Hearthstone - PullsDay Thursday: Post Your Popped Packs |
- PullsDay Thursday: Post Your Popped Packs
- I put the Boo in Boomsday
- My day in 4 pictures
- I’m sorry, did you say “armies” or “armory” of Stormwind?
- Special Card and Hero Dialogue Interactions
- Kripp living the dream
- Made to... hold a deck of cards
- vS Data Reaper Report #103
- HSReplay.net - Highest Winrate Decks For "Double Deathrattler Battler" Tavern Brawl [Aug/30]
- Best expansion ever : Change my mind
- Is it just me?
- Weirdest Warrior Mirror Match ever
- Drew all of my spider bois in a deck of 30 cards
- Harvesting petals but drought season comes
- My first time getting legend and don't have anywhere else to share it!
- The Secret to beating Mecha'Thun Druid as Mage:
- What is your cleverest deck name?
- I am new one. Does anyone help me?
- Zoo warlock fanart
- How good is Houndmaster Shaw?
- Raise your hand if you have no idea what this is! I didn't until today when someone played it against me.
PullsDay Thursday: Post Your Popped Packs Posted: 29 Aug 2018 05:10 PM PDT Greetings Travellers, This is a new weekly thread to showcase your crazy or unlucky pack openings, for F2P players and whales alike! The goal of this thread is to draw discussion around pack openings into a centralized post every week, so that players have a dedicated place to share their pulls. Whether you got a sweet Tavern Brawl reward or Arena chest, we want to see it! You can also post in /r/HSPulls. Pack Openings are still relegated to a megathread on the first day of a new expansion Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:40 AM PDT
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Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:46 AM PDT
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I’m sorry, did you say “armies” or “armory” of Stormwind? Posted: 30 Aug 2018 02:43 AM PDT
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Special Card and Hero Dialogue Interactions Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:13 PM PDT Existing Interactions Between Heroes and Different Cards Although it may not be the most pressing issue with the game at this current moment, there is something that has bothered me ever since the Arthas Paladin hero was released last year, and that is the noticeable absence of interactions between characters that would normally react to the presence of one another. And this is not unheard of; currently characters like Illidan and Tyrande will react to a Malfurion hero, and Cairne and Vol'jin both properly react to Garrosh. Wilfred Fizzlebang even has a special interaction with Lord Jaraxxus! But, despite these existing interactions, some are noticeably missing, even between characters who are lore-wise extremely connected. One of the more notable ones is the fact that Sylvanas Windrunner doesn't react to her sister Alleria (Hunter hero portrait), or how Cenarius doesn't even greet his daughter Lunara. Even Thrall and Garrosh, after all these years, still don't have special opening remarks at the start of the match. So all this got me thinking; how many special interactions between cards and heroes are possible? With all the cards and heroes that have been added over the years, I would imagine quite a few. Of course, recording and adding in special interactions would be much harder for the developers than it would be for me to simply type them up on a keyboard, but just for the sake of it I'm going to think of as many interactions that might be a possibility in the future. Hearthstone has never been known for consistency, so I don't expect these to be added (though if they do I will not complain in the slightest). This is just for fun. If you have anything to add or suggest yourselves, feel free to do so! Anyway, here's my list. Oh, also spoilers for anyone who hasn't played Warcraft III or the recent WoW expansions. Just a heads-up if you care about that sorta thing. But just sayin, if you did you'd probably have played them by now, sooo... ARTHAS HERO INTERACTIONS Right off the bat, I'm gonna start with everyone's favorite fallen Paladin-turned-Death Knight-turned-Lich King. Arthas is a character with a lot of lore behind him, and honestly I find his strange lack of interactions with certain characters (or anyone really) kind of unnerving and a bit of a missed opportunity. Obviously, with such a huge backstory behind him, Arthas would have interacted with a lot of characters, so this list will be a little lengthy. Just to be to the point, the characters I picked for special interactions were