True Dota 2 - With the new patch(7.02), Windranger seems to be in a good place |
- With the new patch(7.02), Windranger seems to be in a good place
- Naga Siren on 7.02
- Dota 7.02
- How to lane Zeus?
- The Problem with Battle Fury
- Did Miracle- have a bad game or was the Meepo pick overhyped by the casters ?
- Need tips for 1v1 early lane vs Phoenix as right click carry
- Really feeling Viper has gotten strong.
- How legit is a "catch-up" Midas for carries?
- BH Aghs viability
- PL and Deso?
- What kind of heroes should not level up their talent tree when the skill point is avaliable?
- Salve Tower Diving: The next big thing?
- Is Hand of Midas dead?
- Curving Hooks With Pudge - An In-depth Look At Hook Mechanics (Jenkins of Team Red)
- How is HP calculated? I seem to be missing something with the formula and DOTA doesn't explain
- Why Luna has dominated creep always going with her?
With the new patch(7.02), Windranger seems to be in a good place Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:51 AM PST
I think that with those changes, maxing the windrun and get the 25%+ slow seems the best way to play her in this patch, with maxed windrun + 25% talent makes you have a 55% slow in area for 6 seconds, and this in early/mid game is very strong Looking at this makes me think that WindRanger can also be played in other roles like support or offlaner, With powershot dealing more dmg in low levels means that you can do more with few lvls and the time you get lv 10 you get a powerfull CC(55% AoE slow for 6 sec while makes you invulnerable for right clicks is no joke) and if you play as sup or off you can get more points in shackles instead of powershot for even more CC, and as mid as you get lv 10 earlier, you get a good powerspike at this time, you have a good team fight presence thanks to you slow it would makes you very hard to kill at this stage [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST With the new patch giving her a nice 4s downtime on her ensnare I wanted to try her out on more of a supporty role. Do you think it can work? I'm not sure how laning would work but I think she can provide nice utility with her illusion stacking and her disable. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:49 PM PST 7.02General Changes:
Hero Changes:Abaddon:
Ancient Apparition:
Arc Warden:
Bounty Hunter:
Chaos Knight:
Crystal Maiden:
Dark Seer:
Death Prophet:
Dragon Knight:
Earth Spirit:
Elder Titan:
Ember Spirit:
Faceless Void:
Keeper of the Light:
Legion Commander:
Lone Druid:
Monkey King:
Naga Siren:
Nature's Prophet:
Night Stalker:
Nyx Assassin:
Ogre Magi:
Outworld Devourer:
Phantom Assassin:
Phantom Lancer:
Queen of Pain:
Sand King:
Shadow Demon:
Shadow Fiend:
Shadow Shaman:
Skywrath Mage:
Spirit Breaker:
Storm Spirit:
Techies :
Templar Assassin:
Treant Protector
Troll Warlord:
Vengeful Spirit:
Winter Wyvern:
Witch Doctor:
Wraith King:
[link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:03 AM PST What early game builds have you found successful? I went null tally into bottle but with 65 mana restored in each bottle charge I felt horribly constrained especially since I then completed the veil. Last hitting against a lot of current mid laners with Zues' attack animation is obviously incredibly difficult so you rely in arc lightning. How do you guys handle your early game mana issues (euls, soul ring, etc)? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:30 PM PST So with the recent patch Battle Fury saw a slight buff but it probably won't change the usage rate of the item. So with this post I want to discuss what Battle Fury is and what it's meant to do and why it's bad in it's current state. So first of all let's go over what Battle Fury gives you. It gives you 55 damage, 150% Mana Regen, 6 HP Regen, the Quell Passive, and the Cleave Passive for 4500 Gold and only usable on Melee Heroes. So what type Hero benefits from these things? The Cleave passive gives increase farming and splitpushing potential along with the Quell Passive, HP Regen is better for farming than fighting as it lets you to sustain while you farm or splitpush, damage benefits Agility heroes or heroes with good attack speed as the item farms much slower with no attack speed, finally Mana Regen is just generally useful. So what we get out of those is that this item is good on Agility heroes who want to farm and split push. So why is it bad? Well two major reasons; 1 without attack speed the item is not nearly as beneficial and 2 there is no room in the meta for a 4500 Gold farming item. The first reason is why Battlefury is so bad on Strength Heroes; they lack the attack speed to be able to properly utilize the item even though they do benefit from the Mana Regen. The majority of heroes that want to build this item to begin with have steroids within their kit that already increase their damage and benefit far more from attack speed for farming. Jugg has his crit, AM has his Mana Break, CK has his crit, Void has his bash, etc. You can go through any hero that you might consider Battle Fury on and they will probably have a steroid that benefits from Attack Speed for farming. The second reason is a meta related one. The game in it's current state is very fast paced and kills are currently outweighing farming as the better way to achieve farm and snowball the game. I wanted to just bring up the discussion on why the item is not very good in it's current state and maybe toss around ideas that could fix the item to become a far better farming option. [link] [comments] |
Did Miracle- have a bad game or was the Meepo pick overhyped by the casters ? Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:21 PM PST Hey, I really like to analyze pro matches to learn about strategies and drafting, I was wondering if the Meepo pick wasn't an outdraft pick like the casters were saying. They had alot of good lockdown: shackleshot, impale,...etc. and a savage roar They had good aoe damage:
