DayZ - Testing with the lag upon shooting - Part 2 - Updated for New Experimental Patch

Testing with the lag upon shooting - Part 2 - Updated for New Experimental Patch

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:57 AM PST

What happened?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:41 AM PST

Why suddenly so much salt and negative reviews/comments on steam?

submitted by /u/LaxeDLL
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Cars are fun!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:26 AM PST

Servers down

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:19 AM PST

I think the stable servers have gone down for an update. Time to switch to experimental!

submitted by /u/xperimentalj
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Here's a small experiment to those complaining about loot.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:45 AM PST

Join any server. Empty, or full. Spawn in, run up and down the coast. Search every house. Empty, right? Little loot? That's because you're not the only one doing that. Long before you, someone ran that path and took 20 out of the 100 items available. And after that, someone ran that path, and took 20 out of the 80 items available. And after, someone with a mountain backpack they nicked off a body took everything else, and left very little. Now run inlands. Any city you've never heard about. See the loot? That's because you're one of the first ones to get there.

Now, join any empty private server. Run down the coast. See the difference? Plenty of loot compared to public servers, or even populated private servers. That's because, just like the city you got to previously, you're one of the first there.

Be smart. Don't loot the coast. Head inlands, try taking a different path you usually do. And you're likely to be the first one there, to loot to your hearts content. Sure, if you want to run the same Svetlojarsk>NWAF>Tisy path that everyone else takes and camps, feel free. Enjoy finding what could be a flip of a coin.

TL;DR Coastal loot is null. Be smart, get lucky, and get inlands through alternate routes.

submitted by /u/The_Mighty_Brrrrrrrt
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Anxiously waiting for the new player controller so no more deaths like this happen

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:11 AM PST

Pants to go with converse sneakers

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:19 PM PST

I am playing FashionZ and am looking for the most fashionable pants I can get that have a high-cut style so I can see the beautiful weed leaf and full shoe of the sneakers. Short canvas pants are out of the question. Thanks for the help!

submitted by /u/aoudo
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Nearly 4 years since that time Dean and Matt showed us for the first time the amount of zombies that would be present in a Standalone standalone. ^_^

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:56 PM PST

The loot spawns are crap now.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:10 AM PST

Where's the 9mm ammo, where's the mags? I'm swimming in a sea of izh rifles, can't find 7.62x39 till I'm 5 k inland. This game has turned into a chore. I have no idea what it's striving for anymore? PVE? Your zombies are horrible, completely boring to fight and even run from. Wolves? Same shit, lock yourself in house and fire 380 rounds until nothing else comes. I want immersion, I have no idea what the developers want.

Taking 90 percent of the ammo spawns out and trading them for weapons you can never find rounds for was a step in the wrong direction. I love hard games but this is just annoying. I use to be able to kill hackers, now I just have to sit there and watch as they take all my gear that took hours to gain. Give us ammo or give us anti cheat that works. Right now the investment is insane! You're wasting our time. Some of us like to get a working gun and roll with friends, that now takes 4 hours! Which has scared all my friends off the game, luckily I still have no life and your not wasting anything there.

So summarize, revert the loot back to march 2016 or earlier loot system. My immersion is null due to lack of loot in any of the shore spawns. A house with nothing is not a house. Get your head out of your ass devs and develop a game your customers want not an invest all my time for little reward shit show it is now.

submitted by /u/manborg
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Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:08 AM PST

Car implementation

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:10 AM PST

When do you guys think cars are going to be implemented again?..I miss them so much when you had squad of 3-4 people it was not even hard to build.

Sorry for english mistakes if there are any.

submitted by /u/pixeelcz
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My thoughts about DayZ after 3 years of not playing

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:51 AM PST

I played the game since the mod and had a lot of fun with my friends in it. We survived long, roamed the land and even found some friendlies, even though we all had high gear. Still nobody wanted to shoot. Still, even the mod had a lot of people with shoot on sight mentality but it was good fun.

I then went out to buy the Early Access Alpha as soon as it came out and it was pretty bad. I had about 30 fps in the wild and 15 in cities so that alone made it unplayable and made me stop. I checked back every now and then but it didn't seem to make any progress at all over the years. Until I heard about the new engine. Since perfomance was my biggest problem, I gave the game another shot.

I have to say I am surprised. It did get a lot better than the mod. But there are still some serious issues with the game that many people love to defend since it is only alpha.

Loot spawning on the coast is broken. There is none. I see the devs want you to run inland but there could be at least some basic tools and cans of food. Not high-tier stuff. It just forces every freshy to sprint inland asap to avoid starving.

