What to do with illusions?

When I see an Rune of Illusion, I usually just point it out so someone else can take it because I don't really know what to do with them. When I do get them, I usually just have them follow me around, or sometimes I might have them attack a tower. There has so be a better use for them.

When activated, Rune of Illusion creates two illusions of the Hero for 75s. The illusions deal 35% damage. Melee illusions take 200% damage, while ranged illusions take 300% damage.

Either keep all 3 and ganking a lane... or send one out to scout jungle... or send one to another lane and pretend to gank so the enemy backs off and your team gets some free last hits on creeps.

The best is when you can get an enemy to waste a spell or two, or even an ultimate, to kill your illusions. The more you "sell" it as a real unit the more likely they will do it.  They're really useful for stacking ancients or jungle.

So dont be afraid to micro the illusions a bit and pretend you stumbled into a few enemies outnumbered, but are slow getting away,...

A fun trick is to keep one illusions near you, and send one out. Then it looks like you + the illusions near you are fake, and the one moving is real. It's so fun watching the enemy blow 2 or 3 ultimates on you for nothing, and then punishing them for it. Even better, with good micro you can trick them twice and then go in.

Usually send 1 to the enemy secret shop and 1 some where in their jungle. A lot of times, an enemy hero walks by and unloads their full combo on the illusions. You can easily take advantage when you know an important ultitmate is on cooldown.

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