Uther, Jaina, Mal'Ganis, Kel'Thuzad, The Lich King. Noticeably absent are Sylvanas Windrunner and Archmage Antonidas, who, while their stories are affected greatly by Arthas, this hero is pre-DK Arthas (when he is still a good guy), so I left them off. I'm just gonna go down the list one by one and explain them along the way. UTHER vs. ARTHAS: Arthas: "Glad you could make it, Uther." Uther: "Watch your tone with me, boy." All culinary memes aside, this is a famous exchange of dialogue that I believe should have made it into the game the moment they announced the Arthas hero portrait. Uther's role as the mentor of Arthas shouldn't be ignored with the generic "For Lordaeron!" - "I will fight with honor!", so I'm surprised this never became the official interaction between the two heroes. But let's continue. JAINA vs. ARTHAS: Arthas: "It's good to see you again, Jaina" Jaina: "You too, Arthas." As stated before, Jaina and Arthas have a long history of friendship together, and I think they were even lovers at one point if I remember correctly. Thus, if Malfurion and Tyrande can have an interaction, Jaina and Arthas need one too. Btw, I took this quote from the first time Arthas and Jaina see each other in Warcraft III (the game's not that old, fight me). But anyway, let's move on to minion entrances. Play Mal'Ganis: "I've been waiting for you, young prince." The dreadlord Mal'Ganis was the orchestrator of the plague that ravaged the kingdom of Lordaeron, which contributed to the rise of the undead Scourge and eventually led Arthas to take up Frostmourne to defeat him. I think that's enough to warrant an interaction. Play Kel'Thuzad: "Naive fool. Your curiosity will be the death of you!" Before Kel'Thuzad was the lich we all know and love, he was a simple necromancer who served the Lich King and was in league with Mal'Ganis. In fact, he was the one who created the plague that Mal'Ganis was using to infect Lordaeron. Also, Arthas was the one who killed him (and later revived him). Play The Lich King: "Well hello handsome." Just a bit of a joke and a reference the Lich King encounter in the Icecrown Citadel missions, and a reference to the fact that the Lich King is Arthas. GARROSH HERO INTERACTIONS Next up on my list is Garrosh. Now, Garrosh already has many interactions with other characters, but the two that are most notably missing are his mentor Thrall and his father Grommash. Thus, I wrote some for them. THRALL vs. GARROSH: Thrall: "You disappoint me, Garrosh." Garrosh: "RAAAAAHHHHH!" Thrall always seems to be disappointed in Garrosh, and I think that makes him mad. I think it could be applied to a Hearthstone match seemlessly, and would make sense given the history between the two orcs. Play Grommash Hellscream: "Garrosh... my son..." I think Disguised Toast said it best. Grom is Garrosh's father. That makes Garrosh Grom's son. Nuff said. I also considered doing an interaction with Y'Shaarj, but I think that would be overkill. I think his current opening line says enough about his relationship with Garrosh. THRALL HERO INTERACTIONS I already described my idea for an interaction with Garrosh, but Thrall also has a long history with other characters, particularly Grom, Vol'jin and Cairne. Jaina has also historically been a long-time friend of Thrall, but in recent years I'd say they're a little less than friends, so I didn't include her ("My magic will tear you apart!" is probably what she would say if she met Thrall today). So here are my ideas for Thrall. Play Grommash Hellscream: "Lok'Tar Ogar, Little Brother." Grom and Thrall aren't actual brothers, but they are such close friends that they see each other at that level and often refer to each other as such. So I think this would be a good change. Play Vol'jin: "I give my all for dah Horde." Vol'jin says this when Thrall names him Warchief. I think it fits as a battlecry sound, though I'm not entirely sure it's the best choice. Imo it's better than nothing. Play Cairne Bloodhoof: "May the Earthmother smile upon you, old friend." Cairne and Thrall have been friends since the beginning, and since they are total bros I thought this would be fitting. MEDIVH HERO INTERACTIONS These ones seem a little more unnecessary for me, but I still want to mention them anyway. I just think it's strange that Medivh doesn't react to Prince Malchezaar, his employees, or even himself. I think I'll just go down the list. Play Prince Malchezaar: "You did not invite me?! I am a prince of the Eredar!" Basically, just what he says to younger Medivh in the prologue of the Karazhan Adventure. Nothing