Showing posts with label Techies. Show all posts

Techies: How to stack mines | Dota 2 Guides

One of the more advanced techniques available to Techies is "mine stacking": placing mines directly one on top of the other so that the enemy can't tell how many mines there are at a location even if they have True Sight. In wc3 DotA this wasn't difficult to accomplish because you could portrait cast. This doesn't work in DotA 2, making life significantly more difficult. However, I did figure out a way around that:

Actual Tips to Late-Game Techies Dota 2

One thing I noticed is that after most Techies players mine the rune, the river, and stack Remote Mines at T1, they don't know what to do anymore except to keep stacking Remote Mines. Of course Remote Mines are great anti-push, but if the enemy team doesn't push, you become completely useless as a hero.

This is a mid-to-late game guide for how Techies can be one of the most effective 5-position supports in the game. The key is to focus on vision and ridiculous area denial:

 Inside Look at Competitive Techies Dota 2 Techies Released

So there's been a lot of people decrying the addition of  Techies to the roster saying about how he's actually a useless hero, countered by a 250g item, countered by  Gem of True Sight Gem of True Sight, no one serious will ever use him, the usual (further fueled by the recent showing in the Allstar game that played him extremely weirdly) - so I decided to actually write up an inside look at the competitive history of Techies and his effect on the game and how we might see him used in the future.

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