Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | January 28 - February 03 | HotS Daily Report #

Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | January 28 - February 03

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 09:00 AM PST

Are you a new streamer looking to get your name out there? Maybe you just need someone to watch after a long tiring week? Ask for recommendations on what streams to watch or promote your own stream in the comments.

Please be as detailed as possible on your streaming schedule, what kind of stream you have (teaching/pro play/fun/climbing ladder etc.) and any specific style or hero you might have.

Previous Streaming Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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HGC Europe :: Fnatic vs Synergy :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:30 AM PST


The match is planned to start at 18:00 CET / 9:00 PST, 30 minutes from this post.


Community challenges


Fnatic vs Synergy
Breez warrior - support CEBKAJE
QuackNiix assassin - assassin Neon
scHwimpi flex - warrior PowerOfDream
Smexystyle support - assassin SirIceCream
Wubby warrior - flex zwHydra


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft. Initial map bans:

Fnatic Synergy
? ?

Game version

Games in HGC weeks 1-3 are be played on the patch before Valeera patch. Most notably, Valeera is not in the game and Tassadar and Rexxar reworks are not there either.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch -
YouTube -

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Undocumented change/bug to Murky safety bubble - camps leash

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:52 AM PST

When Murky uses safety bubble on camps they now leash and start healing, where before they would stand there waiting for your bubble to end to focus you again.

submitted by /u/viZeen
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Cho'Gall Legendary Skin idea: Junkrat and Roadhog

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:02 AM PST

Junkrat riding Roadhog (Not my art)

Rune Bomb would be the RIP-Tire, and Roadhogs hooks could be incorporated into the Upheaval animation, Surging fist could involve a Junkrat mine launching you forward etc.

It would be easy to make Roadhog just a Stitches skin, but why not get crazy with it?

submitted by /u/SSJTrogdor
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With all the differnt mounts, we need a preview for skin/mount combinations!

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:02 AM PST

Heroes has a shitload of mounts, and some mount skin combinations are really buitiful. Unfortunatly, no chance to see them before you start a game. Sometimes it is impossible to judge if the colours match.

Fortunatly, the technology is already there. When Chogall carrys the horse, you get a preview of horse with chogall.

So Blizzard, please do something for the hardcore mount collectors like me and add this preview for all characters, so that we can see if our selected skin and mount match!

submitted by /u/RayMontag
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Death recap needs to be improved

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:57 AM PST

I really think the death recap tab requires some improvement, I often use it to understand where did I get all that damage from, the problem is, the "real" damage is often hidden behind a wall of basic attacks or all sorts low damage ability procs, so you end up in a scenario where you go down from 100 to 0 in 2 seconds with a tank seeing the last 0.9 sec damage, which is 30% of your hp, but you can't see what took you hp down to 30% in the first place, this is really frustrating...

I'd love it if it would be scrollable, so you could see the real source of damage.

submitted by /u/anhermon
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That feeling when you do a good play.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:47 AM PST

Add Zagara Mutalisk to the list of bugs.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 03:13 AM PST

When you talent for Mutalisk and send them on a hero if the hero disengages the Mutalisk will just hover in the area doing nothing.

submitted by /u/BahamutZero902
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I found some really cool interactions with Abathur!

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:49 AM PST

So I played the new tavern brawl for the first time, thought it was really boring at first, plain Zerg Rush. The next game we noticed 4 of us had Abathur in our selections, and then let the fun begin. So we had a tracer, and 4 Abathurs, like a dream almost, the most fun I have had in ages. As we played we fond some really cool bugs to do with multiple hats on the same target or same character:

Firstly, You CAN stack hats on 1 char, not sure how many people realized this. We all took the attack speed buff, but we have no clue if it increased by the full 100% or just 1 person's 25%. There was no visual proof but it should be so.

Secondly, A bug exists if there is more than 1 hat on a single char. The all the abilities will trigger at the same time from 1 person using it, but does not trigger the cooldown of the other players. So if you have 4 hats, it practically quadruples your damage, pretty overpowered. This also includes leaving the Symbiote, it booted everyone out.

