Learn Dota 2 - Used to be 5k - now I'm worse than OpenAI

Used to be 5k - now I'm worse than OpenAI

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 11:12 AM PDT

Howdy y'all. I played DotA for..almost 9-something years consecutively, I think, from WC3 to HoN to Dota 2. I haven't played seriously since 2015-2016, those were my last ranked matches. Haven't touched the game in over a year and a half.

Back then, I was a 5k 3/4/5 player, enough to be matched into games with ppd, EE, Fogged, Arteezy, and other Top 200 big shots regularly. My specialties were Enigma, Clockwerk, but of course in games with 6k players I'd dial it back to CM or Shadow Demon, etc. and funnel all of my resources into roaming and supporting our 6k player as best as I could.

I came back to this game after watching the most anime TI in history - what a phenomenal event! And holy fuck, I am getting dicked so badly that I had a player last night accuse us of being item farming bots. Thing is, when I played last, roaming supports were a crucial part of the game. The 4/5 roles were constantly applying pressure around the map (and thus, relieving pressure off their own cores). XP deficits from roaming were trivial; they were easily made up for between ganks, bounty runes every 2 min, and jungle stacks.

I find myself in a meta so alien to me that I might actually do better if I un-learn all I know of DotA, and pretend that this is new game that just happens to use all of the same character models. Denies give XP now? Is the current pub strat to basically pick strong last-hitters, buy a Ring of Aquila, and then get every CS and deny possible?

My experience so far has been that, especially as melee supports like Earthshaker, I'm unable to find farm, and even persistent double-pulling results in me becoming underleveled. 2-1-2 seems to be the golden rule, heroes like Drow are everywhere (don't get me started on this free mango stuff..the most un-DotA like thing I've ever seen), and they'll virtually never leave their lane until 20 minutes.

To sum up, my questions are:

  • Are roaming supports dead in pub games now?

  • Do you know any good resources to get up to speed again? Mechanics like last-hitting, aggro reset, wave equilibrium, double pulls etc. are like riding a bike to me; no issues there. But how the hell do I function as a 4/5 and not end up hideously underleveled?

  • Are the lane matchups so important that rock-paper-scissors is necessary at the pick screen? I'm watching pro players invade pre-0:00 to place wards in the enemy lanes just so they can rotate the favorable hero matchup to that lane.

  • Should I make a smurf until I don't feel like a dawdling idiot anymore, so I don't terrorize these 4-5k games the matchmaker is still putting me in? I may be being hard on myself, but I feel like barely a 2k player at the moment.

Much love, everyone. I'm so impressed with how this game has grown and developed in the years I've taken off from it. Somehow, the Frog manages to keep adding spice - the talent trees are really cool for all of the heroes. Never thought I'd return after so long. Thanks!

submitted by /u/not-a-sound
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I am so fucking bad

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:48 AM PDT

Guys I am 3k mmr (3011 to be precise), I need help on how should I improve my game. I mostly play offlane, position 4 and position 5. I suck at playing positon 1 and 2. I usually play blood, Weaver, willow and cm. Glad if you guys can give me some tips. Thanks.

Edit: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/847858487

This one is my 1st account : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/152745085.

submitted by /u/aaaazxnkis
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Willing to show a LoL player the basics

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 01:55 PM PDT

Any LoL players that are seriously interested in trying Dota 2 hit me up. I'm bored and willing to spend some time explaining and teaching the basics and running you through a bot game. I know a bit about LoL but not a huge amount.

Must have a mic but just message here.

submitted by /u/Pabalabab
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Advanced mechanic, shit-queue

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 05:02 PM PDT

Shit queue is one of the best mechanics in the game, and it can really allow you to win fights you shouldn't have. What do I mean?

Lets start with the most obvious example, Sand king. This hero is notorious for taking a blink dagger, channeling ult from fog, and shift-queuing the blink so you do not miss any of the shockwaves. The difference between that instant blink and a human reaction blink can be the difference between a lost fight and a fight you win.

Lets go even further, you are playing Storm spirit(Or another backline killer), the enemy invoker has a linkens and a bkb. You have hex and your stun, yet you cannot do much since the moment linkens is broken he bkb's. However, if you shift queue while zapping onto him your stun into hex, you will instantly break his linkens and hex him at the exact same moment, allowing your team to chain stun and kill him. I cant explain how many time I have gotten key kills because I instantly stunned/silenced a person after breaking linkens before it is possible for him to react.

