/r/Smashbros and politics Super Smash Bros Daily Report

/r/Smashbros and politics

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 11:07 AM PST

Due to recent events, the sub has become a bit politically-oriented in its posts and comments. We as mods work to keep the sub focused solely on Smash, and that has not changed in the last few days.

For anyone out of the loop, a top Smash 4 player from the Netherlands, Mr R, is currently unable to attend US tournaments due to a recent nation-wide ban on citizens of a number of middle eastern countries. Mr R happens to have dual citizenship with one of those countries, so he cannot enter the US at the moment. Since this is news of Mr R's ability to attend tournaments, it is allowed on the sub.

What is not allowed here is discussion of the ban itself. [Edit - To clarify, I meant Mr R's ban, not our ban on political discussions.] There are countless mediums for you to discuss politics both on and off Reddit, and I encourage all of you to do so. Political activism is a great thing. We as mods were on the fence about removing political discourse on the sub because we feel it is an important responsibility we all share, but in the end this is simply not the place for it.

/r/Smashbros will continue to be one of the few places on reddit where we can all put aside our political differences for a moment and focus on something else. We as mods will be much more strict on removing political comments and we ask you as users to report political comments. Thanks in advance.

Feel free to discuss this policy here or by messaging the mods.

submitted by /u/Winnarly
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Daily Discussion Thread 01/31/17

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 11:06 PM PST

Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread series on /r/smashbros! Inspired by /r/SSBM and /r/hiphopheads's DDTs, you can post here:

  • General questions about Smash

  • General discussion (tentatively allowing for some off-topic discussion)

  • "Light" content that might not have been allowed as its own post (please keep it about Smash)

Other guidelines:

  • Be good to one another.

  • While DDT can be lax, please abide by our general rules. No linking to illegal/pirated stuff, no flaming, game debates, etc.

  • Please keep your meme spam contained to the sticky comment provided below.

If you have any suggestions about future DDTs or anything else subreddit related, please send them our way! Thanks in advance!

Also, if you want to chat with other /r/smashbros users you can do so via our Discord channel.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Nintendo of Canada rep says company is interested in esports, wants to let community build grassroots scenes

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:43 PM PST

To the surprise of no one, Melee is back at CEO 2017

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 07:02 PM PST

Eikelmann and bizzarro flame doubles team for CEO Dreamland confirmed!

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:48 PM PST

Vote for Melee to be the 11th game at CEO!

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:47 PM PST

The Time is Now vs. Respect Your Elders

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:13 PM PST

This year's Genesis also featured the very first TO Summit! Here are the details.

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 02:30 PM PST

Behind the hype of Melee's top 8 and the 0.9x controversy, something major was taking place behind the scenes at G4. For the first time in Smash's history, the most prominent and influential TOs and community heads sat down in a single room together to begin discussion on Smash's future as a collective whole. Previously, the union of TOs was relegated to quick conversations at nationals, usually in hushed meetings on the tournament floor. At G4, ~30 TOs gathered in a conference room and held a serious discussion about the years ahead.

We discussed three major points of conflict among the tournament organizers: the yearly calendar, sponsorships, and how to make our growth sustainable. It was a meeting mostly of ideas, with some ideas lacking traction and some debated at length. All of our TOs have a different vision of the scene and its future, but it was apparent that we all had come into that room for the same purpose: we want to see smash grow and succeed. With that in mind, several goals were established for the year of 2017:

  • 1) Establish a TO library, similar to the Melee Library, where all tournament organizers can find helpful information written over the years.

  • 2) Establish a written, common set of values that all TOs and regional scenes can share.

  • 3) Establish standards and guidelines for financing and promotion at the local, regional, and national level.

  • 4) Establish a consistent and reliable method of communication between the most powerful TOs and the smaller, less influential ones.

TO summits are planned for Evo, Shine, and Big House of this year, with more likely to follow. As more information is deliberated on and decisions are made, the members of the TO Summit are committed to making the process as transparent to newer organizers as possible. We look forward to working for you in the future, and if you have any questions about the process, please don't hesitate to ask!

