I personally am excited for season 9!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:27 PM PST
Hey guys,
Long time D3 player here. I have been away from the game for the last few years as I fell in love with PoE. Now I know, another person talking about how great PoE is... No not quite.
While I do love PoE, I personally have become quite bored with it and am not enjoying the direction they are taking the game with the latest patches. I don't enjoy the new breach league and the fact that you can gear so cheaply now adays, and am looking to come back to do d3. (Not to mention how much worse the optimization is getting as this new league progresses...)
Now I have kept up with d3 over the years and am familiar with the meta and stuff. I will probably be playing in HC, just because I love the challenge of it in D3. I have no idea what class yet, but I will figure that out closer to the start date.
I will probably be playing the last 2 weeks of this league too, just working on getting the portrait and the wings (gotta love andy wings). If anyone wants to come grind with me or anything, feel free to add me iconiy #1323. Also if there are any HC guilds in NA that want a new member for S9, feel free to invite me :)
Anyways, I just thought I would make this post, since everyone is in such a bad mood about d3. Its in a rough spot right now, but it is still a fun game and all the great things you hear about PoE are mostly true, but don't worry... That game has a lot of things going wrong with it too... not all of the community is happy with the direction that game is going.
Cheers everyone!
submitted by /u/iconiy Long time D3 player here. I have been away from the game for the last few years as I fell in love with PoE. Now I know, another person talking about how great PoE is... No not quite.
While I do love PoE, I personally have become quite bored with it and am not enjoying the direction they are taking the game with the latest patches. I don't enjoy the new breach league and the fact that you can gear so cheaply now adays, and am looking to come back to do d3. (Not to mention how much worse the optimization is getting as this new league progresses...)
Now I have kept up with d3 over the years and am familiar with the meta and stuff. I will probably be playing in HC, just because I love the challenge of it in D3. I have no idea what class yet, but I will figure that out closer to the start date.
I will probably be playing the last 2 weeks of this league too, just working on getting the portrait and the wings (gotta love andy wings). If anyone wants to come grind with me or anything, feel free to add me iconiy #1323. Also if there are any HC guilds in NA that want a new member for S9, feel free to invite me :)
Anyways, I just thought I would make this post, since everyone is in such a bad mood about d3. Its in a rough spot right now, but it is still a fun game and all the great things you hear about PoE are mostly true, but don't worry... That game has a lot of things going wrong with it too... not all of the community is happy with the direction that game is going.
Cheers everyone!
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Make companion pets great again! New Butcher should butcher your corpse!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:09 AM PST
Companion pets are too boring. They only pick up gold and play a few animations and sounds. Blizz should make them more interesting and then worthwile to acquire.
My first idea would be having new Butcher pet run to your corpse when you die and butcher it yelling "fresh meat!". If you don't like the concept of your corpse being cut into pieces it could also take care of some monster corpses from time to time. Also I'm not sure how the Hardcore players would react...
What would be your ideas for different pets?
submitted by /u/filus My first idea would be having new Butcher pet run to your corpse when you die and butcher it yelling "fresh meat!". If you don't like the concept of your corpse being cut into pieces it could also take care of some monster corpses from time to time. Also I'm not sure how the Hardcore players would react...
What would be your ideas for different pets?
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[Diablo 2] The Summoning Necro builds I'm looking at say to put 0 points into Energy. Why is that?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 10:43 AM PST
I imagine it's because you'll only be summoning your skellies and then won't be casting much after that, but wouldn't you still be spamming Amp Damage and/ or Corpse Explosion?
Here's the builds I'm looking at:
Playing HC.
submitted by /u/Lukeweizer Here's the builds I'm looking at:
Playing HC.
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Diablo 3 cures my slaying monsters and loot itch compared to the other arpgs
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 04:22 PM PST
No need to upvote, I just wanted to say that I kind of did a full circle with Diablo 3. After I got super bored in season 7, I went on to try path of exile and grim dawn. Of those two, I felt grim dawn was better gameplay wise while poe had a really strong community.
