Posted: 21 Dec 2016 11:39 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/A_Jewish_Banker [link] [comments] |
[poll]Do you adjust brightness/gamma to see better at night?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:05 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/indewater [link] [comments] |
PSA: Skalisty Island has better loot then most coastal cities combined.
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:51 AM PST
I don't mean MORE loot, I mean better quality loot. Found atleast 6 long-arms (Mosin, 2 Repeaters, 2 B95's, 1 MP-133 Shotgun w/ stock) and tons of ammunition. You can also get cool swords and great helms. I believe Skalisty Island is included in the "inland" loot table, so you'll get infinitely better stuff then what you would ever scrape together in Elektro or Cherno.
submitted by /u/frickoffanddie [link] [comments]
New stable update available today !
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:38 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/arth78 [link] [comments] |
DayZ .61 - NEW Bullet Cracks!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:14 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Scariex [link] [comments] |
Found 1SKS CR75 14 9mm 18 12gauge 36 22.bullets Do you find this normal?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:56 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/chernarusstalker [link] [comments] |
DayZ 0.60 vs 0.61: New Map Locations Comparison (Before/After)
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:39 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/DayzTV [link] [comments] |
I Suggest: The infected should spawn lying down...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:24 AM PST
...been playing a lot more with .60 and occasionally you'll see a zombie or two pop in to existence with the new dynamic spawning. Bit of a buzz kill for the hardcore immersion neckbeards that we are.
I think this would be mitigated by having them spawn in their prone state, and then stand up. That way it's more likely they will obscured by terrain / grass etc.
Consider it them awaking from some sort of dormant state.
With the addition of this, DayZ will be complete. :-)
submitted by /u/narchy I think this would be mitigated by having them spawn in their prone state, and then stand up. That way it's more likely they will obscured by terrain / grass etc.
Consider it them awaking from some sort of dormant state.
With the addition of this, DayZ will be complete. :-)
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Unconsciousness buggy?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:24 AM PST
Ok to describe it shortly: my friend got sick and lost lots of blood, he passed out. I gave him epi pen. For me and another mate he stood up as he was awake, my friend who suffered from the unconsciousness still had a black screen, althouh we noticed that he could move, while still having a black screen telling him hes unconscious. He relogged. Then he spawnend as fresh spawn at the coast, his corpse was gone. Same server, few hours later. I was low on blood, fell unconscious. I was energized but red dehydrating, so my mate gave me everything he had, apples, soda, tuna. I waited 30 minutes and I did not wake up. He checked me and it told him that my pulse was steady(or strong, not sure) Then he found an epi pen, and the same happened: still black screen for me, but he saw me moving when I pressed WASD.. Relog resulted in spawning at the coast. Known issue or did we do something wrong?
submitted by /u/Moriruec [link] [comments]
Exp/Unstable branch servers are going offline for an update. Screenshot by berdu (Imgur).
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:19 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/FatihScope [link] [comments] |
If caught never surrender your gear
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 09:55 AM PST
This was something it took me a little bit of time to catch onto. As a lone wolf with no back up, it's sometimes common to fall into traps by other groups of players whom camp high value location spawns.
The typical routine if you get caught with no real way to fight back is they will pretend they are taking you hostage making you think you might not die. This is of course all a ruse because in DayZ no one ever lets you go if they have a gun on you..
They want you to remove your gear, so when they shoot you dead, it doesn't ruin the loot. It doesn't matter if you only have a can of peaches or a axe, always try to fight so they can't take the easy head shot.
You are already dead if you surrender there is no reason at all for them to leave you alive. Any stories of "white knights" is BS as every one will kill you if they have the advantage on you, just like you would kill them.
It would be nice if there was a "reason" for them to bargain for your release, or to let you live, but there is simply no reason for them not to send you packing back to the coast. Further more, you are a risk to them by leaving you alive. Meaning anyone with an advantage or a way to kill you will do so, never just hand them your loot. Always make them damage it by shooting you while you try to fight back.
Also, never drop your main gun from your hands.. Unless it was fixed there is a bug which causes your gun to disappear when you die. If you die with your gun in hands they can't get it. If you drop your gun or shoulder it, they get it.
submitted by /u/mutnin The typical routine if you get caught with no real way to fight back is they will pretend they are taking you hostage making you think you might not die. This is of course all a ruse because in DayZ no one ever lets you go if they have a gun on you..
They want you to remove your gear, so when they shoot you dead, it doesn't ruin the loot. It doesn't matter if you only have a can of peaches or a axe, always try to fight so they can't take the easy head shot.
You are already dead if you surrender there is no reason at all for them to leave you alive. Any stories of "white knights" is BS as every one will kill you if they have the advantage on you, just like you would kill them.
It would be nice if there was a "reason" for them to bargain for your release, or to let you live, but there is simply no reason for them not to send you packing back to the coast. Further more, you are a risk to them by leaving you alive. Meaning anyone with an advantage or a way to kill you will do so, never just hand them your loot. Always make them damage it by shooting you while you try to fight back.
Also, never drop your main gun from your hands.. Unless it was fixed there is a bug which causes your gun to disappear when you die. If you die with your gun in hands they can't get it. If you drop your gun or shoulder it, they get it.
