[Dark Moon] How does the level 5 chicken work? | Learn Dota 2

[Dark Moon] How does the level 5 chicken work?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:47 PM PST

Sometimes (like when ember uses his Q) he goes away quickly and we get like 35-40 gold. My last game we got 85. How does it work?

submitted by /u/CanYouDigItHombre
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Climbing the MMR Ladder

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 08:01 AM PST

Climbing the MMR Ladder

My MMR Dotabuff OpenDota

• Story of how I climbed from 3k to 5k and counting in 4 months in the most cancerous server

I'm just a kid who loves the game of DotA. I've played DotA for about 5 years. I was never serious about the game or had thoughts climbing up the ladder. When the MMR system came out I calibrated at 3k flat. I never really took the game seriously and would troll, give up easily, flame, blame, etc..etc (all those childish stuffs yanno).

Late October 2016 I came up with a challenge: Reach 4k by the end of November. My MMR at that time was hovering around 3.2-3.5 and alike most of us grinders, I WAS STUCK. People and friends of mine were constantly demotivating me with remarks such as: - You're not good enough. - DotA is hard. - SEA Server is the worst server in DotA. - Don't waste your time it's impossible. - You'll never be able to get 4k yet 5k in your life.

What I Did

I came up with a plan and decided to further study the game in ways average and ordinary players don't. If you're going through this post hoping for a golden nugget, I'm afraid it's not going to work. I dedicated abundance of time and effort learning the game.

Here's my plan: Dedicating my life to NON CORE heroes

  1. Pick 1 role and Master da Heck out of it!
  2. I went full hardcore position 5 support. Position 5 means your farming priority is the lowest in the team. You're a stray dog and you feed off your owners(carry) when they are away. <<That's how I was treated most of the time. In most extreme cases you'll end the game with brown boots and a wand. Be grateful. Supporting isn't just about WARDING! As a support you're required to do whatever you can to win every stage of the game. Help: farm/stack/pull/roam/harass! Ok now Open up the "HEROES" tab and pick 2-3 heroes which are appealing to you. If none are, open up dotabuff , search which supports are in the meta right now with win rates above 50%. Note them down. Start trying them out.

  3. Watch streams/guides/videos related to your position

  4. What's your favourite support player? My favourite position 5 player would be the CEO of EG, PPD. Download replays which PPD played in. Watch them in player perspective not in commentator mode. Here observe everything and question everything he does. For example: " Why did he ward here and not there", "Look how we disengages and re-engages" "Observe his clicking patterns", "Map awareness" "Camera control". If you don't understand a part, slow it down/pause it then take some time to figure it out. Especially during team fights watch how he positions himself. Positioning is everything in DotA. If the teamfight was lost, question yourself: Why was the result a lost? How could it have won?

  5. During free time from the game read and brush up on your mechanics. The sites I used:

  6. It's imperative to understand things like: "what does +1 str/int/agi would do for my hero", "why is tread switching essential", "fog of war", and a whole lot more. Sites: . dotapedia . wikidota . Dota 2 Reference (Phone App)

  7. Your attitude equate to the outcome of the game

  8. Mastering this step is where I gained the most MMR. If you're the dick who brings down the team morale in the first few minutes of the game by calling GG END thinking you're some cool ass Rtz wannabee. You will be losing a lot more games soon. Keep in mind that Rtz is a 8-9k player with almost excellent mechanical skills along with deep understanding of the game.

  9. Actually becoming super PMA. Do so by first changing your chat wheel to "well played", "Thanks", "Nice" and "Don't Give Up". Next, avoid flaming or blaming anyone. Instead ask yourself how could it be avoided and communicate it to your fellow teammate as politely as possible. Remember Never ever rage if you really want to win.

  10. Even during games which are totally lost, practice your PMA till it becomes a subconscious habit.

  11. If so happen your mid/safelaner gets tilted, be the better guy and calm his tits down.

Playing the Game

Random in-game scenario

Early game

This is what I mostly did for the past 4 months upon entering the game.

