Did anyone else get into 40's 50's and 60's culture because of Fallout?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:58 AM PST

After Completing Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas for the first time. I can't help but like it. Everyone seemed more smart and nice back then. Currently I keep on searching for vintage commercials and tv shows and music. Anyone else feel the same?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that other games like bioshock and LA Noire got me into it too
submitted by /u/Thegamingmaster44
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Why the Fallout Games are so special to me

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:45 AM PST

Little random, but I felt like sharing as today (December 20th) is the anniversary of the passing away of my Grandfather (pawpaw). Please excuse my shoddy typing, as I sometimes get a little choked up thinking back at this.
It started back when I was younger, in 2008, a few months after Fallout 3 was released. I was at my grandparents for Christmas, and my mother and grandmother had left to shop, leaving my grandfather to watch me. Of course, I HAD to have this game, but how was a little 14 year old me going to buy a rated R game?
So, gathering courage, I asked my grandfather if he could take me to the mall so that I could buy a game to play. Naturally, in full grandpa mode, he says of course and before I know it we're in the car headed to the store.
We get to the mall, and I can barely contain myself. I am SO GODDAMN excited to finally play the game ALL my friends have been obsessing over! I run to the game story, find a copy of Fallout, and throw it on the counter in what can only be described as the way a husband looks at their bride whilst she walks down the isle.
The clerk behind the counter gives me a look, then to my grandfather.
"You know this is rated R... right? He's just a kid" - the clerk said to my Grandfather.
My grandfather laughed - "and when I was a kid I had a gun in my hand and a uniform on."
The clerk smiled uncomfortably and finished checking us out. I remember to this day how much of a badass I thought he was.
After I got back, I thanked my grandfather for what was probably the millionth time, and ran upstairs to play.
Now, I'm going to pause here to mention something about my grandfather. He HATED the modern day. By that, I mean he did not own a cell phone, never had internet access (until my grandma got it without his knowledge one year), and drove the oldest Mercury you can possibly imagine.
So, continuing on, I turn the game on and hear the infamous "Dun dun...." that begins the opening scene in most (if not all) Fallout games. Finally... the music comes on
"I Don't Want To Set The Wooooorld On... FIIIIIIIRRREEEE."
Before I know it... there's a voice singing behind me, it's my grandfather! "I just want to start... a flame in your heart!"
He sits down next to me and asks what the hell I'm doing listening to the Ink Spots. I explain the premise of the game and he is immediately interested and proceeds to sit with me for hours.
I spent that entire break with my Grandfather. Listening to Galaxy News Radio, exploring the post apocalyptic world, and hearing his old war stories that he felt were applicable to the game. It helped create a bond that I am eternally grateful for to this day so many years later.
Even when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and it slowly eroded his memory, he would never forget that song and never stop smiling and singing it when he saw me. It makes me tear up and smile to this day just thinking about it.
Fallout helped bridge a tremendous age gap between my Pawpaw and I. At his funeral, after the Alzheimer's had done its damage, I did my absolute best to sing our favorite song together - "I don't want to set the world on fire." Unfortunately, I'm both very emotional and a terrible singer. So my little cousin told the story for me. My family was taken aback, but I could tell how much it meant that my grandpa and I had such a close bond over something as trivial as a video game.
I hope you all enjoyed the story as much as I love remembering it. I realize this is a tad emotional for this sub, but I can't imagine another group to share it with.
RIP Paw Paw, I'm never going to stop wandering the wasteland, and I'll never stop listening to my favorite band - The Ink Spots.
submitted by /u/ThisShitIsNotFunMan
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Is it just me, or is Fallout Shelter boring af?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:36 PM PST

Maybe I messed up, but I got about 28 dwellers I'm and found myself just sitting there waiting for my caps to build up do I can build/do something.
I also hate the fact that you can't move rooms around.
submitted by /u/SafeCandy
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Fallout 5 Idea

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:46 PM PST

Bear with me here. Please nobody crucify me for thinking this. Could it be plausible to set the next fallout in Seattle/Vancouver. Wouldn't that be cool. Cross from Seattle through a border run by snow mutants. Edit: Nuclear Winter Edit 2: Vancouver + Vancouver Island DLC Edit 3: I will be making a giant document on this and post it when it is done. Thanks for all the great feedback, if you wish to contribute dm me or post it to this thread. You guys are great
submitted by /u/ANaCl_n_Battery
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POP QUIZ! What's the heaviest item in New Vegas?
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:48 PM PST

No googling.
submitted by /u/shivvyshubby
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Update to Lego Fallout Vault - Nearing Completion (it isn't apparently, and it keeps getting bigger) (X-Post Lego)

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:12 PM PST

Which Fallout game do you find easier yo get back into?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:27 PM PST

For me personally I'd have to go with Fallout 3. Now I LOVE New Vegas but something about 3's general tone is something that always brings me back, plus I'll never forget my first time playing a Fallout game and sitting there watching the intro to 3 as I prepared myself for something new
submitted by /u/Th3-Insp3ctor_
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Would you rather watch a 10 minute slideshow showing the consequence of your actions; or playing the game after the end?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 12:38 PM PST

I personally prefer the first one, but maybe that's the Fallout 1 speaking. How about you?
submitted by /u/therealyesman
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Someone at my local Mud Bay gets it

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:56 PM PST

Went to get my pups some food and saw this in the store:
(Seen in the Sammamish, WA Mud Bay; and at that price it's clear that this vault's experiment has something to do with seeing who will spend that much on a plastic tub with a clever name on it)
submitted by /u/Mylriahd
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[Mods] Is there a mod that gives XP from *all* companion kills, not just from enemies you personally dealt damage to?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:07 PM PST

