Posted: 19 Dec 2016 03:30 PM PST
[Comic] When I Play Support (in silver)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:17 AM PST
Comic Here
I mostly play ADC and Support, and today's games tilted me so hard I have to draw this out to release some stress :(
submitted by /u/YuwenTaiji I mostly play ADC and Support, and today's games tilted me so hard I have to draw this out to release some stress :(
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Next level Lee flash + Q predict. Wait for him to come back! [32 sec]
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Vicelia [link] [comments] |
Sources: Origen's roster revealed
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:35 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/MetaNex [link] [comments] |
You can't send gifts to new friends, but you can to total strangers?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:04 AM PST
So I promised someone I'd gift them a chest if they beat a pro player in a 1 v 1, and they managed to do it, so I added him... and lo and behold he's an ineligible gift recipient (Wtf riot, I'm not allowed to be generous to new friends?)
So I figured out a quick way around this, and we jumped into an aram game, and at the end, you can gift people from your team, so I send him a chest
Rito: You can't gift your friends, but total strangers, sure why not?
submitted by /u/Rosscosity So I figured out a quick way around this, and we jumped into an aram game, and at the end, you can gift people from your team, so I send him a chest
Rito: You can't gift your friends, but total strangers, sure why not?
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Tobias Fate flaming D5 Rammus
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:31 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/GoldNovaPawn [link] [comments] |
Sources Confirm Upcoming Pick-Ban Format Change for Spring 2017
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:15 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/obscurica [link] [comments] |
Misfits: Ready for LCS
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:59 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/imKymori [link] [comments] |
Febiven talks about his motivation on H2K and self-help: “I will not accept sitting at home for four months again”
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 09:11 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/call_me_Illaoi [link] [comments] |
PSA: Placements aren't a 10 game lottery to advance you through the ranks
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 08:37 PM PST
Getting real sick of seeing all these threads about placements. Let me explain this to you. Placements are not designed to advance you through the ranks. If you played 400 games last season at Silver 5, winning 8 out of only TEN games does NOT mean you deserve Gold. Placements are NOT a jackpot or a climbing tool.
Ranked is a competitive environment that requires consistent effort and skill to do well in. It's not a placeholder for your border next year. You dont make it to your peak rank once then get instalocked into it for eternity.
Everyone moves down the ladder after placements. Thats how they've always worked. This isn't news. Its not some enigma the likes of which we've never seen before. The entire ladder shifts downward, including you.
This is where MMR comes into play. Let's say you do well in your placements, but get placed bronze 5. Your MMR is still going to be higher than Bronze 5. How does this affect you? Well, the system will actively try to push you up the ranks. For example, you could be gaining 25LP for a win and losing 12LP for a loss. If you troll your placements "because they don't matter" or "let me skip placements", have fun trying to climb with garbage MMR. Now instead of gaining more than losing, you could be gaining only 15LP for a win and losing 20LP for a loss.
To reiterate:
1) Placements are not a get-out-of-ELO-hell free card
2) They are not a placeholder for your rank
3) Almost everyone gets shifted downwards
4) They still have a purpose even if you get placed Bronze 5
So if you still feel like trolling your placements because you're upset you have to actually put effort into ranked, have a fun time trying to dig yourself out later with your shit MMR that you deserve.
submitted by /u/Eedat Ranked is a competitive environment that requires consistent effort and skill to do well in. It's not a placeholder for your border next year. You dont make it to your peak rank once then get instalocked into it for eternity.
Everyone moves down the ladder after placements. Thats how they've always worked. This isn't news. Its not some enigma the likes of which we've never seen before. The entire ladder shifts downward, including you.
This is where MMR comes into play. Let's say you do well in your placements, but get placed bronze 5. Your MMR is still going to be higher than Bronze 5. How does this affect you? Well, the system will actively try to push you up the ranks. For example, you could be gaining 25LP for a win and losing 12LP for a loss. If you troll your placements "because they don't matter" or "let me skip placements", have fun trying to climb with garbage MMR. Now instead of gaining more than losing, you could be gaining only 15LP for a win and losing 20LP for a loss.