too fancy here. Play Moroes: "Preparations have been made at your request, sir." Moroes is Medivh's loyal servant and the steward of Karazhan, in both life and death (he's resurrected as an undead after Medivh gets possessed and kills him, just a fun fact). This version of Moroes is pre-undeath, and he's supposed to be preparing a party at Medivh's request. Play The Curator: "This Curator is at your service." I dunno, saying "The Menagerie is for guest's only" doesn't really fit for Medivh now, does it? Play Medivh, the Guardian: "Wait? You're me? From the future?" This is young Medivh's interaction with the Medivh Hero in the Karazhan Adventure. Also notice that I left off Barnes. I think he has enough voice lines as it is already, and he would probably say the same thing to Medivh as all the guests (it's his show, after all). ALLERIA HERO INTERACTIONS The only interaction with Alleria worth mentioning in my opinion is with her sister, Sylvanas Windrunner. So here it is. Play Sylvanas Windrunner: "And here you are, sister." I couldn't find a good exchange of dialogue between them that already existed, so I just used the one from Disguised Toast's video. I think he had the right idea on this. MAIEV HERO INTERACTIONS She could have an interaction with either Tyrande or Malfurion, but I think the most important one for there to be is with her mortal nemesis and sworn enemy: Illidan Stormrage. So that's who I'm gonna focus on right off the bat. Play Illidan Stormrage: "The huntress is nothing without the hunt." Illidan says this to taunt Maiev at some point, so I think it fits as a battlecry. TYRANDE HERO INTERACTIONS Tyrande already has an interaction with Malfurion, but what makes me curious is the fact that Fandral Staghelm has an interaction with her but Illidan doesn't. As far as I know, Illidan had a huge crush on Tyrande and was jealous of her relationship with his brother Malfurion, so at the very least he should say something. So here's my idea. Play Illidan Stormrage: "Tyrande..." And there it is. I think that works, doesn't it? LUNARA HERO INTERACTIONS Another thing that is just slightly strange to me is the fact that Cenarius doesn't recognize his daughter Lunara for some reason. So here's my suggestion. Play Cenarius: "My daughter, we will protect this ancient land." Just a variation on Cenarius' current opening line, only this time he recognizes that the opponent is actually his daughter. Well, I guess nobody plays Cenarius anyway, so I don't think they care much. I'm just nitpicking. JARAXXUS HERO INTERACTIONS Yes, I know he's not an actual hero card, but I think Jaraxxus deserves some love, especially after being powercrept to oblivion. As the crown jewel of cards designed by Ben Brode himself, I think that the Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion deserves a little more respect! Also, did you know that besides Dr. Boom, Jaraxxus is the only Hero that doesn't have a mirror greeting? Blasphemy! Play Prince Malchezaar: "You! That's my invitation!" Lord Jaraxxus: "Silly prince! Practice karaoke like Jaraxxus!" I just want him to interact with Malchezaar the same way he does with Wilfred Fizzlebang. The dialogue even exists already in the Karazhan Adventure. JARAXXUS vs. JARAXXUS Mirror Greeting: Lord Jaraxxus: "You face Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion!" Lord Jaraxxus: "No, YOU FACE JARAXXUS! Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion!" Just the idea of two Jaraxxuses arguing about who is the real Jaraxxus makes me chuckle a little. I considered an interaction with Mecha-Jaraxxus as well, but I didn't know how to make that work without changing the famous "You face Jaraxxus!" line, which I think is too iconic to take out. RAGNAROS HERO INTERACTIONS Majordomo Executus will never be a viable card, so nobody's ever going to see these except for hardcore memers. However, I still think it's fun to include these anyway. Here's just a few interactions with versions of himself, Nefarian, and Executus. Play Ragnaros the Firelord: "SO HOT." Ragnaros the Firelord (Hero): "INDEED." This is the Ragnaros Hero's Wow emote. I just think it would be funny for Classic Rag to say this, and since Hero Rag is a hilariously underpowered meme I think it's fine if he doesn't take himself seriously. Play Ragnaros, Lightlord: "THE LIGHT WILL PURGE THE WICKED FLAME!" Ragnaros the Firelord (Hero): "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS INTRUSION?" I just think Ragnaros should react to his alternate self. If I were him I would be baffled that a version of