Pokémon GO - /r/pokemongo now has 1 million subscribers!

/r/pokemongo now has 1 million subscribers!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:43 PM PDT

Pretty good for a dead game, huh?

So, after nearly 3 years of salt, rage, Niantic, hype, screenshots, leaks, friendy and hostile discussions, corny jokes, mods, /r/pokemongo would join like 100 other subreddits in having over 1,000,000 subscribers, and we couldn't have done it without all our users - that means every single one of you!

With Celebi coming on the 20th and PvP + Gen 4 in the horizon, here's to some more years of catching, battling, greeting newfound fellow trainers and finding new places!

submitted by /u/PokemonGOmods
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[Cross Post][0.115.2] Pokemon Go now abusing its permissions to read internal storage to dig through your files and lock you out of the game after identifying what it thinks is "evidence" of rooting - follow-up to unauthorized_device_lockout error : pokemongodev

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:24 AM PDT

[Photo] This ball at a local pool looks almost identical to a rare candy.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:04 AM PDT


Title. On a side note, I've always thought that rare candies look delicious too

submitted by /u/Piouslnquisitor
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Lucky Mewtwo with 98iv!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:27 PM PDT


I got this bad boy a few days ago! It was only 71 iv when it got traded to me! I'm so stoked!

submitted by /u/phnxbloodlust
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Caught a Mewtwo today with bad IV's and traded with my friend who caught one 2weeks ago. Now I have a 15/10/15 lucky!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:11 PM PDT

Here he is I was just hoping for a somewhat better Mewtwo AND BOOM Its Lucky! So Pumped, its only my third lucky pokemon.

submitted by /u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea
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[Photo] I traded a Kirlia to my sister and it became both lucky AND perfect!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 02:36 AM PDT


Usually I would name Pokémon I want to give away with a "gift" in front of them and trade with my sister or my friends when I meet them. Yesterday she traded me an exeggcute and I gave her a Kirlia which I caught from a raid and lo and behold it became a perfect and lucky Kirlia!

submitted by /u/HZCZhao
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[Screenshot] And the award for rarest possible Espeon goes to... This guy in my Discord who managed this beautiful, freaky alien - Lucky, Shiny, 100iv, Legacy move

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:15 AM PDT


Someone in the Discord group I'm in just posted this - suffice to say I am insanely jealous but I'm also wondering what are the odds of getting a perfect/lucky Pokémon thru trading? I know Future Sight is a better move than last Resort, but in terms of rarity, you can ALWAYS TM any old Espeon for FS, you can't TM for LR.

submitted by /u/CoastOrg
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[Screenshot] Photobombed by a ��

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:25 PM PDT


Found one of the gyms with all the eeveelutions and a few minutes later this guy comes in to ruin the fun..

submitted by /u/ajonjolii
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" Satan " is now a forbidden name so if you have any ".666" CP pokemon named " Satan " like me, they are now collector :)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:15 AM PDT

[Idea] Give us a 'power up to max' option...

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 04:19 PM PDT

Say I want to use all my available stardust/candy to power up my Tyranitar... Instead of hitting power up 600 times, it'd be nice if we could just 'Power Up to Max' using all the candy/stardust available. Just a QOL improvement, similar to being able to use all rare candy at once.

submitted by /u/Mojo884ever
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This (fake) celebi quest page caused a bit of panic in my regional town raid chat page today.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:19 PM PDT


To be fair, most of them haven't heard of Reddit/TSR and are much more likely to believe something they heard from someone they know than from internet strangers.

Hell, most didn't believe that celebi was coming out tomorrow despite me posting the niantic link.

submitted by /u/Jadow
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World Eggs!?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 08:09 PM PDT

A buddy and I thought about this the other day, I'm sure we aren't the only one, but regardless. I would love to see regionals in eggs from friends. A World Egg would be great to entice players to reach out around the world and really utilize the friend feature.

The idea: make it a chance to recieve one from a friend, a small chance to keep some of the exclusivity or regional pokemon but still a chance regardless. And make it a higher distance to hatch ex 15km or so. The pokemon would be from which ever reagion you recieved the egg. And of course the color scheme should be a blue egg with green spots.

Juat thought this would be a fun way to spread the regional love. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/Zriley300
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Anyone else having a hard time finding the spinda field quest?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:52 AM PDT

I've heard of the spinda quest but I haven't seen any around. I'm in a messenger gc for pokemon go in my area (sadly discord isnt that popular here) and they've literally only found the spinda quest once. Is it gone or just really really really rare?

submitted by /u/pengwingzzz
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[Question] Will Niantic ever deal with youtubers that encourage spoofing??

