Countering Hyper Push Heroes? Clockwerk vs Enchantress Anti-push Heroes

I've been encountering a ton of infuriating push heroes as of late. Heroes such as Death Prophet, Tinker, Lone Druid, and Shadow Shaman completely ruin the game for me. It's gotten to the point where Dota 2 isn't fun anymore if the enemy team picks one of these heroes, and chances are they will be picked.
I've tried all the usual counters I know of: Blade MailBlade Mail, early game ganks and counter push heroes. I still get wrecked by ridiculously push heroes. Should I just give up on Dota 2?

Stopping a hard pushing strat takes 4 things:

  1. A way to apply pressure and slow the enemy heroes from reaching their scary levels. An Enigma who gets to freefarm his jungle for 6-7 minutes will come out with level 3 conversion and take a tower completely free. A Death Prophet who never gets ganked once will take mid for free the moment your mid leaves to accomplish anything else.
  2. A way to take trades early when they are able to bully down your towers no matter what.
  3. A way to slow down the mid game siege by keeping the creeps across the river.
  4. A way to initiate the big game swinging midgame teamfights that let you hit back.

The vast majority of pushing lineups can only take a single tower a time early game because of cooldowns and mana constraints

As soon as you see their heroes leave the lane to group up for a push, your team needs to get out of that lane and 4-5 man down a different lane ASAP. Ideally, your carry is farming the 3rd lane/jungle. Keeping equal in towers while your carry maintains his farm is incredibly important against really strong push lineups.

Unfortunately, even with some solid ganks and some ok trades, there will still be a period in the 12-20 minute range when you don't have core items like mek and Black King BarBlack King Bar up but the enemy is able to take a T2 tower without seriously risking themselves. This is where heroes that can clear waves very quickly like Tinker or Keeper of the Light are worth their weight in gold. Alternatively, heroes with superb escapes who get behind the enemy and cut the wave can also greatly delay T2 pushes because of how good backdoor protection is. Someone like an Ember Spirit, Nature's Prophet, or even just a Dark Seer/ Axe with Blink Dagger Blink Dagger can make the enemy waste a ton of time in a lane without getting a tower.

Once you hit the 20 minute mark, there is no more time to delay

You need to take a big fight with MekansmMekansm + the first big items on your cores and make it count. That is going to absolutely require good initiation though. Clockwerk, Faceless Void, Tidehunter, even a Kunkka with a good X Marks the Spot > Ghost Ship on a key hero without a Black King BarBlack King Bar. At this point in the game, warding is ABSOLUTELY critical and incredibly difficult. The enemy probably has 1 if not 2 T2 towers down and your cores can't take time to protect a support while he gets out to ward and deward. Heroes like Venomancer and Treant Protector  who can get vision on the map reasonably safely and help slow down pushes in the 15-20 minute mark are excellent here. At that point, you should have a big XP lead because the enemy had to 5 man so much, and your team didn't invest into push heavy items like necro books so you have better damage (maybe only equal because you are down all that tower gold). Get vision, use smoke to find pick offs and reclaim your map control by taking towers while the enemy is dead. Heroes like Nature's Prophet, Lone Druid, or Death Prophet are seriously just food if you can catch them out and forcing buybacks is huge for slowing their progression and making them play very safe. A single die-back can win you the game.

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