Learn Dota 2 - How to Phoenix

How to Phoenix

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 06:25 PM PDT

If I have a good lane I do amazing, but sometimes I get weird lanes like tiny Offlane and I get basically no farm. I play Phoenix as a pos 3 offlaner.

It's hard for me to hit my W also, and sometimes I don't know when to egg or when not to

Edit: Does his fire spirits stack?

submitted by /u/Imhereforgames
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How viable is MK right now and what position is he being played?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 02:01 PM PDT

In case someone here plays him, could you provide some replay from a difficult match, no matter if it was won or lost?

submitted by /u/wisrid
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Brood's Web

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 01:02 PM PDT

Can someone please teach me how to broodmother web management?

submitted by /u/mrrony862
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How do you maintain vision on this area?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 08:14 PM PDT


The ward cliff is an obvious spot, but it gets dewarded too easily.

It doesn't have to cover the entire area. Just provide enough intel so the team isn't completely blind.

I don't mind cutting trees. I usually just place a ward in the low ground and cut the small cluster of trees in there but I feel like it's too obvious?

There has to be a better, more subtle way of getting vision.


submitted by /u/Yelenee
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Trying to learn Clinkz, need resources/advice/help with what I’m doing wrong. Thanks in advance if anyone can take a look!

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 07:47 PM PDT

Meepo players, control unified orders or not?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 01:44 PM PDT

Hey learn dota, today I want to improve my keys im sitting at 4700 mmr and my lane micro is kinda not top.

My current settings is this, qwer for skills F1 select hero, 1 all meepos group, 2 all others group, 3 first 2 meepos, 4 last meepo, 5 ilus.

Im trying to forget about F1 to select hero and instead bind 1 to main meepo 2 to all others, while issuing all with control unified orders.

I think this should allow me to micro better in lane scenario as you can have full control of the first 2 meepos. Whats your opinion?

I have to mention I dont use "select all" "select others" as it messes up my ilus and proxy meepo so I just use control groups.

EDIT: As I tested different options and played some games I think I solved my dilemma, I sitll advocate to NOT bind select all/others keys and I do believe you SHOULD use control unified orders, let me elaborate.

Lets say we have meepo lvl 3 in lane, you need to micro it to cs, kill or disengage, stack neutrals, check runes.

For those activities you need main meepo binded, clone binded and the 2 together binded. In my case I got F1 main meepo, 1 all the meepos and 2 other meepos, its a matter of preference, Bdog for example has 1 main, 2 bear, 3 both.

The key here is the group that holds them together needs to be comfortable because you use it so much, to cs, to tab/use skills and fight.

Of course you can just bind select all/select others and do pretty much de same BUT, things get a bit more complicated the more units you have, and so Im trying to get rid of that.

Imagine you have lvl 17 and manta, you have 4 meepos and 2 ilusions you want to use 2 meepos to farm jungle, 1 meepo to proxy near objectives and 2 ilus to scout/harass and main meepo to look for ganks and stay with the team.

For this scenario you can use unified control to help you focus fire, imagine you have your units spread hotd, necrobooks, ilus, summons. You can control right click and they would all focus the target down and then you can micro them individually.

So yes, after a bit of test and research im back to using my old settings because control cant replace the control groups because you need something easier to do so much micro tasks, however Im including control to my options as I dont use "select all units" hotkey and this can get the job done and doesnt screw alll my micro.


  • Control groups > Select All/others

  • Unified control > Select All

  • All your units in a control group > Unified orders to micro your units

submitted by /u/MiloTheSlayer
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When is it worth it to gank another lane as a mid in the early game?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 11:57 AM PDT

Should I just go when an opportunity presents itself, like if my lane has just been pushed or right off if I see a good opportunity?

submitted by /u/waffeli
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Is a Dota Plus subscribtion worth it? More so, for a beginner?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 03:57 AM PDT

Title pretty much. As far as I can tell it's pretty much dotabuff inside the game and some neat bonuses as well. But from anyones experience, can it help me learn the game faster?

submitted by /u/w3doe
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How are items in the Dota shop organised?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 07:34 AM PDT

Can someone explain how items in Dota are organised? Right now I rely on the guide to suggest items but I was wanting to be a bit more independent. I dont understand the item categorisation so I cant find 'magic resistance' at a quick glance without spending time to hunt for it for example.

Any help would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/ColonialReddit098
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Tanked 1k MMR, any advice on how to stop?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 04:35 PM PDT

I'm not tilted, and I go into games pretty chill. I do however, keep losing. When I started losing before I'd usually fall back on my comfort heroes (Ursa and Void) but even that I'm struggling on. Was wondering if an objective look could see a trend or something I'm doing wrong.

I'm a bit rusty, but I didn't think I was THAT rusty.


submitted by /u/Hawk_015
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New player looking for players to play and learn from.

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 08:08 PM PDT


I just started playing dota 2 after Ti, I played a few games on my own and always finding myself feeding, and sometimes flamed at. I want to learn and get good at the game and find a few friends that I can play with online.

submitted by /u/ItsMario123
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Questions about building your hero

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 02:58 PM PDT

Hi i make 1 build for each hero i play with however i have seen people say that using 1 build only is bad since everygame is different and thats true but what do i do when...