But neither game held me for long after i beat them. And I've been having a loot fix lately. I tried grim dawn again but it doesn't cure the itch like Diablo 3 does. I'm now finishing up in season 8. I'll probably get bored again once I get up to gr70 or so but there is something to be said about this game that it cures that itch for me. I wish it had a stronger, more positive community.
submitted by /u/fantasticbullseye But neither game held me for long after i beat them. And I've been having a loot fix lately. I tried grim dawn again but it doesn't cure the itch like Diablo 3 does. I'm now finishing up in season 8. I'll probably get bored again once I get up to gr70 or so but there is something to be said about this game that it cures that itch for me. I wish it had a stronger, more positive community.
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[D3/Seasonal/EU/SC] Anyone still needs help with season goals?
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:57 AM PST
(Reminder for those who missed out on the news: the season ends in 11 days )
I'm seeing a lot of folks having trouble with the 5/4 minute T13 rift, T13 Belial in 45s and the conquest goals. If you're playing on EU in SC and need help with these, add me ( HorsemanFive#2134 ) and message me when I'm on BN.
If you're starting the season late, I can powerlevel you to 70 and carry you ( ideally three people at a time ) through the boss objectives, T13 rift and Infernal Machines ( if you're not sure what the objectives are this season, check http://d3resource.com/journey/ ).
Just to avoid confusion:
submitted by /u/5thhorseman_ I'm seeing a lot of folks having trouble with the 5/4 minute T13 rift, T13 Belial in 45s and the conquest goals. If you're playing on EU in SC and need help with these, add me ( HorsemanFive#2134 ) and message me when I'm on BN.
If you're starting the season late, I can powerlevel you to 70 and carry you ( ideally three people at a time ) through the boss objectives, T13 rift and Infernal Machines ( if you're not sure what the objectives are this season, check http://d3resource.com/journey/ ).
Just to avoid confusion:
- I'm only playing on EU and only softcore. If you're not on EU, or you're only playing HC, I can't help.
- This is only relevant to PC version. If you're playing on consoles, you don't have seasons (yet).
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Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:00 AM PST
submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak - POST IN ALL CAPS
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James Hong is so good as Covetous Shen. I can't get enough of his voice.
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 07:34 PM PST
Those of you who didn't recognize him but loved his voice should check out his IMDb. He's been in loads of great films and shows. Always stands out. Always memorable.
submitted by /u/Bespawler [link] [comments]
Can anyone help with the T13 5-minute rift? NA Seasonal
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:04 PM PST
Poor performace, above rec req's, please help
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:56 AM PST
I'm seeing extremely long load times, ex 40 sec game load times, 20 sec tp. Plus when i talk to the blacksmith about weapon or armor crafting the game takes a nosedive fps-wise. This isn't an internet problem because two other people in my household play it fine while we're all playing at the same time. I'm on 100 mbps down on a brand new wifi adapter. I exceed the rec req. This is my hardware setup:
video card: gtx 970 16 gb ram Processor: amd fx-6300 six core [edit] motherboard: 970 gaming
is anyone else seeing this problem or have any idea why i would have such long load times?
[update] ok just got done deleting junk files, defraging, and chkdsk both harddrives. no improvment. Anyone know if geforce experience could be screwing me all up and just deleting that will magically fix everything?
submitted by /u/chefboar7 video card: gtx 970 16 gb ram Processor: amd fx-6300 six core [edit] motherboard: 970 gaming
is anyone else seeing this problem or have any idea why i would have such long load times?
[update] ok just got done deleting junk files, defraging, and chkdsk both harddrives. no improvment. Anyone know if geforce experience could be screwing me all up and just deleting that will magically fix everything?
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Abriendo TYRAEL Heroes of the Storm Figura de Accion - Revision en Español
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:40 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Blizky [link] [comments] |
D3 : Animation Support ft. Non Thareechit
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 11:32 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/benifios [link] [comments] |
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