The metagame and how to draft? Luna The International 4 Dota 2

Im an old dota 1 player but went to LoL and now back to Dota. Strange isint it ? Anyway I wanted to know how and what to draft in CM and how the metagame works ? Like 1-1-3 or 2-1-2 or 3-1-1?

The most common setup in low level games is 2-1-2, while in higher level games 3-1-1 (a defensive trilane in the safe lane) is standard.

However, the meta isn't really as fixed as in LoL and there tends to be quite a bit of variation. You can also draft a trilane in your offlane (offensive trilane), 2-1-1 with a jungler, or even 2-2-1 with a dual mid.

The other thing that's different is that the heroes in each position tend to be more fluid

It's not like LoL where top will always be a bruiser, mid always a caster, etc. Many heroes can work effectively in multiple positions.

The trend at the moment is towards 'tri core'

Which means you have three farm-oriented heroes (one in each lane) with roughly equal farm priority, rather than the older strategy of having one hard carry farming the safe lane and a ganker mid. Both strategies still see a reasonable amount of play in pubs however, and they're not really prescriptive so much as broad guidelines - you can have a tri core draft with supports that transition into carries, or cores who're more utility / initiation focused like Tidehunter or Centaur.

I generally draft in CD, but in CM the general principles are to go in with a broad strategy, and avoid making that strategy too obvious with your early picks and bans. Getting supports or fairly generic / flexible heroes first tends to be a common choice, since it keeps things open and lets you see what your opponent is going for before you commit to a strategy.

Honestly though, in pubs it's more important to pick heroes that your allies are comfortable with than trying to get the perfect draft

Don't just automatically give them the hero they ask for, but try to make sure you've got heroes that at least someone on the team knows how to play to a decent standard.

There is no hard metagame like there is in LoL. Lanes are just that - lanes. 

USUALLY you will have a trilane in the safelane, a solo mid and a solo offlane, but your setup just depends on your comp and theirs. if you want to run an aggressive trilane you'll put your trilane in the long lane and try to get kills. if you want to run a jungler you just run a dual lane instead of trilane (and by jungler I mean a support like Chen or Enigma, not Nature's Prophet). just know that if you run a jungler you are being greedy and it can be punished. you can also run dual lanes, but I'm not sure when to do that so maybe someone can help you there. keep in mind that these setups are not rigid - supports should be roaming the map ganking if possible. in most games though you'll just run a trilane and 2 solos.

As for heroes right now big team fight ultimates are the thing. Tidehunter, Brewmaster, Doom, Enigma, Faceless Void etc. Shadow Shaman is a very popular support too because of his killing and pushing potential. overall you can pretty much pick whatever you want - just make sure you have a plan.

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