Dota 2 - Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017: EU and CIS Qualifier Day 4 Match Discussions

Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017: EU and CIS Qualifier Day 4 Match Discussions

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:19 AM PST

Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017 EU and CIS Qualifiers

Organized by Perfect World

Need info on the event? Check out the CIS Survival Guide and the EU Survival Guide

Missed Day 3? Catch up here

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CIS matches:

EU matches:

Day 3: February 5


ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results Cntdwn PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT
- - - - - - - - - - - -
A-LBSF vs. 12:00 03:00 06:00 11:00 12:00 19:00 22:00
B-LBSF vs. 15:00 06:00 09:00 14:00 15:00 22:00 01:00


ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results Cntdwn PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT
- - - - - - - - - - - -
A-LBSF vs. 15:00 06:00 09:00 14:00 15:00 22:00 01:00
B-LBSF vs. 18:00 09:00 12:00 17:00 18:00 01:00 04:00

Group A Loser Bracket Finals: Virtus Pro vs LQ

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:2  

Due to internet issues that VP has been having, LQ got a default win/walkover

Group B Loser Bracket Finals: Comanche vs F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   1:0  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

Group A Loser Bracket Finals: Ad Finem vs Team Secret

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:2  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

Group B Loser Bracket Finals: Alliance vs Ninjas in Pyjamas

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:0  

VODs: [Game 1]() | [Game 2]() | [Game 3]()

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Mushi departs Fnatic

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 08:08 AM PST

Player Perspective is Awful for spectating microing pros

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:45 AM PST

You cannot see what the actual player perspective is. It only shows their perspective of what they do to their hero.

Every single time they click on a creep or select a creep you don't see the skill tab switch or anything, just their hero. So when trying to learn micro it is very hard to see what they are planning or why they are going certain places.

Like I cannot see the players perspective if they are controlling another unit only the main hero. Really frustrating when trying to learn from pros such as puppey.

submitted by /u/mjess96
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VP as a team aren't playing very well...

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:16 AM PST

I dunno, they seem kind of disconnected.

submitted by /u/TBYUBD
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Arteezy dodges Clockwerk hook

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:20 AM PST

There should be a Channeling requires stop option

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:53 AM PST

just like the teleport requires stop option

submitted by /u/trane20
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Mason with the big plays

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:55 AM PST

Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - February 6, 2017

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 11:19 AM PST

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done

Dark Moon

  • Dark Moon has come to an end. You can claim your points before 14 Feb, 2017.

Related Links

  • Changelog: None yet.

Patch Size: 124.1 MB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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Wish we could put sets on featured hero in profile like the old days...

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:35 AM PST

Spirit Bear's Name Change

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:54 AM PST

Given that Lone Druid is now Sniper with a bear, Spirit Bear should be renamed to "Spotter," as in "My spotter guides me."

submitted by /u/ratherhomely3114
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Seriously Lota?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:15 AM PST

Hero1: Everything wrong with Abaddon, part 2/2

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:12 PM PST

Part 1

Here is part 2, covering other stuff, like minor glitches, inconsistencies, inconveniences and some suggestions.

Note that most of these are not considered bugs. They are things that I think are hindering the hero unecessarily and would be nice if they were changed/tweaked.

Part 2 of 2: Suggestions and other minor things.


  • Total number of subjects: 17
  • Number of bugs: 8 (previous post)
  • Number of minor issues: 2.5 (this post)
  • Number of other stuff: 6.5 (this post)

other stuff includes inconsistencies, inconveniences and suggestions

1. Several updates to the ability tooltips


  • Mist Coil shows the damage and heal in one line. Issue with this is, when pressing ALT, it shows amplified values. But the heal does not get amplified, so this is wrong information.
  • Aphotic Shield doesn't list its damage type.
  • Aphotic Shield should have a new line for its area damage. Its damage values are equal to the shield capacity value, but the damage is amplified by spell damage, while the capacity is not. So the damage should have its line and show amplified values when holding ALT, while the damage capacity line should not.