  • Pick Support hero (I favor healers or stunners)
  • Buy 2 obs, 1 crow, 1 set of tangoes, 1 salve,1 clarity, sent/2 gg branches
  • Give offlaner 1 obs and mid 1ob with 2 tangoes
  • Secure bounty for safelaner.
  • Advance creep blocking, let the ranged creep move in front of the herd so that the creeps would be nearer to your T1
  • Harass the heck out of the offlaner if he's alone. In most cases he'll have less regen than u or equal.
  • Always double stack then pull to avoid messing up creep equilibrium in lane. You don't want the creeps to be tower range as your carry might have hard time getting last hits. Don't pull if the creeps are too near your tower. Basically in a nutshell count how many creeps you have and how many creeps enemy have. If you have more creeps than the opponent, pull. Double pull if possible. Controlling creep equilibrium is so important

Mid game

  • Make sure to continuously stock obs and sents
  • If you get heavily dewarded, ward at other locations where you won't expect the opponent to walk. Always put yourself in the enemy's shoes. (insert map)
  • As position 5, you'll have a big picture of the game as other team mates would be busy farming.
  • Start calling shots: Smoke ganks, roshan, tower pushes, or even just defending a tower. In most games your team mates would rather just farm for the entire game and not do anything else. Hence you'll have to call the shots as pos5.
  • During team fights, assess every situation rationally. Never throw body or 1-by-1 die
  • Engage and disengage during fights
  • Alert teammates of cooldowns/ items/enemies spotted
  • Use scan efficiency. Scan places such as High grounds.
  • Always use shrines with teammates.
  • Communicate with your team to stack stuns/slows/disables and etc.
  • Make use of the entire duration of disables.
  • As a support keep your allies alive as long possible
  • Usually as defensive support such as Dazzle, items such as Greaves/Force staff/Meka/Urn/Glimmer cape are essentials of keeping your team alive.
  • As an offensive support such as lion,vs,bane mobility items are much favorable

Late game

You and your team are winning, attempting to push enemy high ground. Now keep in mind that your team could be wiped and your opponents would gain gold and exp advantage through that. This stage of the game requires extreme caution and quick decision making skills.

  • Team attempts to push enemy tier 3 high ground.
  • Opponents are defending as 5 man.
  • As position 5, you are weak and fragile but without you, your cores can't survive long too
  • Position your hero far behind from enemy lines but just enough to safe your allies.
  • If an Axe/Timber/Es on your team initiates, focus your attention to that hero's survivability.
  • Does he needs saving? Can we commit & wipe them instead? Do we need detection?
  • Never enter a battle blindly
  • Upon entering a teamfight make sure the location is lit with wards to avoid getting kite around/juked.

These points are just one out of a million different scenarios which could have occurred. It would take too long to go through of them. Comment below if you have any questions or difficulties you faced during your laning/midgame/endgame phases. I'll be delighted to help out.

Tips in 7.01

  1. Fixate a small hero pool of heroes which you're best at. Play at least 20-30 games on them and then proceed to the next hero. This way you'll slightly familiarize yourself with the mechanics of that particular hero quicker than randomly picking heroes out of the pool. Back in 6.88, I would pick a whole lot of Omniknight as his purification range was imba AF and I could keep my teammates alive almost all the time. In 7.0/7.01, combined with the introduction of talent trees supports/roamers have gained much popularity. They're now more imba than ever. Heroes such as Necro, Pitlord and Treant are really worth playing if you wanna increase your solo mmr. After 20-30 games on the hero, go to Stats>Check your win rate. A win rate above 50% is decent and still require improvement, 60% is quite good shows a feasible amount of hero understanding, 70% and above proofs excellent understanding. However based on maths, these win rate percentages would fall as you play more games on that particular hero. 55-60% would be the ideal target in the long run.

  2. Use Shrines and Scans effectively. Be sure to alert your team when using the shrines as they have a long ass 300second cooldown. Don't walk back all the way to the fountain instead use the shrines in your base(Early game). Being efficient in DotA would impact your game in so many ways. You'll have more time to get back to the lane/jungle to farm.

  3. Attitude, Attitude, Attitude. If you're someone who tilts when your mid feeds, triggered when enemy steals your rune and score a Fb on you or even just by denying all your lasthits. Then it's time to make a change bro. Watch how pros play and emulate their style. It's easy, always be calm and collected no matter what the situation is. Your team is feeding 0-10 in the first 10 minutes? Do something about it. Communicate with your team to start sticking and push towers/ Smoke gank the opponent if they're happily farming in their NC/ Secure space for your cores to farm. You have to be willing to do anything to win.

  4. Time commitment. Are you willing to commit hours and hours of DotA just to climb the ranks? I've committed myself at least 1 game per day minimum and maximum 10 games per day. Through this technique, you'll build enough muscle memory of hooks and crooks of dotA. Stop playing for 10-30 minutes if you lose 2 games straight. Have a cookie or something to regain back your mood then continue.

