Civilization - AI in civ 6 is pushing me to my limits.

AI in civ 6 is pushing me to my limits.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 01:45 AM PST

This is the fourth time a different civ has told me not to settle cities next them AFTER those fuckers settle next to mine. Two out of those four times, those civs went to war with me later. Why? For what reason? APPERENTLY FOR SETTLING CITIES NEXT THEM. I didn't do that, they did. I don't want war. They do. As if religion and culture victories weren't hard enough, this God awful AI is making it even more difficult. Did I miss some important update/patch that fixed this? Or are other people dealing with this as well? Help.

Edit: Spelling

submitted by /u/data_vomit
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I've just released a mod for Civilization V based on the first Christian kingdom in the British Isles, the Kingdom of Kent! Go check it out!

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:54 PM PST

Insane capital city (emperor)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:28 AM PST


Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:10 PM PST

Is there an Earth map mod for V where it's upside down like this?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:11 PM PST

I keep checking this sub reddit everyday hoping to find there is another update. sigh

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:23 PM PST

Constant disappointment.

submitted by /u/Jollygrand
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Great Entertainers! Festivals! Colosseum! :D (Mod dl link and info in linked gallery)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:12 AM PST

So, I'm wondering what the developers' actual plan was for playing with AI...

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:08 AM PST

After playing a lot of games I had gotten sort of used to how the AI played. Mostly I would be denounced by all of them but that's because I go for domination and war most of the time. But the last game I started really summed up all the problems I had with the game. I'm playing as Rome, minding my own business when a few turns in, cleopatra declares war with me, presumably because I'm weak. That makes a bit of sense, and I'm fine with it. I fight her off, and before I'm even done with that, Greece declares war. Strange. He says "it's for the greater good." I've never played against Greece, but I'm literally just minding my own business, so I assume it was some asinine reason like not providing enough ________for him (even though I'm focusing on growth and myself, it's like turn 30 ffs). Okay, so I fight off the both of them and focus on expansion. Then victoria declares war on me because she doesn't have a city on the continent. What? Uh, okay, fight her off. Greece declares war on me again. Great. I didn't take any of their cities or do anything to them in these conflicts, and I've been in war for like 120 turns. And since it's on emperor, the only way for me to get back up would be for me to take one of them out during war. So basically I have to go back to the domination game, because I failed to satisfy every need and demand of the other civs. It's pretty ridiculous.

I'm just not sure what the developer thought that players would act towards the AI. Upon seeing that to please 3 civs, the player would have to divert their focus and put themselves behind in order to appease everyone, they would just say fuck it and go to war. At max, I think a player is able to appease one or two other leaders without screwing themselves. But that leaves every other civ to hate you for asinine reason. It just seems unfun to play against because in order to not go to war the entire game, you have to spend all your resources appeasing them and then you lose because they can focus on research or religion or whatever but you have to do exactly what they want and sacrifice your own progress. I'm waiting for mods to rework this feature honestly.

Rank over. TL;DR : AI leader demands are ridiculous, and trying to appease them makes you lose in the long run

submitted by /u/ItsTheFroggyGee
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Let's buff the naval element of the game

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:03 PM PST

So I think we can all agree: In Civ VI, naval cities suck.

I think the root of this are the sea tiles. Not being able to build a fishing boat with as much freedom as a farm/mine makes it so that every sea tile around your city with no resource is a wasted tile. Not to mention that with only one district and three wonders being able to be built on sea, and limited only to coast, means that you are actually encouraged to not settle in the coast, but instead only close enough to it.

The way the game SHOULD be like, if I ever founded a one-tile island in the ocean, I should not automatically discard it and consider how this could serve as a small, but useful city. Instead, I think I'd rather found a city in the middle of the desert, right after someone founded all desert wonders, than in an island.

Let's change that.


The first thing to solve would be the production yield. In the early game, the only way to obtain production from sea tiles is by choosing the God of The Sea Pantheon, and even then you are dependent on how many resources there are in the sea tiles. And not until the Atomic Era do you get to find Oil. That being said, even on land hammers are not as easy to come by as food. Most of the time either you have a resource that gives hammers, or the tile has a terrain that allows mining or simply gives production (wood, hills). I can't think of any resource that would grant hammers and is found on sea, but we actually already have a terrain in the form of cliffs.

