How to win a 2 vs 2 lane as a support?  Abaddon and Chao Knight

In a 2v2 lane, your aim isn't really to zone out the enemy heroes like it is in a trilane (at least not unless their dual lane is really weak). Your job is to threaten them enough that they can't really farm, and can't go on the aggressive themselves.

Keep yourself safe as your first priority

Feeding them a kill is the worst thing that you can do. You can position yourself aggressively, but avoid over-extending - always ask yourself whether you'd survive if the enemy heroes decided to initiate on you in your current position.

Try to harass when you can't be harassed back

When the enemy farmer goes in for a last hit, harass. When an enemy hero turns to back off, harass while they move away. When you have an advantage and the enemy can't trade with you (because one of them is low, or out of lane) harass.

Don't just harass if you're going to take equal or more harass in return, unless of course you know they're out of regen items and you're not (remember to keep checking their inventory during the laning phase).

When you harass, try to avoid drawing creep aggro

One way to do this is to position yourself to one side so you're out of creep aggro range. Another is to give the attack command while outside of attack range (and away from the creeps), and let your hero walk into range and attack - since creeps only check aggro periodically, you have a short window after that 'negative' aggro check before you can draw aggro again.

Don't waste your mana or cooldowns

If you have excess mana and a spammable ability then feel free to use it to harass, but you never want to leave yourself in a situation where there's a kill opportunity and you don't have your abilities up to take advantage of it. This is particularly true with disables - don't waste them!

If an enemy over-extends or stays in lane on low HP, that's when you go for the kill attempt

Don't just arbitrarily go for a kill on a full HP enemy unless you've got enough burst damage or level advantage to pull it off.

As for stacking and pulling, you need to judge what impact it's going to have on your lane

Is your carry going to be able to survive and farm without you in the lane, or not? This will probably depend on who your carry is, who you're laning against, and how the lane is going. If you team are communicating, try asking your carry whether he wants a pull, and at the very least let him know if you're going to do it so he knows to play more cautiously until you return.

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