Posted: 01 Sep 2018 11:13 PM PDT








submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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You can instantly defeat a BluGlo Troll with a T.E.D.D.Y

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:36 PM PDT

Seen on the BR sub

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:20 PM PDT

Since it's now allowed.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:09 PM PDT

Absolutely filthy.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:15 PM PDT

I'm in pain

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:40 PM PDT

My Save The World Experience Lately

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:07 PM PDT

Every epic employee should have to sit down and complete a random “play with friends” at the start of every shift.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 10:50 AM PDT

Dear OP of this subreddit, I would love to get a flair option to show off our main hero, weapon of choice, or our power level. Any would be great.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:59 AM PDT

For example:

reddit-user • Ranger Deadeye

reddit-user2 • Siegebreaker (Fire)

reddit-user3 • ⚡️91

Upvotes would be greatly appreciated, so mods can hopefully see.

EDIT: Meant to put mods rather then OP in the title.

submitted by /u/1905gabe
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We need a Confirmation Button for Purchases

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:09 PM PDT

Dear EPIC, I have Parkinsons disease, and luckily I don't suffer harshly from it, but it does act up at times and it's uncontrollable. It's not that big of a deal because I guess it doesn't really affect many other people, but I was going to claim my Mini Llamas and I accidentally bought an upgrade llama with it. It's not too big of a deal, but it's definitely an issue for people that costs them money, it could have been claiming the "Seasonal Llama", and I accidentally bought a Troll Truck Llama. I can't control it, and I bet I'm not alone.

This very much applies to both modes, and in BR it's even easier to accidentally buy something (especially for people like me), which has happened in the past, but someone that's pretty far through the game isn't going to use the contents of a single upgrade llama like they would a skin in BR...

submitted by /u/connorreyes02
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I finally "beat" the game!

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 07:42 PM PDT

I hate it when I spend 2k mats on trap tunnels just for the husks to use some crazy pathing to go around it in the end.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:44 AM PDT

It's the equivalent to spending 11 years and 243 days on a relationship, getting married, having kids, getting a mortgage on the house, and getting that sick car you've always wanted - but then she ends up divorcing you, taking the kids, half the money, kicks you out of the house (that you still have to pay for mind you), leaving you with nothing but some clothes, a shitty apartment, and your right hand. Oh yeah dont forget you gotta pay child support and the bank just took your car. ¯\(ツ)

It just breaks my heart.

submitted by /u/Bohmuffinzo_o
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It really be like that sometimes

Posted: 01 Sep 2018 10:48 PM PDT

Just want to thank this subreddit for saving a soul

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:13 PM PDT

When I bought Save the World, I was most like destined to go down the dreadful path of a trader, as I was confused as how to play the game. But after reading through this sub and learning about how the ethic of the game goes and what to avoid doing (Over-levelling schematics). Fast forward and I now understand everything I need to about the game and am PL40 in Plankerton with good gear and wanting to reach Canny as soon as possible! (Don't worry I don't mean by taxiing)

submitted by /u/3PICANO
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Hmmmm if there were only zombies in fortnite

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:09 PM PDT


Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:27 AM PDT

Why Epic... Why...

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:22 PM PDT

A use for excess research, and the old Alpha Fabricator Feature.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 02:04 PM PDT

Have been an Alpha player since September of 2015, and recently I have seen a lot of requests from other veteran players that they wish there was something more that they could do with their research after having capped out ages ago. Thinking more about it in length after months of reddit and the Fortnite forums skulking, I feel I have an okay solution to not only just that problem, but to a few others as well.

Now, there once used to be an experimental feature that was added for a total of one or two tests back in the Alpha, so it wasn't around for very long and it seems the developers at the time thought that it wasn't a worthwhile feature to continue working on.

That feature was called the "Fabricator". It was an extension of Homebases and it had been implemented as a tab right into the UI of the SSD's. It allowed you to scrap in-game resources and melt them into a single, universal resource that could then be crafted into ANY other resource through the Fabricator. You could even make the infinitely rare powercells (at the time) or even the impossibly rare potion mushrooms (also features that have since been removed).

So before I continue on the pros and cons, let me explain a few things on why I feel this feature failed at the time.

Myself and many players overall disliked the experimental version of this feature. It was a beautiful concept, the ability to break down something like rough ore and planks to make powercells and ores was something the game sorely needed, and still does to be honest.