Hey all, so I've been running the Everyone's Best Friend mod (gives you Dogmeat and additional companion), and I've been traveling with Dogmeat and Codsworth. I like this setup as I don't really consider Dogmeat a full-blown companion. However, after upgrading Codsworth following the Automotron DLC, Codsworth has begun stealing a lot of kills before I can deal any damage, so I don't get any XP for the kills. At this point in the game it takes a lot for me to level up so I need all the XP I can get.
Is there any mod out there that changes the system so that I get XO for all of my companions' kills, despite of the damage I personally dealt to the enemies?
submitted by /u/unclesam4420
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What is a lesser faction that you wish you could join in the Fallout games?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:50 PM PST

I personally always wanted be a part of Vault-Tec, but joining really isn't an option. Any other factions?
submitted by /u/DrPierreChang
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The Fallout New Vegas soundtrack
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 04:20 PM PST

Question about Fallout 2

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:51 PM PST

Hey guys I have played a lot of the modern fallout games and just started my first playthrough of fallout 2 I've made my way to New Reno and am trying to do some work for Mr. Salvatore which leads to my question.
Is there a key for the basement door in the desperado that Loyd is behind or do I just need to level up my lockpick?
submitted by /u/bjameson5
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Game Accurate Jet FO4

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 03:59 PM PST

Check out my husband's latest project
3D modeled by Ghostminion by using the low poly game model to start with.
He used a Form 2 SLA printer for the master. After being mastered and molded, it was casted in Smoothcast 326 cold casted with aluminum powder in a pressure chamber to prevent bubbles.
The vents are all printed on the resin printer (because they are very small and intricate).
I think they turned out awesome! What do you guys think? Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5
submitted by /u/BlueSpiritForever
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New to Fallout, is Fallout 4 good?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 06:48 PM PST

I've known about Fallout for a long time prob since Fallout 3 and I never really paid attention but i've been looking at Fallout 4 and idk if I want it or not. There is a lot of mixed reviews some saying its good but not a good fallout game. Is it worth the purchase and which dlc should I try to buy first? Thanks
submitted by /u/Molliwop_Dat_Bitch
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Which Fallout 4 faction do you support the most
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:48 AM PST

Feel free to leave your reasoning in the comments
submitted by /u/PolarDK
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New Pop Vinyls inbound! Piper, Danse, Valentine, Liberty Prime, Cogsworth, and X-01 Power Armor.
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:12 AM PST
Possibly a Nuka World Easter Egg
Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:08 PM PST

Okay either this is nothing or someone already found it but when you go to Bradberton's office in Nuka-Town USA, if you activate the keypad outside, ten tones play and I was curious if anyone thinks they can match up with a real phone number. Idk its probably nothing.
submitted by /u/twerpderps
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Fallout 2 should've been nominated for the 'Test of Time' Steam Award

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:07 AM PST

Let's be real here. Fantastic depth, dark humor and timeless criticism of the US makes for the perfect way to win an award with people raving over the game, yet stuff like TF2 and Civ V got nominated. I mean, both are alright but one is a buggy mess filled with broken balance, and I don't think the other is even 5 years old yet. Terraria is fantastic, but isn't half a decade old yet either.
I dunno, I feel like Fallout 2 really deserves the award. Anyone else agree here?
(Obviously, but you get what I mean).
submitted by /u/Gigadweeb
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My Boyfriend Got Me an Awesome Christmas Gift

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:18 AM PST

He's not much of a gamer but knows I love Fallout, so he got this at FYE! He was paranoid I wouldn't like it 😂
submitted by /u/natethough
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Does anybody have a DL of fallout 4 resurrection they could upload?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 05:51 PM PST

It has gotten removed and I can't find it ANYWHERE. I'd really appreciate it if someone could upload for me. Thanks a ton guys you're amazing.
submitted by /u/halofreak8899
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Diamond City Reference in Fallout 3?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 07:59 PM PST

Back when the Fallout 4 trailer came out, my friend told me that there was a reference to Diamond City from a more popular quest from Rivet City. I don't remember exactly what he said, but it had something to do with the replicated man (androids). I can definitely see a relationship with these androids and Fallout 4's synths. This would also line up with other lore such as your father in Fallout 3 is actually your son in Fallout 4 and all of that jazz. Can anyone fill me in on any lore that I missed?
P.s. I have never played any of the Interplay Fallout games, and I actually started playing Fallout a couple of years back starting at Fallout 3.
submitted by /u/idkHarambe
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FNV: When are miniguns, Gatling lasers, etc useful?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 01:51 PM PST

High DPS but low DAM weapons are almost useless in the late game- the enemies they would be effective against (enemies with low armor) are never a large enough threat to warrant bringing a 20 pound heavy weapon. What purpose do these weapons have besides looking cool?
submitted by /u/shivvyshubby
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Would Anyone Be Interested In Fallout 1 and 2 Remakes?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 08:56 AM PST

I'm sure it's been asked on here before but I'm curious. They obviously wouldn't be one continuous map like the last three games. I was thinking it would be along the lines of The Witcher 3. A bunch of smaller but still big and detailed maps set in and around the main settlements and then a huge world map with randomized tiny maps for the random encounters.
Other than that I think everything would transfer to the newer style very well. I doubt Bethesda would ever do it and a lot of people wouldn't like it if they did, but I for one would love it. The originals are classics but the interface and gameplay hasn't aged well.
submitted by /u/Brahmus168
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Cut out the beginning cutscenes for lets play?

Posted: 20 Dec 2016 10:27 PM PST

Hello! I'm starting a lets play on fallout 4 and we all know the beginning sequence to even get to post apocalyptic sanctuary is about 5 minutes of cutscenes. The game has been out for a while and most of us know what's going on. Should I cut the cutscenes, or leave them in so they can set the tone for gameplay?
submitted by /u/Jaye128TV
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