Thirdly, Evolve Monstrosities have some really weird interactions with other Abathurs. You cannot control someone else's Monstrosity, but if you all have your hats on your own Monstrosity using it to roam around, using abilities will also trigger on every monstrosity at once. The same effect as if you spin on the vikings practically, also extremely strong.

Lastly, Not really sure if this is intended or a bug, we couldn't stack mules on one building. No clue if this is just because we were one char, or mules don't stack in general, idk.

I would really really love an arcade game-mode like in Overwatch, where we can hero stack in a qm scene. I guess the community is very small, and this would further extend our painful wait times, but it would still be a load of fun, and I would probably spend the most time with this.

submitted by /u/dinosaurrawrxd
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Level 11 Valeera concerns

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:52 AM PST

Hey, i've been playing Valeera pretty much nonstop since her release, and i've noticed a few things about her that contribute to her low winrate on hotslogs, and I feel are going to hold her back in the competitive scene.


Valeera's damage when she is on a target is very bursty and is decent sustained as long as the player can keep landing Qs and stutter stepping with her AAs, but she has absolutely no poke that most melee assassins are drafted around such as Thrall, Alarak, Zeratul, Ragnaros, and Greymane (rip). This gives her a very Kerrigan / Butcher feeling of all or nothing, without offering the threat of either Kerrigan or Butcher.

The seemingly go-to team fighting strat for Valeera is to open on a target, drop smoke, and continue doing damage to them while being difficult to stop, which seems like a sound plan considering Valeera removes half of most of the roster's health bar in about 1 second, but the problem is contributing to anything after that.

With both Vigor and Fatal Finesse completed, it takes about 4 seconds (3 with Thistle Tea at 16) to get the second Eviscerate off in an absolutely perfect scenario considering she lands every Q and doesnt get hit by any AoE CC or her target doesn't use mobility to move away from her smoke bomb, either of which completely nullify the majority of her team fighting presence, and even getting this perfect scenario over the course of 5 seconds, her damage just doesn't feel quite as impactful as it should be.


Valeera lacks any sort of sustain that Thrall, Varian, Alarak, Ragnaros, Illidan, Butcher, or Kerrigan have, and relies upon using her offensive tools (Sinister Strike, Vanish, Smoke Bomb) to give what I will refer to as the "Samuro feeling" of being slippery.

The problem with this is that Sinister Strike, Vanish, and Smoke bomb all have to be used in tandem in order to attain the Samuro feeling, which is a drastically more demanding and difficult to pull off escape than being a Zeratul and simply blinking out, or just cycling through clones and windwalk as Samuro.


Valeera's only option for initiation is either to walk up to her target in stealth and hope she isn't knocked out before she opens, which is very difficult to do against wary opponents, or to run into a team fight on her mount and open with the 1 second of unrevealable, which is also difficult to pull off due to the attention it draws to her making it unlikely she'll manage to get very deep without being disrupted or focused immediately.

Her only option other than this is to spec into Ambush and use it to open, which feels very bad due to Ambush hitting about as hard as one Ragnaros auto attack, having to give up her 13 talent in order to gain the teleport, and having to sacrifice her opener to close a gap instead of silencing or stunning.

Sinister Strike

Too much of Valeera's kit seems to be jammed into this ability; she relies upon Sinister Strike for combo point generation, damage, and both offensive and defensive mobility, so missing this ability during a pivotal moment feels absolutely devastating as you're now unable to do much of anything. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it separates good players from bad ones, but it still contributes to the struggle that is playing this hero.

Smoke Bomb

This ability is a massive crutch to Valeera's playstyle, and fighting without it feels extremely unfavorable, simply moving away from the smoke will cause Valeera to think twice about following up with more damage out of fear of being ripped apart in a stun outside of her precious life-support zone.

It puts a band-aid upon her Vanish which doesn't start cooling down until she opens, her lack of much survivability within the midst of a team fight, and can also make up for a botched Q.