Here are some photos by Tisch of the day. http://imgur.com/a/jytTh

The following people were in attendance:

  • Josh Kassel (Roboticphish) - Organizer & Moderator

  • Valerie Wonderland (Wonderland) - Scribe

  • Thomas Tischio (Tisch) - Photographer

In attendance:

  • Alex Varga (Vayseth) [WiiU TO, Lead on Smash 4 for Big House, Japanese liaison]

  • Bassem Dahdouh (Bear) [smashgg, Smash 4 Lead/Co-lead: GENESIS, Combo Breaker, CEO, Evo, Shine, Big House, UGCsmash]

  • Champ Tangwongkitsiri (Champ) [2GG]

  • Shi Deng (Rorec) [Shine, BBES]

  • Matt Zaborowski (Mattdotzeb) [smashgg, BBES, MIOM]

  • Shantanu Talapatra (Shan) [smash.gg]

  • Sheridan Zalewski (Dr. Z) [Genesis/Miom]

  • Arian Fathieh (Blur) [Twitch]

  • Alex Jebailey (Jebailey) [CEO/Dreamhack]

  • Pierce [Apex]

  • D'Ron A. Maingrette (D1) [Twitch]

  • Daniel Lee (Tafokints) [ESPN, Yahoo, MIOM, C9, NASA]

  • Alex Gamero (2Shadez) [Big House, Midwest TO]

  • Michael Brancato (Nintendude) [Twitch]

  • Robin Harn (Juggleguy) [Big House]

  • Joshua Marcotte (Jaaahsh) [Down_B, Midwest TO]

  • Emily Sun (Emily Waves) [Smash Sisters, Nebulous]

  • Colin Fyffe (Coldo) [Shine]

  • Aiden McCaig (Calvin) [DPOTG, PNW TO]

  • Cary Zhang (Vro) [Melee Everyday, Chicago TO]

  • Alex Chiricosta (RagingCherry) [Tempo Storm, Paragon]

  • Calvin Lofton (GimR) [VGBC]

  • Ken Silva (Ken Silva) [Red Bull]

Invited but unable to attend:

  • Philipp Bürkner (Liva) [GGS]

  • Adam Lindgren (Armada) [Alliance, EU TO]

  • Jonathan Graybeal (Plank) [Pound]

  • David Shears (Shears) [64 TO]

  • Joe Cribari (TO Joe) [EMG, Canada TO]

  • Alex Jungsten (Wookiee) [64 TO]

submitted by /u/BearUNLV
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Mr. R to travel to Japan to train with Ranai, Komorikiri, 9B, etc.

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 06:17 PM PST

2GGC Civil War is relocating to Esports Arena in Santa Ana, CA

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 05:38 PM PST

An update on Mr R and borders.

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 07:24 AM PST

Earth's(Japanese Pit) Genesis 4 Report Translated

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 03:50 PM PST

I did a Zero-to-death combo with Doc

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 10:14 AM PST


Not 100% it is unavoidable but it seems so.

submitted by /u/Mirax96
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komorikiri and Ranai will be visiting Socal after Frostbite!

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 02:19 PM PST

They will also be attending Mega Smash Monday on the 27th and Wednesday Night Fights the same week!


submitted by /u/Jmex25
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Marth's Grab Breaks Faster Melee

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:39 PM PST

Top 20 Misfires #3 - Super Smash Bros

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 07:06 PM PST

Project M Essentials: Wavebounce

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 09:01 AM PST

Honestly, Mario - 2ManyCooks

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 06:41 PM PST

Frostbite 2017 Announcements and Clarifications

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:43 PM PST

Hello everyone! Vayseth here to bring you all my last update on #Frostbite2017 before registration closes. I am currently outside the US on business so this will be my last post until the week before Frostbite. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact Pulse Gaming's owners on Twitter at @PulseGamingGG or at their personal Twitter Accounts @KoolOriBro and @PulseTheAgedOne. I cannot wait to see all of you at my last tournament in Michigan until The Big House 7! Without further delay… let's get started!


As of this afternoon we had 232 players registered for Frostbite 2017! I am starting to think reaching our goal of 512 players (and therefore becoming a Tier 1 tournament for PGRv3) could actually happen. Thank you all so much for the support and make sure to #ComeToFrostbite It would really mean a lot for these Japanese players who rarely get the opportunity to leave Japan to have a Tier 1 tournament result for them to be ranked next season. Let's make it happen!