  5. Network. Every now and then in your pubs you'll come across really imba pubstommers. Instead of just envying them hoping to be like them. Hook them up, request him to play a game or two with you. You'll learn a whole bunch a lot! Make friends yo not enemies. Besides solo mmr, it's fun to play party too..

  6. Follow your gut. This might not apply to every player but it applies to me for the longest of time. Let me elaborate. If you are a core position and farming in an unwarded area where you suddenly feel uncomfortable. Just get the heck out of there. You are walking and your gut says there's a bounty hunter/invi slark around you. Don't hesitate to dust/sent.

  7. Set an objective. If you play dotA to purely have fun, raising MMR would be much difficult. However If your goal is to increasing MMR while having fun then it's a whole different ball game. Explanation: People who play for fun wouldn't try really hard to win a game or even to turn over a losing game (comeback). If you are really serious about the game, never give up until the last HP of your throne drops.

  8. Sandbox practice. Never ever ever play a new or unknown hero in 1 of your ranked game. A -25 would mean that you'll have to play an additional game to get back where you were initially and that's frickin time consuming. Instead head over to Create Lobby>Enable cheats & Bots>Choose your hero. Here use these commands to test skills, familiarize with skill range, Cooldowns, att animations and etc. Website for commands: http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Cheats

  9. Learn to Lasthit. I can't stress the importance of learning to last hit. Download "Lasthit challenge" in Arcade Mode and practice till you get to the leaderboards or simply practice using your desired hero.

  10. Dotabuff/OpenDotA/MaxPlus. Use these platforms to access your plays too. Initially it might seem really confusing however play around with it for a couple days and you'll be good. MaxPlus is the only dotA app to have on your android/IoS. Besides reviewing your games on MaxPlus, you can also place bets. I've made 200-300USD from side betting on D2 and Nba teams.

  11. Memorize This. WardMAP

These are just my 2cents on increasing my match making ratings. DotA is not a binary 1010 game as every match is different. If something you do works, just keep on doing that. It's different for everyone. No matter what meta dotA is in, the fundamentals always stay the same ;). DotA players are the best at adaptations to change.

I'm not really good at writing however somehow I sincerely want to help out those who are struggling raising their MMR. Please leave a comment or suggestion below! I'm up for any friendly games/scrims too!

submitted by /u/seantks
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How do I decide if its better to kill an enemy in lane or to get them low to send them back to base?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:57 PM PST

Title. Like for example, i had this game as TA and i was laning against a Drow, would it have been better to kill her early or send her back to base to heal? I mean, im not just talking about that match, but in general.

Dotabuff match

Opendota match

submitted by /u/NobodyisPlaying
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Can anyone give me carrying tips?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 09:29 PM PST

When not to do this, when not to do that. Can you give me situations too? I'm playing like a bot tbh ;-;

submitted by /u/Phenothetype
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I have 606 hours in Dota and I can only play Warlock well. Where do I go from here?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:36 PM PST

I can't play anything above a position 4 because I don't farm well. If I play a support besides Warlock, I usually feed out of the ass (For example, I was 6/1 as Rubick at 15 minutes and I ended 8/9).

Warlock is tanky and has a great heal, so I don't die nearly as much. My bonds allow me to keep up with my team in damage and my golem's auto-attacks are almost always relevant. Finally, he pushes well, so my carries are less likely to fuck around in the jungle after a won fight.

Where do I go from here? Who should I learn?

submitted by /u/TheLordHighExecu
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Why do I see a lot less (almost none) BH/Riki in my games?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 01:58 PM PST

I play in 4.5k+ bracket and I used to see BH/riki pre 7.00 in almost every game, but now I don't see them can't figure out why. With all the 5 manning, it seems that BH would be insane, and the weird thing is that I used to play those 2 heroes myself, but it just doesn't "feel" the same in this patch for some reason. The only thing I could some up with is that they are valuable because they give vision and with 7.00 HotD kind of replaces them in that sense (scouting with creep while pushing the tower). So I'm really curious to hear your guys thought and explanations.

submitted by /u/Parashroom
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Engima offlane- when?

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 02:14 AM PST


So recently I've seen some professional offlaners take enigma offlane instead of the conventional jungle.

Sometimes the team already has a perfectly viable offlaner in Slardar, but they put slardar supoort instead.

When I play enigma offlane I find that my key items come slower than when I jungle. I know my key role here is to use Demonic Conversion to mess creep equilibrium and deny xp, but it still feels like enigma is butt easy to zone out.