To reiterate:
1) Placements are not a get-out-of-ELO-hell free card
2) They are not a placeholder for your rank
3) Almost everyone gets shifted downwards
4) They still have a purpose even if you get placed Bronze 5
So if you still feel like trolling your placements because you're upset you have to actually put effort into ranked, have a fun time trying to dig yourself out later with your shit MMR that you deserve.
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Pawn on returning to Korea: "The only trophy I’m missing is one for League Champions Korea."
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:33 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ashveendae [link] [comments] |
Full list of champions who 'don't need boots'.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 02:11 AM PST
I've had this idea ever since the Cassio rework came out, so I'm finally taking the time to list out every single champion who, by Rito's own logic,E.g, the boots not having a proper place to be worn, shouldn't be able to buy boots. For this list, we'll be assuming that the boots are exactly what the item picture shows.
Alistar: Feet are too big, boots do not fit. Also is barefoot.
Anivia: Flies, and is a bird.
Aurelion Sol: Flies, and is a dragon. Also only kinda has back feet.
Bard: Does not have feet.
Blitzcrank: Is a robot who is sometimes barefooted and also is sometimes on wheels.
Camille: Rito even says she cannot stand on soft terrain. Shoes are soft. Also no feet.
Cassio: No feet. Is also a snake.
Cho'Gath. Try putting shoes on him. I dare you. Feet too big, will not fit. Also large talons to cut shoes apart.
Corki: Is in an Airplane/Hover Machine/Helicopter/Sled. Also flies.
Elise: Where would her shoes go when she transforms? She would have to put them back on every time she returned to human form. Her little spiders would have to carry her dropped shoes so she didn't lose them.
Fiddlesticks: Is a scarecrow. Also does not have feet.
Galio: Flies. Is also a rock monster.
Gnar: Would most likely eat shoes. In case of non-ingestion of shoes, shoes would be destroyed upon transforming.
Hecarim: No horseshoes available in shop.
Ivern: Is a tree.
Janna: Flies.
Kathus: Floats. Also has no sense of style, would not buy good shoes anyways.
Kassadin: Floats.
Kayle: Flies.
Kennen: Feet are too tiny.
Kha'Zix: See Cho'Gath's reason.
Kindred: Sheep don't wear shoes. Would need a variant of Hecarim's horse shoes. Also Wolf doesn't have feet. Also Wolf floats.
Kog'Maw: Too many feet things. Would need multiple boots to cover all feet, even if the boots did fit him.
Lissandra: Does she have feet? I don't know.
Malphite: Is a rock monster, feet are too large.
Malzahar: Floats
Maokai: Is a tree monster, feet are too large.
Mordekaiser: Is an 80's speed metal monster, feet are too large. Also no metal boots.
Nami: Is basically a water Cassiopeia. Rito wtf.
Nasus: Dogs don't like wearing shoes. Google that shit. They're not into it.
Nautilus: Good luck with that.
Nocture: Has no feet. Also floats.
Nunu: Yeti's don't wear shoes. You could argue that Nunu himself wears them, but he doesn't walk.
Rammus: Does not have feet proper. Boots would fly off during his rolling.
Rek'Sai: Does not have feet/not enough boots for all legs/would lose boots when she spins.
Rengar: Cats also do not like shoes.
Rumble: Drives a mechsuit. Watch Pacific Rim. How much Mechs have shoes? Exactly.
Sejuani: Not sure of pig's opinions of shoes, but I assume they're not a fan of them.
Shyvana: Would lose them when she transforms, but does not have the luxury of having smaller dragons carry her boots around.
Sion: Is a meat monster. Also feet are too big.
Skarner: Scorpions for sure do not like shoes.
Sona: Floats.
Soraka: Hooves. Would need the same style as Lamb.
Syndra: Floats.
Tahm Kench: Would eat them. Also is a fish.
Urgot: Doesn't even have feet. Do the boots go on his robot legs? No, that would be silly.
Vel'Koz: Floats
Vladimir: Boots cannot turn into a pool of blood. Boots would be lost when using his pool ability.
Volibear. Is a fucking bear.
Warwick: See Nasus.
Xerath: Floats. Also no feet. Kind of.
Zac: Too morphy. Shoes would hold him back.
Zilean: Floats.
Zyra: Is a plant.
