After a terrible six months for Western teams going up against their Chinese equivalents, after a horrible groupstage, it was the North American Evil Geniuses who came out on top of the first ever The Summit, taking out Team DK 3-2. 

Champions on home soil, left to right: Mason, Zai, Arteezy, ppd, Universe

Evil Geniuses vs. ViCi Gaming

Game 1

Evil Geniuses started out their day by running circles around ViCi Gaming, as they picked a Phantom Assassin, Elder Titan and Wisp lineup that made Sylar's life a living hell on Morphling. ViCi set up their lanes to give rOtk a heavy early lead on Tidehunter, only to find out the hard way that none of it mattered once Arteezy showed up to the party, going 13-0-3 and one-shotting the Shotgun Morphling and and towards the end taking out VG's supposed frontline tank in two hits. First game goes to the Americans.

Game 2

Slark has yet to win a game in 6.81 when up against Bloodseeker and this game would be no different, as VG counterpicked EG's 4th pick carry hero and then proceeded to run right over them. It didn't however just come down to Super and his great run on the Bloodseeker, instead perhaps the greatest moment of the match was a simple Nature's Guise doled out by Fy which kept the Bristleback alive and turned around an EG gank in a pivotal way. All in all, another game went the way of an outdraft and the series headed to a game three.

Game 3

EG got off to a good start and managed to create space for Arteezy's Tinker to farm up in peace, eventually leading to the usual bouncing all around the map and pushing out lanes, depriving VG of any space to farm or any ability to push. With EG having the stronger lategame and a number of hero specific counters up their sleeves as well, it was simply a matter of time before they would close it out, and indeed they did at around the 30 minute mark, making their way into the grand finals.
Evil Geniuses advance to the grand finals 2-1 over Team DK.

Evil Geniuses vs. Team DK

Game 1

EG picked a pushing lineup and got the early lead through some mistakes by DK, aiming to hit their timing in order to take out the Chinese team before they could get up their big items. However, this caused EG to force things a bit much as they tried to push in at top lane, giving up a full team wipe, which was soon followed by a second teamwipe from DK and EG realizing the game had been lost.

Game 2

EG ran an offensive trilane and put pressure on DK, however it was DK who managed to come out on top of the early game in the end, leading the way for the first 20 minutes. The turning point was a Roshan fight that DK came slightly late to, where EG managed to trade the Aegis for a full teamwipe, leading into a second teamwipe and EG taking the game over the course of a matter of minutes.

Game 3

EG had a strong early game once again on the back of their Faceless Void and Enigma combination, however DK played a safe and defensive style, looking to out-carry EG's relatively midgame orientated lineup later on through the power of Mushi's Outworld Devourer. Past the 40 minute mark it became DK's game, as they took their second win of the series.

Game 4

DK went for a greedy ganking lineup but failed to get the momentum lead against EG's more conventional lineup with the Phantom Assassin for a quarterback. Still, iceiceice on the Clockwerk managed to do great work, keeping DK in the game especially with his contribution in terms of setting up the Ghost Ship and the Sacred Arrow's. But it could not last, as once PA got her Black King Bar up it was all the Arteezy show, ending in a win for EG and sending the series into a final game 5.

Game 5

DK tried to go for the Tiny+Io but EG were prepared, running a dual core along with heavy teamfight ultimates which allowed them to play a measured game where they outfarmed and took control of the map while DK were ever afraid to Relocate in. With EG also having control over Roshan, they kept on getting the Aegis for Arteezy's PA and just slowly rolled over the Chinese team.
In an 11th hour attempt, DK tried to dig themselves out of their hole by split-pushing up top and getting as far as taking down one Tier 4 Tower before being pushed back, but were never able to return to it. Instead it was an American victory on American soil as EG took the final game 24-3.

Evil Geniuses are the Champions of The Summit 3-2 over Team DK.

1.Evil Geniuses$46,061
2.Team DK$25,589
3.ViCi Gaming$15,354
5-6.Fnatic / Na`Vi.US$2,559

Photo of Evil Geniuses from Zai's Twitter.

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