World of Warcraft - Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Official Guild Recruitment Thread

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:13 AM PDT

Are you looking for more people for your guild? Are you looking for a guild? Put your recruitment posts here! Don't forget about /r/wowguilds in the meanwhile; sometimes you can't wait a couple of weeks to find a guild.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Hek'in birthday cake

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 08:32 AM PDT

Someone is having a bad day.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 08:54 AM PDT

Never forget.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 07:37 AM PDT

It's good to be a Tank.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:18 AM PDT

GCD changes have ruined gameplay flow.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:46 AM PDT

So the past couple of nights raiding it has really hit home just how clunky and awful the game feels now, spending 3+ seconds of your cooldown window triggering other things required to maximise output during that window just feels horrendous, it's lost all fluidity. I know there is a million and one of these posts but I feel like if we just give up and accept it things like this will just keep sliding through patch after patch.

It doesn't relax anyone's rotation, it doesn't reduce the amount I need to hit my keys, anyone that plays to a fairly average level pve and pvp presses fast enough to ability queue it's just standard, adding extra time doesn't make me slow down and try and hit keys dance dance revolution timing style, I'm still mashing those damn keys, just now I'm waiting more for basic functions. Honestly can someone please give me an argument for why this change is a good thing?

I'm also biased playing arms warrior just for the record, it's so painful in its current state.

submitted by /u/Mokoo101
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Even Zek'voz knows what's up with azerite armor

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 09:48 AM PDT

BFA is not WoD 2.0 ...

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 11:52 AM PDT

It's Legion 0.5 !

Read the following sentences as if BFA came out before Legion.

War Campaign: A good feature that was poorly received due to rep gating and the super short and disengaging story. SO it is expanded into an awesome campaign for each class with elements for each spec. The rep requirement is removed!

Heart of Azeroth: A good feature with poor implementation due to the slow progression that resets itself with each new piece. The catch-up mechanic isn't very good because AP isn't farmable at a good rate. SO the progression now is based on Artifact weapons and is permanent and never lost, in addition to the AP being viably farmed from almost any activity in the game!

Missions Table: After the disaster that was the Garrison, BFA cuts back a whole lot on mission tables, making them virtually meaningless. SO now they're expanded to have their own stories and rewards with a class-specific theme that's cross-faction. It doesn't isolate you AND it has some cool missions that can boost your gearing and income!

Azerite Gear: It was a bit wonky when you got a piece of gear that was 15 ilvl higher with the same exact traits but it was a downgrade because they were all locked traits. SO now we have legendaries that provide an ilvl boost AND a fixed gameplay-changing trait!

Island Expeditions: They were boring and a chore. SO we removed them.

World Quests: They were really good at the start of BFA, but as people finished their rep requirements, they became forgotten. SO this time they'll reward meaningful things like resources for your missions table and a slight chance at a legendary!

Just a few thoughts on BFA. Not saying Legion was perfect. :)

submitted by /u/Kaoshosh
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Dear Blizzard, please make reputation account bound. Alts are cool! Yay! Thanks!

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 09:55 PM PDT

TL;DR: Rep token

Title says it all.

I want to level alts. Really, I truly do. Thinking about earning reputation with all of my alts sounds like torture.

Please don't torture me. Let me play alts....please?

submitted by /u/n8dawgregul8
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This made it to the Paid Test Realms?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 09:43 AM PDT

Last naked ICC run got me into a sticky situation.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 04:41 AM PDT

Shower thought: All the trash in the BfA treasure chests makes sense if Jani placed them there

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 07:26 AM PDT

It is astonishing how good the expansion is visually and narratively and how bad it is mechanically

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:39 PM PDT

The fact that these aspects are on the two extremes of the spectrum is quite astonishing to me. Class design is an objective failure for almost all specs, with almost all of them playing worse than their legion counterparts, the artifact design is inferior to legion's, the azerite traits are not a substantial replacement for legion systems, island expeditions are quite hollow mechanically, etc...

