

submitted by /u/mmurray2k7
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A graphic designer friend of mine drew a clan mate's warlock. I think it came out well!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:53 AM PST

Gamertag, clan name, and most used quote as well.

submitted by /u/RedMustard
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Why has this sub turned into a cesspool over the Special Ammo changes?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:15 AM PST

Guys - we have been waiting for 6 months for info about a balancing patch. The main issues almost unanimously agreed upon have been:

  • Clever Dragon has the fastest ttk and most flinch dealt without any limitation on range

  • Matador is head and shoulders above every shotgun because of absurd range and impact

  • lack of strength/diversity of primaries to counter special weapons

  • (insert your favorite subclass criticism here - this will never go away)

The special ammo restriction does one thing for sure: forces primary use. Now with CD brought back to the pack as it should have been, and the buffs to AR's and low ROF pulses, as well as the slight buff to HC accuracy, primaries should theoretically be in a much better place in terms of balance with each other. Let's play the fucking patch for a few weeks and find out, but all I know is it is a much better sounding situation than what we have dealt with for this long.

The biggest challenge Bungie has is to balance primaries against specials, and I give them a HUGE amount of respect for trying this out. Force people into using primaries IN ORDER to get special ammo, and then limiting the resource once it is obtained, again beginning the cycle.


I don't want to see any more whiny posts about NLB/Sidearm, because that's already a thing, and always will be. Get over it. If you don't know how to try and counter a sniper, figure it out. Hint: use primary and stop running through sniper lanes.


THESE GUNS ARE NOT BEING ADJUSTED. They have always been like that, and there are multiple reasons they are much less-used. Invective is missing both range and impact, and Icebreaker has low aim assist and (arguably) a distracting scope. Users of these weapons will have to adjust how they play anyways, and while they are waiting for their ammo to regen, they are still going to have to use primaries.


Look, if you camp anywhere with three stormcallers and Skorri, you're a bitch. That said, camping anywhere in Destiny is a great way to get killed. The radar gives way too much information and the maps are way too small to sit on an ammo crate just so you can use your fucking shotgun, get killed, and lose the ammo anyways. People are complaining about this now, but I'm personally guaranteeing that once the patch goes live, bitch-mode players are going to try this, and they're going to get team-wiped a few times, and then they're going to play it for real: which is engage in a PRIMARY battle over the special ammo crate. The bottom line is that if a player or team is that good to grab first special, not die at all, and migrate their whole fucking team to the next spawn, and they win that crate too - sounds like you might be overmatched to begin with.

Guys - we might be finding out about the spring update and/or Destiny 2 today, AND we finally have a weapon balancing AND it could be Iron Banner next week too. WE SHOULD BE HYPED TODAY, but I wake up and see people absolutely trashing the patch before they've even played it. Let's turn this around!

TL;DR special ammo changes are not going to be nearly as "cheese-able" as a lot of people on this sub think they will be, be hyped that primaries are stronger EVEN IF you can't snipe now 24/7, BE HYPED about the changes and Destiny 2 info! STOP WHINING!

submitted by /u/vangelator
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Reactions to the Upcoming Balance Patch

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:23 AM PST

DTG Guardians: "We've had the same meta for so long. It's stale and boring. I'm tired of shotguns and specials in general. I want to use primaries other than clever dragon again!"

Bungie: "Were making crucible changes. You're going to see less specials and more primaries. Clever Dragon is being brought back into line."

DTG Guardians: "This is bullshit, with these changes, I wont be able to use shotguns or clever dragon anymore. What were they thinking! Do they even listen to us!?"

I have enjoyed the salty posts. Very entertaining! I'll be reserving judgement until I actually get to try out these changes.

submitted by /u/WayneBrody
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A message from a Bungie employee regarding the "leaks".

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:29 AM PST

Image taken from facebook :

submitted by /u/Sarronix
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As if Exhumed wasn't already bad enough...

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:35 PM PST

With the latest changes to special ammo, a special weapon rolled with Exhumed just went from "terrible" to "complete grabage." If you didn't know, Exhumed grants "improved range and handling for a short time after revival." The buff lasts like 15 seconds after revival/respawn.

Before the special ammo changes, this perk was situational at best, but now... Now it just doesn't make any sense. For it to even have any effect at all, you would have to respawn, find special ammo, reload and actually find someone to kill before the 15 seconds was up. Incredible!

Can we get this perk removed from the potential perk pool already? Please?

PS. Might as well take out Danger Close and Surrounded while you're at it, thanks.

Edit: Exhumed lasts 15 seconds, I thought it was shorter.

submitted by /u/ch4_meleon_
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Solo Crota's End Flawless With No HUD and Grayscale Lens Artifact

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:55 PM PST

So I decided to solo flawless Crota's End but I thought why not do it in a way where I can also really appreciate the way the raid looks and so I disabled my HUD and equipped the grayscale artifact. Also, with there being less going on visually, I began to notice every little sound and it made me appreciate how well audio is done in this game.

submitted by /u/Hazabow
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How Skorri's should work: When your super is charged, nearby allies gain extra super energy for your kills.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:47 AM PST

No more camping in PvP and rewards the basic function of the game.

Want to wait around for your super to charge in PvE before hitting up an encounter? You can still do that, but playing the game gets you there faster.

I think this would fix it in PvP and, with the right multiplier on the super energy your allies gain, won't change the function of the artifact in PvE much at all.

submitted by /u/cacarpenter89
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Proposed Modification to the Guardian Selection Screen

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:50 PM PST

Every time I boot into Destiny I'm blown away by the guardian selection screen. The size and rendering of our guardian(s) is phenomenal.

I would love to see a change where this is expanded by showing us all of our guardians at once.