Lastly I would like to go into warding, when you place a ward your hero stops, making it obvious you placed a ward, howerver if you place the ward and shift queue to continue walking in that direction your hero wont even make a slight stop, meaning that if the enemy did not look at your inventory he would have no way to know that you just warded.

EDIT: My bad about the title guys :/ did not notice that lol

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Morphling tips and tricks, high mmr player to watch my replay?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:41 PM PDT

I play a decent amount of morphling, was wondering if a high mmr player would watch a replay and tell me what i could do better.

breaching 3k right now


submitted by /u/themosiah
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How do you play with friends new to the game?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:52 AM PDT

I have some close friend wanting to get into dota. But everytime we play together they get rekt because of the huge skill gap.

Is there any way to make this more enjoyable for both of us?

submitted by /u/PM_ME_UR_WOOF_BORK
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Best place to find players to group with?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:29 PM PDT

Whats the best place to find people to group with? Im pretty new to dota and it would be nice to be able to easily communicate with my team and meet some people :)

submitted by /u/bestd25
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Can't download TI8 tournament replays

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:48 PM PDT

Hello Everyone,

Recently, I have tried a lot of times to download the replays of the pro games at The International but i am unable to do so. I really wanted to see them from player perspective to learn how they play. But always the replay is pending. When i ask it to notify me when replay is available, it never happens. Again when check the next day, the same thing repeats. Anyone of you were able to download these replays?

Not that i was to able to download replays before for my personal games, but i thought they were not available as I mostly play unranked. But being the International game, i thought i could download these easily. Is there anything I'm missing? Please help me on this one.

submitted by /u/phani91
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Would love some advice for starting to play Dota 2 with my brother! (coming from LoL)

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:29 PM PDT

So I've watched competitive Dota for the past few years (started watching with TI5) and like many others, after watching the last TI we decided to give Dota a shot. We both have played LoL for a couple years but aren't anything special (both are mid Gold) and I would really appreciate some advice for making the dive into Dota an enjoyable (as learning a moba can be) experience as possible. We have read some of the basic guides that are recommended but there are a few areas where I would appreciate some additional advice/insight.

First of all, we are doing this largely to have fun together, so I am thinking we would preferably want to be in a duo lane together and from what I have gathered the current meta often involves 2 duo lanes which hopefully means we won't have to "fight" with our teammates to get the opportunity to lane together.

So I understand that the positions in Dota are generally numbered based on farm priority 1 through 5. I know that in low level Dota games the positions are probably not truly set in stone but what positions would the Duos be in the Safe Lane and (I don't know the proper name for the other lane) and the "Unsafe Lane"? I know that likely one of us will be playing a top 3 position character and the other a 4 or 5 position. Is there often a lot of fighting in the lobbies for various positions?

One of the areas I was hoping to get some advice for was what would be some good duo combos. Just generic advice on good combos would be appreciated but if someone has some League experience takes a look at this post and is willing to help maybe come up with Duos that fit the type of characters we played that would be great. My brother generally would play the Jungle and a little Top Lane and his common champions were tanks or bruisers that often had initiation (i.e Warwick, Sejuani, Vi, Ammumu, Hecarim, Illaoi, Nautilus, Trundle, Darius, Renekton, Pantheon). I generally played Mid Lane and played primarily mages although I played some melee assassins (i.e Kassadin, Talon, Anivia, Ryze, Cassiopeia, Viktor, Kled). I know there won't be direct analogues and I'm not even looking for that (we want a new experience!) but if we could get some good Duo options (both of us are up for playing the support or carry role) that fit the nature of those characters that would be great!

One of the things that had held me back from playing Dota far sooner was I know that there is a huge game knowledge requirement to be decent and I am someone that likes having a deep knowledge of builds/items etc and I don't like feeling like I'm "in the dark" and doing dumb newbie things. So I would like some advice on where to get solid builds from (I understand that in Dota you adjust your builds a lot more to what your team needs / what you are facing rather there being a nearly "optimal" single build path in League) but getting some general information / links to good sites would be great.