Anyone want to ELI5? Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/DatAdra
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Magnus Combo

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:30 AM PST

Hi everyone, new to playing Magnus and have been losing a lot of games. I think the mistake I'm making is the order in which I use his ultimate combo.

I currently do: skewer->reverse polarity->shockwave

But I THINK the way I need to be doing it is: reverse polarity->shockwave->skewer

Does this sound correct? Thanks in advance.

Also is bfury any good on this hero? I see a lot of pros using shadow blade, what is the point of that?

submitted by /u/shimbo70
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Should I calibrate for Ranked with my current hero pool?

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 01:13 AM PST


I mainly play support, and as you can see I spam Ogre Magi, Jakiro and Crystal Maiden in most games. The plan is to pick Ogre if my team has a physical damage lineup, Maiden if magical, and Jakiro if those 2 are countered by some things, or if Jakiro can counter a certain enemy hero, e.g. Meepo.

I have some games as Bane (I stupidly decided it should be the hero I started learning with, most of those games were played when I was a complete noob, so I'm still not confident in Bane after 22 games), Venge, Lion, Shadow Shaman etc., but I'm only confident in the first 3 of my heroes. I also thought of learning Omniknight because of his high winrate, but I'm afraid of picking supports without some sort of Stun or Root, and end up with a low amount of disables if allies also do not pick disables.

Should I train myself in those heroes to have a better hero pool for Ranked?

I believe that because I've been playing so much support my skill level for other roles is about 1k lower than my support, so I cannot even think about carrying. My most played carry is Viper (14 games), but that was a long time ago when my Unranked MMR was low. If there are too few cores maybe I'll pick Viper again, and thinking of picking Luna (5 games) or Necrophos (4 games) if not. As for offlaners I tried Tidehunter (3 games) and Enchantress (6 games), still very inexperienced.

Should I train my carry/offlaner skill so that I'm well prepared for taking those roles?

Also, if someone could take a look at my recent replays and offer some advice, that would be great!

submitted by /u/CommunistMountain
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How does dark magus/invoker work?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 02:27 PM PST

Specifically why can I revive someone somtimes and no other times?

submitted by /u/CanYouDigItHombre
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I feel like I cant climb out from 2k to 3k.

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:53 AM PST


Here's my dotabuff, I try to play a range of heroes depending whats good for the team, but even if my lane goes well. When mid game hits, I feel objective less. I ward the map, cant necessarily farm coz we have too many cores and jungles are cleared out, smoke plays usually hurt more than help. And I feel aimless, sometimes theres pickoffs and stuff like that, but I dont think I can make stuff happen without feeding. And even when we win fights, we cant turn them into objectives a lot of the times.

Also Im at 2672 solo mmr rn, peak 2723.

submitted by /u/ZuneNebula
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So I started a first Thai educational DotA2 Youtube channel.

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:35 AM PST

Hello /r/learndota2, I come to share my project of building my educational DotA2 platform in Thailand.

My name is Max. I'm around here for a while answering posts. I want to build my educational DotA2 platform because Thailand have no community like this subreddit where you can come, ask questions to improve your game.

I start by offering free coaching in dota2tutor subreddit, have some students here. And I offer free replay analysis for Thai people by creating a form for submitting match ID.

Now, I have a Youtube channel, Lakoi DOTA2, which I uploaded videos of me analysing replays submitted through the form and currently trying to create new educational videos. I'm planning to upload my free coaching session as videos in English too.

I also have a Facebook page with a same name because FB is a large social network in Thailand. So, I promote my service mainly through Facebook. Now, it is still quite small with only 200 likes but I expect it to continue to grow. I am not an expert in Facebook or Youtube marketing so if someone can advise me here, it will be a great help.

I don't know how much Thai people is in this subreddit. But who knows, if everyone shares just a little bit, you can make a difference by creating new talents in Thailand. I just want to share my project to see what help can I get, also what can I offer to you guys here.

I planned to make English videos soon, so keep in touch.

Thanks a lot for reading, let us help together to build better DotA2 community. Any feedbacks, comments, supports appreciated.

My Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/lakoidota2/

My Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4ecKytgvRpNmGleaQD9dxA

submitted by /u/masrpx
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Damage over time - TP to shrine or base?

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:25 AM PST

Did anyone did the math about what heals you faster between the fountain and a shrine?

