Killing Floor Bonecrusher Combos from ya boi, Fauxy_

Bonecrusher Combos from ya boi, Fauxy_

Posted: 31 Aug 2018 03:57 AM PDT

When you get Demolitionist to lvl 15

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:58 AM PDT

Hope you remember this one 420 map

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 11:18 PM PDT

My Gripes After Coming Back From Hiatus...

Posted: 31 Aug 2018 12:19 AM PDT

Since I started playing again after a year+ hiatus, there's a few problems I've come across that I think the community should be aware of.

  1. Play the appropriate difficulty! For some reason, people that just got the game think they can just jump right into weekly challenges (suicidal or HoE with certain mutators), or play Sui or HoE right out the gates. If you want to farm XP, do solo or top the leaderboards of Hard (aka Git Gud) Sui for even 15+ if you know how to manage ammo/eco.

  2. Zerkers stop taking the ammo boxes without ranged weapons! ...really? You need the grenade more than a full magazine of every ranged gun I own AND that grenade? I've had a few times where if I'd had the ammo box, it would have saved the group but NO! The zerker needs his one frag that he'll die holding. I know there are weapons the zerker has that takes ammo, but for the evis the blades are renewable...or at least more renewable than my ammo. If you're down to last few shells on sledge or last pack of blades on Evis, by all means...but most violators are in beginning rounds where I need the ammo to help save on eco and be a better player for the team.

  3. If you don't have the time, don't commit the crime! Another not as big of an issue is players jumping into a game, starting the wave, and then just dropping out. Now you just spawn pumped current players with no real benefit unless they're MLG pros (which judging from the instances I experienced, there were no pros present). But speaking of this, brings me to my next and final gripe.

  4. Playing from start to finish! Not a huge gripe, but seriously, why not play it from start to finish? I love the struggle of working my way up to my weapon, or lending some money to a pal that needs the cash. People only seem to join near the end...they just farming cheevos? If so, like I said earlier not a huge gripe, especially since they now allow fresh spawns to have a decent bit to help them...but I get a weird feeling of satisfaction playing with a squad of people from start to finish. Maybe I just whine too much lol.

Anyways, I'm sure there's more, but those definitely stand out to me right away. I'm done complaining so go ahead and downvote...but figured I would try to educate some on why I sometimes prefer to play solo than deal with multiplayer.

submitted by /u/TheKevit07
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Bugsplat error pls help (KF2)

Posted: 31 Aug 2018 05:36 AM PDT

Hello, so i buyed the game because its on sale right now, i downloaded it instantly and installed so far so good, but now i have the problem that everytime i start it bugsplat comes up instantly it wont even go into main menu.

I searched up how i can solve this but litterly nothing works, i tried to delete the Kf2 (safe files??) files in the documents ordner because everybody suggested that, reinstalled the game 3 times already, updated all my drivers, manually installed DirectX and the other files from the Kf2 ordner in steam.

At this point i just want to refund the game and go on but it feels kinda wasted.

Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/lithcas
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Endless Mode Rewards - DAR Skin

Posted: 31 Aug 2018 04:53 AM PDT

Are you still able to get those rewards?

I went in Endless mode did 26 waves, got nothing

Checked if there is a tab in missions called seasonal missions but theres only a daily mission

submitted by /u/SxSagittariuSxS
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How can I help as a berserker against abomination?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 12:10 PM PDT

Berserker is my favorite class, but every time I get to the final trader sequence before the boss wave, I feel like I'm playing russian roulette. If the boss is the abomination, I'm pretty much useless.

I don't like the Evis, the Nail gun isn't great at boss damage, and I prefer to upgrade my melee weapon.

With the other bosses, I can help as a melees berserker, but abomination feels like the most help I can offer is taking some hits from the exploding guys and clearing bile. Any tips?

submitted by /u/WayneBrody
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Do I get more xp in solo or public matches?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:38 PM PDT

I would assume in a team since more zeds spawn

submitted by /u/DifficultFruit7381
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What a KF2 material metal music. Drums reminds me so much of other tracks like Bloodwork.

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 05:20 PM PDT

my friend made a video of his kf2 shenanigans

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:24 PM PDT

Off medic Survivalist?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 03:51 PM PDT

Medic is the only class I ever play and I love it but I've literally only played medic for dozens of hours and it's getting a bit boring. I was thinking of running a "supportive" survivalist.

I'd be getting the medic grenades, medic Ar and an Rpg to help the demos and other big zed killers to get rid of them quickly.

I know that it's obviously not as effective as a true class but would this be "viable" ?

Im on ps4 so theres not a lot of communication going on and Hoe ends up being a complete chaotic mess and I though if I can cover two roles at once it would be good

submitted by /u/UnorthodoxAesthetics
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Does the original killing floor have official servers?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 10:23 AM PDT

I'm looking to buy this game with friends. We stopped playing l4d2 because of the gay modded servers.

submitted by /u/ZLouieZ
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What perks do you need in a good team?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:12 AM PDT

I'm trying to figure out what would be a good build for a 5 man team. Would be interested to hear your suggestions.

Any perks that a team can't do without? Do you need a ss/gs for big zeds or will you be fine with a demo or a zerker?

submitted by /u/Tribunus_Plebis
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Anyone else play medic as support?

Posted: 30 Aug 2018 07:34 PM PDT

I've been experimenting recently with support. I typically would roll with the HZ12 and M4, but I've been playing with the medic shotgun and Dragons breath shotgun recently and really enjoyed playing that way. Sure it's not as good as just playing medic, but the medic shotgun works fine as a trash killing gun while the dragons breath is effective against the bigger Zeds.

submitted by /u/47sams
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