Learn Dota 2 - Moving to Dota 2? Want a buddy to show you around? |
- Moving to Dota 2? Want a buddy to show you around?
- What’s a good gpm and xpm to work towards as a carry?
- Almost 1k hours in, sub 500 MMR - looking for advice
- Is quickcast for everything recommended?
- Learning Dota
- What exactly is the cookies challenge? Who created it? Where can I find it? I am new to DoTA and people recommend completing the cookie challenge if I want to get better. How will it help me get better?
- In honor of Dazzle not being picked in TI8, I will spam him until next patch. Any tips for Dazzle?
- Market items
- I get ~3 second lag spikes despite having 200 mbps dl/ 15 mbps ul internet with 15 ping to my ISP, is it possible it's a hardware issue on a 2017 mid-tier gaming pc?
- New player looking for other new players.
- What to do if team mates do not save for buyback
- Blademail?
- Point my gameplay errors please
- Sub4k 1-5 Player Willing to Help
- 3K MMR Storm Spirit Replay Analysis
- Winning my lane but losing every other lane
- How To Deal With Lane Partner AAing Creeps?
- Can someone tell me what I could have do better?
- How to improve my dota 2 configuration?
- Item hotkeys - alt+qwer?
- Alchemist safelane
- Is clock a trash hero nowadays?
- I’ve learned the basics of dota so far and what most heroes do. Now what?
- What heroes are you spamming in solo ranked and why?
Moving to Dota 2? Want a buddy to show you around? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:44 AM PDT I know it's not everyone's thing, but I'd like to welcome new people to the game since for whatever reason people seem to be flooding in. I have a bit over 2.2k hours in game and know every hero pretty well except for the newest one, and willing to hop into Discord (I have my own) and show someone around the game. PM me if you're interested with a link to your steam. [link] [comments] |
What’s a good gpm and xpm to work towards as a carry? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:28 PM PDT |
Almost 1k hours in, sub 500 MMR - looking for advice Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:46 PM PDT Hi - I have been playing dota since back in the wc3 days and I recently started playing dota 2 a lot more. I really enjoy the game but find I am not very good. I am looking for some advice/tips to help me get better quickly. Dotabuff for a few previous matches: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/142516747 [link] [comments] |
Is quickcast for everything recommended? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:58 PM PDT I pretty much use quickcast for everything except force staff and eul's. Should I practice quickcast for everything? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:38 AM PDT I have seen an increase of new players looking to play some dotes and as such im willing to help anyone new or coming back to dota to play the game. Im just a 3k dog but i would love to teach anyone willing to learn. Important Points: you can bring some replay or have any questions you want to ask and ask them to me no matterhow dumb they might sound we can go over heroes the roles items and how every situation affects these decisions i only speak english and will use discord to communicate teaching will be very flexible and any shape or form the player wants it to be whether its replays watching some high tier players live or in the form of questionnaires If its your first time i might play some co-op bot match to help show things you might need Lastly, No this aint a money scheme this absolutely free and im just doing this soo that i can help people learn the game cause a small indie company cant make decent tutorial for new players DansGame Feel free to reply and ask below i shall soon post my steam id link and we can learn some dotes together Edit : i made a new discord channel for those new players who are interested in learning you can ask questions on the server and if im online ill be happy to explain by voice chat - Also, here is the link to the official discord channel for this page Lets learn some dotes [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:12 AM PDT |
In honor of Dazzle not being picked in TI8, I will spam him until next patch. Any tips for Dazzle? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:54 AM PDT 7 games in so far, won 2/7. I know he's bad and I expected this. But I think its the time in my Dota playing days where I don't care if I win, you know? I'm starting to just enjoy Dota for the fun and games, not for the big e-peen erecting winrate or mmr. My point of playing Dazzle is to understand what makes him bad, therefore what makes a hero bad in this meta. I've read the reasons online, but I just wanna experience it myself. (Also I'm a masochist so beat me up Dota 2) And to get good with him, because he'll eventually get buffed, right? I've learnt a lot about him so far. Such as stop waiting for allies to drop to 20% health to cast Shallow Grave. Instead, if the enemy targets a hero, just grave, even at full. I'm still not good at him at all but that's one thing I've learned. So are there any other tips on him? I'm still wondering whether maxing Q instead of W is a viable option for him. Torte tells me to max W, but I'm guessing I can max q if the lane isn't pressured? Should I even try to roam as Dazzle or should I babysit my carry? Dazzle is a weird hero for me because I'm used to aggro ganking supports such as Oracle, Silencer, and CM. Dazzle barely has any fighting spells, and I'm trying to get his mindset because out of all the heroes, he's the odd one out. Everyone else I get, well, almost get. But you get the point. I can send my Dotabuff if you'd like. Also, any weird item builds that might work? I know Deso Dazzle is a thing. I was thinking HoD, but that one was going nowhere, maybe. I just realized, a reason why Dazzle is shit is because Mek is shit too. I bought mek most of my games, but 90% of the time, my burst heal isnt enough for my allies to escape. It's all about the Urns and Vessels these days. Life-saving Dazzle is a thing of the past, unfortunately. I've even bought force to bail them out but so much chase these days. I'll update you all when I get 15 games in. TL;DR Dazzle is shit, I'm just doing this for a side of memes honestly. Tryharding and winning Dota got boring for me. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:41 PM PDT Might be on the wrong subreddit but roughly how much will this years battle pass immortals be worth next year? Like the regular treasure ones and twos. I also have the rare wraith king sword from on of the treasures and was wondering if that would be worth more when it becomes marketable. Wondering this because I am not sure if it is worth two battle pass levels or I should just wait and sell them. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:41 PM PDT i7 processor, 16 mb ram, 6 mb video ram, my friend says he never gets lag so I thought the problem was on my end [link] [comments] |
New player looking for other new players. Posted: 29 Aug 2018 09:22 AM PDT Hey, I'm new to Dota 2, and i'd like to find other new players who are a little bit more serious about trying to learn the game. that way we can have some consistency in our games while we learn PM me if interested! add me on Discord @Rome#2731 or on Steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/RomeTheDreamer/. I'm currently 22 & US East [link] [comments] |
What to do if team mates do not save for buyback Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:32 PM PDT Normally I'm pretty chill, but when it's 40 mins in and T2s are gone, and my team mates don't have buyback, I get fucking pissed. Two times today I lost games because of this. And both times, when I point out they should have buy back, they say that 8 mins isn't long enough to farm for buyback... What can I do? It's not like I can donate money for them to buy back. Do I just have to accept the loss and the fact I can't do anything? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 06:17 PM PDT Something I've been running into more and more is trouble dealing with blademail. Blademail is handy on virtually every hero, including some who are already quite durable without the added bonuses. In a lot of ways it feels like punishment for being ahead, especially if your hero does burst damage. Especially on certain heros who deal high amounts of physical damage but have low health (enchantress, PA). Especially now that it can't be blocked by bkb if you're doing physical damage, it feels like the best item to get if you're behind. I'm seeing probably and average of 4-6 blademails picked up per match, which seems pretty high for a "situational" item. Any advice on dealing with blademail as enchantress/pa/sniper? It can make a carrier hold you hostage to their press, because your damage occurs so quickly, they can trigger it and cause you to kill yourself before you can stop attacking (especially with impetus spears). [link] [comments] |
Point my gameplay errors please Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:03 PM PDT I have played a lot of dota but only now I am taking it seriously and playing ranked. I seem to have stuck at guardian iii and seemingly getting unfair teammates. Here are my last three ranked matches: 4089250996, 4085025084, 4085162918 where I play Spectre, CM and Silencer(support). Any tips would appreciated. [link] [comments] |