EDIT: Kassadin. EDIT 2: Spelling. EDIT 3: Malzahar. EDIT 4: As to why Kennen is the only Yordle here: I dunno. They should all really be here, what with there little feet and all.
submitted by /u/Hi_Im_Wall Alistar: Feet are too big, boots do not fit. Also is barefoot.
Anivia: Flies, and is a bird.
Aurelion Sol: Flies, and is a dragon. Also only kinda has back feet.
Bard: Does not have feet.
Blitzcrank: Is a robot who is sometimes barefooted and also is sometimes on wheels.
Camille: Rito even says she cannot stand on soft terrain. Shoes are soft. Also no feet.
Cassio: No feet. Is also a snake.
Cho'Gath. Try putting shoes on him. I dare you. Feet too big, will not fit. Also large talons to cut shoes apart.
Corki: Is in an Airplane/Hover Machine/Helicopter/Sled. Also flies.
Elise: Where would her shoes go when she transforms? She would have to put them back on every time she returned to human form. Her little spiders would have to carry her dropped shoes so she didn't lose them.
Fiddlesticks: Is a scarecrow. Also does not have feet.
Galio: Flies. Is also a rock monster.
Gnar: Would most likely eat shoes. In case of non-ingestion of shoes, shoes would be destroyed upon transforming.
Hecarim: No horseshoes available in shop.
Ivern: Is a tree.
Janna: Flies.
Kathus: Floats. Also has no sense of style, would not buy good shoes anyways.
Kassadin: Floats.
Kayle: Flies.
Kennen: Feet are too tiny.
Kha'Zix: See Cho'Gath's reason.
Kindred: Sheep don't wear shoes. Would need a variant of Hecarim's horse shoes. Also Wolf doesn't have feet. Also Wolf floats.
Kog'Maw: Too many feet things. Would need multiple boots to cover all feet, even if the boots did fit him.
Lissandra: Does she have feet? I don't know.
Malphite: Is a rock monster, feet are too large.
Malzahar: Floats
Maokai: Is a tree monster, feet are too large.
Mordekaiser: Is an 80's speed metal monster, feet are too large. Also no metal boots.
Nami: Is basically a water Cassiopeia. Rito wtf.
Nasus: Dogs don't like wearing shoes. Google that shit. They're not into it.
Nautilus: Good luck with that.
Nocture: Has no feet. Also floats.
Nunu: Yeti's don't wear shoes. You could argue that Nunu himself wears them, but he doesn't walk.
Rammus: Does not have feet proper. Boots would fly off during his rolling.
Rek'Sai: Does not have feet/not enough boots for all legs/would lose boots when she spins.
Rengar: Cats also do not like shoes.
Rumble: Drives a mechsuit. Watch Pacific Rim. How much Mechs have shoes? Exactly.
Sejuani: Not sure of pig's opinions of shoes, but I assume they're not a fan of them.
Shyvana: Would lose them when she transforms, but does not have the luxury of having smaller dragons carry her boots around.
Sion: Is a meat monster. Also feet are too big.
Skarner: Scorpions for sure do not like shoes.
Sona: Floats.
Soraka: Hooves. Would need the same style as Lamb.
Syndra: Floats.
Tahm Kench: Would eat them. Also is a fish.
Urgot: Doesn't even have feet. Do the boots go on his robot legs? No, that would be silly.
Vel'Koz: Floats
Vladimir: Boots cannot turn into a pool of blood. Boots would be lost when using his pool ability.
Volibear. Is a fucking bear.
Warwick: See Nasus.
Xerath: Floats. Also no feet. Kind of.
Zac: Too morphy. Shoes would hold him back.
Zilean: Floats.
Zyra: Is a plant.
EDIT: Kassadin. EDIT 2: Spelling. EDIT 3: Malzahar. EDIT 4: As to why Kennen is the only Yordle here: I dunno. They should all really be here, what with there little feet and all.
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Jungle Tips from a Season 1 player and still going hard at it
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:13 AM PST
I see too many mistakes! Junglers have become too static/fixated on their own general gamestyle, not understanding the advanced basic principles which i deem mandatory for any good player.
