Elder Scrolls Online - Theorycraft Thursday - Discuss Builds, Skills, Strategies, and More!

Theorycraft Thursday - Discuss Builds, Skills, Strategies, and More!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:02 AM PST

Welcome to Theorycraft Thursday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread in the subreddit!

MMO veterans will know that Theorycrafting is the core of many discussions about this genre of games, and ESO is no different.

With the high level of variance in builds, skills, and strats, there's plenty of room for Theorycrafting, and we want to see what you have to share with the community on that front.

Have a build you've experimented with? A particular skill or set of skills that synergize well? A strategy for PvE or PvP that works to great effect? Share it here!

If you're new, you can also use this thread to ask questions about viable builds and skills as well!

As always, please keep in mind our rules on the sidebar, especially the one about "no personal attacks, callouts, rude behavior, or other such disrespectful content".

Disagree respectfully and know that everyone has different ideas and playstyles that suit them.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:35 AM PST

[PC] I released an addon to easily teleport between houses, please let me know what you think

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:10 AM PST

I started playing a week ago coming from guild wars 2.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:50 PM PST

ESO is like a breath of fresh air. It's everything I want in an MMO. I got the game at launch, and then played for a while and quit because it wasn't as good as gw2. I came back to the game a few days ago after browsing the subreddit. I thought I would give it another chance after all the positive things I had read. Man am I glad that I did, I have never had so much fun doing PvE as I am a hardcore PvP player. This game's PvE blows guild wars 2 out of the water.

submitted by /u/Maneezy
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The game within the game! Luring mobs to AFK players at Alik'r Desert Dolmens!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:25 AM PST

An official ESO companion app for real-world mats would be great

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:52 AM PST

Before hubs and I started playing ESO a few months ago, we were playing Pokemon Go. We were walking 5-10km a day and not even noticing it, was great. Then we got them all (available in our region) so stopped playing. With the release of 80 new Pokemon, we figured for our health's sake we should get back into it - but I'll miss ESO!

A few years ago, one of the Assasin's Creed games had a companion app that linked to the actual game so that you could do trading routes to contribute to your game while commuting or otherwise AFK.

Which got me to thinking - how awesome would it be to have an ESO companion app that was a bit like Pokemon Go, where you could, for example, walk around looking for the new raw mats in the real world? Might get my arse off the couch again and still feel like I'm working towards my goals in ESO.

Could also be a good way to get more people into ESO, considering the popularity of Pokemon Go even with people like me who aren't really into Pokemon.

submitted by /u/retrokat
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I've got Social Anxiety, but I want to be involved in ESO. Any tips?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:52 AM PST

Hey, everyone. This is my first post in the sub, and I'm not really sure if this is the right place for this sort of thing, but here it goes.

I'm pretty inexperienced with MMOs, but have always been interested in them. I love the elder scrolls world, and I'm really fascinated in the community a game like this can create. I've always wanted to be part of something like this, so I bought the game and I've got a level 13 stamina nightblade. Having social anxiety means that I'm prone to dropping off the face of the planet, however, and I have a really hard time initiating conversation with anyone in fear of revealing my inexperience to them or making them think less of me through a slip up (I know its dumb, but I can't seem to kick the fear) I worry that if I, for example, join a guild, there's going to be expectations I won't be able to meet, and I'll just end up ruining somebody's day.

Basically, the gist of this post is to ask for any advice you guys might have for me on how to get involved with the community? How to act with people, what worry about and not worry about, what I can do to get more involved, and so forth? Again, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this or I'm rambling or whatever, but I'd really like to enjoy this game and I'm just not sure how. And advice would be appreciated, and thanks for reading!

Edit: Wow! I never expected so many replies all at once! For those wondering, I'm Aldmeri Dominion, and I'm on the NA PC server. These comments really mean a lot to me, thank you for all the advice! Especially the posts about how you guys deal with your own anxiety issues, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. It's also reassuring to read how relaxed most people tend to be in the game, and I think it's going to give me the courage to reach out a little bit more in my gameplay. Thanks again everyone!!

Edit 2 : To make it easier, I'm just going to put my ID up here! I'm @RedCurrySauce, and I'd be more than happy to add anyone who'd like to do the same. I'm from Nova Scotia, which is on the east coast of Canada for a time reference. Thank you for reaching out, everyone, I could have never guessed I would make so many friends!

submitted by /u/fatecallsuponus
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I think I'm the luckiest player in Tamriel

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:14 PM PST

So, I have been grinding for weeks. Endless vCoA1 runs for BSW, then vCoH1 for Illambris. Undaunted pledges for the tiny chance of Illambris epaulets in divines.