Sub4k 1-5 Player Willing to Help Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:32 PM PDT I'm just shy of 4k in ranked atm and I've been playing Dota for around 13 years. For a time I played on a semi-pro team that placed well in tournaments, and reached around 6k mmr before ranked came out. I took a 2-3 year hiatus due to family/school/work but got back into the game a few months back and worked my way from 3k to 4k. I'm willing to help those of you who need builds, strats, counters and drafting assistance and I'll probably start streaming in the morning and evening time on m,w,f. Let me know if you have questions or thoughts and i'm willing to help. I don't win all of my games but recently I've had around a 70% winrate. Thanks! Edit: I've got my stream up to date, it's www.twitch.tv/booyahz, I'm also part of the learndota community on there for anyone who wants to pick up some tricks in the lower brackets. I am a little foul-mouthed from time to time, but I'll try not to be. Anyone who posts below for advice please go to stratz.com first and get your profile up for review. Thanks! [link] [comments] |
3K MMR Storm Spirit Replay Analysis Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:00 AM PDT |
Winning my lane but losing every other lane Posted: 29 Aug 2018 04:15 PM PDT So I'm a 2.5k mid player and my problem is that I usually win or draw my lane but in the majority of the games I lose, it's caused by other heroes from other lanes that just get a lot more from the lane than I do. I have a few theories to fix this but I would like to ask you for some advice. 1) Do I need to gank other lanes more? I dont know if this would solve my problem but it seems that in this patch it's not that worth it. What's your opinion on this? Would it solve this problem in the previous patch where laning wasn't this important? 2) Am I miss reading this and am I just terrible at mid stages of the game? How can I get better at mid-game stage? I think sometimes I get a little too or not enough agressive in the mid-game and just fall off after a good laning phase. I find myself most comfortable on hereos that have great late game as I just farm myself through the mid-game and win the late game. Sometimes I can't make stuff happen in the mid-game on these tempo heroes like TA and then I just can't do anything later. Should I encourage my team more to make moves happen when I play eg. TA? Or should I try to find solo kills all around the map? Or just farm? If you want some context - I played invoker vs brood mid. It went really well I think I was doing really well. I even solo killed her, then at the end of the laning phase I got ganked hard with bane nighmaring me and pudge hooking me into death. Then I farmed the jungle looking for sunstrike kills while enemy ursa was killing bristle over and over again. Then he started running around the map killing everyone. We got trapped in our base and just lost after that. Also I don't know why but when I'm up againts a really bad player I just can't dominate him like I would like to. I really need a great match-up and a bad player againts me to really dominate. For example I was TA againts Lich mid (for some reason they decided to go storm safe, lol) I was doing really well trying to dodge his nuke with my Q and he wasn't even faking it so I was taking almost no damage. But I wasn't dominating him. I would get as much last hits as I could but the lane would push eventually and he just got creeps from under the tower. I didn't kill him once because he was almost always under the tower last hitting. Maybe I should have been more aggressive? Sorry for the wall of text :D TL;DR: Winning my lane but losing mid-game to heroes from other lanes. How can I change that? [link] [comments] |
How To Deal With Lane Partner AAing Creeps? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 03:42 PM PDT Hi guys so I'm a fairly new dota player and as per the title, I'm having big issues with lane partners who keep auto attacking creeps. I'm playing in the safe lane as carry so this is frustrating because it messes up my last hits and also causes my wave to push and makes farming riskier. No matter how much I try to tell people not to do it they still do it, so I have accepted it is out of my control and I want to learn how to best handle this and any ways to mitigate or work around this? I'm trying to learn and understand creep/lane management more so of course this kind of thing is frustrating to encounter. Correct me if any of the following is wrong but AFAIK, best ways to deal with this are;
If anyone could help with some info on each one of these and how effective each is vs the other I would be very grateful. I don't want to be a dick and flame my team mates for auto attacking creeps, they are new too and just playing the game so it's not like they are intentionally doing anything wrong. However I want to learn how to best deal with this as lane pushing towards enemy tower isn't safe for farming and I want to be comfortable with controlling my creeps and lane as much as possible. I could play mid lane and have a lane to myself but I will have to learn this eventually and I'm enjoying playing carry heroes(even though I suck) so figured I would ask here for help. Thanks!! [link] [comments] |
Can someone tell me what I could have do better? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 03:31 PM PDT |