  • Add ALT notes to his abilities. Really, except for a single one on Borrowed Time, none of them have ALT notes. And there is plenty of information which could be added:
  • Mist Coil's spell immunity interaction (can target allies, but not enemies)
  • Mist Coil's projectile speed and it being disjointable
  • Mist Coil's damage type on Abaddon (pure) and that it is lethal
  • Aphotic Shield dealing aoe damage even when expiring or getting dispelled
  • Aphotic Shield buff being inactive on Abaddon during Borrowed Time
  • Aphotic Shield not damaging invisible/fogged enemies
  • Curse of Avernus not slowing for illusions, but granting them the buff
  • Curse of Avernus working against enemy buildings, but not for allied buildings
  • Curse of Avernus buff being placed on attack begin, and debuff on attack hit
  • Borrowed Time not healing from the damage instance which passively activates it
  • Borrowed Time being castable while stunned, but not silenced, but can auto-activate even while silenced

Here is an image showing the current tooltips compared to the suggested versions (modified npc_abilities and dota_english txt to show how it would look ingame)

I prepared the npc_abilities and dota_english files, so they could be just copy-pasted over the original ones. At the bottom of this post, you can find the modified parts of those files.

2. Add a visual effect to allies affected by Borrowed Time aura

The aghs aura from Borrowed Time has no visual feedback on affected allies whatsoever. This is a disadvantage for both, allies and enemies. Allies may forgot about the aghs and don't realise they are 50% more tanky now, and enemies may not notice that Abaddon having aghs and may overcomit on his team.

Here is an example of effects which could be used (using already existing effects from Borrowed Time)

I replaced Drum of Endurance's visual effects with abaddon_borrowed_time_h.vpcf and abaddon_ambient_mist_b.vpcf. They are clearly visible, but not too much and can directly be associated with Abaddon, so it would be easy to tell that that hero is affected by Borrowed Time aura. The aura only lasts up to 10 seconds and it has a strong effect, so I think it can be a bit flashier.

This is how it looks like

3. Make allies unable to disjoint allied projectiles.

Currently, projectiles are disjointable regardless of team. This means an ally can disjoint your Mist Coil, Ethereal Blade and Fortune's End (Oracle's Q).

In my opinion disjointing should be only a beneficial move done to dodge enemy spells, and not allied spells, since disjointing allied spells has no upsides whatsoever. Like, an ally will never attempt to dodge your spell intentionally. They will also not think of the possibility of it happening. So as of now, as Abaddon or Oracle, you have to wait for your ally to use their blink before you can heal them or dispel them, or protect them with e-blade. It can get frustrating sometimes.

Yes, you could prevent this by communicating, but really, even if you play with a 5 stack and open mic, you'll not announce every Mist Coil you cast on your blinkers.

It would be quite benificial for Abaddon and Oracle if this was not a thing.

Video demo

4. Make Aphotic Shield able to damage invisible/fogged units

It's a non-targeted aoe effect. Why is it unable to hit invisible units within range? Other spells which had this property (Scream of Pain, Death Pulse, Shukuchi) were changed to affect fogged/invisible units in range. I think Aphotic Shield is the last aoe spell which can't.

5. Borrowed Time heals form Hearstopper Aura and False Promise.

Hearstopper Aura is supposed to be "negative regeneration", but yet it uses pure damage flagged as hp removal.

False Promise is pure flagged as hp removal as well.

Both of them completely bypass any form of damage manipulation.. except for Borrowed Time and Ghostship's rum. They even bypass Borrowed Time's aura. Other hp-removal effects bypass Borrowed Time and Ghostship, but these 2 don't. Armlet's degen, Soul Rip's aoe hp gather thingy, Ghostship's rum wear-off damage, all are hp removal and bypass Borrowed Time and Ghostship's rum.

Funny part is, neither Hearstopper Aura nor False Promise can passively proc Borrowed Time. Because they are flagged as hp removal and the passive-triggering ignores that.

video demo

The hp removal flag should be consistant. Heartstopper and False Promise should bypass everything like how other hp removal spells do.