But it failed to deliver and it was overall a worthless feature, since it came with having to wait several hours to even DAYS waiting for something both to break down and to make. This is not a joke. The timers on that feature exceeded even Expeditions, with timers as long as 48 hours or sometimes even worse (I think I honestly saw 152 hours once trying to craft a big stack of silver).

Bringing it back with some revisions at this point in the game would be perfect. Not only are we allowed to look at our SSD storage from the menu screen now, but also our inventories (not without glitches of some kind here and there though), the game has never needed it more. From worthless materials hogging up the inventory as you level up and go to new places... to still strangely difficult to farm ones like Fiberous Herbs and Ores. How many of you have had to sit with 20+ full stacks of rough ore by now?

My proposed changes to this are simple.

  • Remove any form of timers, or make them a LOT shorter. Nothing exceeding an hour.
  • Without having to bring back the old universal resource used to make those things (since god knows we don't need yet another resource), have the Fabricator use Research instead with items costing X per every 1 item, like ores costing 100 or more with planks and rough ore costing 5-10.
  • With this in mind, why not make it so that you can scrap items directly into research? (Either with diminishing returns daily but never letting you reach 0 on the returns, or a static really low item-to-research returns)

This would not only allow new players to make better progression into their research tree faster by playing the game more by scrapping excess items into research, but also give old players something to spend their excess research on and even their own excess resources for things they might highly need, like again, Fiberous Herbs.

There is one more thing I should say before any of you start agreeing with this idea, the cons. As much as I like my own idea and will advocate for it, I feel that it simply existing may come with some negatives. It's one thing to think of something, and another to see it in practice.

There's always the possibility that a feature like this invites more farmers and bad resource-collecting archeolojess's and Strikers into the game, such is the nature of these things. We could argue that a system like this could deter the need for them, as players would able to naturally grind and get resources to craft guns and traps just by normally playing the game and subsequently even help reduce TRADING and SCAMMING, since this overall quality of life would give players more options for immediate resource use outside of having to trade for things. But at the same time the counterargument could be that the system would just speed that along and give traders more resources to work with, so we toe on the fine-line of the possibility on which two sides of the coin we land on in this debate.

Let me be real for a second.

Honestly, before I can agree to add any new features or change any existing ones to help ease issues like excess research and the like... we need to see fixes to the bigger problems that plague the game. We need a proper trade windows and in-game PSA's and tutorials from the development team so that we can stop and discourage trading and scamming at the very seams.

Both the game and its community is sick at the moment, and it needs to get better.

submitted by /u/Reiganleaf
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Is epic ever gonna do something about low level taxing?

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 08:47 AM PDT

Suggestion: Advanced Research.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 04:00 AM PDT

So there have been multiple posts on both the irritation of having nothing to use research on after maxing out research trees and posts on how hero levels beyond 30 only give HAD.

Solution: Advanced Research.

Heroes would essentially unlock perk slots at 35, 40, 45, and 50.

A new research tree would be created for you to research unique perks. We would have to spend research points to apply these perks to our individual heroes.

This provides an endless sink for research points and let's us make our heroes feel customizable.

Ideas for advanced research hero perks:

AOE Damage Reduction: reduces damage by x% from bee swarms and poison lobbers.

Skill Duration: increases duration of timed skills by x seconds.

Tech Wizard: Doubles the effectiveness (or duration?) Of any equipped gadgets.

Berserk: increases damage output from all weapons by x% when shield is down.

Elementalist: increases damage output from fire, nature, and water weapons by x%.

Master Negotiator: increases mission rewards earned with this hero by x%.

Obviously we would need more end-game content (and a finished storyline, finished biomes, etc.) before these perks would be needed. You don't want gameplay to get too easy.

Also this is purely a down the road suggestion, I know the state of the game right know leaves many things to be desired.


submitted by /u/SuperMike2099
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Can't build last tower because its in the way of an unbreakable tree. . .

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:34 PM PDT

repost cuz new rules: Epic HQ deciding to go with the Other game

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 06:34 PM PDT

Save the world road trip

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 01:51 PM PDT

Anyone else just not feeling it for this event? I barely play horde and I doubt a lot of other players play it as well. The whole birthday event kinda make road trip feel like a shit fest

submitted by /u/FatMama_
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Ok, sure, you made it. Congratulations

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 05:32 PM PDT

Finally got one!

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 03:30 AM PDT

IAmA bear.

Posted: 02 Sep 2018 11:05 AM PDT

Just wanted to celebrate the new teddy snoo

submitted by /u/thatshitpostyguy
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