So, as of yesterday afternoon I needed BSW breeches, belt. Illambris divines epaulets and head.

I got the 2 remaining BSW pieces in 2 consecutive runs (thanks Phero if you're reading this), was feeling pretty good about it all. Got home from work, dropped into a great pug group and smashed out fungal and selenes, and the epaulets drop in the first chest I opened.

Amazed at my good fortune, I was feeling a sense of resignation knowing that I would have to grind vCoH1 for the head piece.

Divines medium helm on my first run. I'm still stunned by it.

So, to my fellow denziens of Tamriel, I am sorry for hoarding all of the luck and I hope it finds it's way to you shortly.

submitted by /u/The4th88
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For all new players learn from my dumb mistake. Justice system related

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:28 PM PST

Long story short I RP as a DC assassin. This characters back story is that his family was murdered by Khajit in a thieving attempt gone wrong. Since then he's been on a punisher style rampage against all Khajit to rid Tamriel of their filthy cat ways.

I went to Kenarthi Roost and racked up a 247 kill mount of murdered cat bodies. My bounty was around 70k. Pick pocket, kill, loot. Rinse repeat. Did this for hours. I "thought" I knew how the justice system worked. I had saved about 39k gold. I sold my loot to a fence when I wanted to stop and went to get killed by a gaurd. He took ALL of my 39k gold and reduced my bounty to around 50k. No matter how many times I die I can't reduce the bounty due to it tying directly into the gold you have. I asked support about this and they confirmed. It's been 5 days and my bounty is only down to 17k and I've used all my 500 clear warrants I've had. Character is unplayable until this weekend at best, and that will be 8 days

So TLDR if you're going to rack up a bounty be sure you know that it costs gold to reduce it even if your killed by a guard, it won't remove your bounty

submitted by /u/Acaelus7
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[PC] I love ESO Outlaw Refuges!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:27 AM PST

There's lots of reasons I'm fond of this game, but one in particular are the Outlaw Refuges. The game designers could have easily cheaped out here, and created one generic map for the outlaw refuges. Instead, they created refuges that fit in thematically with the town in which they were located.

Each one I've come across is different and fascinating. My favorite so far is the one in Windhelm. Well done game designers!

submitted by /u/KabukiGhost
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Quickly Level Legerdemain - The Apple Method

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:04 PM PST

Need to level Legerdemain fast? It's rather easy, and can be maxed with minimal time investment (for the most part).

Each stolen item you sell or launder gives 1 point for Legerdemain. The more you sell, the more you launder, the faster Legerdemain levels. To do so swiftly and with minimal risk you can use the Apple Method. South of Belkarth, Craglorn you'll find a lake with some docks, and by these docks... apple baskets. Tons and tons of apple baskets (25 in all). Each basket has the chance to drop up to 3 Apples and up to 2 Decorative Wax. Loot all the apple baskets, log out and back in to reset them, loot again. Repeat as needed.

A single run can usually net about 40-50 apples, and it takes of 2-3 minutes per run.


Not bad for about 25 minutes of farming, eh?

Why the Apple Method?

Disclaimer: This is not a profitable way to level Legerdemain. This is about mass harvesting apples make hitting the daily a breeze. It's one of the fastest methods in game of doing so. Apples can be gathered in stacks of up to which means you can massive amounts of apples and not have to worry about inventory management.

The ONLY limitation to power leveling Legerdemain is the daily cap on fences. At base level, you can earn up to 100 points in Legerdemain a day through Fences (50 stolen items, 50 launders). Put 1 point into Trafficker (a Legerdemain passive) and that number shoots up to 220 potential in Legerdemain a day (110 stolen items, 110 launders). With Trafficker fully maxed you can earn up to 280 points (140 stolen goods, 140 fenced items). A single skill point will allow you to maximize your stolen apples per day, and max out Legerdemain in no time.

Bonus: Cloth, wood, rune and heavy sack nodes all spawn near the apple baskets. Freebies while you farm.