If you compare cliffs and rivers, both provide appeal, while one gives another bonus (fresh water), the other a disadvantage (cannot embark). To balance the cliffs, they could improve adjacent coast tiles with +1 production.

Also, you could have the hills equivalent of hills in the form or rock formations in both coast and ocean. They could also provide +1 production while at the same time costing more movement. This movement cost should affect embarked units more so than actual naval units, maybe having the cost be 3.


Now let's talk fishing boats. The way I see it, it simply doesn't make sense that I cannot build a boat in any sea tile I please, even though I can build a farm regardless of the absence of wheat or rice (seriously, what are they farming, worms?). So, fishing boats should be able to be built anywhere in your territory's sea tiles. However, it's not weird to think of many kilometers of farm all close together. Same can't be said of boats. Fishes wouldn't last.

So, instead I propose to change the way fishing boats add resource yields to improved tiles. Instead of earning +1 food, I think they should provide +0.5 food for every adjacent, not improved sea tile (with a minimum of +1 food in case of lakes or sea tiles surrounded mostly by land), while also reducing it to -1 food for every adjacent, improved sea tile. This makes it so that you are encouraged to actually have more sea tiles, but makes sure you don't want to fill the sea with boats, but won't feel discouraged to build a boat to get a resource if you already have one adjacent to said tile.

As for the improved yields obtained with Cartography (+1 Gold) and Plastics (+1 Food) I'm not so sure, as I think that adding +0.5 gold for every adjacent, not improved sea tile is a bit much (maybe having it also reduced by 1.5/2 for every adjacent improved tile?) and I'm not sure how much food it could add when getting Plastics.


I think these two changes would be a good place to start. Once the naval cities are improved the Navies will have more use as well, so I think indirect buffs are better for them. If you guys have any ideas for more sea resources/terrains/improvements or something else entirely, please share it and let's hope someone can come up with a good idea.

submitted by /u/Ignaciomen2
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Goboking's Guide to Making Friends.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:41 AM PST

Because I'm seeing a lot of people complain about their soured relationships with the AI I thought I'd post a quick guide to coexisting peacefully with the AI. I thought most of these were common sense, but I'm starting to think I might have been wrong. So here goes.

  1. Always send a delegation/establish an embassy the on the turn you meet a new Civ. If you wait even one turn their opinion of you may have already shifted to negative, meaning they might deny your delegation.

  2. Don't fleece them. If you want to trade for a luxury resource, tip the balance of the trade in their favor if you can afford to do so. This isn't necessary and its overall impact on relationships isn't great, but it can help if you're trying to win a friend.

  3. Don't forward settle. This goes without saying.

  4. Don't break promises. This, too, goes without saying.

  5. Don't get caught spying. They don't like you stealing their money or sabotaging their Industrial Zone anymore than you like them doing it to you. If you're going to send your spies on the offensive, use them against Civs that already dislike you instead of your friends.

  6. Don't warmonger if you don't want warmongering penalties. There's no avoiding them if you want to win a Domination Victory, and evangelizing will undoubtedly raise the AI's ire. But you can win Science and Cultural Victories without firing a single arrow/bullet in aggression. Which leads us to...

  7. Conduct defensive wars civilly. Just because someone else declared war on you doesn't mean you need to raze their empire to the ground or destroy them in a nuclear holocaust. Grind their armies into submission, sure. Pillage their improvements to set them back, fine. Demand a king's ransom in gold or luxury resources, okay. But conquering cities and expecting that to go over well just because someone else fired the first shot is going to earn you warmonger penalties. So if you want to make friends, take the high road and leave their cities unconquered.

Do these things and you'll most certainly have friendly relationships with at least one other Civ. The value of that friendship and whether or not it's worth forgoing conquest is for you to determine, but friendships and alliances are without question things you can cultivate if you choose to do so.

submitted by /u/goboking
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I captured America's capital, and knowing I was going to give it back, I did the only reasonable thing...

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 05:52 PM PST

Stagnating (and actual increasing) war weariness in peacefull times

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:45 PM PST

Hello /r/civ

In my resent multiplayer game today I made an interessting observation: After Russia declared war on me and pillaged a couple of my tiles and beeing finaly driven back and made peace with, I watched my war weariness in my Citys.