On the flip side - we probably have the best looking WoW Expansion to date, with incredible sound design and music and one of the most compelling narratives to date.

What's most astonishing is Blizzard's reluctance to change anything in all of these problematic systems. And the main problem is that they all suffer in their design. The classes are designed this way for some reason, the GCD changes are part of the new design of combat. Island Expeditions/Azerite/The heart of Azeroth are designed to be slow, unrewarding and disinteresting.

Then there's the problem of the upcoming balance changes that were posted which are inadequate. There's no mention of the range/melee imbalance in Uldir with all of the heavy movement design on a majority of the fights. There's no acknowledgement of the fact that Shadow and Elemental are horrible to play, or the fact that so many classes are Haste bound yet secondary stats scale worse now. All of these problems we're having is because a design team somewhere made a conscious decision to change a system from Legion to BfA. How do we get so many systems that are inferior in almost every way when we already had better ones?

The more I play the more discouraged I get about playing. I see no point in continuing to play Island Expeditions or farming Azerite. It took me forever to get to my current level of 18. I find no joy in farming Azerite Pieces just to stack Lunar Shrapnel in AoE or Streaking Stars in Single Target, and at least I have that option as a Balance druid, some specs need to use generic traits, because their class-specific ones seem to be intended to be bad.

The Azerite system fails to be a universal reward because there's nothing interesting to work towards. Azerite traits are bland. They seem intended to be bland. They are designed to stack, yet do so illogically most of the time. To top it all off classes are gutted, reducing their base strength to the point of requiring to stack Azerite traits, making the class feel inadequate when you're not performing the niche the Azerite Traits are for, ie feeling utterly inadequate in Single Target when having Lunar Shrapnel equipped. With Mythic+ disallowing gear swaps and the increased number of trash... any Mythic+ Balance Druid will forever be bad at Single target, because the class was made bad at Single Target just to allow something like Streaking Stars to have a positive effect.

It's demoralising to play an expansion that has such good narrative direction and gorgeous visuals and sound but such poorly designed combat and progression systems. It's World of Warcraft, combat and progression systems are the bread and butter of the RPG genre. How exactly did we manage to get bad class design, bad progression systems and a bad new game mode all at once?

I want to like my Balance Druid. I want to like the Azerite system. But I can't. Because I played Legion and I know what a good artifact system is and what engaging combat is. I wanted to have an Artifact in Legion. I wanted to play my Druid. It all felt good. Nothing about it feels good in BfA. I'm a slow caster that is forced to move all the time, that has clutches in the forms of Azerite Traits that are so niche they make the other half of my spec (AoE vs. ST) obsolete while I'm wearing them.

I'm just frustrated. I want to like BfA. Some things I do like, but playing the game is frustrating. And Blizzard has failed to acknowledge any of these problems, as if they don't exist.

submitted by /u/diruuo
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Orb despawned in Temple of Sethraliss after we finally managed to get a +7 key, apparently a bug still in from beta

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 09:49 AM PDT

I paid 5 Million gold for this mount, please let the vendor sell SOMETHING that restores mana

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 08:16 AM PDT

A Blood Elf and His Daughter by Avannteth

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:03 PM PDT

Blizzard not being completely truthful about Ranked PvP Item Levels

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 02:00 PM PDT

Is it a bug if I like it?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 09:22 AM PDT

Today I marry the love of my life.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 04:47 AM PDT

Many years ago during wrath of the lich king. I met this raider in Naxx her name was kaliapate. I played a warlock named deathbydots. Fast forward 10ish years. She gets on a plane comes and visits me. Fast forward some more she moves 700 plus miles to live with me and now on Sept 8th 2018. I get to marry this wonderful and beautiful women. Thanks blizzard if it wasnt for you I would have never met her. Also thanks to my bestman for making me play this game in high school. If you would have told me I was going to met her on wow I would have called you crazy and girls dont play wow. Boy was I wrong. Thanks to all our friends and family for understanding our unconventional way of finding happiness. Well time to get ready. And I'm going to go get the best loot from wow ever !!!

submitted by /u/xan89
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Sent an in-game mail to a guildie asking for a gem...