or maybe miracle- did not perform so well and a player like W33/Abed/Notail/chappie would have performed much better [link] [comments] |
Need tips for 1v1 early lane vs Phoenix as right click carry Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:37 PM PST So I got trashed by a phoenix in lane as a TB early. Everything was fine until 4 minutes in, when phoenix got tranquils and a few levels in fire spirits. At this point he could kill me solo in lane. I died, asked for support, didn't get any, returned to lane, and died a few more times. Finally jungled after 10 minutes, but it was too late at that point. What should I have done here? Did I get the right items? I think my biggest error was getting PMS, QB and basilus for my first few items instead of getting stats and regen. Next mistake was returning to lane after dying a couple times, just to die more. And another mistake very well could have been my hero choice, but I didn't know I'd be soloing safe lane. I'd love any tips or suggestions on items or strategy here. Also this has happened to me on morph to a lesser extent, for what it's worth. Morph can stay alive in this matchup but it slows down his farm substantially. [link] [comments] |
Really feeling Viper has gotten strong. Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:58 AM PST We all know Viper the boring, lane dominating hero that gets jumped and bursted by physical damage. With the introduction of hurricane pike, he has a great first item that lets him scale while still doing his thing. It fixes some major deficiencies: low starting agi, low attack range, low mana pool and immobility. It also gives him things he wants like modest hp regen and strength. When he's jumped on he can hurricane pike away. It makes his corrosive skin more valuable because you have to commit more skills to lock him down or chase him and means he can slow heroes more often in fights. Raindrops help this even further. He can now commit to tower pushes safely, and reposition if initiated on. His strength gain has been modestly buffed, but he gets tanky through hurricane pike and his +150 hp talent. That hp is golden early on. His next talent allows him to get decent agility or strength -whichever stat he needs in a particular game. Again, the third talent is perfect - armor to fix his deficiency or added range to lay into heroes from afar. Other recent buffs include: his poison attack not being an attack modifier, a minor aghs buff and better agi gain (same as am). I've been going hurricane pike, vlads (which sounds bad but works really well) into manta. With manta and hp he can just lay in serious right click dmg. In this meta, he can group and push really well, and works even better with heroes like sniper or drow or a melee carry. The armor helps him and the lifesteal actually makes him last longer in fights. Afterwards he can go many different builds. I haven't tried aghs, but with his level 25 ability he can do 1500 magic dmg to a hero every 10 seconds from 900 range. Pretty insane. AC works well, but I haven't tried deso, which seems like it would work well with his nethertoxing + dmg. He still farms slow but you win your lane hard and get towers and can farm the map at your pace. [link] [comments] |
How legit is a "catch-up" Midas for carries? Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:22 PM PST In 2 separate games within the past 2 days, I've experienced being both with and against a position 1 carry who decided to buy a Midas to catch up from a horrible start. In one game ( with a friend, he had a difficult laning stage as Slark.. and decided to just go build an 18 minute Midas, since he said he didn't think he'd be able to fight even if he went for the usual combo of Shadowblade + Echo Sabre. We lost the game, but his decision to get the Midas did allow him to almost turn the game. TBH, I felt it was me who was most ineffective in that game on my offlane LC, and we would have won that game if I was more on point. In a separate game ( this time in a stack - the enemy team just kept camping our midlane Ember Spirit and secured TA's early game, and pretty much just sacrificed their safelane Morphling's farm and left our safelane Antimage to free farm. The Morphling also got a roughly 18-minute Midas, and the enemy team basically just tried to keep up pressure with their 4-man. We still won the game, but the Morphling was still able to become a dominant force and I feel that their loss was more on them not doing anything about our Antimage rather than the Morphling getting destroyed early. In both games, the team with the catch-up Midas did lose, but I felt that it wasn't so much because the carry was "useless" so much so as because the winning team was so far ahead anyways.. and that the Midas pickup actually gave them a better chance of turning the game. 2 games isn't that big of a sample pool, especially when they're below 5k average.. but I also remember a recent progame (I think it was Na'Vi), where they pretty much sacrificed their position 1's farm and just had him get a Midas later on. So how legit is the catch up Midas? And what factors should you be taking into consideration when going for it? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:11 PM PST Bounty has a 375 damage nuke that bounces across tracked targets within 1200 range of each other, and Aghs increases that to 750. When Aghs was introduced, I thought "hey, this looks nice, maybe it'll get popular" but that didn't happen. 