Hit-detection on zombies is a crapshoot. It was a lot worse in 2013 if I remember correctly but it is still so unreliable. Zombies can hit you from 3m away without any animation and almost every hit causes bleeding. The thing is: I don't think the Arma 2 engine can provide a solid melee system. A 2017 zombie-melee system should look something like Dead Island or Left 4 Dead 2 even. A swing with an axe should not require you to aim your crosshair perfectly on the enemies head. Arma 2 was obviously never built for that and I am afraid this is almost as best as it will get. A shame since melee is such an important gameplay feature.

If you get used to the clunky melee and sneak up from behind, you can get zombies dead without them noticing you but it becomes a problem as soon as 2 zombies see you. Be sure to get a lot of hits.

I had some issues with people that shoot on sight (even though I was obviously a freshy) but I can't imagine how the devs should fix this mentality without adding a morality system like the mod did, and I think it wouldn't fit. The one guy I killed at the airfield had almost all of his stuff ruined after that and I really asked myself why everybody still shoots on sight and doesn't try talking to each other first. Overall ruining the most of the equipment is a good way to stop this behaviour but I guess many people just kill and look what's still intact, instead of letting them just pass and have nothing, or talk to them and having yourself killed.

With all that said, I had a great time in the few last days playing again and I think I will continue to do so for a while. I pretty much rushed to the airfield, had the luck that only one other player was there and managed to hide, since I didn't even have any firearms yet, and geared up. I hope I can make it back to the coast without dying to meet up with two friends there. As far as I know: Having military gear makes you pretty much a shoot on sight target for every player so it adds another layer of tension and I will probably choose to go through the woods.

submitted by /u/Toxin_Snake
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DayZ SR's vs. Other SR's.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:44 AM PST

So first off know I'm ignorant to programming but I'm just exclaiming what I assume is to be the situation.

It seems after every SR a majority of the statements underneath are praise and about 30% of them are "Rust SR's are so much cooler!" intensely pushes glasses into face

And I get it, the RUST devs have done a really great job of putting all the new content in front of you as soon as they are WIP.

Now with that being said, when I play rust I feel like I'm playing a cartoon. I enjoy the game thoroughly and found it to be a nice arcadie break from the DAYZ experience.

Now when we are talking about DAYZ development, we are talking about a MASSSSSIVE open world, massive terrain shifts, giant housing developments, a hundred different mechanics for eating, poisoning, handcuffing, saying hello, and every things else under the sun.

I believe the reason for the SR's not being filled with insane amounts of added content is because the work it takes to developed something for this game is 10 fold what it would take for many other projects. This is all while we keep in mind that once BETA hits content is going to be added at a lot more rapid pace as they will have all of the framework done on the project.

Overall i'm disgustingly happy with my dayz experience so far, I'm happy with my devs, I'm happy with the direction of the game and everything else.

Before you type, "DEVS SUCK STILL IN ALPHA OHHHEMMMGEEEH!" Go look on your steam library and see how many hours you've enjoyed playing the game.

I'd say 30$ has been equalled out already 100 times over for myself, and will be 1,000 over in the future.

submitted by /u/camcantrun
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GMN - Sh*t hits the fan.ft. @Kyleess, Anzo + SlickShrik

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:44 AM PST

I'm about to jump back into this game after nearly 2 years without a PC. Question?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:09 AM PST

Haven't played in two years, if I remember correctly the last time I played they had just recently introduced the longhorn pistol and nerfed the NEAF. I have't played since the introduction of the winchester but that's about the only thing I know I haven't seen yet (and barrels and this big fuckoff car tents). Does anyone have any quick bits of advice for me? Places to find good loot (I'm sure the old loot layout has been changed), good weapons, new survival mechanics, etc?

I'm specifically curious about persistence and tents. Finding a good server that will keep my tents and barrels, especially.

submitted by /u/aryastarknaked1
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Cruel Bandits (DayZ .61)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:48 AM PST

Invisible zombies?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:13 PM PST

Waiting at the airfield for my buddy to arrive, suddenly I can't get out of the corner I've been sitting in, with something hitting me. Swing my axe around a couple times, hit nothing. Empty a 30 round mp5k mag in a circle, hit nothing. No zombie to be seen, no growling, and I'm dead 10 seconds later. Any idea if the devs know about this/have plans to fix it?

submitted by /u/orioles629
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Any friendlies out there?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:31 PM PST

I've been wanting to team up with someone in DayZ for a while now, I'm a noob but I would really love to play the game with people.

submitted by /u/XIWu-TangIX
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Chocolate Milk Choking Hazard - Ambushed in Gorka - 2v2 - 1pp [4:43]

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:59 AM PST

My friend found a Tent Car/Car Tent, New item? (Imgur Album)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:33 PM PST

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