Last hitting drill Shadown Fiend Dota 2

Creep Score

Creep Score and for this drill you are to aim for 100 cs in 10 mins I think it is? Is this just last hits, or is it denies as well?

I believe the goal for the drill is for both. 4 creeps spawn every 30 seconds on both sides, making for 80 creeps on each side by 10 minutes(160 total). Aim for more last hits than denys. The Shadow Fiend challenge as well is about having 0 items or skills as you progress, make sure you aren't buying or skilling anything, just last hitting. A better way of training people have suggested is the similar challenge but with the hero you have trouble farming on. This lets you learn them specifically and leads into the next tip.

Last hitting tips?

I've searched on google and watched videos on youtube and was wondering if there are any lesser know tips for last hitting that work or anything like that?

The best way to be good at last hitting goes off of the first point to learn your hero's attack animation and knowing when to launch the attack. Drow Ranger and Crystal Maiden are good heroes to practice with this because their attack windup early is abysmal and makes last hitting harder. Learning  Shadow Fiend last hits wont teach you when to wind up your attack for timing, just how to watch and estimate creep health. The biggest tip I have is the stop-attack spam to perfectly time your hit and possibly fake out your opponent. If you haven't found a video covering it it involves right clicking to start your attack animation and hitting the stop attack key immediately before it connects or releases a projectile. You keep doing this until the creep is low enough to kill or deny, and then let the hit go through.

How to keep the creep equilibrium?

Again I've searched and watched stuff on youtube for this but I don't really understand how to do this correctly. I know the concept is to keep the creeps in the middle of the lane and to hit one of your creeps for every time you hit one of the enemies but sometimes they aren't always in deny range and the creeps push.

Creep equilibrium in mid is a strange beast, and is an extremely high level concept in the finer details. Overall, learning to creep block initially will get you great lane setup to start. Over time the wave will always push one way or the other, your job in influencing this mid is usually to push the wave into the enemy tower before the rune spawn timers. This forces your opponent to either stay in lane for xp and farm, or abandon that xp for a rune. This mainly applies to a mid who likes rune control, something less common in the pro meta. Lower level mids still do it though with a bottle.

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