Let's say you're taking some damage over time that is surely going to kill you and you manage to tp out. Isn't better to tp to a shrine rather than a fountain in some cases?

I.E. it's 10 minutes into the game and you have 900 hp. Shrine heals you for 120 + 2*10 = 140 hp per second, fountain heals you for 4% of your max hp = 36 hp per second. Even spamming bottle, you'd get up to 72 hp per second, around half the value of the shrine.

In addition to this, it's easier to dodge some skillshot that would finish you (Clock's rocket, Sunstrike, AA's ult).

Am I missing something or in some situations it's way better to tp to a shrine rather than fountain to save yourself from some otherwise lethal damage over time?

submitted by /u/Madaffacca
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What could I have done better ?

Posted: 30 Jan 2017 12:21 AM PST

I know I am a low mmr player. But, I so badly want to improve. I just want anyone to analyse my gameplay and tell me what I could improve? Items,decision, farm, anything. I am happy to take a advice. I only play juggernaut, because, I would master a hero and move on to other. I don't want to half-ass things. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2955118666

submitted by /u/HerFury
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Anyone want to 5 man party dark moon?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:22 PM PST

I got to invoker once but the team had to go so we couldn't play another. If I can get a few 4-5K players we should be able to do this no problem. I manage to get invoker with 3 people in the party were < 3K (one was 1K but he listened and did well)

submitted by /u/CanYouDigItHombre
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Good position 1 and 2's for new players?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 04:17 PM PST

Hey guys, I'm semi-new to Dta and I'm just wondering what are some good position 1 and 2 heroes right now? I have around 300 matches and understand most of the items and heroes but can't seem to find any I really excel at. My favorite heroes right now are Terro Blade and Arc Warden.

submitted by /u/Dycrno
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How do I break my horrible losing streak?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:07 PM PST

I'm on a horrible losing streak, and have lost 200 MMR this month, despite feeling like I'm improving. Every game is either a crushing loss, or a game we were slightly ahead until some burden became too much to bear at about 20-30 minutes, whether it be a player who disconnected or someone who is 2:20 and 7 levels behind everyone else. In theory these shitty situations should happen more regularly to the other team, but it doesn't seem to work out that way. I've been spamming TA and Viper and have dropped from 1350 MMR (yes...) to 1150 MMR. What could I be doing wrong? What could be the problem? Is it just a long streak of bad luck? Here are my stats for the month (some of these are party ranked):


submitted by /u/nitro_dubz
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Support in 7.00 dying doesnt matter?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:50 AM PST

I´ve been playing hard support quite a lot recently, basically pure position 5 ward whore @~4k and i completely stopped giving a shit about my deaths.

My playstile looks roughly as follows: Buy wards cour + sentries + consumables lvl 1 (sentries if opponents got invis) ill prioritize warding and dust over even brownboots, regard my level as irrelevant. Earlygame im pulling, ganking, trading running around with smoke and buy tps. Meaning by minute 10 im rarely lvl 6 have maybe my tranquils. Im involved in about 80-100% of earlygame kills for my team and sometimes make up about half our deaths.

Ending up with stats like 0 2 7 after early is more or less stats im content with. If i gank mid and theres the chance to kill by sacrifice ill go for it (thinking feeding kill to opponents mid is fine, if MY mid gets the kill + full xp after im death)

Midgame my stats tend to go down as im agressively warding ... and i see no problem with dying for a shot at a deep ward (i think my warding are on point compared to other people at my rating... at least i always get pissed about shit wards / lack of wards when im not supporting whereas i havent heard complaints about bad wards or lack there of from my team).

Or swapping out my mid with venge if it leads to my death and a living mid, what results is that opponents view me as complete prey and i tend to ge jumped on a lot being 6 lvls behind and having blink + tranquil boots by 25 minutes.

Mostly if i get killed and i get my wards down it results in 1 or 2 kills for my team within the next few minutes or as a consequence of opponents going on me when im out of position.

Ill also attempt reckless ganks and engages midgame which 70% end with me dead and all opponents happy and the other 30% with one or multiple kills for my team.

And thats how i support and i feel im doing quite well tho im dead half the time :D.

Now i wonder what higher levels think about reckless pos 5 supporting.

to give you an idea what my stats after last 5 support games look like:

Venge 4 - 15 - 22 9.4k net @ 42mins victory.

Lion 4 - 14 - 21 11.3k net @ 51mins victory.

Lion 2 - 5 - 21 8.3k net @ 29 mins victory.