1:As much as that seems rare but when the game is going smooth and im not feeding or not getting fed do i go for my build normally? 2:this one is the complete opposite of the last one what if the game is going bad and im having a hard time do i change my build according to the current situation? i will be replying for questions Ty for your time

submitted by /u/eagle6188
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Draft Trainer?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 06:05 AM PDT

What ever happened to the draft trainer hosted on the cluster website?

submitted by /u/WAR3095
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Looking for a mid coach

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 12:04 PM PDT

Hey, im a 3.5k player with over 4k hours of Dota2. Playing mid is my favourite and most played role. However im still very bad when it comes to laning and the mechanics that go with it. Even after thousands of hours i still loose my lane alot and feel very insecure to still go mid. Simply playing or watching guides or my own replays simply wont cut it. I feel like only the help of a more experienced and better midlaner can really help me improving my laning/mechanics and being a better player. So if anyone feels like he can help me out by doing a few 1v1`s or teaching me a few things in general i would really appreciate it:) Im fully aware of the fact, that this will be benefitial to me mostly and that there are coaching services that cost money. I considered giving these a try but i figured trying to find someone this way is a good start:) (If you know a better place to post this i would appreciate advice on that too) Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Ainsachtsieben
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I have a list of questions about DoTA that still perplex me. I have detailed them below along with my reasoning. Do tell me what you guys think of this.

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 02:06 PM PDT

  1. How powerful are runes in the early game in the mid lane? For example, I get invisibility rune? What next? I can hardly take the other hero one-on-one. I generally play DK/BS/Sniper in the mid lane and I don't really find much use for invisibility. Same goes for regen since I carry enough regen with me and I trade wisely. Haste is useful if I want to gank another lane. But I just don't see much worth in checking runes.
  2. How important is a bottle when going mid? I never get a bottle while going mid. The above heroes are quite good with regen and I don't really need any.
  3. I want to expand my mid pool. How do I do it? I generally play DK/BS/Sniper. With these heroes, I don't need to worry about regen. DK and BS have regen through their skills and Sniper is far away from the battle that I don't need much regen. This being my playstyle, what are some good heroes that I could try next?
  4. I am a newbie (180 games, uncalibrated). People say that at this level, I should be able to solo carry games. The heroes I know and have played most are the three mentioned above. Is solo carrying possible with these? If not, who are some heroes that I could give a try?
submitted by /u/rohits134
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Need help on climbing MMR

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 05:20 PM PDT

I am currently losing a lot lately. Dropped from from 1k mmr to about 600 mmr. I keep getting bad teammates most of the time. I took a break for week, but still losing after coming back. I've ran out of hope on this game, so any suggestions on how to improve would be good.

Dotabuff Opendota

submitted by /u/MicroAmiri
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do you engage in a continuous dewarding game midlane?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 05:18 PM PDT

I buy 1 ward. I put on their side of river. It is very soon destroyed, meaning the other mid has bought sentry, and may have even warded my river bank.

In that game, I cut my losses and did not buy any more wards / sentries. So I let him have mid vision.

what do you guys do?

submitted by /u/Lord_Trolldermort
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Help me about picking which hero when (in my hero pool)

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 02:40 PM PDT

So I limited myself to 6 heroes to get better, and those are;

Medusa, Spectre, Riki, Naix, PL and WK. I know some obvious ones like if I am last pick and there isnt Sven or anything PL is a good pick etc. but I need more details.

So when to pick which one? And is there any lineup that neither heroes in my pool is a good pick so I should rearrange my pool?

submitted by /u/singed1337
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Looking for feedback on a match I had as Axe at 1.8k

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 04:44 AM PDT

I've been trying to improve at Dota 2 the past few months. I've read various guides and watched numerous videos and it has all been very insightful. I have a huge problem with zoning out as I play and that's something I am trying to work on.

Now on to the match, I played as Axe and I know the draft wasn't very good. We had myself and Bloodseeker in the offlane while disruptor and necro was in the safelane. I picked first or second.

I would appreciate if someone could have a look and maybe give some pointers on what could have been done differently to secure a win. I identified a few spots where I made bad decisions and believe it was because I just zoned out.

Dotabuff match: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4101215726

submitted by /u/idunnowhateversrsly
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What happened to Death Prophet?

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 10:01 PM PDT

Anyone can explain why Death Prophet has recently fallen out of favour in both pub and competitive games? Dotabuff places her at one of the last in popularity(among the difficult,micro heroes like chen and visage) in terms of matches played this month, and I think do remember her being quite popular at least before 7.19.

submitted by /u/reffffly
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Help me to improve

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 06:55 AM PDT

So I have been stuck between 1.6k - 1.7k in these past few months. I first calibrated at 1.3k playing an offlane roles. Stuck at there and decided to play carry which bring me to 1.7k max. But i never been go beyond that. I wonder what I should do to improve? Should I switch role back to offlane? I want to hit my goal to reach at least 2k before the end of this year.

So here my dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/490995756

submitted by /u/ptrix93
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So I tried playing like ana...

Posted: 04 Sep 2018 11:25 PM PDT

To me there's something special about this Ana guy, and there's always something new to learn from him. It doesn't matter how low his net worth is compared to the opponent's core he seems to be able to take the fights and win it. So I studied his play style and tried replicating it but it was a total disaster..

Summary of the games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkpV8LxQq0A&t=1s

If any of you guys had figured it out and would like to share I thank you in advance. (Sorry for my bad English)

submitted by /u/superbcow
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Invoker question - What's the right/better way to cast?

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 03:48 AM PDT

When you have casted a new spell, do you look down to check if you have casted it correctly and then proceed to cast the spell? Or are you good enough to do without looking down?

What's the right/better way? And how do you do it?

Context: But lately when I started reaching higher scaling up my MMR's, I tend to get exhausted scanning through the map, checking my casted spells, last hitting, looking out for ganks. Then I thought if I could reduce certain things and ease my mind during game.

submitted by /u/LETS_GET_HIGHer
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Diving under tower

Posted: 05 Sep 2018 02:02 AM PDT

How does high mmr / pro players dives and kill heroes under tower while not drawing the aggro of the tower?

submitted by /u/slasher_blade
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