6. Make Borrowed Time ignore 0 damage instances for its passive triggering

Basically, I suggest giving Borrowed Time the Blink Dagger treatment: Do not auto-activate on 0 damage instances. Remember when your blink on TA would get disabled during Refraction? Yea, Borrowed Time auto-activates even when you take physical damage during Guardian Angel, or any damage during False Promise, wasting its cooldown.

Borrowed Time already ignores magical damage while spell immune, but it does not do that when affected by other damage negating effects.

Video demo

7. Put some consistancy in Curse of Avernus' behavior on illusions.

Controversal, since it is a strong passive. But inconsistent stuff like this bothers me.

Curse of Avernus: Places the buff on each of the illusion's attacks, but does not place a debuff on attack targets. So it works partially for illusions.

Abaddon is not an illusion hero, so would it be strong to make it fully work for illus? Before 7.00, I'd have say make it not work for them at all, since the attack speed bonus doesn't work for them anyway. But now it does work for them.

video demo

8.Abaddon does not unsheath his sword upon denying allies

He only shows his sword when an enemy is nearby. So when denying, he attacks the ally without his sword. He should get his sword out when an enemy is nearby and when starting an attack.

video demo

9. Abaddon uses his self-deny lines when dying to an enemy Abaddon Mist Coil.

Yes these issues are getting very minor. This is where I stop.

Abaddon has special lines for denying himself with Mist Coil. This is the response rul for it

Response abaddon_DeathIsAbaddonCoilIsEnemyAbaddon

It specifies the dying hero (abaddon_Death), the killing ability (IsAbaddonCoil) and the killing hero (IsEnemyAbaddon). However, it does not specify the alliance. "IsAllyAbaddon" would specify it to be an allied Abaddon, and since allied Mist Coils only heal, it automatically limits it to the caster.

Response abaddon_DeathIsAbaddonCoilIsAllyAbaddon

video demo

submitted by /u/Bu3nyy
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Valve, can we please make our loading screen as background wallpaper of dota 2?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:55 AM PST

i just got a set in dark moon with a cool loading screen and i really want to use it and appreciate how beautiful it is.

submitted by /u/VasilissaZeta
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Making of a Set - from idea to workshop (The Elusive Hunter)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:16 AM PST

Virtus.Pro disqualified from DAC 2017 CIS Qualifier

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:04 AM PST

MP and Puppey swap into centaur stun combo

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:52 AM PST

Pudge fail on EE's stream

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 08:47 PM PST

Steampunk Dota2 by Kleophina

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:43 AM PST

Should Echo Sabre require a Sange?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 09:06 AM PST

Considering it applies a slow similar to Maim, and since SnY and Halberd have seen a decrease in use, it would be a neat way to reintegrate this item. I know it increases the cost of the item, but it could also give some more stats to compensate. Thoughts?

Edit: Forgot to mention that I didn't mean throwing a Sange into the current recipe, I meant switching out the Ogre Club for the Sange. So +1050 gold (now 3700), as well as the increased stats you get from Sange as opposed to the Ogre Club (6+ strength, 10+ damage).

submitted by /u/Reaper1442
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The Lonely Druid feat. Arteezy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:01 AM PST

Add a button to give the courier back to the pesron who last used it

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:12 AM PST

Simple as what the title says, can we get a bindable button that returns the courier to the last person who used it or where it was going? (Secret shop ect..)

submitted by /u/Just_fate_here
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Infinite mana, no cooldowns...

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:26 PM PST

Alt-clicking spells on level 1 learns them instead of saying "> Not learned"

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 06:10 PM PST

Still a problem if you want to indicate to your teammates that you have not invested a skill point yet and are therefore free to react appropriately if a level 1 fight is about to occur.

submitted by /u/metropolic3
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What the hell is happenig in the VP vs LQ match right now...

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:49 AM PST

The constant disconnects, what the hell is happening

submitted by /u/Just_fate_here
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