Courier Dota 2 preview

Are there certain things to look for? Certain heroes to do it with? Is this a normal thing to expect in the higher MMR's?

Broodmother is amazing in medium to low matchmaking.
  1. Get up to 4 Webs, place two in your lane, one in the jungle, and one behind your enemies tier 1 and make sure they all connect. (At some point they are going to get sentries to force you out of the lane)
  2. When you notice the support moving away from the lane, run through your webs and check if he's meeting the courier at his tower.
  3. Kill that poor innocent bastard.
Count the last hits, and look at their starting items and you should be able to guess when their courier arrives.

If you see the enemy mid rushing a BottleBottle (typically only a few Iron Branch and one set of Tango Tango ) then you could smoke up and camp the midlane between minute 1-2.

Later on in the game, what if you put 1 ward near the enemy secret shop (if you have someone with a dash/blink or something similar), and killing the courier here. People usually forget they take the courier to secret shop, so sometimes it stays there. 

For Nature's Prophet: Count the number of hits it would take you to kill the courier. If you can do it in 3, make sure there's some space for you to maneuver in case the enemy has quick reactions. If you can do it in 2, TP on top of it and get a quick kill. Always carry a Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll and TP out immediately if enemies are nearby. If you can do it in 4, then you probably won't get the kill.

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