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:01 PM PDT


talking about the obvious rats like Fsu and jono and to many others to list

Honestly those pests are a big reason spoofing is such a huge thing and would be a big hit to spoofing if they did not make video's on how to do it whenever they get updated

submitted by /u/JULTAR
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[Other] Some 'inappropriate text' can slip through the nickname filter

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:17 PM PDT

Since we are learning about unusable nicknames I decided to try all kinds of words to see what IS and ISN'T allowed according to Niantic's new nickname filter. The entire filter seems pretty arbitrary to me since fart and pee are banned words but not poo or poop... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Some terrible examples of banned words:

  • Fairy

  • Chill

  • Trash

Some (small) words are banned but totally acceptable if you add on to them. Words like "Fat" are blocked, but you can give your pokemon a nickname of "Fat Boy". You can also do "Ass Hat" (but not "Ass")!

Someone pointed out that "PC/P" (for Psycho Cut/Psychic) is banned for being a drug reference, but you can name something "PCP Addict" or "PC/P User"

Some words are always banned no matter what ("Trash"-ed/ing/er) but others are not, for example you can name something "Ass Farter" but not "Ass Farting".

Anyway here's proof: https://i.imgur.com/IX9VRnJ.gifv

submitted by /u/point_of_you
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- Who are you? - I'm you, but rarer.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:45 AM PDT


"It unleashes psychic power from the orb on its forehead. When its power is exhausted, the orb grows dull and dark."

submitted by /u/Nanoespectro
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Walking distance SUCKS

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:48 AM PDT

I went to six flags last weekend, which in St Louis is HUGE. Few miles, at the very least. So I figured I'd do some walking for my eggs to hatch. Instead of finishing the remaining 2.5km I needed, it literally only did .05km. I've never been so mad in my entire life about this game. It happens all the time! Why doesn't it work right??

submitted by /u/dang3rk1ds
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The AR camera panning bug from IOS comes to Android(V0.115.3)

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:03 PM PDT

Basically, there is no fix for this bug on Android. The bug is from the AR+ mode on IOS, but you can fix by switching AR+ off.

THE PROBLEM COMES WHEN ANDROID HAS NO AR+ MODE, so if you have an android , you have to live with this till they push a patch for this, looking at other android users on the sub, they couldnt manually fix it.

They are going to push this new V0.115.3 update for everyone before Celebei quest on Aug 20th. So enjoy my android users. At least the Berry bug is fixed https://imgur.com/a/embmn6N

submitted by /u/Maxtiim
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HELP.... a field research is stuck

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:43 PM PDT

So just curious.... has anyone had an issue with field research goal stuck on their screen? Here is the story.... I completed a field research goal. Stupid me had a small amount of pokeballs and decided to open said goals pokemon reward. Well I ran out of balls and did not get the pokemon. I exited out of it and now it is stuck on the field research screen. Before anyone asks... I have restarted the app and my phone. It has been stuck for a few days now. And if I attempt to open it I get the light blue sky screen with no pokemon and it freezes the app.

submitted by /u/klrailey
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Po Go + vs Apple Watch app?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:25 PM PDT

I have an apple watch and have used the pokemon go app on it but have noticed some troubles with the distance not showin gup at all and being slow to show pokestops to spin. Anybody used both of them and would it be worth getting a po go + over just using the watch app.

submitted by /u/Coatzy
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Can someone explain how shiny pokemon work?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:20 PM PDT

I see tons of hype about them but I don't understand what makes them special. Do they level up faster or something? I've tried Googling it but all I get is which Pokemon are available in shiny form. Can someone help me out?

Also, I have a few Pokemon in shiny and non shiny form, but the non shiny ones are a lot higher level than my shiny ones. Should I continue to level up the most powerful ones or is there something about the shinies that makes them more powerful when they level up?


submitted by /u/TheQuixoticTribble
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Return to School Pokemon Go Help Thread

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 12:26 PM PDT

It's college season! That means a lot of students are moving to new cities and need to find their local Pokemon Go communities. Post your college and others can help you identify the best local hot spots, nests, EX raid eligible gyms, or just help find local communities.

(Credit to r/magicTCG for the post idea).

submitted by /u/BloodArchon
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Why is Unown spawning?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:22 AM PDT

So I randomly checked pokemon go tonight (don't normally play at home as my house is too far from a spawn point to be of interest) and saw a q unown had spawned not 2 blocks from my house. I have been playing since day 1, and to the best of my knowledge (though I'm happy to stand corrected! ) unown has never spawned in my city (Perth, Australia) as we've never had an event of note.

Anyone else seen one in their city or know why it might be spawning in Perth? Any ideas why it might be spawning?

The only thing I can think of is that it might be Q U E S T for the Celebi quest...

Edit: proof - https://imgur.com/a/8apP7YB

submitted by /u/sweet_chick283
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