Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014

Round 1

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 1
 75% Razor picked, 75% Mirana picked

 Round 2

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 2
75% Bane picked, 75% Tidehunter picked

Round 3

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 3
75% Faceless Void picked

Round 4

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 4
100% Razor Picked and 75% Skywrath Mage Picked

Round 5

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 5
75% Puck, Shadow Shaman and Morphling Picked

Round 6

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 6
75% Shadow Shaman and Razor Picked

Round 7

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 7
100% Tidehunter and 75% Mirana Picked

Round 8

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 8
100% Doom picked

Round 9

Heroes picks for the first day of The International 2014  Round 9
75% Viper nad 75% Tidehunter picked

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