This ult also offers very little impact to a 5v5 team fight. It doesn't debuff or CC the enemy team in any way, it doesn't buff or enable her team, it doesn't cause large damage or healing numbers, it simply allows Valeera to make use of her basic abilities without being heavily punished.


Reveals counter Valeera harder than any other stealth hero, as half of her kit is only usable from it.

Tools like Scouting Drone, Timewalker's Pursuit, Flare, Farsight, Air Ally, Peekaboo, etc. are all available on very early talents and severely cripple Valeera's entire playstyle, while further shoe-horning Smoke Bomb into a mandatory crutch pick to keep her relevant.

It's extremely frustrating to see someone substitute a minor level 1 or 4 talent to completely nullify Valeera's playstyle throughout the entire game. I see Malfurion or Raynor on the enemy team and I automatically know there's going to be a Scouting Drone in every relevant location from the very beginning of the game.

The availability of these reveals is higher than I feel like it should be, and provides a massive impact against Valeera which makes playing against them very frustrating and difficult.

With all of this being said, I feel like Valeera is a very fun hero with a high skill cap, and with a ton of interesting talents, builds and playstyles, but i'm afraid she won't see much play outside of Quick Match, which makes me very sad to see such an awesome character potentially have no play.

submitted by /u/Zeldendorf
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Probably throwing: Demoted from Diamond 3 to Bronze 1.

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 07:38 PM PST

So I played 2 games with this guy. I played one game with him and the other one was against him. Thing is, when I checked his profile, he was diamond 3 this season (and master on season 2), so I believe he was throwing.

He wasn't feeding (he played malfurion on cursed hollow, and there was a moment when he suicided, but he did it only once) but he was playing really bad. I know that some people like trowing games, but you need to be a lowlife person to do this kind of stuff.

submitted by /u/Fate611
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Dat Sulfuras Smash (Fnatic Vs. Synergy)

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:45 AM PST

Who's this 'lil guy? (Bring back the whistle, Dunk)

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:50 AM PST

How've you been feeling about Sonya?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:34 AM PST

I love Sonya, and really want her to be good. Have you been liking the whirlwind build now that it's been buffed? I tried it to not great success and probably am partial to a W build myself, whats your experience been?

submitted by /u/TheJediCounsel
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Heroes Lounge Weekly Recap #7

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:04 AM PST

HGC Europe :: Team expert vs beGenius ESC :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:15 AM PST


The match is planned to start at 20:30 CET / 11:30 PST, 15 minutes from this post.


Community challenges


Team expert vs beGenius ESC
adrd flex - flex Arrakeen
BadBenny warrior - warrior Danatan
bLaDe flex - assassin Kirwa
Cursen support - flex TankFtw
Nic assassin - support Unnstable


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft. Initial map bans:

Team expert beGenius ESC
? ?

Game version

Games in HGC weeks 1-3 are be played on the patch before Valeera patch. Most notably, Valeera is not in the game and Tassadar and Rexxar reworks are not there either.

Match reports, VODs

Website Link
Master League -
Twitch -
YouTube -

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Is blizzard making backend changes for a future feature?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:37 AM PST

It's not news the valeera patch has been a bit more buggy than normal. Thankfully blizzard has been good about communicating and fixing as fast as they can. I'm still curious about why this patch though. There were multiple issues with

  • death talents/abilities. (Zeratul, Uther, Tyreal)

  • Regen globe talents (Vikings, Ragnaros, Stitches)

  • Talents, tooltips and text not being 'connected' to game logic properly (Lili, Anubarak, Zeratul, Tassadar on scoreboard)

  • Map objectives/minions (Punisher to core, Immortals being movable, Garden terror missing)

So far as I know, none of the changes in the valeera patch interact with these systems in any unusual way, there are no death timer changes and some of the new map bugs are completely out of left field. So why did those errors come out this patch? Did someone merge in an old branch? Did blizzard do some backend changes for a future patch or feature?

submitted by /u/upogsi
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I'm garbage at this game, but this escape is my closest call to date

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:37 AM PST

Valeera assasinate talent against Cho'Gall

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:29 AM PST

Is it a bug or intentional that Valeera's talent 'assasinate' doesn't work on Cho'Gall?

submitted by /u/Rrriolo
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Great job!