Registration is still LIVE here and has been officially extended through Valentine's Day. Show your love for #Frostbite2017 by registering and getting us that 512!


A lot has happened, a lot has changed, and there is a lot of misinformation out there so I want to clear the air about a few things:

  • The crew battle WILL be a 10v10: All Japanese players plane tickets are bought and we intend to do the full 10v10 crew battle on Saturday night as Day 1's main event. All 10 Japanese players are guaranteed to be in attendance and have been registered for the tournament.

  • The Reward Levels WERE NOT funded: You can still help Pulse Gaming fund these flights by buying awesome exclusive Smash GG and Frostbite 2017 merchandise along with Best of 5s and more at our shop. Pulse Gaming decided to front the cost of the flights and is currently finalizing deals with other organizations and sponsors to help alleviate these costs. However, they still need your help!! Check out the shop and help them out, it's not too late!

  • Roster Changes for Team NA: Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of Smash entirely, both Marss and Larry Lurr have had to drop out from Frostbite 2017. This is extremely unfortunate because they would have been an incredible addition to Team NA for the crew battle. However, I am pleased to announce that we will be getting Mr. E and WaDi to join Team NA in their place! I am excited by the character variety possible in this crew battle and it should be one we'll be talking about for the rest of 2017!

  • Team Japan: Abadango, Kameme, Komorikiri, Shuton, T, KEN, Kirihara, Tsu, Some, Ranai

  • Team North America: ZeRo, Nairo, Ally, Salem, Dabuz, Mr. E, VoiD, Zinoto, WaDi, Tweek

  • New Bo5s Available in our shop: As all 20 players will be participating, we will be adding the rest of the players to the shop as soon as possible. Make sure to get your Bo5s with the Japanese players and our representatives from North America before they all sell out!

  • There is no prize pot for the crew battle: We have prizes for every participating member from sponsors and partners, as well as upgrading all of their badges to VIP as a thank you to every member participating in the crew battle. However, this battle is entirely for pride and there is no money on the line. We will be doing this Japanese style! Play for the love of the game! This should change the dynamic of the crews we have seen so far and possibly see some players take more risks than usual. I am so excited for Team JPN vs Team NA!


In order to help get costs down low we reached out to many organizations and companies. We are proud to announce that 2GG will be extending their cooperative efforts with the Midwest to Frostbite 2017! 2GG is helping Komorikiri and Ranai participate in not only the biggest tournament in Michigan since The Big House, but Socal will also get some love because both of them will be entering the MSM and WNF immediately after Frostbite! Help 2GG and Pulse Gaming bring these incredible players to both regions by donating at MSM and donating to VoiD's stream. Any additional funds raised will go towards bringing additional Japanese players to future 2GG events! Details regarding the donation toruanement and VoiD's donation stream will be coming soon from 2GG so be sure to follow them on Twitter for updates!


I am pleased to announce that @ControllerChaos will be sponsoring Frostbite 2017! I strongly believe that Frostbite 2017's biggest appeal is not the main event and not even the crew battle! I believe our on demand side events will change how event organizers do events from now on. FINALLY players have the ability to grind side events to recoup their costs getting to and participating in the event. However, now thanks to Controller Chaos, players will have even more incentives to grind side events! We will have Controller Chaos custom-made Frostbite 2017 controllers available exclusively for the players who perform the best in various categories. Should we have a For Fun champion? A For Glory Champion? How about the player who enters the most side events? How about a player with the longest winning streak throughout the weekend? What do you think will qualify players for a custom controller? Let me know and maybe we will use your idea!