Tip 1:You are not being adaptive enough!:
Don't be so cold/stubborn on your route,playing a certain champ against different comps means you have to mix it up,You're a jarvan jungle against a draven sona botlane? Crush those guys level 2.You re a lee sin, opress the enemy jungler like a savage, do the lvl 3 double buff one neutral camp route and kill the enemy at his redbuff/blue buff if it's a sloppy first clear enemy jungler like hecarim, fizz, evelyn,sejauni, amumu and the list can go on and on.
Tip 2:You are being obvious!...They're also being too obvious, but you re not looking where it matters,open your eyes.
That enemy rengar came top with double buff lvl 3 , he s cs score is 5 minions at 3:30 or 6 minions at 3:45 , he takes the flash of your quinn toplaner,but she damaged him in return, with 35-40% hp, rengar goes back in the jungle trough the river.
Let's break it down, 5 minions , implying he started east bot side(blue) means he did in order, Blue(1)>wolves(4)>Red(5) and then came to gank that toplaner at 3:30, or 3:45 or something similar in that timing with >scutter crab(6). When he return to the jungle , knowing he didn t recall mean s he's going back for more farm, Now knowing his route, and his timing, and the camps he's done by calculating it down, You can suspect he's probably going in for the Krugs with his smite still up (as he only probably smited red and then rushed in to gank).
All this info is crucial of understanding what he's thinking ,how to counterjungle him ,how to prepare for a countergank
Implying you had a mirror route, You started Eastbotside with Red>wolves>blue and then you did gromp because Quinn was pushing(also the reason why she got ganked) and your mid is also a bit overextended,u see the rengar, you press tab, u check his levels, his buffs, and when you see that he s going back in the jungle, you know that you can easily gank and kill him at he's Krugs, he is being litteraly so obvious about it.Taking the Krugs after that gank with that little hp for the rengar is a mistake against a high elo jungler, these are things though that you can abuse at every elo, you just need to know it,look for it, it's just in front of your eyes.
So you re telling me you re playing a shit jungler like fizz, and you re low, ganking him at krug's might not be that easy and safe, still , with the given info, you can still invade his jungle, ward his red brush, and go in to steal the raptors, check if he might come your way to finnish the last jungle camp from topside, secure yourself first of all and make sure you re route to invade isn't covered by a ward,simply by not invading near the midlane brush and hugging the wall.You recall, you're happy you took his raptors.Now you just need to get in his head, He won't be coming directly topside of the jungle because he 'thinks' he only has 1 jungle camp top , while he has 2 jungle camps in his botside, he's thinking quinn has no flash, so he's thinking of Gromp, Wolves, Raptors>gank top trough river. Or maybe your mid is ultra overextending, so you think he might gromp, wolves and then gank mid.
Anyway, ALL OF THIS DAMN TEXT, isn't just fantasy, every game has it's lil story, and this is the most common one that i find myself into,my general tip for you, is to math out the enemy jungler, count his camps, see into the future of his route, go into he's mind, don't only look where you can gank, look where the enemy might gank too.Be adaptive, be agressive and do your best to starve and opress the enemy jungler. Being one step ahead of you re jungler will give you a huge edge in every game.
Tip 3:You don't need to gank everywhere, you will win the game most often then not if you realise 2 things, winning 1 lane(but really hard) and winning the jungle.For example, keep track of the enemy jungle, use an agressive one that can invade and kill like kha, vi, lee etc, Try to match him and be the worst enemy he has ever had if no clear free kills appear on the lanes early enough,afterwards, you will get dominance,that dominance will push the enemy jungler back, allowing your laners to be extra agressive, and the enemy laners to be more carefull, as they WILL be scared of the gank, seeing you constantly in their jungle and their own jungler limping behind in exp, cs and overall impact,The jungle phase is really fast,so you need to adapt fast, take the right decisions and be a general savage, Now the other important thing is to camp the stupid. Simply put, if you see a certain midlaner, being bad with his position, or a toplaner , overextending, no wards, etc, camp his ass, dive his ass, tilt him so hard, he'll cry for his jungler, and when you see him, kill him too. The mental pressure that puts on the enemy team is pretty big, morale is a resource in solo que aswell.