One big question I have for itemization is that I understand that in Dota you rely a lot upon items for early game sustain of hp and mana. But I really have no idea how much of your early gold should be going towards these purchases. I am sure it is a "depends" type question like lots of things in Dota but if there are some good rules of thumb/ guidelines I would love that info. Also, at what level / game time do you generally stop buying consumables for sustain?

Another question I have is regarding the wards. In LoL, everyone has a warding trinket and while the 1 support player is generally considered most responsible for warding, everyone needs to play a part. How does this work in Dota generally? Are Cores putting gold towards vision? Is there a max number of wards a single player can have out? If so, how many? What % of gold are supports generally spending on wards? Also, slightly off topic, but is there one courier per team and everyone can control it? If there is only one, are there "fights" for who gets to make use of it to get their items delivered?

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read through my very long post and provide feedback, my brother and I will greatly appreciate it!!

submitted by /u/Seetherrr
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legend morph replay analsis

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 05:29 PM PDT

Is this good? ( Crusader V )

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 05:18 PM PDT

How's my laning phase?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:26 PM PDT

Hey guys I recently saw on DotaAlchemy's mid video and really took to heart the idea of not being a pussy and trading with the enemy and just be a bully and win the lane. I have been trying it out and I've won some laning phases and lost some. I am not sure if its because I am overdoing it or underdoing it. Any sort of criticism of my mid laning phase is greatly appreciated.


submitted by /u/RonisFinn
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What major benefit will I get from a dedicated gaming mouse compared to normal mouse?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:01 PM PDT

I've been thinking about upgrading my gears for a while. I use very cheap non-gaming keyboard and mouse. What benefit will I truly get from a dedicated gaming mouse (razer, steelseries, logitech) compared to normal mouse? Is the difference major or just show-off?

submitted by /u/suzie_saucepot
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Lich aghs sucks.

Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:17 PM PDT

Is it just me or does liches aghs sucks. I mean i suck at this game still trying to get 2k but what's the point in liches aghs. I mean if your ultimate actually bounces 10 times during a fight im pretty sure you already won the fight. Please correct me if im wrong.

submitted by /u/CallMeDJSenpai
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Advanced mechanics on laning or farming

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:24 PM PDT

Been looking through some posts and found some great guides on advanced mechanics.

Wondering if theres any other videos similar to Gurupathik's doublewaving that are "must watch" for laning or farming mechanics.


submitted by /u/xcstasy
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Where am I going wrong with Kunkka?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 05:00 AM PDT

I'm getting kited so easily and killed by any nuker by the time I get close to them, and then I'm nearly always out of mana after a combo of my skills. What am I doing wrong? Last game I picked up a battlefury for the extra regen but even still I was getting easily outplayed by a Zeus and Terrorblade.

submitted by /u/SnortWhoresFuckCoke
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Tips for laning mid as Alchemist vs. Sniper and other ranged counters?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:49 AM PDT

So I just had another absolute gem of a game (sarcasm intentional) where I reached 940 GPM and still lost to Heralds:


Aside from our stellar all-melee draft against an all-ranged lineup, I think a big problem was that I was against a Sniper mid, and there is this gap around level 3-5 where he can harass the shit out of you and you don't have Chemical Rage yet, and Acid Spray isn't strong enough to completely push him out either.

Now, my initial plan from minute zero was to immediately buy a couple of extra salves with the bounty gold and ferry them out, just to sustain myself until level 6 when things should go much better. But someone helpfully commandeered the courier on its way out at < 30 seconds and got it killed with the items on it. I don't know whether that in itself guaranteed losing the lane, but man, it sure felt like a huge setback. And after that I just didn't know how to play it.

Anyway, even though I couldn't stand in lane against him, I was able to catch up fairly well by rotating back and forth to jungle and waiting for him to shove the creeps back toward my tower ... But this meant my item timings were a little later than I would've liked, and I lost the tower pretty early, and then Sniper was free to roam around looking for kills, which I think was a big part of losing the game.

Basically I am just looking for tips against how you play this lane, since I'm sure it will come up again if I continue using this hero. Seems like Alch should not have too many problems against any melee mids, and I think I could make it work against most ranged mids without getting completely dumpstered, except of course Sniper, Viper, and maybe some really bursty enemies like Huskar or Clinkz. The first two are the ones that I imagine would happen the most.