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 11:08 AM PDT

You need to give more. You need to give more! YOU NEED TO GIVE MORE! This is not a reward!

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 09:15 AM PDT

I have a Horde banner on my wall. I now know I can trust the maintenance guy!

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 08:59 AM PDT

Oh, $Gthanks:what?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 09:52 AM PDT

Earned AotC? Go do it again

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 07:01 PM PDT

So our guild killed Heroic G'huun last night after 4 hours of straight pulls and along with our vantus runes not working and the tuning being very tight, we were able to kill the boss. It felt awful as the boss was downed with yells of relief to finally be done and then see that we didn't earn any Ahead of the Curve achievement or some form of character reward for having spent hours on this boss. Achievements are one of the small things for our raid that push for people to progress, the feeling of earning something after a well crafted challenge is what motivates us.

Many of us made tickets asking if there was a bug and after we had confirmation of a bug, it was hotfixed early this evening. My ticket was replied to with this comment about how each of us would be forced to re-earn the achievement. There's a level of prestige and joy that comes from downing a boss this difficult in the very first week of a content release and to have the achievement with that date feels amazing but none of us will have it this week. We spent this entire week pushing the content to its limits and were awarded with nothing. It truly feels awful to have nothing to show for our hours spent working on the boss and then to be told to go re-earn the achievement on an objectively easier boss (due to the nerfs accompanying the fixes today).

TL;DR: We killed Heroic G'huun, didn't get our well deserved achievement, Blizz tells us to just do it again instead of awarding the achievement

EDIT: Specialist Game Master says not going to assist with this problem so people saying to put in multiple tickets, it's a higher up decision to refuse the achievement

EDIT2: A lot of people have brought up the "Just do it, you've done it once you can do it again" but that's the not the core of the problem. The core of the problem is that Blizzard as a company (not advocating for any harassment for Blizzard CS or what they do, god bless their souls for working in CS) has become a more distant entity that doesn't seem to care for their player base or giving us a fulfilling experience as consumers of their products. This isn't the company that would spend 2 hours on the phone with me fixing an issue.

submitted by /u/CookseyPants
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We did a Mythic Atal'dazar and double mobs spawned to the first boss. Thus 12 mobs

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:29 AM PDT

True Dota 2 - Playing 5 in Pubs

Playing 5 in Pubs

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:55 PM PDT

What is the best way to "survive" weak safe lanes in ancient bracket. I feel like I'm trading regen and still pretty much losing lane all the time.

Even when I play heroes like bane, I feel like i can never harass efficiently and the offlaners just run at me early with my carry typically pretty weak in lane.

What is the play? Thanks

submitted by /u/Everton2016
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Triple wraith band mk mid.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:49 AM PDT

What is this triple wraith band mid mk build used by topson and others? I though rushing ms difference items to get jingu was the goal...

submitted by /u/jinfanshaw
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What's up with the 3 position?

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 10:37 PM PDT

I've been on a Dota 2 break for a while and got back this week. It seems like the 3 Position is a lot different than when I left. I understand in pubs I can see anything, but it looks more normal to see Huskar/WK/Ursa/DK/etc in the offlane with a 5-ish support now at higher tiers. What changed and are the previous 3's gone ie: Dark Seer/Underlord/Tidebringer/etc?

submitted by /u/TheNthVector
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How to pick well and counterpick on a higher level?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 05:19 AM PDT

We all know the draft is very important. It wins games. But I've found that there is a sore lack of guides that would help you learn what to pick in what situations.

Let's get the universal, well-known truths out of the way first.

1) Pick what you're comfortable with, don't pick what you're not comfortable with

2) Strong dual lanes are the king right now

3) Make sure all the team's roles are covered, so you have carries and supports that do their respective jobs

Everyone is aware of these, so there's no need to repeat them, I think. Now that this is out of the way, let's focus on the deeper, more interesting points.