If they chose to, they could even implement an Easter Egg where pressing a direction button could trigger the corresponding emote. This would, of course, only get better if we could remap all our emote buttons.

I've made a very basic mockup of the current and proposed changes. Anyone with graphics chops can feel free to implement this idea in a graphical format.



submitted by /u/FrostByte32
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Don't waste your energy and time trying to reason with Bungie, it's going to be like this until Destiny 2 comes out.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:30 AM PST

To all who are disappointed with the recent balance updates who have written, are writing down, or who are planning to write concise, thoughtful ideas on how Bungie could have done the balance patch better, I urge you not to waste your efforts any more than you already have. The community appreciates your feedback and ideas, BUNGIE does not. They're not going to listen, nothing's going to change in at least another half a year.

They're not known for owning up to their mistakes, or for having an open conversation with their community (competitive or otherwise) about the kinds of changes that the players are 100% sure about.

Don't waste your breath. Play or don't play, one thing's for sure, it's going to be a long-ass wait.

EDIT: Top comment is mostly listing quality of life improvements. Only a damn few are related to crucible balance and most of those are just making up for their past mistakes.

submitted by /u/Fortislux
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If I have to claim special constantly, can bricks go directly to the mag like heavy.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:10 PM PST

I just realized, we are going to be doing a ton of reloading. Spray and pray is the new God tier perk.

submitted by /u/LordSlickRick
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High Impact Pulse Rifles worth chasing before the Balance Patch hits and where to obtain them

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:56 AM PST

Morning Guardians,

Hope you're all looking forward to next weeks balance Patch, I know I am.

High Impact Pulses (HIP) seem to be getting some deserved love this time around so to help make some good choices, I've listed the ones currently obtainable in game and how to get them for your info

Other Weapons are getting brought up so these by no means will be the 'Be all, End all' but are certainly worth setting your sights on over the next 5 days

I have also included what changes will occur to Pulses at the bottom of this Post

For all other change information, Link to DTG Sandbox Megathread which shows details of everything we know so far about the coming Valentines Day massacre

Hit me with your best shot

Parthian Shot – Obtained Vanguard Quartermaster Vendor, Vanguard Rank Up Packages

Rate of Fire 59

Impact 30

Range 52

Stability 62

Reload 62

(Vendor Roll - ORA2 / Steadyhand IS / OEG - Headseeker - Rodeo / Life Support - Perfact Bal. / Rifled Barrel)

The Parthian shot was a military tactic made famous by the Parthians, an ancient Iranian people. The Parthian archers, mounted on light horse while retreating at a full gallop, would turn their bodies back to shoot at the pursuing enemy.

Lyudmila-D – Obtained from Gunsmith packages / Gunsmith Rank ups (Rank up will be your only option over the coming days unless you already have a package)

Rate of Fire 59

Impact 30

Range 63

Stability 54

Reload 51

This weeks Rolls as per Armsday -

GD/LD - Army of One - Zen Moment - High Caliber Rounds/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame

SC/SD - Crowd Control - RangeFinder - Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame

GB/LC - Danger Close - Spray and Play - Single Point Sling/Hand Loaded/Injection Mold

Liudmyla Mykhailivna Pavlychenko was a Ukrainian Soviet sniper during World War II. Credited with 309 kills, she is regarded as one of the top military snipers of all time and the most successful female sniper in history

Spare Change – Obtained through 'Classic' PVP Postgame rewards

Rate of Fire 59

Impact 30

Range 63

Stability 44

Reload 58

Change, has anyone got any change?

Honourable Mention

The Messenger - NOT CURRENTLY OBTAINABLE - Worth a look if you have one in the Vault gathering dust. Max Light level of 170. Y1 Trials Pulse Rifle

Rate of Fire 59

Impact 30

Range 59

Stability 59

Reload 53

From deep within the shadows it came—a messenger borne on black wings.

Notable differences between the 3

  • Lyudmila-D is the only 1 of the HIP Pulses that can roll 'Full Auto'

  • Lyudmila-D is the only 1 of the HIP Pulses with the unique intrisc Perk 'Häkke Pulse Rifle - Fires an additional projectile with each burst.'

  • PS is the only HIP that can roll 'Rodeo' and 'Counterbalance'

Turn and face the strange

Pulse Rifles Changes

  • Reduced rate of fire for low impact pulse rifles (Clevor Dragon, Grasp of Malok) by 7.7% or 1 frame.

  • Base Flinch from pulse rifles and High Caliber Rounds on pulse rifles both nerfed.

  • Pulse Rifles across the board have had their base flinch reduced.

  • Grasp of Malok and Clever Dragon have had their magazine size reduced by 6 shots. Clever Dragon magazine size reduced from 30 to 24 and 24 to 18 with Braced Frame.

  • Increased rate of fire for high impact pulse rifles by 5.3%. (The Messenger, Spare Change)

  • Pulse Rifles have had their in air accuracy increased.

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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Can we take a moment to realize that it is unacceptable to wait 5 months for a bug fix

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:16 AM PST

Within a few days of the last weapon patch (with ROL), Holtzmann discover that high caliber rounds actually reduced flinch to the opponent rather than increase in it on hand cannons. Yesterday bungie finally admitted and thanked the community for discovering this.

That's unacceptable to know about bug that impacts gameplay and wait until the next big patch to fix it.

submitted by /u/HuskyFord
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Towerthought: The once underused perk 'Replenish' is now going to be a staple of top Tier Specials

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:23 AM PST

Replenish - This weapon's magazine will be refilled whenever a Super is cast.

A perk I once considered an 'Insta-Shard' could now become a pretty big deal

(Confirmed - Replenish Grants NEW ammo to the clip from empty, you DO NOT need reserve for it to fill the clip)

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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