myself would forsake his wicked ways. Play Nefarian: "I am the master here! This mountian belongs to me!" Ragnaros the Firelord (Hero): "I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE, DRAGON!" It's no secret that Ragnaros and Nefarian hate one another. This exchange happens in the Tavern Brawl with Ragnaros and Nefarian. I feel like it could be applied here. Play Majordomo Executus: "Behold! Ragnaros! He who was ancient when this world was young!" Ragnaros the Firelord (Hero): "TOO SOON." A reference to when the Majordomo summons Ragnaros for the first time. HAGATHA HERO INTERACTIONS Hagatha the Witch, unlike Jaraxxus and Dr. Boom, actually has a mirror greeting for herself. So instead of focusing on that I will instead look at three neutral legendaries in the set: Baku the Mooneater, Genn Greymane, and Azalina Soulthief. After those, I'll go over her henchmen: Glinda Crowskin and Lord Godfrey. She also has interactions with the four Monster Hunters in Monster Hunt, so I'll include those too. Play Genn Greymane: "Leave these woods, witch!" Kinda generic, but that pretty much sums up their relationship in Monster Hunt. Play Baku the Mooneater: "Hagatha! I am yoursss to command..." This is also kinda generic, but this pretty much sums up the fact that Baku is Hagatha's loyal henchman. Play Azalina Soulthief: "Your curse devours. I must save my children!" This is a reference to Monster Hunt, where Hagatha's curse is killing Azalina's Wisps. Play Glinda Crowskin: "The Crowskin cult serves you, Hagatha." Glinda is the leader of the Crowskin cult that worships Hagatha. Play Lord Godfrey: "We had a deal, Hagatha. They're MINE!" Another reference to Monster Hunt. Apparently Hagatha and Godfrey had a deal of some kind. The Monster Hunters are all fairly basic, so I'll just speed through this. Play Houndmaster Shaw: "My dogs found her! Hagatha is here!" He says this in Monster Hunt. Play Toki, Time-Tinker: "Your time is almost up, witch!" She says this in Monster Hunt. Play Darius Crowley: "I've got you in my sights, Hagatha!" He says this in Monster Hunt. Play Tess Greymane: "Leave this place, witch!" She says this in Monster Hunt. As a bonues, I'll also throw in Witch's Apprentice, Witch's Cauldron, and Hex, just for fun. Play Witch's Apprentice: "(croak) Hagatha? Oh no..." I think this is an appropriate reaction, considering that Hagatha's the one who turned her into a frog. When Hagatha plays Witch's Cauldron: Hagatha: "Double double, toil and trouble..." Generic witch saying and Shakespeare reference. When Hagatha uses Hex: Hagatha: "My curse upon you!" I just thought this would be funny, since Hagatha turned her apprentice into a witch she can just say this when she Hexes someone. Similar to how Rexxar says "To my side!" when playing Animal Companion. DR. BOOM HERO INTERACTIONS I also decided that the famous Dr. Boom should have a special interaction with his two selves and one other guy in particular. After all, he doesn't have a mirror greeting in the expansion after they introduced mirror greetings. Seems kinda strange to me, but whatever. Here it is: DR. BOOM vs. DR. BOOM Mirror Greeting: Boom: "Welcome to the BOOM!" Boom: "HAHAHA! I love this place!" Pretty straightforward, and seems like something an insane maniac like Dr. Boom would say to himself. Playing Dr. Boom (the minion): Dr. Boom: "Heeheehahoohah... huh?!?" I'd just add a little confused noise to the end of his laugh. Probably not significant enough to warrant a change, but I don't really care about that. And last but not least... Play Nightmare Amalgam: "Dr. Boom? Don't take me back to the lab!" Experiment 3C says this if you play Dr. Boom in Monster Hunt, and he's obviously referring to Boom Labs. I also considered writing something for all of his staff of mad scientists, but this thing is already getting too long, so I think I'll just end here with a TL;DR. Maybe I'll do it later on. Or someone else can do it in the comments, I don't know. TL;DR: Just a bunch of new hero and card interactions I wrote down. Most of them are related to character relationships, and others are just jokes. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments! And please let me know if I missed any important ones, because I definitely missed a few! But for now I'm gonna just sign off, this took waaaay longer than I expected and I think I'll just settle down for the rest of the day. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:47 PM PDT
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Made to... hold a deck of cards Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:46 AM PDT