Story time: I've found that kneejerk superficial counterpicking doesn't work as often. For example: instapicking Earthshaker when there's a Meepo on the enemy team. I've played against countless Earthshakers who would waste their (otherwise good) Slams before I (Meepo) came in, allowing me to jump right in.

It is a counterpick but you also have to change your playstyle to really milk it. Only then it is really effective. Which is the main point I'm trying to make: it's not just the hero, it's the playstyle.

So, how do I counterpick with this in mind?

What heroes do you pick in which specific situations, and how do you adapt your playstyle from minute 0 to those situations? What are the goals those hero-playstyle combos are trying to accomplish? And if you mention a specific hero-playstyle combo, why wouldn't something else work as, or more effectively?

submitted by /u/Ignisti
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DOTA 2 spell interaction database?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 11:06 AM PDT

Is there anywhere on the Internet (somewhere on Dota 2 Wiki that I'm not seeing?) that has a comprehensive and exhaustive list of all spell and item interactions in DOTA 2?

If not then I feel like this would be an amazing addition to the Wiki for people trying to understand the nuances of drafting and synergy of your team….

I find myself SO often thinking "how does this hero's spell A interact with that hero's Spell B or Item?" but there is not definitive answer as to how it works.

I also don't know how to use console properly to test these things myself, so I guess I could always learn that and try it myself. But I really feel that an interaction list like this would be an amazing resource.

Anyone know about any database of this kind? If it doesn't exist, is there an easy way to contact the DOTA 2 wiki moderators to introduce the idea?

submitted by /u/lebronformvp
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Regarding a counter to anti-mage

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 07:01 PM PDT

Asking for an advice at archon tier on how to counter am. Just checked on dotabuff that am is worst against troll. Can anyone try to explain to me why does troll countered am?

submitted by /u/zarulseohyun
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Fallout - New Vegas did Super Mutants so much better

New Vegas did Super Mutants so much better

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 04:15 AM PDT

Fallout 1 and 2 and the lore surrounding them shows the complexity of the Super Mutants, which was expanded in New Vegas with both Black Mountain and Jacobstown. The class warfare between 1st and 2nd gens, as well as Nightkin, is really interesting and it plays a big part in the storyline for both those locations in the Mojave! Whereas in 3 and 4, almost all Super Mutants seem to be the stupid 'dum dums' - as Tabitha calls them - 2nd gens who attack humans on sight and with no dialogue or any kind of storyline is virtually impossible. There are, of course, exceptions, but they are rare exceptions to the rule and there is nothing like the complex issues the Super Mutants face and the storylines and quests inherent in that societal struggle, both against humans and between each other.

All of the games have their pros and cons, but regardless of your personal favourite, I think it's undeniable that NV approaches Super Mutants the best, rather than just as a tool to amp up the violence and danger of the respective wastelands.

Just my opinion, although I did read a few comments with similar views on a few Oxhorn videos about Super Mutants, and I wondered if others felt the same!

submitted by /u/t_m_k22
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Does anybody else feel like the main character of fallout 4 adapted too fast?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 11:34 AM PDT

I'm going with Nate for this since he makes more sense than nora since he was in the army and she was a lawyer.

He sees a nuke go off,
gets frozen,
sees his wife killed,
child stolen,
fights giant bugs,
sees nothing but his home in ruins,
find out its 200 years in the future,
fights more giant bugs,
goes to town, has to kill several raiders and pick up a LAZER weapon,
and then fights a death claw in the same day to him.

I know Nate killed people since he was in the army or something but he adapted way too fast to the new world.

submitted by /u/GageTheFighter
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[Spider-Man spoilers]Spider-Man PS4 made me wanna replay Fallout 3 because of a certain song.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:34 AM PDT

In Doc Ock's lab there's a radio that if you turn it on "Let's Go Sunnin" plays in full. Fuck I miss exploring the Capital Wasteland singing along to the songs.

submitted by /u/TheHeroicOnion
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Easter egg in regards to Pickman in FO4

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:50 AM PDT

Maybe this is common knowledge by now but I just realized that Pickman's Model is a H.P Lovecraft novel about a Boston artist that has a fearful secret. Interestingly Lovecraft positions many of his stories in the New England / Boston area and it mirrors what we find about Pickmans House in FO4.