One guard and one generic NPC do patrol the baskets but they're easy to avoid. If the guard spots you there's a bridge to the southwest that you can hide under to shake 'em off fast.

submitted by /u/DragoneerFA
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I think it would be cool to add costumes that unlock for your character after reaching certain milestones of achievement points.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:11 PM PST

I just think it would be a fun way to add some reward for players who like to grind out achievements.

submitted by /u/ProbablyAPun
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It's a cold dark night in Davon's Watch.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:51 PM PST

Easiest and hardest class to play?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:34 PM PST

Many things factor in here of course, like whether you're doing solo or group content. I guess I'm coming from how complicated it is to fill the role you're likely to want with this specific character.

I've played for a while and while I haven't tried everything I think Stamina DK and Magicka Templar are the easiest classes to play.

Magicka Sorcerer is a bit more complex to make work in solo but when you figure it out the damage output is tremendous. Not sure if it's the most complex playstye though.

Thoughts? Magicka Nightblades seem fun to me.

submitted by /u/ToffeeKing
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My friends house... is a death trap!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:21 PM PST

Stamina Dk vs Magicka Dk

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:56 PM PST

Hey r/elderscrollsonline

Just bought the game today and just hit level 9 on my Dark Elf DK. So I've been putting all my points into magicka but I've been using a mix of heavy and light armor (mostly heavy) and also sword and shield. It feels like I'm trying to get a mix of both melee and magic damage which I assume holds me back from DPS cause I should be focusing on one in order to maximize damage. I want to do both PVE and PVP, I just want to know which ones the most optimal and like strengths and weaknesses.

submitted by /u/ForestFiresOP
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Daily Dungeon Discussion 2017-2-16: Ruins of Mazzatun

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:46 PM PST

Ruins of Mazzatun

Location: Shadowfen


Dungeon Info (Bosses-sets not necessarily correlated)

Bosses Sets
Zatzu Amber Plasm
The Mighty Chudan Aspect of Mazzatun
Xal-Nur Scourge Mighty-Chudan
Tree-Minder Ka-Nesh Widowmaker
- -
- -
- -


Be sure to think about strategies, builds, bosses, and rewards in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.

submitted by /u/RobertofPotatoland
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Are houses just for aesthetic?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:04 PM PST

I am a new player and was wondering if there is a benefit to having or logging out in your home as opposed to anywhere else? I'm kind of wondering cause if not it seems like a pain to not log out closest to where I have quests going on.

Or is it just for aesthetic fun?

submitted by /u/tandanmarino
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Assassin Personality and Emotes glitching

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:18 PM PST

Hey all,im honestly just wondering about the state of the Assassin personality and its associated emotes. Its quite difficult to google such things with ESO for some reason..everything is years past.

Basically,can someone tell me if the disappearing dagger during the emotes is a known thing? As in "eat apple" "lean back" "lean side" emotes etc Currently they're borked,at least for me..the dagger disappears into thin air after the first animation pass and as a result the emotes are pretty useless in an immersive sense.

Its a small thing i guess,but i just want to make sure its not just me since googling ESO problems is not very effective. I assume there are other players out there that enjoy that personality and wonder why their dagger is going invisible while they are eating an apple lol =)

submitted by /u/_Dachande
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How to Sacrament in my house?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:48 PM PST

Anybody know if there are furnishings/trophies that will serve as a human skeleton? I have everything else i need(sacraficial heart, candles, knife) and would love to set up a sacrament in my house.

submitted by /u/Freewilly555
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Tried to fix Domus Phrasticus house

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:53 AM PST

Can you give me some tips on PVP for a stamina Dragonknight?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:00 PM PST

TLDR: Looking for PVP builds for bow and 2hand stamina dragonknight. What kind of armor, strategies for pvp, etc.

Hello! I am looking for a few helpful hints on how to make a stamina dragonknight work for PVP. Right now I have a bow as my main hand and a 2hand sword has my backup.

The skill bar for my bow is poison injection, lethal arrow, flame lash, burning talons, green dragon blood, and my ultimate is rapid fire. The backup skill bar is executioner, dizzying swing, burning embers, obsidian shield, and igneous weapons. The ultimate is take flight.

I do okay just staying in the back of crowds and helping pick off enemies, but one on one I usually get wrecked. I looked online for PVP builds, but I'm not too sure which one is best, so I would like some additional feedback.

I'm looking for helpful tips on good builds and strategies for pvp. Thank you!

submitted by /u/AlecSpaceLee
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Stamina nightblade pve

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:25 PM PST

Since you all liked my Crystal Garden video last week, here's an up to date Day/Night version!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:25 AM PST

Do Khajiit see cats the way we see monkeys?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:02 AM PST

Or have they evolved from a totally different species?

submitted by /u/MyOtherAcctsAPorsche
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