This is probably the most asked question. Will Frostbite 2017 be using the new ruleset? ABSOLUTELY NOT. This is not because we disagree with the new rules and this is not a political move of any kind. I was on the panel, I agree with the majority of the ruleset and with some tweaks, this will be a great thing for our game. However, the owners of Pulse Gaming and myself unanimously agree that we cannot in good conscience suddenly switch to the new ruleset for an event of this magnitude so close to the event after hundreds of people have already registered. We will be running the same ruleset as Genesis 4. I apologize to everyone looking forward to the new rules first real test at an event of this size, but you will likely have to wait until March for that. Let's make Frostbite the last tournament with the 2016 rules and the last tournament before the release of the Nintendo Switch the following weekend! So, if you don't like the new ruleset... #ComeToFrostbite


It's starting to get colder. Frostbite is getting closer. Frostbite Bear is about to come out of hibernation. Wii U singles. Wii U doubles. The hypest crew battle in Wii U history. Game-changing on demand side events. I actually still have some tricks up my sleeve so check back with me around Valentine's Day where I'll unleash the rest of my announcements for the FINAL day of registration.



submitted by /u/Vayseth
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Mango with a little bit of style on The Moon during some friendlies

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:23 PM PST

Prince just did a speedrun on training mode combos for all 12 characters in under 1 min and 30 sec

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 02:55 PM PST

Prince's final time was 1:29.83 and is currently the fastest. Previous record holder was nessboy (Japanese player) with a time of 1:37:71.

Twitch VOD for Prince's run (start at around 2:53:20): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/118456913?t=2h53m20s

Also, be sure to follow him:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/prince_yoshi_combo

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Prince_Yoshi

submitted by /u/The64Story
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No WTFox 3 Happening This Year

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:49 PM PST

SFAT January Vlog: Tournaments, Mental Game, Announcement

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 03:05 PM PST

TukhouseSmash VODS + Stream Explanation

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 10:29 PM PST

Hey guys my tag is Hadoken, I was half of the crew that ran the Tukhousesmash stream at Genesis 4 and I just want to bring some light onto what happened and why our stream was a pixelated disaster. Since we were planning on showing off the multi-stream at this event in full force, we packed all 4 setups along with $2k worth of gear into a car and driving down to San Jose from Seattle. Two days before the event, the main owner of Tukhousesmash Mike got word from the G4 crew that we were not getting a hardwire connection to stream from and that we might not get any internet at all. Since the G4 staff generously provided a hotel room for us we thought we might as drive down anyways just to see if circumstances change by the time we get there. Fast forward a 13 hour car ride later and we are at Genesis 4 with still no internet, on the schedule it says we were only streaming on Saturday but Mike received an email from a staff member coordinating the streams saying that we were able to setup and stream on Friday. Unfortunately, no one from the Genesis 4 staff had any idea that we were approved for this and basically told us that we were not given any space for setup. We eventually decided that we were just going to setup anyways on an open table no one was using and that was the place we were stationed at the entire weekend. Still lacking dedicated internet we were left with two options; my phone's 4g connection, or the public Wi-Fi 3000+ people were connected to. This obviously impaired the quality of our stream and ultimately frustrated both Mike, and myself. This is also why there was so much text on the screen and general memery, Mike and I didn't really care about what the stream looked like anymore. But what most don't know is that we were locally recording every individual tournament match that was being played on our setups and are being uploaded here.

All of the sets are not uploaded yet but we will be getting around to having them all out within the next couple weeks

I know the staff that worked Genesis 4 were very busy during that weekend and we are very happy that they provided our own hotel room it was just very disappointing to drive all that way down just to stream at 500 kb/s off my phone

TL;DR: We drove 25+ hours to stream for an event that didn't give us internet. VODS ARE HERE

submitted by /u/xhadoken
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ANTi will be attending 2GG's Midwest Mayhem Saga!

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:12 PM PST


ZeRo, ANTi, Larry Lurr, VoiD and probably more of the top 10 are coming. Guess it's time for another crazy saga

submitted by /u/FullGifted
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Just found an old VOD of The Moon getting 3-stocked by a Donkey Kong

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 02:24 PM PST

Today marks the 2-year anniversary of the Apex 2015 Salty Suite! This legendary exhibition features storied sets such as Bizzarro Flame vs Eikelmann, Ken vs PC Chris, and the infamous Leffen vs Chillin!

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 07:46 PM PST

Link to the entire Salty Suite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5fh7166H6o

Bonus link to a playlist of the individual sets.

Fun fact: To this day, Apex 2015 remains as the most recent tournament to feature all five Melee gods + Leffen.

submitted by /u/jntabeast
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