Try doing disgusting things, You kill the top early at 4:15 , you take his flash aswell, you push with your toplaner into the tower, forcing his TP to come back not to lose farm, and then, you just stay in the toplane upper brush closer to his tower, your toplaner remains in the lane low, as a bait, he goes , trying to tie the score and reedem himself , and BOOM he dies again, he's TP is down, he s losing even more farm and EXP , he's 2 times dead by min 5:00, he s standing at 14 cs, your top has arleady 35, and you keep going top untill he's done for and you feel disgusting, eventually you ll be so far ahead off of the kills from top, if the enemy jungler comes, you can kill him too and definetly win a 2vs2.
Extra tip 4: I run on almost all my ad junglers (except vi) tiamat as 1st item, even before jungle item just so i can do my own camps and the enemy camps really fast. If jungle is slow and nothing happens, i take the jungle item, and tiamat, and then finnish the jungle item completely.
My account :
Got plat in s6 because of elo decay and irl
I Hope my tips show you a different perspective and you find them rather usefull compared to the generic you tube '5 simple tips to jungle'
Best of Luck
submitted by /u/gigeli1 Tip 1:You are not being adaptive enough!:
Don't be so cold/stubborn on your route,playing a certain champ against different comps means you have to mix it up,You're a jarvan jungle against a draven sona botlane? Crush those guys level 2.You re a lee sin, opress the enemy jungler like a savage, do the lvl 3 double buff one neutral camp route and kill the enemy at his redbuff/blue buff if it's a sloppy first clear enemy jungler like hecarim, fizz, evelyn,sejauni, amumu and the list can go on and on.
Tip 2:You are being obvious!...They're also being too obvious, but you re not looking where it matters,open your eyes.
That enemy rengar came top with double buff lvl 3 , he s cs score is 5 minions at 3:30 or 6 minions at 3:45 , he takes the flash of your quinn toplaner,but she damaged him in return, with 35-40% hp, rengar goes back in the jungle trough the river.
Let's break it down, 5 minions , implying he started east bot side(blue) means he did in order, Blue(1)>wolves(4)>Red(5) and then came to gank that toplaner at 3:30, or 3:45 or something similar in that timing with >scutter crab(6). When he return to the jungle , knowing he didn t recall mean s he's going back for more farm, Now knowing his route, and his timing, and the camps he's done by calculating it down, You can suspect he's probably going in for the Krugs with his smite still up (as he only probably smited red and then rushed in to gank).
All this info is crucial of understanding what he's thinking ,how to counterjungle him ,how to prepare for a countergank
Implying you had a mirror route, You started Eastbotside with Red>wolves>blue and then you did gromp because Quinn was pushing(also the reason why she got ganked) and your mid is also a bit overextended,u see the rengar, you press tab, u check his levels, his buffs, and when you see that he s going back in the jungle, you know that you can easily gank and kill him at he's Krugs, he is being litteraly so obvious about it.Taking the Krugs after that gank with that little hp for the rengar is a mistake against a high elo jungler, these are things though that you can abuse at every elo, you just need to know it,look for it, it's just in front of your eyes.
So you re telling me you re playing a shit jungler like fizz, and you re low, ganking him at krug's might not be that easy and safe, still , with the given info, you can still invade his jungle, ward his red brush, and go in to steal the raptors, check if he might come your way to finnish the last jungle camp from topside, secure yourself first of all and make sure you re route to invade isn't covered by a ward,simply by not invading near the midlane brush and hugging the wall.You recall, you're happy you took his raptors.Now you just need to get in his head, He won't be coming directly topside of the jungle because he 'thinks' he only has 1 jungle camp top , while he has 2 jungle camps in his botside, he's thinking quinn has no flash, so he's thinking of Gromp, Wolves, Raptors>gank top trough river. Or maybe your mid is ultra overextending, so you think he might gromp, wolves and then gank mid.
Anyway, ALL OF THIS DAMN TEXT, isn't just fantasy, every game has it's lil story, and this is the most common one that i find myself into,my general tip for you, is to math out the enemy jungler, count his camps, see into the future of his route, go into he's mind, don't only look where you can gank, look where the enemy might gank too.Be adaptive, be agressive and do your best to starve and opress the enemy jungler. Being one step ahead of you re jungler will give you a huge edge in every game.