7.02: Level 20 brings him to 450 base Shuriken Toss, and 900 with Aghs. That's an insane amount of damage applied to all heroes he has track on, and he doesn't even have to be close to them to start the ability. Also it "ministuns" for 0.75 (which is a pretty long-ass ministun)... I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but I do see that Icefrog might be pushing BH back into magic nuker territory, away from roamer territory. Don't get me wrong, he's the wrong hero to hard farm with, since as soon as he hits level 6 he should be fighting nonstop. Additionally, I believe you can disjoint Shuriken Toss, which is probably the single biggest reason for it to suck. If the first person the Shuriken is tossed at has Blink off cooldown, then it's not gonna bounce further, thus making it useless. Maybe the Aghs is good, maybe it's not, but I think it's worth investigating a bit. Remember back when Mirana Aghs was introduced and nobody caught onto it for a few weeks (my memory might be foggy)? Then the hero was the hottest shit (alright, maybe LS is in contention too) of that patch. I'm not saying BH is automatically in "Mirana circa 6.87" territory of strength as a nuker, but it could be alright. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:01 AM PST Now now lads, before you flame, I'm just theorycrafting here. I was thinking of this build before 7.02, but that sort of helped it with the lance talent. Anyhow:
Why deso you might think. It has no synergy with illus, except that it boosts their damage more than a yasha! You need to hit a hero once and all illus get more efficient. Also the desolator helps you take objectives. In team fights it should play out at Lance for some illus, then charge 1 opponent and micro your illus onto them. Thoughts? I was also thinking about just swapping the deso for AC, but AC costs a lot more. However, AC provides more to your illus via attack speed. Flame away! :) [link] [comments] |
What kind of heroes should not level up their talent tree when the skill point is avaliable? Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:55 PM PST What kind of heroes should not level up their talent tree when the skill point is avaliable? I just checked dotabuff hero guide, but it doesn't show when those hero level up the talent tree or a winrate comparsion. [link] [comments] |
Salve Tower Diving: The next big thing? Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:22 PM PST With the changes to the interaction of salve with tower damage (no longer dispels salve), I would expect this to be the next big thing we see in play during the early game. It might just be uncommon right now because people aren't used to the interaction. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:21 PM PST Source: 4.8k SEA. Midas used to be an item that you always needed to consider as your first item pickup, whether you are a core or a support. It was a beautifully conceptualized item, involving taking a risk when building it, in return for an incremental advantage as the game progressed. It required heavy forward planning and decision-making, requiring you to make the correct assessment of the game flow, affecting your playstyle as well as your team's. As a midas builder in your team, you had to pit your team's lineup versus the enemy, read how the game would be played, account for deviations from expected outcome (eg. some guy fucks up despite supposedly having the laning advantage), then decide whether or not to build it. As an ally with a midas builder on your team, you tried to shore up for your teammate; Having understood the factors that led to his eventual decision to build midas, you altered your playstyle in hopes of accomodating for him becoming stronger later. HOWEVER, with patch 7.00, together with the rubberband comeback mechanic, Let's take a look at the ways midas was used last time. Some good midas pickups included:
But now, a midas pickup at any time seems semi-auto lose. The meta now encourages constant fighting over farming, and having 2k gold sunk into an item that doesn't help you fight better. It no longer lets you gain a sufficiently large advantage early enough to justify this tradeoff. Specifically, of the above mentioned points, the following are nullified, and you would rather get another fighting/core item for yourself:
What are your experiences with picking up midas? Are there any heroes that should still build midas exclusively, and not risk throw your team behind? [link] [comments] |
Curving Hooks With Pudge - An In-depth Look At Hook Mechanics (Jenkins of Team Red) Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:37 PM PST Thoughts on how applicable this can be in game? I'm thinking it would be good in lane when you have time to be making those sort of hooks or when sieging, but most spur of the moment hooks won't improve with this. [link] [comments] |
How is HP calculated? I seem to be missing something with the formula and DOTA doesn't explain Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:18 PM PST Total HP = Base HP + STR*20 as per the dota wiki. So take Sven as an example: level 1 he has 23 STR and his base HP is 200. He gains 2.7 STR/level. Level 1 his HP should be 200+23(20) = 200+460 = 660HP. When you load up a demo for Sven in client, you see that he has 660HP at level 1 and when you hover over his attributes you see STR gives +460HP so that makes sense. Level 2 his HP should be 200+25.7(20) = 200+514 = 714HP. However, when you look at Sven in game he has 700HP at level 2. When you hover over his attributes it says 26HP (it rounds) which gives +514HP. This continues: +622 HP at level 3 which should give 822HP but instead you get 820HP. Etc. What's going on? Am I missing something obvious here? [link] [comments] |
Why Luna has dominated creep always going with her? Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:43 PM PST I understand that Sven before 7.00 used dominated creep to stack ancients. But I don't understand why Luna make creep always go with her. [link] [comments] |
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