Befor declaring peace i had around

  • -6 Amenities due to war weariness.

Which, in it self is allready kinda harsch, considering the fact, that I was the defender and got declared a surprise war on.

  • 10 Turns after the declaration of peace, my Amenities did not change. It stagnated at -6 due to war weariness.
  • After around 15 Turns it actually went UP to -7 war weariness.

I had peace with every civ in the game and every city state i've met. I double checked.

Is this mechanic intentional? This seems strongly broken, since i was unable to compete anyhow in the lategame, due to ech of my city having a -7 penalty (without me beeing the aggressor, mind you).

submitted by /u/psysxet
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Civ 6 map panned to new location, can't get back to my cities.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST

Wow, I honestly have no words to describe this start location.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:13 PM PST

I've been playing the same game for months now but I think I'm screwed...

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 04:38 PM PST

I've been playing the same game of Civ5 for several months now (I'm on turn 1,233 to be exact). The only possible victory is Domination, but somehow the adoption of social policies has totally screwed me.

The game is prompting me to choose a new social policy, but I've already maxed out all the available Policy Trees, so if I were to select a new policy, that means I'll have two Policy Trees that conflict (like how you can't have both Autocracy and Order at the same time) and my civilization will fall into "chaos."

The main issue here is that I'm locked in this never-ending war of attrition with the only other empire left in the game. I'm playing as the Americans on a huge Earth map, I don't even remember how many other civilizations there were at first, but now it's just me and the Greeks. I've conquered the Americas and Asia and Alexander is holding onto Europe and Africa. We've been at war for centuries and I'm finally starting to get the upper hand, but if my civilization falls into "chaos" I'm doomed.

I'm really invested in this game. I bought Civ5 just a few months ago and I still haven't played a game to completion - this is the closest I've got. I tried biting the bullet and switching to a new Policy Tree, hoping to just trudge through it until my civilization comes out of chaos, but I can't seem to ever recover (mostly because I can't stop from hemorrhaging gold).

I'm totally happy with the Policy Trees I have now. The past four or five centuries of gameplay have been completely about the military aspect anyway, science and culture have basically stopped being factors completely. The freaking game just won't let me move to the next turn without causing chaos.

TLDR: My question is basically this - does anyone know if it's possible in Civ5 to decline choosing a social policy?

submitted by /u/_Toomin_
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Petra Porn

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:48 PM PST

Guys, Should I Buy Civ 6

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:50 AM PST

I have played every iteration of Civilization from Civ 1 to Civ 5 (okay, I didn't buy the Civ 5 expansions yet, I got way into a MOBA). Is Civ 6 a game that is a must-buy for the Civ fan? Or our the days of this genre coming to an end?

submitted by /u/Let_Brown_Go
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Alternate Battle Tactics

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 02:32 PM PST

Is it viable to use any other strategies in wars besides crashing your blob of units into their blob of units? Like hit & run, or ambushes, or if your on the defense, scorched earth or guerrilla warfare? I'm mainly talking about vs humans because the AI is, well, you know. So can anything like this work, and how?

submitted by /u/AlpacaBob_
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Cannot change resolution, cannot play fullscreen

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:49 AM PST

I hope this is allowed here. I have looked everywhere, searched all the way up to third Google results page. At this point I am just hoping I am stupid and am missing something obvious. Could you help me out?

I cannot change my resolution in the game menu. When I switch the window mode, I can open the drop-down selection box for it, but it is empty. See these screenshots:

I am not sure if this is related, but I cannot change to fullscreen either. I can choose it in the menu, confirm, but the selection is automatically reverted to whatever was there before, no error shown.

I am playing on a shitty laptop, but strong enough for lowest details. I played a whole of one game, the resolution change and everything else worked. I then haven't played for a few months and now I am stuck. I have reinstalled the game, deleted its data, everything that came to mind.

Thanks for any help!

submitted by /u/giving-ladies-rabies
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Religion Frustration (Rant)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:59 AM PST

I'm the first to admit I am not good at this game. I love games, I play games all the damn time, but I suck at them, oh well. I suck at Civ, but I love it. I like going for culture and science wins, that sort of thing. I have played all the Civ games, been playing them since the first Sim City I think back on my old Amiga, or maybe the first PC I had from Radio Shack, anyway...


