Baeme leaves, ex-SBENU Flawless joins I May

submitted by /u/corylulu

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Players that have things named after them

So the ones I could think of were:
Insec - Lee Sin ward-jump R
Madlife - Blitz/Thresh prediction hook
Flame Horizon - 100 CS lead over lane opponent
xPeke - To backdoor the enemy base
Faker - To outplay someone on Zed

I'm sure im missing some, maybe you can think of more?

Brokenshard - Getting executed in the jungle
Scarra Ward - Dragon/Baronpit tri bush ward
Saintvicious - Missing smite
Cpt Jack - Instant Cleanse/Qss as soon as CC hits
Misaya - TF Ult into enemy team then Zhonyas to bait spells
Xmithie - Miss Sejuani ult
teLEPort - TP to your death
Gosu - To go off on Vayne
sOAZ TP - Clutch TP in bush to avoid death
WildTurle - To flash aggresively into the enemy team
Regi - TF Blue/Red Card when Gold was needed

Fnatic death bush - 5 man camp in bush to ambush the enemy team
Empire - Unseen full channel Nunu ultimate in bush
Dignitoss - To throw at baron

submitted by /u/theredditraider

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Role distribution in Challenger(TOP100/EUW)

I thought it would be fun to have a role distribution chart of the top 100 best players in the game to understand what roles are more popular and impact more the game.
I gathered the data manually since most automated methods I tried were not precise enough. So here goes nothing(images of both top50 and 100 role distribution):

PS: this is the excel spreadsheet I used.

submitted by /u/HandsomeBronzillian

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Vitality announces hachani as new support for vitality

Twitter confirmed.

submitted by /u/YouWHY 

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ex-OMG support Cloud joins QG Reapers

submitted by /u/Dellpit

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Please join us with the CompeteLeague Charity Christmas Carnival for doctors without borders!

Hello all, us lads at CompeteLeague are about to go live (on the hour) with our Charity Christmas Carnival. It is a charity howling abyss stream, with all donations going to doctors without borders.

Flash Point EU, Memers Unite, and TEK Team, all teams from CompeteLeague have volunteered to play in the carnival. The top donators will have a bit of control over the games, such as champions played.

The event will be going on for quite a few hours, and afterwards there will be a second stream involving the NA League teams/casters.

We hope to provide you with a fun stream, and hopefully we can raise some money for a good cause, so please tune in and maybe even donate. Our target is a total of $500 from each region's stream put together (EU and NA).

More info can be found here on our website.

And of course, here is the link to our stream.

Edit: Thank you all for supporting us, the EU stream is now offline for today (however it will return tomorrow). The timings for the weekend are as follows (I will update the sunday timings as soon as we are certain on them):

We're currently in a break between the EU and NA streams, but we've already raised $100!

submitted by /u/Doc_Da

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League of Legends Daily Videos

  • Zero Damage Tryndamere

submitted by /u/RedheadAgatha 

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  • Meteos' first vlog

submitted by /u/nadunadu 

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  • When Selfie plays Viktor.


submitted by /u/wisakoy 

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  • We are Number One but with League of Legends 


submitted by /u/IIMoonWalkerII 

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  • Tobias Fate has to hold his tears back while recapturing the pain tiamat has brought upon him.

submitted by /u/xxBerZerk 

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  • PowerOfEvil about his time in Origen

submitted by /u/B4rtBlu3 

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  • Sneaky Hauntzer

submitted by /u/manonfirez 

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  • Krepo on SKT Huni: ’We always praise Korean infrastructure and coaching and now we can compare an actual case’

submitted by /u/corylulu 

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  • How I Play Alistar Mid

submitted by /u/MjrNipples

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  • What Bronze 5 game looks like on Russian server

submitted by /u/BOZZAB12

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