Is just bringing out more regen usually enough to break even in this lane? Should I have traded lanes with our safelane PA? Something else?

I was also kind of pissed that we had last pick, which I was waiting for to avoid exactly this ... but one of our other players flatly refused to make his choice, so that he could go for the "gotcha" last-pick Crystal Maiden. Then immediately after my 4th pick Alch came the Sniper instalock. But that's low MMR for you, so I guess you just have to learn to deal with counters, which was the original point of this question.

submitted by /u/l33t_p3n1s
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A few invoker questions

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:16 PM PDT

-What is the purpose of quas wex/what matchups for it? And how will the item build differ from quas exort(I only know that quas wex goes for phase boots typically)

-when to go Aquila or two null talisman?

-Why do some people go for maelstrom at times?

-when to skip Midas and when to get Euls or shivas

-anything else worth mentioning?

submitted by /u/Dovah2121
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How was my itemisation for this match [in details]? What could I have improved? What are some general tips for itemisation?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:07 PM PDT

This is the match in question: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/4090845892

I was Dragon Knight.

submitted by /u/rohits134
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Item Customisation

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:25 AM PDT

Hi all, I just played a match where I was Spectre and lost after a 70 minute crapfest. I think that the match was lost due to ineffectual teammates, however being 1k I already very much expected this. However, I personally felt that I should've bought a hex stick for the enemy carry, but this doesn't really integrate well into Spec's build. Some opinions please!

Opendota: https://www.opendota.com/matches/4090740174/overview

submitted by /u/bikinbutler
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Does anyone have matches of smurfs in 3.5k-4k mmr

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:43 AM PDT

I am looking for matches I can watch of high mmr players smurfing in the 3.5k-4k bracket. Perferably pos 4/5 if possible. If not then mid is fine too.

I want to improve, and I feel that this is one of the best ways, as smurfs abuse the mistakes people make at my bracket the most.

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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How much of damage reduction does each point in Armor provide? For example, is it worth it to get a Shiva's Guard on a Dragon Knight? Along with a Assault Cuirass and Mjolnir. These three items on a DK with Dragon Blood maxed out would provide around 60 armor. That is a whole lot of armor!

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:37 AM PDT

How could I have won this game

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:24 AM PDT


I'm playing the storm spirit in this match and felt like I was doing well but ended up getting really frusturated with some of my teammates, particularly the undying who was perpetually dying alone on the other side of the map away from the team. But I know had I played it better I could have won the game so I was wondering what suggestions you guys have.

submitted by /u/Rad0n65
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Sixth item on Terrorblade?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:48 AM PDT

I've been playing a lot of Terrorblade lately, and doing fairly well - a little over 50% win rate. My itemization is fairly consistent;

  1. Start with Tangos, Salve, a couple branches, and make sure to get a Stout so drawing aggro when you trade isn't devastating.
  2. Grab a quelling from the side shop if I'm having trouble with CS.
  3. Ferry an Aquila from base, get Treads from side shop. This order can be changed, I usually go Aquila first, but Treads really enable constant illusions with switching.
  4. Grab drums ASAP. Can also grab a Dragon Lance around here, depends on how the game is going.
  5. At this point I decide between BKB, Manta and Skadi depending on the needs of the game. I'll sell my Aquila once I can fill the sixth slot.

For those following along, I now have Treads, Manta, Skadi, BKB, Dragon Lance (which goes Hurricane Pike when I can), and Drums. My farm is preposterous at this point, so I'm looking to replace Drums. I'll probably replace Treads with Travels at some point to help keep lanes pushed out, especially against split pushers, but there are a bunch of options for my Drum replacement - Satanic, Butterfly, Heart, another Skadi - most games I have a hard time deciding. I like going Heart, because my HP regeneration is lacking at this point. If someone on my team already has Heart I might skip it, since after a team fight I can just sunder my teammate and they'll be back up in no time, but this is few and far between, especially in pubs where I might just get flamed.

After Heart I'll go Moon Shard, and a backpacked Refresher Orb for Metamorphosis - if the game isn't already closed out. It's that sixth item that I don't know what to do with, and I don't know how to read the game to figure out what it should be. Does anyone have any experience or advice with this?

submitted by /u/ehmohteeoh
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