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Posted: 30 Aug 2018 09:02 AM PDT Greetings! The Vicious Syndicate Team is proud to present the 103rd edition of the Data Reaper Report. As always, special thanks to all those who contribute their game data to the project. This project could not succeed without your support. The entire vS Team is eternally grateful for your assistance. This week our data is based on over 5,400 contributors and over 65,000 games! In this week's report you will find:
The full article can be found at: vS Data Reaper Report #103 Data Reaper Live - After you're done with the Report, you can keep an eye on this up-to-date live Meta Tracker throughout the week! As always, thank you all for your fantastic feedback and support. We are looking forward to all the additional content we can provide everyone. Reminder
Thank you, The Vicious Syndicate Team [link] [comments] | ||
HSReplay.net - Highest Winrate Decks For "Double Deathrattler Battler" Tavern Brawl [Aug/30] Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:55 AM PDT
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Best expansion ever : Change my mind Posted: 30 Aug 2018 04:33 AM PDT
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Posted: 29 Aug 2018 12:23 PM PDT
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Weirdest Warrior Mirror Match ever Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:48 PM PDT I played Odd Warrior without the Hero, because I saw Stancifka playing this version and I kinda like to tank up into Oblivion. Last game I faced a Control Warrior with double dmh. I thought that's the game, I couldn't win because he will never take fatigue and I can never kill him. My only tiny chance was Azalina. I played her and actually got one dmh. And M'thun which he discovered earlier with the assembly. Now the game plan changed, I wanted to get rid of all my cards to play him. But this challenge wasn't that easy, the clown Fiesta started, when the packs gave me Elise over and over again. Even the last pack, which had only one card contained Elise. The wet dream of every Odd Warrior became a nightmare. My opponent figured out, what I was trying and started the same thing. Finally, with only M'thun in hand and still 60 armor I was ready to play the new God... Both heros exploded just in this moment: turn limit. The new God is a fair God. At least I made a new friend, we both started directly a request. Thanks my friend for this weird game :) [link] [comments] | ||
Drew all of my spider bois in a deck of 30 cards Posted: 29 Aug 2018 08:01 PM PDT
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Harvesting petals but drought season comes Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:25 AM PDT
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My first time getting legend and don't have anywhere else to share it! Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:00 AM PDT
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The Secret to beating Mecha'Thun Druid as Mage: Posted: 29 Aug 2018 11:11 PM PDT
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What is your cleverest deck name? Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:08 PM PDT Personally, my secret hunter is named "a quiet place." [link] [comments] | ||
I am new one. Does anyone help me? Posted: 30 Aug 2018 06:38 AM PDT I have 4000 gold and wanna buy pack cards. But I really do not know which one is good for me. I like to play Heal Zoo Lock ( most cards from Knights of Frozen Throne ), but I heard it would turn into wild in April 2019. And how about Witchwood and Boomsday pack cards? Is it good? Which is the better? I need more advises from you guys. Thank you alot. :) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 30 Aug 2018 01:41 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 30 Aug 2018 08:06 AM PDT F2F scrub here since the pre Naxx days. I've never managed to have a full meta deck with all the requisite legendaries, but I'm currently enjoying Deathrattle Hunter (sans like, Kathrena, Shaw, Rexxar, King Krush, Mossy Horror and Carnivorous cubes). I do however have a Keleseth. So I have about 3k dust to spend and I'm thinking about spending it on Shaw and a Mossy Horror, as they are Witchwood and will last longer, but don't want to waste my limited dust. Shaw seems like he'll fit in most Hunter decks... advice? Good investment? Many thanks! [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Aug 2018 07:15 PM PDT
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