Pretty interesting easter egg.

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_3_WISHES
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I'm playing through the first Fallout rn, and holy fuck I didn't give it enough credit

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:43 PM PDT

I've owned Fallout 1 for a while and I tried to start it a couple times, but the strategy and pacing of it never really held my attention. It just seemed too old to me.

I'm trying it for the third time around now and wow, what a fucking game. I'm not sure what happened between my previous endeavors and this time, but I'm really fucking with this game.

The shear amount of options, stories, and quests are amazing in a way that the FPS Fallouts are lacking in IMO. What I'm learning to love the most is the "you're fucked" attitude the whole game has. You are truly on your own, especially in the beginning. There's no crutches or anything, you can only build yourself up and hope.

I mean shit, the second quest I came across was to kill the deathclaws for the GR's. The deathclaws in this game make the FPS deathclaws look like stuffed animals, and it's fucking awesome.

The scenery is especially awesome when you consider that this is a mid-90s game. It really puts some of the early 3D games to shame, even on the PS1. How some of the settings are put together with such limited software is really beyond me.

Anyway that's my spiel.

submitted by /u/mob19151
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How would you guys feel if 76 had Big Iron in it?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 02:04 PM PDT

Bottom Text

submitted by /u/Salmon227
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So , Now i have played Fallout New Vegas , 4 , and 3 , Here is my opinion.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 05:46 AM PDT

I enjoyed Fallout 4s Story The most . Fallout New Vegas the second and Fallout 3 was a little Meh!

But i noticed a difference between these games. You can do Whatever the hell you wanna do in NV and 3 . but in fallout 4 you simply cant . I wish i could shoot ole Preston the first of the game . I tried but he is essential and im Like : wtf tho

But in New Vegas i killed caeser and all of his recruits. Fallout 4 is like and FPS with RPG elements and Fallout 3 and NV are RPGs with FPS elements . but the thing i really missed in NV and 3 , was settlement building and weapon mods that you could make yourself . The Things is i was over the moon when i found Economy wonderglue in Fallout 4 but idgaf about them in 3 and NV . But all of these are imo of course . Which one do you guys like the most?

submitted by /u/ariaboi
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Will the fallout radio stations give you a copyright strike on youtube?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 02:11 PM PDT

Title sums it up

submitted by /u/monkpuzz
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Anybody else just absolutely jacked for fallout 76?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:56 PM PDT

Love fallout been playing since fallout 3 came out love the lore love the gameplay and I just cannot wait to play it with some pals

submitted by /u/TDonDon
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Question about terminals and the Pip-Boy

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:13 PM PDT

How the heck do we have cursors if there're no mice

submitted by /u/EATucci
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Fallout new vegas randomly crashes/minimizes every 5 minutes

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:24 PM PDT

I own it on steam, how do I fix this?

submitted by /u/Chesssx
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Playing Dead Money for the first time, any pointers?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:18 AM PDT

Fallout themed LARP/Airsoft event in the Wisconsin area

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 01:00 PM PDT

The event called Big Iron is being held north of Madison at the paintball field called apocalypse paintball. The event will be October 6-7. For more information check out the link to the event page.

Hope to see you there if you can make it.

submitted by /u/Roe_Two
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Tunnel Snakes Rule (Fallout Fanart)

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 09:16 PM PDT (1440x1920)

A little throwback to Fallout 3 and 4, after seeing all these recent 76 news and feeling nostalgic. I'm not sure if posting fanart on this sub is allowed or not; if not then please just let me know and I'll promptly remove it. Thanks and hope you like it!

submitted by /u/samwukong
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Afro-Eurasia in Fo4 (Any ideas?)