Seriously, no matter who I play or what I do, I always get religion bombed by some other civ. EVERY GODDAMN GAME. It's pissing me off to the point where I stopping playing flat out for a while, missed it, came back, and first game back, it happened again. I LIKE creating my own religion, let me freaking play it, not beat me up the second I manage to create one.

I cannot wait for mods for Civ 6, I'm sure there will be one to stop this nonsense. I know it's not just me, I've seen others complaining of the same thing, and I totally get that much better players won't have this issue. But it just happened to me on SETTLER level FFS, I purposefully went super easy level for first game back into it, and yeah, it reminded me pretty damn quick why I took a break from it.

Sorry, rant over. I really want to get back to loving Civ, I just need them to get their crap together and release the thing I forgot the name of (SDK?), so all the awesome modders can do their thing.

submitted by /u/CaraMiaFire
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Game playing out by itself (info in comments)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 06:28 AM PST

What New Civilizations/Leaders would you like to see next, and what kind of bonuses do you think they'd have?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 07:52 PM PST

With Jadwiga released and the promise of multiple leaders for one same civilizations, I'm excited to hear what else could be coming next.

As for me, I'll try and reduce my nominees to only those I have a sort of idea how they'd work, but I would mostly like to see:



Napoleon Bonaparte

Bricks of Triumph UA: Whenever a military unit you own wins a battle, a small percentage of production is given to a currently building wonder.**

Napoleon should have a bonus centered on military and wonder building to both fit his legacy and France's Grand Tour ability. I think this kind of bonus would be reminiscent of Napoleons decision to build the Arc de Triomphe after his victory at Austerlitz. You could even add the Arc itself as a wonder.



Elizabeth I

Swashbuckling Epics UA: Whenever a city is conquered with a naval unit within 5 tiles, that city earns a Great writer.

As the monarch who legitimized privateers before anyone else (or at least the first to do so with said name) she should have a bonus that makes it so she outranks Vicky when it comes to Sea Dogs and navies. And what better than a culture one, to go alongside British Museum, and one that reflects her love for plays at that.


Richard I

The Third Crusade UA: Whenever you declare a holy war against an enemy, other civilizations may choose to join you. For every civilization that joins you in the holy war, the warmonger penalty of both you and the civilizations that joined is reduced by 25% (does not include capturing cities). Whenever you capture a city which does not follow your religion, that city gets a relic as well as a free slot in it's the city center.

Richard Lionheart managed to make many join his cause to take back Jerusalem, and his UA makes you capable of the same. Of course, capturing cities still gives you warmonger penalties, so that if you keep calling form more holy wars, at some point someone is going to call you out on it. However, your "allies" are still affected by warmonger penalties from captured cities as well, so if they are following your religion or you simply don't like them, you can use their cruel acts on the crusades as an excuse to later on go to war with them (or maybe just because they captured the city you wanted during it).

The relic bonus also boosts your cultural victory and religion, fitting both this leader and his nation's UA.



Ieyasu Tokugawa

Sakoku UA: You may not open borders for any civilization. International trade routes provide bonus science for your cities. Gain the Ninja Unique Unit when you get the Feudalism civic. Any enemy religious units in your territory lose health per turn

Sakoku was a policy which dictated that no one could come in or out of Japan except for some traders in some ports. At first I thought this should make Culture Victory impossible, like with Mbemba and Religion, but if Gandhi can nuke Vicky then, hell, why not? The Sakoku was initiated because of fear of religious conversion, hence the enemy religious units loosing health. Essentially, Tokuwaga does not have a lot of bonuses for winning the game, but for preventing the enemy from winning trough culture or Religion.