Cm 13 - 22 - 32 15.4k net @ 1h 27 mins victory.

Ogre 1 - 12 - 13 4.2k net @29 mins loss.

submitted by /u/yinyie
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How to play support 4/5 in 7.00?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:13 AM PST

FYI I got 4.8k but I haven't play mmr in 2 months. And yesterday I play captain mode then I have no idea how to play it. I (vengeful spirit pos 5) just following my another support (ogre magi pos 4) to gank. I saw so much high trench mmr, and realized that support nowadays tend to split. One going mid and another helping their offlane.

Can someone have a breakdown?

submitted by /u/teopedo
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Is this a good razor game?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 11:51 AM PST

I'm pretty new to the game (started playing towards the end of the summer) and after a bit of a break because I was busy, I decided to try out Razor, a hero I haven't really played before.

So after a couple of games, I ended up playing what I think is the best game I've ever played. I had a pretty good early game I thought, and a really solid mid game, having to deal with a really awful Chen and a slightly flaming Pudge, and a couple of disconnects, we managed to push back and win the game.

dotabuff link: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2952804425

I was just wondering whether there were any points in my game play in which I could improve on, and where I went wrong if at all.


submitted by /u/The_Oracle_of_Narnia
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Winter Battle Pass before level 20?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 10:05 AM PST

Hey everybody! I'm pretty new to dota2 (played original, then HoN, and then took a break) and I'm curious about this battle pass stuff. I'm currently level 5 with a level 9 exp trophy, if I were to buy a battle pass right now could I even use it? Could I do the quests without level 20? I can't find anything online to explain it :/

Also, what is the fastest way to get to level 20 so I can actually do ranked matches? Skill level in unranked is really variable and kind of frustrating.

submitted by /u/Wrenky
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Noob question, how to level up your Dota 2 profile with Battle Pass?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 12:35 PM PST

I've played doto for years but this is the first time buying a battle pass. I've seen people on youtube before whose profile just levels up by doing some stuff related to the battle pass.

From what I know and understand, everytime I complete a quest and get the 35k points, I'll be able to use Rylais Blessing something. Is it just it a Battle Pass (including the Dark Moon event)?

I have token which I have no ideia what to do with them, I've read a lot of stuff and I'm still confused.

Also, another question, since this event, I've lost so many ranked games due to people fucking up because of quests. Is it just my luck and stop playing ranked, or should I continue?

submitted by /u/teinimon
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7.0 guide?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 05:21 PM PST

I just played for the first time in like 3 months I had no idea the map had changed or the new UI or anything and its confusing as fuck I figured out how to open the store menu after my first game but I was wondering if anyone can explain all the new mechanics like those healing towers and stuff.

submitted by /u/itsdahveed
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Lone druid 7.0 build?

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 07:12 AM PST

So i see lone druid is played as a ranged right click hero more now, what is the best current build?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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How do I raise my MMR ? SEA region help please :(

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 06:57 AM PST

Ok so I got two accounts. My first account I've been stuck between 1.3K to 1.4K forever almost. On my other one, I havent finished my calibration matches yet, but I reckon my MMR is around 2.2K as in the 5 calibration matches I did play, the average MMR on both teams hovered between 2.2 - 2.4K.

I was playing alot on my other account, and recently I've started playing again on my first one. The problem is the same. I just cant seem to get out of this annoying range.

If anyone got any tips please do tell. On my first account, I pretty quickly went from aroun 800 MMR to 1.4 playing only Axe almost. Then came this annoying phase of me just hovering around this annoying MMR range (this was when I decided to make new account). In the meantime I KNOW for a fact I've gotten much better, and play with higher albeit only slightly MMR players, and play well their as well. But for the love of god I just cant figure out why cant I do well when it comes to raising my MMR.

I must say that I play on SEA, and my game experiences are usually shitty, with some of the most annoying player base in this fucking server. I am Indian, but getting matches in India server means 3-7 min average queue times. Indian servers are a way way better experience for me, but SEA is pure dogshit sometimes. Anyone who has climbed in this region can you please tell me some tips, and preferably heroes that are good for raising MMR.

I am by no means amazing and think 'I deserve' to be higher MMR. But I know that I am not retarded like most of my teammates. Just in my last game I had idiot teammates farming solo the whole of early and mid game without any vision against bara and feeding the him. Rant over.

Here are my accounts :

first second

If you can, please analyse some of my recent games from first account. All feedback appreciated :)

submitted by /u/_Unleashedd_
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