Found a seriously gamebreaking bug in 7.00 that generates a lot of gold and give a huge advantage

So this happend to me twice already, both time playing rubick, i stole king wukong's wukong's comand ulted and got a double kill, anyway after that i noticed my gold counter was acting pretty odly, i was actually getting around 20-30 gold per sec without doing anything after that, happened to me in pub game, here is the game ID : 2852212248

look for rubick gold before 24:50, and after 24:50

i got this huge gold intake and it stayed during the whole time i had wukong's command spell stolen.

spez: I was able to reproduce the bug in practice lobby, levelup rubick to lvl 10, pick the +60gpm, levelup enemy monkey to 6 use ult, rubick steal ult, use ult, bam instant +20 gold per sec.

Posted it to dota2 bugpost :

submitted by /u/Ncrpts

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Please give us a performance update

I have a pretty decent computer but I still get random lags spikes and can't run it at a solid 60. I dont even have AA or Ambient Occlusion on.

submitted by /u/SprocketPete

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7.00 Pudge can creepwarding with dagger again

submitted by /u/Super_Basas

Its the middle of December and I still haven't gotten my aegis from TI6

Basically what has happened is that I have swapped emails with the aegis support email, and they replied with "it is coming soon" (paraphrase). So I waited a while and I still had not gotten my aegis. So I sent them another email, and they said that my aegis was being sent along with the second wave of other peoples aegis. A week after that, I still had no conformation number, or any shipping details. I emailed them again, and I didn't get a response. Again, I waited a few days, and emailed them again. Is this happening with anyone else? This is pretty bad on Valves part considering the amount of money I spent on Dota over the summer.

Picture of my emails:

submitted by /u/cousinman1

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Why does Valve keep insisting on hiding game information?

I don't know what the fuck Valve is doing right now. By trying to reinvent the wheel, Valve have decided on hiding information that has always been around since Dota's inception.

Ever since Dota Allstars, information about the game has always been shown. Your hero's Strength number, Agility number, and Intelligence number are clearly visible there. The day/night cycle actually tells you when it will be day/night next.

Then Dota 2 came and we still had these values, albeit in a different location, but it was still visible at a glance. Only this time the hero attributes were color coded so they took up less space, we got a numerical value for the XP bar, and the day/night cycle clock was improved upon. Over time, the HUD received improvements that allowed for easier visibility of everything.

Now with 7.00 out for Dota 2,(and still after the recent HUD fixes) we have lost the ability to take a glance at our panel and see our hero attributes, the numerical value for XP, the big/easy visibility of the health/mana bars, how long until day/night, etc. in favor of a HUD that may look good, but DOES NOT provide the same important information that was present in previous HUDs. If you want to see the numerical value of XP you have to hold ALT. If you want to know how long it is until day/night, you need to hold ALT. As of today's update, if you want view your hero's main attributes, you now have to hover over a tiny bar UNDER your inventory

Please Valve, make information readily available instead of hiding it in favor of a "clean look". How hard is it to have 3 main attributes, a proper day/night timer, a numerical amount for XP, and a KDA/Last Hit counter ALL IN VIEW, none of this hiding bullshit like we previously had in 6.88?

submitted by /u/asianboy0122

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