How do you play melee heroes without getting harassed to death? Juggernaut Dota 2 Heroes

On the other hand, when I'm playing melee like Juggernaut, I do really well in team fights but horribly in lane. Farming is near impossible with a ranged (or two) opponents in lane taking potshots at me, and since they're so far away from me and so close to their tower I can't harass them back.

Get yourself a Stout Shield

And upgrade it to a Poor Man's ShieldPoor Man's Shield once you can afford it by buying 2 pairs of slippers from the side shop. A PMS blocks 20 damage every time you're hit by a hero - early on, that can be nearly half of their damage cancelled entirely!

Don't be afraid to buy more regen items if you need them

And as Juggernaut make sure you put points into your  Healing Ward ( Blade Fury is your priority, but  Healing Ward should be second). Don't use the ward close to creeps since healing your own creeps will push the lane - drop it further back so it's only healing you and your allied hero.

The other thing to do is drop back from the creep wave between last hits, so that they can't attack you

Time it so you can walk up, arrive in time to take a last hit, and back off again - you'll still take harass, but far less than if you stayed by the creeps the whole time.

Make sure you only attack enemy creeps to take the very last hit, and try to deny your own creeps too

Since you mentioned that your opponents are always close to the tower, it sounds like you might be unintentionally pushing your lane? Make sure you only attack enemy creeps to take the very last hit, and try to deny your own creeps too - as soon as they're below 50% health, you can attack them using a+click. As a general guide, try to hit friendly creeps once for every time you hit an enemy creep (to keep your effect on the lane balance neutral), or more if the creeps are a long way from your tower. Your aim is to keep the creeps as close to your tower as possible, while keeping them outside of the tower's own attack range.

Don't try to harass those ranged heroes with your melee attacks

Also, don't try to harass those ranged heroes with your melee attacks while standing near the creeps - nearby creeps will switch aggro to you, meaning you take lots of extra damage and they stop attacking your friendly creeps which pushes the lane further towards the enemy tower.

Lane control is actually a really big deal, and even more experienced players often forget about it

I'd say it's more of an intermediate skill than a basic one, but if you can get it sorted then farming becomes so much easier.

One thing I found useful was to create a lobby game with only me, go to lane, and try to keep the lane in the same position for as long as possible.

The main thing to watch out for is the number of friendly and enemy creeps in the wave, particularly ranged creeps since they deal the most damage to other creeps

If the lanes are balanced you can just last hit both enemies and friendlies, but if one side is dying faster than the other you may need to start attacking earlier to even things out again. If your friendly ranged creep goes below 50% HP, just deny it unless the wave is already at your tower - you can easily even it out again by killing the enemy ranged creep, but as long as it's alive the wave will constantly move your way until you do.

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