DayZ - My first weekend playing Dayz

My first weekend playing Dayz

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 02:35 AM PST

I thought I'd share my first weekends experience of playing Dayz with you guys.

I'm a long time eve online player but recently iv been looking for a new challenge so thought I'd try out Dayz. Downloaded the game on Friday morning played for about an hour not having a clue what I was doing but still just in awe of the shear size of the game then the game decided to crash...... Over and over again no matter what I tried it would still just crash after about 20 mins with the memory could not be read errer that seems to be pretty common for Dayz, any way got fed up and switch the computer off and walked away. On Saturday afternoon I decided to have another go and this time it didn't crash and all I can say is wow what a game this is. Spent a good few hours running about with out a clue dieing to zombies or starving on the coast until I read up on the game a bit more and decided I better head in land. So with my kids back pack loaded with apples I set off inland. It really was true that the best thing to do is get off the coast it wasn't long until I had a better pack some decent clothes and plenty of food and water I even managed to get hold of a gun at a police station. On Sunday a decided to head to a military base so headed out to what I think people call the north west airbase. Here I got nicely knitted out in cameo gear and a fully loaded AK then I had my first encounter with anther player. I totally panicked and pressed all the wrong buttons then after about 5 seconds I was dead! I may of lost all my gear but wow was it fun so I respawned and started my adventure all over again.

In conclusion I love this game (apart from the crashing on Friday) and if your reading this and thinking about trying it out I highly recommend you do.

submitted by /u/Welsh-pirate
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We need this in dayz

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:55 AM PST

Let me Access the DayZ Feedback Tracker through my Steam Account

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 03:26 AM PST

I bought this game through Steam, with my steam account, that already identifies me. Even though i want to help improve this game, I don't want to register just another account to access the DayZ Feedback Tracker. Every new account is a new liability that takes time, and i have to remember/manage my password which is really annoying. Let me access it through my Steam account instead. Steam already implements an OpenID Provider Service, you just have to use it, Bohemia.


submitted by /u/Naut1c
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I hardly ever complain about this game, but this NEEDS fixing ASAP.

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 10:37 AM PST

Rick Grimes plays DayZ

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 11:29 AM PST

DayZ Standalone Top 3 Plays - Week 33

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:54 AM PST

Victory and Defeat - 400m headshot and then murdered by a makarov [1:39]

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:44 AM PST

Is it normal for all gear to get ruined in a single zombie hit?

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:45 AM PST

So got back into DayZ yesterday with some friends and it seems so much better than previously. But one thing that bothered me was the ruining of gear by zombies. I was hit by zombies on two occasions, but gave me a single hit. The first one ruined my pristine jacket, as well as all my ammo, bandages etc in the jacket. I was then hit later a single time and it ruined my trousers and all ammo inside. Is it just not worth using pockets? Should I put everything in my bag? I lost all 30 rounds for my mosin and I'd had them split in case too.

submitted by /u/div2691
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Hanging out with the squad

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:35 AM PST

Unsuspecting predator being predated

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:24 AM PST

Never been so close to any of them whithout being aggroed. I was actually 50 feet away, so close I could hear it's footsteps, what actually saved me. I fled to a safer pos and killed the furball.

submitted by /u/Bizarro_ST
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Sticks are overpowered

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

Hey folks,

yesterday we decided to play DayZ. Two of our mates were in Berezinho and my mate and I were close to Berezinho. I had a sprained ankle so we made a short stop to make a splint. Someone ran into us and hit me one time with his stick. Instantly unconscious.

My mate killed him, so we thought she can compress me now. Sadly the compress feature were buggy so we waited 5 minutes until I come back. Suddenly she can compress me and the animation starts. All of the sudden the same guy run into us again und hit my mate. Instantly unconscious.

IMHO the stick shouldnt be one hit wonder. The axe needs several hits to die/to be unconscious.

TL;DR We got raped by a bambi with a stick

submitted by /u/WaLLeGenius
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Join the [ UNMG CLAN]!

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 07:07 AM PST

Hello The [ UNMG CLAN ] is a free clan to join it's based on DayZ SA. right now we have about 11 members, we can provide you with gear. So heres how you join it you join this ts and to join it you need to respect everyone, you need to have TeamSpeak3 and you don't need you to be best on the game but most of our members is atleast have 500h on the game! So when you joined the ts you just poke a admin and tell them that you wanna join the clan! and you can ask about the rules in the ts!Have a good day!

submitted by /u/MaxKri03
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Posted: 06 Feb 2017 06:43 AM PST

Hi everyone,

I wanted to get a discussion going to see if anyone came up with useful keybinds that others might not have thought about. All I've done is remove the double tap Alt that gets you stuck in free look, and switching 1st/3rd person switch to left control. Anyone have any clever binds?

submitted by /u/RANDALLFLA666
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Risking my life to hold up my killer and letting him go - 1pp - Stary Sobor hills - [11:56]

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 12:54 PM PST

My character(s) don't heal at all

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:28 PM PST

I have this issue and it's become really annoying for me.

About two or three weeks ago I made a full ghillie suit and it almost burned me to death. I got rid of the suit but ever since then I can't heal, but not just with that character on that specific server. It's for every server and every account, public/private/3pp/1pp... you name it. I just can't heal. I'll just list everything I have tried to fix it so far, so that you won't need to make suggestions I already have tried.

  • knocked myself uncon. (punch in the face)
  • shot my characters in the leg
  • shocked them
  • took of my shoes and hurt my feet then put them back on
  • gave one 6x saline and 4x morphines
  • caught cold and then fixed my temp.
  • blood bagged
  • vomitted
  • tried different servers with fresh characters/killed them and respawned.
  • uninstalled dayz and then reinstalled it. done it on ssd and hdd. each time full clean installs.
  • tried epi-pens too.

funny enough, if I log my characters on another pc they start healing. This all started when I put on that ghillie and ever since then, no matter what server I play or which account I'm on, I can't heal on this pc. It's reported already but I'm looking for a solution, since maybe someone is going through the same.

submitted by /u/madyb
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Winchester w/ Hunting Scope 400m Headshot! (DayZ .61)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 04:50 AM PST

So I just deployed my atlas Bipod on my AKM...but the scope reticle still dances around when I look through it. Why is it still moving? (I wasn't healthy status, is that it?)

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 12:39 AM PST

or is the bipod essentially useless? Oh, I wasn't healthy so maybe that's it?

submitted by /u/GerhmanHerman
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Wolf pack attack at Tisy

Posted: 06 Feb 2017 05:57 AM PST

Thread for returning players?

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:46 PM PST

I see stuff that was in the game taken out, some stuff added, some things just changed. It's hard to go through every single patch to see what is changed.

Can we get a general thread of "what's current" Or perhaps just a general returning player thread.

I have a few questions myself from about .48 (I think I stopped then)

1) are heli crashes still in?

2) how does loot work now? Seems there can be literally nothing sometimes

3) are tents in? Permanent? Where are they now?

4) cars are out, but I see the parts. Did they ever do anything?

5) anything I should know?

submitted by /u/YokaiGaijim
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The Drug Trade | Short DayZ Movie

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:30 PM PST

The Pistol Game

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 09:07 PM PST

A Band of Brothers - DayZ Standalone

Posted: 05 Feb 2017 04:39 PM PST

This was a video I edited featuring the youtuber Superftlol along with some fantastic music by and . I hope all of you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed experiencing it :)

submitted by /u/Buttshnizzle
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