Tip 3:You don't need to gank everywhere, you will win the game most often then not if you realise 2 things, winning 1 lane(but really hard) and winning the jungle.For example, keep track of the enemy jungle, use an agressive one that can invade and kill like kha, vi, lee etc, Try to match him and be the worst enemy he has ever had if no clear free kills appear on the lanes early enough,afterwards, you will get dominance,that dominance will push the enemy jungler back, allowing your laners to be extra agressive, and the enemy laners to be more carefull, as they WILL be scared of the gank, seeing you constantly in their jungle and their own jungler limping behind in exp, cs and overall impact,The jungle phase is really fast,so you need to adapt fast, take the right decisions and be a general savage, Now the other important thing is to camp the stupid. Simply put, if you see a certain midlaner, being bad with his position, or a toplaner , overextending, no wards, etc, camp his ass, dive his ass, tilt him so hard, he'll cry for his jungler, and when you see him, kill him too. The mental pressure that puts on the enemy team is pretty big, morale is a resource in solo que aswell.
Try doing disgusting things, You kill the top early at 4:15 , you take his flash aswell, you push with your toplaner into the tower, forcing his TP to come back not to lose farm, and then, you just stay in the toplane upper brush closer to his tower, your toplaner remains in the lane low, as a bait, he goes , trying to tie the score and reedem himself , and BOOM he dies again, he's TP is down, he s losing even more farm and EXP , he's 2 times dead by min 5:00, he s standing at 14 cs, your top has arleady 35, and you keep going top untill he's done for and you feel disgusting, eventually you ll be so far ahead off of the kills from top, if the enemy jungler comes, you can kill him too and definetly win a 2vs2.
Extra tip 4: I run on almost all my ad junglers (except vi) tiamat as 1st item, even before jungle item just so i can do my own camps and the enemy camps really fast. If jungle is slow and nothing happens, i take the jungle item, and tiamat, and then finnish the jungle item completely.
My account :
Got plat in s6 because of elo decay and irl
I Hope my tips show you a different perspective and you find them rather usefull compared to the generic you tube '5 simple tips to jungle'
Best of Luck
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Doublelift back at it again with the 1v2
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 06:49 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/leo10294 [link] [comments] |
Get fed with a healthy build on Camille - The Wonders of Camille
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:29 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Trapchaoz [link] [comments] |
ex-Longzhu Coco joins Newbee Gaming
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:08 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/corylulu [link] [comments] |
Team Dignitas Full Roster Reveal: What You're Waiting For
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:00 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Suiiii [link] [comments] |
Jankos says vander will play in lcs team
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:50 AM PST
Nervarien: Jankos, how do you feel about being the only polish player in lcs?
Jankos: No No No. We will for sure see vander but I don't know yet in which team.
submitted by /u/lewanoga Translation:
Nervarien: Jankos, how do you feel about being the only polish player in lcs?
Jankos: No No No. We will for sure see vander but I don't know yet in which team.
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Doublelift Insane 1v2 outplay!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 01:29 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ImBlackMann [link] [comments] |
This is game knowledge
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:30 AM PST
Took a look at my friend's clips. Found one I fell in love with (as a support main): Lulu vs Braum
submitted by /u/Rzzq [link] [comments]
SELFIE Ryze Quadra Kill
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:37 AM PST
edit: Youtube mirror thanks u/Beast993
submitted by /u/Alperought edit: Youtube mirror thanks u/Beast993
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insane shaco tp play (learned from PinkWard)
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:08 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/ItsNotHaku [link] [comments] |
Krepo does some INSANE Leona mechanics!
Posted: 19 Dec 2016 02:40 PM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/DefinitelynotJonte [link] [comments] |
Loken joins QG Reapers
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:06 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/corylulu [link] [comments] |
All LPL rosters officially confirmed
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:32 AM PST
Most notable additions that we hadn't heard about are Coco to Newbee and Loken on QG.
submitted by /u/WMatin Most notable additions that we hadn't heard about are Coco to Newbee and Loken on QG.
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Ex-TPA jungler Winds joins Flash Wolves as coach
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:04 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/corylulu [link] [comments] |
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