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.61 low effects sounds
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:28 AM PST
Anybody heard or read or know anything about why some of the effects sounds seem so low in .61? I mean, I love the new gun sounds and they're loud as hell (appropriately), but seems like most other in-game sounds are a good deal lower than they used to be (ammo interaction sounds, human steps). Zombie steps are loud af but some of the others are at weird levels.
submitted by /u/TheZomboni [link] [comments]
I encountered wolves for the first time today, documented the whole thing...
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:45 AM PST
![]() | submitted by /u/Hugo_Bongo [link] [comments] |
Buddy died of hypothermia?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:29 AM PST
Hey quick question.. me and my buddy went up to NWAF and all of a sudden he checked his inventory and notied hypothermia was in red.. we built a fire and it said he was rapidly cooling down.. and then his screen started turning black and died. Is this normal once you're in red hypothermia? Pretty much a lost cause? Any suggestions? I didn't get hypothermia which I thought was odd.
submitted by /u/judocobra [link] [comments]
I can not find loot anywhere, am I doing something wrong?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 10:37 AM PST
I've recently come back to DayZ, but loot is illusive for me. Is there a specific pattern or areas with better luck than others? I know this is a pretty terrible question, it's just the game isn't fun for me at the moment
submitted by /u/NewRedditAccountName [link] [comments]
Trouble with Nvidia fps counter on 64-bit
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:09 AM PST
Weird bug, wtf?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:19 AM PST
I see a mosin on the floor in a castle, go to pick it up and the game crashes every time I try. Is this a known bug?
submitted by /u/Knuzzy [link] [comments]
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 05:54 AM PST
PvP in 0.61?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:43 AM PST
Since there are no cherno spawns anymore, i guess cherno pvp died with the 0.61 patch. Does anyone know where the hot pvp zones are right now?
submitted by /u/maxmcawesome [link] [comments]
Gun Sway?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:26 AM PST
I know this is the perennial post, but anybody want to give me some REAL and DECENT reasoning behind why gun sway is sooo bad in this game? Anybody remember anything devs have said about reducing sway eventually, or the long-term vision of where this will go?
submitted by /u/TheZomboni [link] [comments]
Cannibalism- UPDATE PLS?!?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:43 AM PST
Cannibalism should be updated; there are sound files for more laughs that are not added, there is so much potential for this cool feature and i feel it should be touched upon again and not swept under the rug. There should be some sort of benefit from eating people, at least give us skin we can use to make clothing or maybe a mask we can make out of their skull. I remember the bloodied hands video last year- when is that actually coming?
I want to be able to eat people and enjoy it, but they never update it. Every patch im like 'ohhh lets see if they updated cannibalism!' And there is never anything new.
Devs you make me sad.
.61 is fucking awesome by the way, thanks
submitted by /u/TheRealDrDirtyDan I want to be able to eat people and enjoy it, but they never update it. Every patch im like 'ohhh lets see if they updated cannibalism!' And there is never anything new.
Devs you make me sad.
.61 is fucking awesome by the way, thanks
[link] [comments]
New Player Spawns and Cherno the Ghost town
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 07:33 AM PST
Okay, so, with the player-spawns grouped more in the east, and no farther west than Elektro, why does Cherno still have such crappy loot? Why do the devs hate this huge, majestic coastal city so much, that they want it to lie totally unused YET at the same time have such an ongoing boner for said city, since they've sunk so much time into designing its urban sprawl? It's a weird mixed-message. Why not just give it a little bump in gear quality (pleb gear, sure, but not such a ghost town as it is now)? Maybe then people will still congregate there. It was abandoned enough in .60 because of loot scarcity but now people don't even spawn there, i.e., no one will EVER go there now.
submitted by /u/TheZomboni [link] [comments]
New spawn
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 08:44 AM PST
Spawns as a new player, it's raining, I've spawned in a field near powerlines, so instantly i know i'm at Berezino.
I run south to get out of the rain, I hide from the rain, I die from starvation.
Ok, I try again, I spawn in, It's still raining, I look for food, I die from being too cold.
It's spent more time raining on this fucking server than it has in Great Britain all year, and that says a lot.
Let me play on a server where there is no rain. EVER.
submitted by /u/RS_Tuvok I run south to get out of the rain, I hide from the rain, I die from starvation.
Ok, I try again, I spawn in, It's still raining, I look for food, I die from being too cold.
It's spent more time raining on this fucking server than it has in Great Britain all year, and that says a lot.
Let me play on a server where there is no rain. EVER.
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GTX 1060 3GB barely getting 60 fps on high?
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 06:29 AM PST
CPU is i5 4670 8gb ram installed on a HDD
but the 1060 should be getting above 60 fps shouldnt it?
submitted by /u/EpizAquila but the 1060 should be getting above 60 fps shouldnt it?
[link] [comments]
Look what I just found in DayZ!
Posted: 21 Dec 2016 02:15 PM PST
I just found this little guy inside a log cabin. It has 1 inventory slot, and it is now my good luck charm!
submitted by /u/Ferosso
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