True Dota 2 - Playing 5 in Pubs

Playing 5 in Pubs

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 12:55 PM PDT

What is the best way to "survive" weak safe lanes in ancient bracket. I feel like I'm trading regen and still pretty much losing lane all the time.

Even when I play heroes like bane, I feel like i can never harass efficiently and the offlaners just run at me early with my carry typically pretty weak in lane.


What is the play? Thanks

submitted by /u/Everton2016
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Triple wraith band mk mid.

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 03:49 AM PDT

What is this triple wraith band mid mk build used by topson and others? I though rushing ms difference items to get jingu was the goal...

submitted by /u/jinfanshaw
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What's up with the 3 position?

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 10:37 PM PDT

I've been on a Dota 2 break for a while and got back this week. It seems like the 3 Position is a lot different than when I left. I understand in pubs I can see anything, but it looks more normal to see Huskar/WK/Ursa/DK/etc in the offlane with a 5-ish support now at higher tiers. What changed and are the previous 3's gone ie: Dark Seer/Underlord/Tidebringer/etc?

submitted by /u/TheNthVector
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How to pick well and counterpick on a higher level?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 05:19 AM PDT

We all know the draft is very important. It wins games. But I've found that there is a sore lack of guides that would help you learn what to pick in what situations.

Let's get the universal, well-known truths out of the way first.

1) Pick what you're comfortable with, don't pick what you're not comfortable with

2) Strong dual lanes are the king right now

3) Make sure all the team's roles are covered, so you have carries and supports that do their respective jobs

Everyone is aware of these, so there's no need to repeat them, I think. Now that this is out of the way, let's focus on the deeper, more interesting points.

Story time: I've found that kneejerk superficial counterpicking doesn't work as often. For example: instapicking Earthshaker when there's a Meepo on the enemy team. I've played against countless Earthshakers who would waste their (otherwise good) Slams before I (Meepo) came in, allowing me to jump right in.

It is a counterpick but you also have to change your playstyle to really milk it. Only then it is really effective. Which is the main point I'm trying to make: it's not just the hero, it's the playstyle.

So, how do I counterpick with this in mind?

What heroes do you pick in which specific situations, and how do you adapt your playstyle from minute 0 to those situations? What are the goals those hero-playstyle combos are trying to accomplish? And if you mention a specific hero-playstyle combo, why wouldn't something else work as, or more effectively?

submitted by /u/Ignisti
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DOTA 2 spell interaction database?

Posted: 08 Sep 2018 11:06 AM PDT

Is there anywhere on the Internet (somewhere on Dota 2 Wiki that I'm not seeing?) that has a comprehensive and exhaustive list of all spell and item interactions in DOTA 2?

If not then I feel like this would be an amazing addition to the Wiki for people trying to understand the nuances of drafting and synergy of your team….

I find myself SO often thinking "how does this hero's spell A interact with that hero's Spell B or Item?" but there is not definitive answer as to how it works.

I also don't know how to use console properly to test these things myself, so I guess I could always learn that and try it myself. But I really feel that an interaction list like this would be an amazing resource.

Anyone know about any database of this kind? If it doesn't exist, is there an easy way to contact the DOTA 2 wiki moderators to introduce the idea?

submitted by /u/lebronformvp
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Regarding a counter to anti-mage

Posted: 07 Sep 2018 07:01 PM PDT

Asking for an advice at archon tier on how to counter am. Just checked on dotabuff that am is worst against troll. Can anyone try to explain to me why does troll countered am?

submitted by /u/zarulseohyun
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