Lycanthrope is a melee strength hero
who is capable of immense physical damage and considerable movement
speed, who also excels at pushing buildings and bolstering his team's
damage. He is capable of
Summon Wolves who make excellent sources of damage and objective control. His
Howl gives a large boost to the attack damage of his allies, while
Feral Impulse turns
Lycanthrope and his pack into prime fighters on their own. When the time is right,
Shapeshift allows the
Lycanthrope himself to join in the hunt, overwhelming foes with deadly critical strikes and incredible movement speed
Tips to plays Lycan
- Spawn
Summon Wolves at base at around the 0-10 second mark, so that you won't need to spend gold on clarities.
- Normally you will want to take 2 of the weaker small camps at the
30 second and 1 minute marks to hit a quick level 2. You can do this,
but if you want level 2 from a single camp (which is also much faster),
look at the other larger camps. If you see the 3 crit wolves or the 4
blue mana burning creeps, they are easy to kill, and either one of them
give an instant level 2
- ALWAYS, and i really stress on this point, ALWAYS MICRO YOUR
WOLVES. Do not let them tank the camps unless they are about to time
out, or you are very skilled at microing. With the 4 tangos and the
stout shield that you have, tanking any camp should be a breeze.
- Until you have your
Morbid Mask, try to avoid taking the centaur
camp (because of the very annoying stun), and the camp with the 2
hellbears (a big bear thats red and a smaller one thats light brown),
because when there are 3 units around them i.e. you and your wolves,
they unleash a clap that does decent damage, and slows attack speed,
which can hurt
Lycanthrope in the early stages by forcing him to go back and
- If any of your lanes are having trouble, do not ignore them. Go
to their lane and help them out, you will still be getting experience
and gold if you last hit, or are within experience range. Also, always
watch the lanes and missing calls, so you dont get ganked while
- If an enemy hero decides to get into a 1v1 melee brawl with you,
never back down. The single target damage
Lycanthrope can put out is INSANE
even without his ult, never underestimate your strength.
- Once you get your
Ring of Basilius, killing and tanking camps will
be significantly easier. You should still be microing your wolves,
though its not as important. Level 4 wolves don't even need to be
microed anymore because of their awesome health regen!
- When you get your
Morbid Mask (lifesteal), you should be doing
all the tanking because camps cant kill you anymore. Basically once you
have this item you are in the safe zone against jungle creeps.
- As
Lycanthrope , you want to gank as soon as you hit level 6, OR counter
gank when you see the enemy mid laner or someone else trying to gank
one of your lanes. The enemies will have level 1 boots AT MOST while you
have max movespeed, use this to your advantage.
- Once you have your
Vladmir's Offering and either a
Medallion of Courage/
Power Treads, go
for roshan with a smoke of deciet. Micro your wolves and use your
ultimate if you have to. Roshan gives a hell of a lot of exp and also
gold to your teammates so dont let the enemy team ruin it for you by
making it obvious that you're killing it.
- Push, push, and push! After taking roshan and farming off heroes
and creeps, pushing is your main responsibility. Using your howl and
wolves, you can shred the crap out of towers. Add a necronimicon into
the mix and you have one of the most devestating pushers in the game!
Lycan Item Build
Lycan Ability Build
Lycan build Item Notes
Tango: Tank for your wolves early game with these
Stout Shield: Helps you survive in jungle
Quelling Blade: Kill Creeps faster
Ring of Basilius: You can either start with this item so you can have a bit extra mana regen, base armour, and finish
Vladmir's Offering faster, but i find that with the quelling blade + stout shield start you kill camps faster and take less damage. If you are running the stout + qblade starting build, get this right after.
Morbid Mask: This should be bought right after ring of basilus. Once you get this item, you are pretty much safe in the jungle. Always tank for your wolves with this item
Belt of Strength: A belt can be purchased first after you finish vlads. Get these before boots because you wont really need boots with your ultimate up
Vladmir's Offering: Rush this item on
Lycanthrope because it gives Aura lifesteal for your wolves and armour. Also allows you to solo roshan easily with power treads or Medallion. Basically, with this item, you can jungle forever without stopping
Power Treads: Keep them on Strength. As soon as you get either this item or medallion, go for Roshan Solo
Skull Basher: You must have this item because
Lycanthrope has no built in ability to slow or stun enemies. Basher can later be built into abyssal. If the enemy team doesnt have too much crowd control, get this item straight after
Vladmir's Offering .
Black King Bar: Stuns are effective on
Lycanthrope , after getting BKB you will become an almost unstoppable force with your ultimate active as well. This is key for escaping, and reaching the squishies in teamfights. Depending on the enemy team heros, this could be your first core item after Vlads
Medallion of Courage: This item is great for shredding squishies and roshan , but isnt necessarily Core on
Lycanthrope . Gives a bit of mana regen too
Necronomicon: With this item, you can split push like a monster since it synergizes with your Howl (increased Damage), Feral Impulse (Increased Attack speed and Damage), AND your Ultimate (by giving them Max Movespeed). The Necromonicon warriors, combined with you and your wolves, shred through towers very fast
Heart of Tarrasque: The Ultimate tank item. Gives
Lycanthrope a decent amount of damage as well since he is a strength hero.
Abyssal Blad: Upgrade from basher if wanted. Gives bonus stats for
Lycanthrope , and a strong 2 second stun that goes through magic immunity... awesome!
Desolator : Rush this item if you are really far ahead, and want to absolutely destroy the enemies, and their towers
Assault Cuirass: Another amazing item on
Lycanthrope as it gives aoe enemy armour reduction and armour + attack speed for you and your wolves. Once you build this item and a heart, you will become very durable, not to mention deal a hell of a lot more damage
Monkey King Bar: For when going up against those annoying heros with dodge, such as phantom assassin
Boots of Travel : For backdooring and splitpushing later in the game
Satanic: Amazingly, this item and Helm of the dominator STACK with vlads! Gives you some amazing stats and not to mention an awesome active. Lifesteal OP
Helm of the Dominator: A Great item for
Lycanthrope , awesome for both splitpushing and overall damage. You can use it on a Hellbear for the AOE slows, or a Centaur for the nice stun, but i prefer the Big crit Wolf because his passive gives you extra damage AND you hear a cool quote from
Lycanthrope when you dominate it
Smoke of Deceit: For going into Rosh undetected
Town Portal Scroll: Try to carry at least 1 of these with you after finishing at least 1 core item. Map control is key
Ability Notes
Summon Wolves
You want to tank for your wolves early game until you reach at least level 4. Max this skill out first. Remember to micro your wolves, dont let them die.
Great skill for such a low mana cost. Gives damage buffs to all heros on your team for a decent duration, and all units under your teams control. Synergizes really well with heros that can spawn their own minions such as Natures prophet. Not leveled until a but later in the game though
Feral Impulse
Buffs you and all units you control. Max this second
Gives you attack speed, crit, max move speed, more vision, health, and the immunity to all slows for an 18 second duration. use this for an easy escape, or an easy kill(s)
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