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 11:56 PM PST

They need to work on this system :/

submitted by /u/gr33di3
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Leoric Buff Suggestion: Basic attacks deal 2-3x damage to minions and launches them if he deals the killing blow.

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 01:20 PM PST

So I was watching the opening of the Lord of the Rings and watching Sauron fling the soldiers away with every swing of his mace and I thought, "This is exactly what Leoric needs!"

I would absolutely love to see a minion ragdoll away from Leoric with every swing, and be sent flying across the lane.

Balance wise, this probably would be a nice buff to his waveclear but nothing spectacular, which could be just the touch he needs right now! Honestly, it's the perfect solution!


submitted by /u/monkpunch
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Finally have 14 heroes over level 5 for ranked; would like some advice.

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 03:54 AM PST

Hi guys.

I've been doing mostly vs. AI matches (getting to level 5 and learning the maps/heroes so I don't ruin my team's experience), brawls every week and some QM too, depending on the friends who are online.

Now I have hit over 5 heroes past level 5 so I can try ranked. Should I go solo ranked draft immediately or unranked? Of course I never drafted and also have no idea of who is a "counter" to who, etc.

The heroes I have available are:

1 Li-Ming 2 Auriel 3 Nova 4 Sylvanas 5 Valla 6 Chromie 7 Jaina 8 Brightwing 9 Nazeebo 10 Li Li 11 Malfurion 12 Raynor 13 Tyrande 14 Greymane (got him for free, and although I hit level 5 with him, I don't really like him)

See that most of my heroes are squishy assassins or support. Do I need to buy a melee and learn just in case my team needs it, or not?

Also, who are considered good or bad heroes out of this list of mine? And who is a 'must have' hero (not that he/she is overpowered, but a good pick for most situations) that I should just buy and own for ranked? I have around 22k gold to spare.

Just one more question: if I get to draft, is it possible to pick a hero that I own but is not level 5 yet?


submitted by /u/gm182
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Do we have any data on the distribution of the ranked playerbase?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 03:45 AM PST

As in, ×% of players are bronze, x% are silver...

Any reliable source for this?

submitted by /u/Forum_
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People need to get used to playing vs valeera in QM

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 02:11 PM PST

I play QM and HL and since her release a majority of my games in QM have had multiple allies with 8+ deaths....she has a stun, if you never look at your map that 1.5 seconds she uses to open up will probably be a successful gank especially if you're pushed up for no reason. look at your map, if youre in a game with stealth heroes BE AWARE THAT THEY CAN BE THERE instead of complaining about how a hero is broken, change how you play if its your 9th death getting caught in lane.

submitted by /u/Fredrock26
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Valeera bug involving smoke bomb and scouting drone.

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 09:27 PM PST

Valeera currently has a bug involving smoke bomb and scouting drone: I observed that if you smoke bomb under a scouting drone, you take full damage from strafe, which doesnt hit you without the scouting drone.

submitted by /u/xXxedgyname69xXx
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Misha has 5 toes in her front paws and 4 toes in her back paws

Posted: 28 Jan 2017 11:55 AM PST

"Non-optional text that must be added so that automoderator wont remove the post"

Misha has 5 toes in her front paws and 4 toes in her back paws

"Non-optional text that must be added so that automoderator wont remove the post"

submitted by /u/Throwaway13044
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BUG: You can move Zul'jin around while attacks

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 02:50 AM PST

You can move Zul'jin while he attacks by simply walking into him. It's only while he's attacking something. This can't be intended, right? I remember a patch where it was possible to move everyone around and it was fixed

Edit: I think it's possible to move any hero while they attack? Intended?

submitted by /u/chdaha
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