QE Invoker Dota 2

In my opinion, you have to understand the way Invoker plays (particulaly QE) and why you max/get what you get for a reason, and then you will do a lot better.

General points, you want double Forge Spirits as early as possible, so 4 Quas 4 Exort 1 Invoke is the earliest, and then at level 10 Wex for all your spells

You get 4 Quas earlier if you want sustain, otherwise leave it at 1 and then get 4 Exort then go back to 3 more in Quas. I prefer to start E for last hit damage, and then get Invoke for Sun Strike if i can get an early kill, otherwise i might need sustain so i get Quas, and then level 3 Invoke. You want to farm and Sun Strike for steals secures (obviously Sun Strike if theres a stun and no other enemy nearby, until you get a feel for  Sun Strike). If you can get a Hand of Midas Hand of Midas on time, get it. Theres a lot of variation and a lot to "teach", some people dont like going Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter Refresher Orb Refresher Orb, others do. Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter is great because it can set up Sun Strike and easy Ice Wall  Chaos Meteor.

Not really sure what else to put, any problems in particular? QE is good if you lack cores/carries (Which in solo.. is never) and QW is good if you need more "support".

It's basically an Invoker that sits in lane and farms. Best on Radiant because of the neutral camp you can farm.


Core of the build is to get to:
  • 4 Quas
  • 4 Exort
This gives you 2 Forge Spirits.
Your main combo in lane is:
  • Forge Spirits
  • Cold Snap
With you + the Forge attacking, you proc Cold Snap a lot, which results in kills (especially if support ganks).

Forge Spirits

These do a lot for you in lane.
  • Last hit
  • Zone opponent
  • Farm neutral camp (if applicable)
  • Deny runes
Even having just 1 of these out at level 3 is good for helping you get control.

Laning Spells

You really just need 3 spells in lane:
  1. Cold Snap - your main killing ability
  2. Forge Spirits - they do everything
  3. Sun Strike - global presence


Usually you start with Exort and some regen so you can last hit. You can also start with Quas to get Cold Snap at lvl 2 (after you get Invoke ). However, if you start with Quas , you may consider getting Blades of AttackBlades of Attack so you can actually last hit.
  • You stop getting Quas at lvl 4
  • You may nearly max Exort before getting Wex --> but Wex gives you access to stuff like Deafening Blast, which is really strong if you have to team fight


You do not need BottleBottle. You don't cast enough. That's typical of only the Q/W build really.

Early Items

  • Hand of Midas Hand of Midas - this is usually a core item for you since you can get it fast with Forge Spirit farming. You also need levels really badly.
  • Phase BootsPhase Boots/ Power TreadsPower Treads - either of these work. Phase BootsPhase Boots is more common since it helps you last hit (sometimes picked up before Hand of Midas Hand of Midas), and makes up for your move speed since you don't get much Wex early on.

Mid Game Options

  • Necronomicon - this is pretty popular at the moment because you can push really hard with Necronomicon + Forge Spirit.
  • Blink Dagger Blink Dagger - helps with positioning
  • Force Staff Force Staff - helps with positioning as well

Some people like Eul's Scepter of DivinityEul's Scepter for the easy setup for your combo, but that seems really more like if you just need to pick off 1 hero, or have other heroes you may want to use the Cyclone on to take them out of the fight.

Situational & Luxury

  • Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Scepter - in late game you can spam your spells a lot and you get to that point earlier than a Q/W (since Q/W usually spams just Tornado + EMP + Cold Snap)
  • Scythe of Vyse Scythe of Vyse - more CC, good regen, etc.
  • Orchid Malevolence Orchid Malevolence - DPS, Silence. Good until Black King BarBlack King Bar/Manta Style come out
  • Black King BarBlack King Bar - always may be necessary against heavy lockdown
  • Refresher Orb Refresher Orb - if you are really good at spamming spells, Refresher Orb Refresher Orb gives you a huge amount of extra damage and control

That's the basics. You just need to play and practice it a lot to get comfortable and learn when you want to get things like lvl 2 of Invoke, your 1st level in Wex, etc. That stuff comes from experience, as does knowing when to rotate vs. farm.

The big team-fight combo is usually:

  1. Tornado Chaos Meteor (depends on how long your nado lasts at the time)
  2. Chaos Meteor Tornado
  3. Deafening Blast

The Tornado / Chaos Meteor interaction is to make sure they are all stuck in the path of the  Chaos Meteor. So using nado to set-up, then Chaos Meteor rolls in as they drop out of nado. Or if nado is short, then Chaos Meteor and lift them for a very short amount of time.

  • Deafening Blast is used to keep them in Chaos Meteor longer. Blast has a knockback, so they will slide in the flames for a few more seconds.
  • Forge Spirit are good to sick on a support or something. A support will have difficulty solo-ing spirits since they have like 900 HP. You can zone them out.

You can also use them on heroes with high armor (or STR heroes with low armor to do massive phys dps to them).

  • Cold Snap is good to throw on key targets.
  • EMP is good in team fights to get some mana back, do some damage, and potentially fuck up their casting.
  • Ice Wall isn't used as frequently, but it's good to block off narrow routes, when defending your base towers (i.e. making them pass through it if they want to come up hill), etc.

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