DayZ - Uhh.. Yes please!

Uhh.. Yes please!

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:05 AM PST

A Psychopath Named Brian - (Screenshot)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:05 AM PST

Eugen Harton: Internal Milestone - Road to Beta

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:55 AM PST

We should be able to untie these

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:50 PM PST

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 07:33 AM PST

Backpacks as base building?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 02:10 AM PST

Is backpacks persistant? Can I drop a backpack in a tree, and access it for days? Or are we just talking hours before they despawn?

Also, is persistance fully operational on the UN server. Anyone know? Ive done the misstake of making a base on another server, only to realize the server has persistance wiped every restart. Seeing hours of running here and there gone.. ugh.

submitted by /u/havagrim
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And here ended the story of Oliver, the offroad car.. - I need them vehicles, and I need them NOW!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:48 PM PST

The compas needs to be more usefull

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 05:27 AM PST

Anyone else feel like the compas is just not usefull enough.

I really think it could be a sought after item if it provided on screen help, like UI elements on the top to give you a heading, sort of like Squad does, you instantly know what direction you are looking at 0-360.

submitted by /u/tali_0
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Do bodies still stay in the game for 30 seconds upon despawn?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:49 PM PST

cuz I was in a gunfight with a dude and all of a sudden he stopped moving in the middle of a field and became bulletproof

submitted by /u/WaviestMetal
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Hey Guys. New Youtuber and have some good gameplay here. Please check it out as it would help me a lot! :)

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 04:05 AM PST

Turf War - A DayZ Gang vs Gang Affair

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:37 AM PST

With the game getting closer and closer to the beta, i think its time to talk and think about mods, so what kind of mods do you guys want to see or make?

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 12:06 AM PST

Yeah yeah, don't ride the hype train that hard.. just share your idea, i wanna work on mods dayone but I honestly have no idea of what to make? does any of you have great adding idea? yes? then go ahead and share it mah boy.

submitted by /u/alphadoh
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The only bars axing that I would like, would be covering windows for light discipline.

Posted: 18 Feb 2017 03:49 AM PST

My Fire Fight Story

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:24 PM PST

So this evening, I had a fire fight with 2 groups of enemies at the same time I thought I'd share this story with you all. I was travelling with 2 of my friends up the western road near Zelenogorsk, we were all well geared. One my buddies had a full ghillie suit and the other green camo. We saw a lone guy running up the road with a purple backpack and decided to take him out. We winged him and he ran away into the trees. So being the bad guys that we are, we chased him.

After a 5 minute search we called it off, laughing at how we missed an easy target. We moved closer the Zelen and set up an over watch position to see the military area and range find the town, as we were doing this... we were ambushed from behind, the purple backpack guy who we had tried to kill came back with some other players. My ghillie suit buddy was shot and killed instantly. My other buddy was shot and was knocked unconscious. I returned fire, by myself... thinking this was the end, and I was gonna use my entire arsenal to take them out, or die trying. I picked one with my CR527 instantly, I saw 2 guys run for cover and one run off entirely and another adjust his shooting position, and one with a purple backpack booking it. I chambered another round and shot at the purple backpack running away, missed, Thats when I heard another shot, coming from the town. I was surrounded, nowhere to run except in plain sight.

I couldn't run, and I can't fight all of them at once. I dropped to prone and assessed my options, then saw one the guys from the trees run out to rush me... I pulled out my side arm and put him down the fire was very direct. The shooting from the town continued, wild and hissing past me as I reloaded my side arm and got my primary out again. I aimed into the trees to gather some intel, I saw a man bolt away from his cover. 3 enemies dead now, I wondered if I actually might make it out alive. With another round loaded into my rifle I turned my attention to the town. 2 guys were rushing up the hill, I hoped in the confusion I might allow them to get closer so I seemed that there were more than 3 of us, to the perspective of the forest attackers. I decided the time was right to relocate as last as the direct fire had stopped, I booked it from the bush I was hiding in, to a fir tree not to far away. I saw a movement back from where the first person I shot lied... hopefully dead, I saw the purple backpack move in the trees.

4 down, I knew I had missed one ambushers in the trees, as I had seen one run off in a different direction from the rest of his team, so I decided to see where the guys coming up the hill were. I looked back down the hill and saw one of the guys take a knee and aim, RIGHT AT ME. I moved and heard the crack he missed by inches, I chambered another round, turned and stood up... headshot, 5 down. I needed to reload, I took cover again. Put a fresh mag into my rifle and aimed down the hill, I saw the 2nd guy run away... at last a break. I moved back to my original position to revive my comrade who hadn't died in the first wave of bullets. He was up wounded but able to help at last, he started looting the medical supplies from the ghillie to get himself back to normality. I moved back to the fir tree having a good view on both angles on where the enemy had come from, I waited for a couple of minutes then I saw a flick on the trees. The final ambusher, center chest, he dropped. We secured the kills by head shooting the bodies I had shot and we moved out just like that, not wanting to stay around or guessing that I had missed one. My buddy who was shaken stirred and one helmet in the red after had survived the ambush, I thought to myself... god damn I love this game, it can go from relaxed hiking to crazy firefights in an instant.

Anyway, I thought I would share this with you guys and hope you all have a great weekend playing DayZ

submitted by /u/schuhshine
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Saved by... cows?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:51 PM PST

Recovering from an engagement in Dubrovka, out of shotgun ammo, three arrows left, I approached a house on the outskirts. Saw some wolves aggro to me and ran into the house. I tried to target what I was hoping was the alpha but failed to kill it with my arrows through the window. After several minutes I decided I had enough, dropped a back pack in the entrance of the door hoping the wolves could get past it, broke down my bow to use as a staff then opened the door. Immediately a wolf jumped at me. I hit it with my stick, it yelped and turned around and then the entire pack fled. "Yeah! Run cowards!" Turns out they aggroed onto a herd of cattle about 100m away. Picked up the backpack and ran for my life.

submitted by /u/RAIGPrime
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Is there any way to record DayZ with Shadowplay without changing resolution all the time?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:11 AM PST

It's just a pain in the ass to have to change the reso every time, and the worst thing is that the couple of times one forgets to do that, is when something interesting happens lol.

Does anyone knows any painless way to make the goddamn software to record with good exposure? It used to work just altabing, but since the last releases that trick doesn't work anymore :(.

PD. I have reshade with the game, so it takes for ever to only change the resolution lol

submitted by /u/eXWoLL
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What's the difference between standalone and Arma 3?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:41 PM PST

I've never played the game, someone told me to try the mod and see if I like it. Do I just install 1 mod to play it, and join special servers?

submitted by /u/TheWombatFromHell
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Why does my game look like this?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:46 AM PST

I have tried everything, setting everything to high, messing around the settings in the username.dayz.cfg but it always looks like this

What should I change?

Edit: Another pic You can see the paper trees.

submitted by /u/Bali014
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New, been reading FAQs and such, but still have a question

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:07 AM PST

If I understand the servers, a "high" pop means there should be close to a full server correct? I get that the map is huge...and I'm a fucking newbie, but how do I get to where more players are? I know some will mess with me, others might help, but it's fucking lonely out there with a kids backpack, a broken hoe/unloaded shotgun, and on the coast. I also need a fucking coat. :/

submitted by /u/Baltorussian
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DayZ Server Fail

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:24 PM PST

That moment when you log in to hop on your base and do some supply runs... only to find your Server is gone.

Anyone else have this problem?

submitted by /u/Yeyindex
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