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 10:33 AM PDT

While playing Fo4 I picked up a clean globe in the institute and started spinning it. Eventually I took a look at Europe and I noticed something weird, the Black Mediterranean and Baltic seas were missing. At first I thought it was just a mistake but later I noticed that every version of the globe junk item also had said missing seas, Even the TV at Nate and Nora's home showed a map that had the same problem. And I'm wondering if this could add some interesting lore aspect to the game. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/BenceZence
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Anyone with a permanently negative perception glitch in FO4?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 01:46 PM PDT

I'm seriously stressed out now. Realised deep into play that I've been playing with negative perception for a solid 60 levels.. I've taken my time with this play through so I can make less excited and more calculated decisions relating to quests and fractions and wanted to explore the map inch by inch.. looking back at my old saves I saw that I got the glitch at level 27.. and no decent saves in between.. I tried orange mentats, levelling up perception, poisoners armour and re-crippling my head.. anyone with an actual solution before I snap? I managed to make it worse.. but never better.. Not playing survival btw

submitted by /u/nuka_cola_squish
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(Spoilers FO4) How are there entries from 1968 in Jack Cabot's terminal if Robco was founded in 2042?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 05:07 AM PDT

Is it just the writer messed up or am I misunderstanding something? It's not like he's entering his notes from 1968 into the terminal. He talks about "logging in" and "username" in one of the 1968 entries.

Edit: as Arakasi_R3 mentioned apparently OS like Fenestra and Wyndoze existed way before RobCo Termlink Protocol

submitted by /u/Delareh
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Why does SONY limit mods on fallout 4 so much?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:15 PM PDT

I'm on xbox, and I was telling my friend about this cool mod that he should get and when I went over his house they didn't even have it because of that shitty "no new asset" rule

submitted by /u/heretic01
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Where's a good place to set up a detective office?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 06:06 AM PDT

Hey guys/guyettes. My recent fallout 4 build has been that of a sort of noir detective. It's been pretty fun, I treat most quests like a case to be solved and it's cool. Anyway, I was trying to find a good place to set up my office, as I've been living in my ramshackle destroyed by the bombs home in Sanctuary for most of my playthrough. My ideal place would be the boathouse spot with all the blood flies, but the roof is broken and I can't seem to place anything on the floor. If I could find a spot like that, a big house sorta building that was in okay shape, that's where I want to set up shop. Any one know of a place like that?

submitted by /u/cairnschaos
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Fallout 4 quest that allegedly hints at Fallout 5 location

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:46 PM PDT

I saw awhile back someone noting the similarities between the otherwise-out-of-place synth quest in Fallout 3 and another quest in Fallout 4, chiefly that the Fallout 3 quest seemed in retrospect to be a hint at Fallout 4's inevitable location. Unfortunately I can't for the life of me remember the name of the Fallout 4 quest or what the location it supposedly suggested was. Anyone able to clear it up for me?

submitted by /u/The_Fad
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For the people who have done a Fallout 88 build how did you work around the absolutely craptastic building system?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:36 PM PDT

All of those who are present and accounted for know that the building system in Fallout 4 is an absolute joke. However in my experience the one for Vault 88 is especially horrible. Parks don't link up right, they're missing sections of floors for various rooms, and it's just a general pain in the ass. How did you guys work around this problem?

submitted by /u/ADubiousGenius
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Any recommendations on headset for Fallout 76 on PC?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 02:54 PM PDT

Hey all, I just finished putting together my first pc build and I'm hyped to play Fallout 76 soon, only thing is I have no headset, anyone got any suggestions?

submitted by /u/KingSBC
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Insects in the Fallout series

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 02:41 PM PDT

How would you guys feel if there were insects like the butterflies, dragonflies, and fireflies in Skyrim? I would really enjoy a system where they exist just for immersion solely. It's unrealistic for there to just be those flies around corpses. Also, I'm pretty sure those flies aren't even made using the same technology as the bugs in Skyrim.

Anyway, an example of where this could be really cool would be moths appearing around where mothman would appear in 76. Albeit this is a little extra and unlikely, it would be a cool thing.

If you would enjoy for their to be insects again please post ideas.

submitted by /u/Salmon227
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