Ninja UU: Can only be obtained by upgrading a scout. It can't be upgraded into ranger. Invisible to all enemy units unless adjacent to them, except when in hard terrain. When it pillages a tile, the tile's owner can see the ninja until it leaves their territory. When attacking an enemy unit from invisibility, it deals 100 damage, minus the target's strength, and turns visible until it leaves line of sight. All Ninja units are lost when getting the Industrial age

Melee Strenght: 10

Movement: 3

Maintenance: 1 Gold

Oh come on, ninjas in civ would be awesome and you know it. They were assassins, hence their damage. It might sound like a lot, but once you hit someone, you are exposed, so you have to choose your targets, better if they are secluded. Also, you can never kill a unit in one hit due the damage total, even if it's one weaker than the ninja. They were spies, so you can plant them in an enemy city and observe them. They were saboteurs, so you can infiltrate a city and pillage an important tile. I don't know how much I'd charge to upgrade the scouts though.



I won't give any numbers here as I think that needs play testing beforehand

Mercenary Army UA: Military units purchased with gold cost extra gold maintenance per turn. You may purchase military units with gold for less.

It's well known that Carthage preferred hiring mercenaries to training soldiers, but this brought problems sometimes as they could find themselves in occasion not having money to pay them with. This bonus puts you in a situation where you shouldn't get greedy, but can amass a nice army through gold.

Cothon UD: Replaces the harbor. Domestic trade routes from this city get bonus production, while international trade routes get bonus gold from this city. Enemy naval units which start their turn in the same tile are damaged.

Carthage was characterized by its economic power, so that's what their UB should provide. During the Roman invasion it was said that the Harbors had many inventions, supposedly created by Archimedes (we are talking cranes that lifted and dropped ships and mirrors that made sunbeams to turn enemy vessels on fire bruh!)

UU: (I want to say War Elephants, but since Gandhi's already reduces the strength of all adjacent unit, the fear factor that was present in Civ 5's elephants is kind of lost. So yeah, either that or a ship, or something.)

Hannibal Barca

Oath Driven UA: Military units may pass through mountains. Units receive 50 HP damage if they start their turn on Mountains. Whenever an enemy unit enters one of your unit's zone of control, your unit automatically attacks it. If your unit wins, the enemy unit must pull back to the previous tile.

So the first part is very similar to Civ 5's Dido's UA, while the second part I think is a nice way of capturing the way Hannibal defeated the Romans many times: by surrounding them and preventing them from escaping.


Now, seeing as this is a huge post and possibly by this point you've ceased to read what I've written, I'm just going to put my country (because of course I would). Again, like with Hannibal, numbers require playtesting.


Immigrated Workforce UA: Your cities obtain a percentage of your international tourists in population.

During the 19th to 20th Century, Argentina invited many Europeans to come to the country to take control of the land in the inner provinces, in an attempt to invite settlers into developing this areas. The plan backfired, however, as most of the people who came decided to stay in the city and work there.

Coventillo UD: Replaces the neighborhood. Bonus Production when adjacent to an Industry Zone. Provides Tourism.

The immigrants who came resided in this cramped buildings that would be close to the industrial zones for quick access to work places. In the present day, they are still used as residences, though not with the same conditions of population, and are considered a visiting spot of the capital city, Buenos Aires.

Granadero UU: Replaces the musket man. Bonus Strength when fighting an enemy you have declared Liberation War or Protectorate War.

Jose de San Martin

Generalísimo UA: Military Units recive 1 bonus movement points when starting on hills or adjacent to mountains. When Military units you or your allies own die, all adjacent units you or your allies own are healed.

Founder of the Granaderos regiment, he took inititative to liberate Chile and Peru by crossing the Andes with his troops. It was a similar campaign to that of Hannibal, so sadly I could not give him the same bonus, mostly because Hannibal is better known for said feat and did so considerably earlier (and with elephants…). In a very important battle, San Lorenzo, he was wounded and trapped beneath his horse. He was almost killed had it not been by Juan Bautista Cabral, who died saving him. The bonus also affects allies since San Martin was allied to Bolivar, who is also considered one of the liberators of Latin America, and whose help was invaluable.


So, thanks for reading my pool of text. I realize it's a lot, but I encourage you guys to write your own ideas and wishes for the game.

submitted by /u/Ignaciomen2
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Civ 5: Do cavalry count as melee when it comes to upgrades?

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 03:27 PM PST

I'm playing as Mongolia with a lot of keshiks. If I upgrade their attacks will I lose those promotions when I upgrade them to cavalry?

submitted by /u/MyFirstOtherAccount
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Civilization 5: Modded Let's Play - Part 1

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:22 AM PST

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