How to improve my dota 2 configuration? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 03:25 PM PDT Not exactly a "learning dota" question but at same time, I can't learn/play well if my dota is just a stopmotion, right? TL,DR: I'm playing on a Mac which is the only thing I have, and lags a shitton even with everything off, it's increasingly making playing the game, attacking at the right moment and etc a pain. So, first, my configuration:
Yes, Mac is not meant to be a gaming machine, but I do work with it and can't afford a gaming laptop, neither I have interest in Desktop. I'm a programmer so I need to be mobile to bring to client meetings and etc too. Also, the specs are really good in my opinion, a Windows laptop would do great with it. Anyway, I got the following Video setup: Basic config bar on it's lowest, meaning every single checkbox unchecked (except Shader something, which runs Vulkan, which is said runs faster so I kept on), Yet, I still lag quite a lot after a few games. I understand that probably i7's Turbo Boost kicks in together with the Radeon, and after both gets hot, Turbo turns off and Radeon lowers it's performance, which might be why it lags a lot after couple hours playing. Yet, trying to play with mid settings (like "basic" setup bar on middle) is playable for like one or two turbo games. I noticed ever since the client flipped from Source 1 to 2 (around 7.00, I think), I never had a decent performance on any Mac (before 7, I used to play on the company's Mac, which didn't even have dedicated graphic card, and still ran very well). I see on /r/Dota2 when searching for Mac that people said performance increased over time after 7.10 or something, but I only saw it going down. Vulkan didn't change anything, fps still bad. Setting to dedicated full screen improved a bit (but I can't CMD+Tab, change spaces or anything) but still meh. Again, I understand Macs aren't gaming machines, but yet, I feel the performance on OSX is ridiculous bad. I even installed CSGO, LoL, Grid2, Diablo 3, and other stuff to test and they are all playable with default settings of when you install. Only Dota lags that much.. Dota 2 runs on OpenGL which on Mac is pretty crappy (I don't know what the other games run at) but yet, it's so sad :( I have a Win7 license, but Bootcamp on High Sierra is picky and allows only installation of Win 10.. which I don't have. so I'm guessing I'm stuck with OSX for now. Thank you very much for ANY help on this matter :) [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 02:41 PM PDT I saw that for items, gorg uses the same hotkeys he has for abilities, just with the alt modifier. I figure that the advantage is that you don't need to move your fingers too much, but the disadvantage is that you need to press another key so it's slightly slower, and I imagine sometimes you might accidentally cast a spell instead of using an item. After more than 1,500 games I still haven't found an item hotkey layout I'm content with. I'm gonna try it a bit with bots, and I know that my experience is my own, alone, but I'm still curious to hear at the same time what you guys think about it. Anyone have experience with this sort of layout? Any accidents with it (ability cast instead of item)? Is it slower, or is that additional alt modifier unnoticeable? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 10:48 AM PDT Is alchemist on safelane playable? I really enjoy this hero but I dont like playing him mid [link] [comments] |
Is clock a trash hero nowadays? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:01 AM PDT Hello, I haven't played dota in 2 years I think but I'm planning to come back to it. Clock was my favourite hero back then but people didn't pick him up at TI. Is he trash or ok but not used? What happened to him? [link] [comments] |
I’ve learned the basics of dota so far and what most heroes do. Now what? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 01:18 AM PDT Today I tried out Qop against a storm and he stomped me hard. Doing things that I never knew you could, like dodging my dagger with his ult. I play pos 1 and 2 btw. I noticed that what he did was just having knowledge of his hero. The only conclusion I can come up with is to limit my hero pool to few heroes so I improve with each one then very slowly extend. [link] [comments] |
What heroes are you spamming in solo ranked and why? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:01 PM PDT In my 2k games, I found Mirana and Windranger to be really reliable heroes to spam . I just pick the hero and I'm ready to fill whatever role the team needs. Apart from the versatility, what I really like about these two heroes are: -1v2 Lane potential -escape -long skillbased stun -good scaling with items into the late game What are your choices and why? [link] [comments] |
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