As a carry, how to farm under pressure? Dota 2 Anti-mage farm

Go jungle/push lanes that are 100% safe to solo and only show up for tower/rax defense? Get slaughtered by roided up enemy carry/cores. Try to push with your team? See above. Ignore everyone and everything and just jungle jungle jungle jingaling until you get say 5 slotted assuming you don't lose the Ancient by then?

Your best bet is to go push lanes and move into your jungle

With a Town Portal Scroll Town Portal Scroll and some sort of escape mechanism, i.e. Blink Dagger Blink Dagger, Force Staff Force Staff, Black King BarBlack King Bar (To avoid stun during Teleport). Ideally, you'll farm more than 135 gold worth of creeps, and so the trip out will give you some marginal profit, as well as drawing the enemy team's attention away from the base. You'll still need to show up to 5-man fights when the enemy team presses the issue, but when you're under pressure you need to be aware of:
  1. Where the enemy team is, because if they're not pushing down towers, doing roshan or are in sight of a ward (and even when they are), they'll be coming to gank you
  2. When you can take a fight or when a tower is a lost cause.

You can try and rally your team into smoke ganks to clear out more of your jungle and find necessary pickoffs

Alternatively, you can try and rally your team into smoke ganks to clear out more of your jungle and find necessary pickoffs. For this, you'll generally want someone to get a gem to clear out wards and secure more of your map as well as find anyone who might break a smoke. Vision is what'll eventually get you more secure areas to farm, and even though you may be a carry you'll need the rest of your team to help you out with this.

More than anything, do NOT give up on your team

A losing situation can be turned around by a single fight, and as the carry you need to know not just your own limits but also not underestimate the influence your allies can have. Granted, not all games are winnable, but a carry is still a single hero. When you're being pressured, it's rare that you'll be able to out-farm their entire team and get into a godlike state of 1v5 fighting. You need the rest of your team to get the win, and while farming lanes can get you back into fighting shape, you still need allies to turn the game around.

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