Fallout - Fallout 3 Painting my Gf made

Fallout 3 Painting my Gf made

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 05:14 AM PDT

The only one thing i expect from Fallout 5

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 01:22 AM PDT

A holotape, near a pool of blood. You play it and hear a raider voice, telling you that there is this invincible man that killed all his friends. He has a vault suit and just a pipe wrench. You hear him talking quietly, he tells you that he's coming and footsteps get more and more near. A door opening sound and a voice you'll never forget "HAHA GARY!" the message continues with screams and hits, and finishes with "gary!". That would be a cool easter egg

submitted by /u/MeMelotti
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Lost my Dogmeat somewhere so I spawned him to me and now I have two goodboys!

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:14 AM PDT


I wonder if I can create more?

submitted by /u/Eugenes_Axe
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An interesting reference/quest I would like to see in a future game.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:26 PM PDT

Alright so if you're either old or a fan of old tv/movies than you have likely watched the Twilight Zone. Well does anyone remember "The Old Man in the Cave" episode. This episode in particular was the aftermath of a nuclear bomb going off, and ten years later in 1976, the survivors of the aftermath are gathering around a supply of pre-war food. The leader of the survivors, Goldsmith, telling them the food is irradiated, saying the old man said so. Afterward remnants of the military show up and convince the survivors, except for Goldsmith, to actually live instead of just surviving. The survivors/remnants turn on Goldsmith and eat/ drink to their hearts content, then force him to reveal the old man to them. Goldsmith bring them to the cave, which is sealed by a steel door. Failing to blow the cave entrance, the remnants force Goldsmith to reveal the old man to them, Goldsmith then opens the hatch via hidden switch. They people then see that the old man is actually a pre war super computer, running calculations and estimations on the human's survival. This is hinted earlier in the episode when they are trying to figure out when it will rain, Goldsmith telling them its a "80% chance of a radiation storm" instead of just telling them the old man assumed it's more than likely. The survivors, except for Goldsmith, turn on the computer and destroy it. The next morning all of the survivors except for Goldsmith are dead from radiation poisoning as Goldsmith walks out of the once living settlement.

submitted by /u/AstoundingStupidity
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Just bullet-spongy is Old Word Blues really?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:33 AM PDT

So i just started playing old world blues and i have noticed that the enemies are REALLY REALLY tough hp/def wise. maybe not tough when it comes to attack damage, but they take like a million hits.


so far i have really done the following

  • talked to the 5 floating brain "doctors"

  • travelled to the x-2 antenna array and back (with a quick detour to ulysses' point) * but i have encountered the following enemies:

  • about 10 lobotomites

  • 2 of the y-17 trauma overdrive harness skelly-dudes (doot doot)

  • 3 or 4 protectrons (mark 5) in the x-2 antenna building

  • and a crapton of roboscorps the moment i got the x-2 antenna


my weapon is the all-american. pretty decent rifle, been using it for a while cause i have ammo for it stocked up to the brim.

  • the lobotomites took anywhere from half a mag to a full mag to kill.

  • the doot doot guys took at least a mag or 2

  • the mk5 protectrons also took like a mag or so i think

  • but the worst have to be roboscorps

  • the small ones took like 2 mags of constant firing

  • but the big ones (the 5b ones) several mags to kill

my gun went from like 75-80% (a bit over the bar) down to like 40-50% from that short trip. for context, the average raider in the wasteland took my all-american like 1-3 shots to the head to kill.


i looked on wikia and holy cow these guys really are bullet sponges. their dt isn't that high, like from 5-10 but their hp, oh my. if you thought patrolling the mojave desert made you wish for a nuclear winter, then wait till you see this.

  • lobotomites: 311hp, 0-6dt

  • y-17 doot doots: 311 hp, but their dt is 20 (all-american base dmg is 25, meaning i did like 5 dmg per shot)

  • mk 5 protectrons: 525hp 8dt

  • didn't remember what model the smaller roboscorps were but they were also tough

  • mk5b roboscorps: 600hp, 18dt (headbutting the table)


for context, a praetorian guard have like 250hp and 12dt. remember the legion raiding parties that litter the wasteland and fill your power armor with bullet holes? yeah those guys got nothing on owb. these owb enemies are on the lvl of yound deathclaws (350hp 5dt) and regular deathclaws (500hp 15dt)


if i have just started the dlc and the enemies are already this bullet-spongy, then just how much more are the ones later in the dlc? i'm not really worried dmg wise since i am a bullet-sponge tank myself with my remnants power armor.


do you guys have any ideas of where and when can i get better weapons inside the dlc? i was an idiot and only brought the all-american since i had thought that it would be sufficient. (i prefer med-long range weapons, no explosives or melee).

edit: formatting changes

submitted by /u/MassiveFire
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A Remix I Believe All Of You Will Appreciate

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:05 AM PDT

Detail in New Vegas propaganda poster

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 07:38 AM PDT

Poster in question: https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/fallout_gamepedia/thumb/7/7a/NCRPropaganda6.png/300px-NCRPropaganda6.png?version=3c72d8a236ee669e614c10355edfa8dd

Sorry if this is common knowledge, but I always thought this was a neat little detail found in this NCR propaganda poster. The top text is in a stereotypical Ancient Greek font when Times New Roman would have been more appropriate, seeing as The Legion is, well, Roman. Confusing ancient Greek and Roman culture is understandable, but at first I thought it was odd that the devs would know correct Latin pronunciation, but gloss over a mistake like that. But then I realized, Obsidian didn't make that mistake, The NCR did. It makes perfect sense that some NCR military writer wouldn't know the difference between Greece and Rome and made a little slip-up like that.

Greek font example: https://cmkt-image-prd.global.ssl.fastly.net/0.1.0/ps/3221449/580/387/m1/fpnw/wm1/greek-font-numbers-headline-.jpg?1504881245&s=a3386823351ba71ced779035f43fc68e

Roman font: http://img.fontspace.com/preview/charmap/fba9efcd0be189d30713d75c746acef9.png

submitted by /u/Ubervisor
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Bethesda: I’d like to see more player choice in the next Fallout game. (Not F76 obviously)

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 05:55 PM PDT

Example 1: Cannot side with the raiders when first encountering them in concord. Raider/evil gameplay were sold in separately in Nuka-World. In FNV, the first quest options you get allow you to side with the townspeople or a gang. Each side also has several optional objectives and will give you reputation with either group.

Example 2: Going back to Nuka-world DLC: the good ending wasn't fleshed out. You just kill everybody. There isn't much potential for player choice in dialogue groups (issue with main game too), and also no working as a mediator between gangs.

There are several other examples.

This may seem like a Fallout 4 rant but it isn't, I like the game. I really liked settlement building (even if it still needs work), and it finally gave us good shooting mechanics. I'm also excited for 76- can't wait to see what a Fallout game will look like online. I just want to see a little more choice in the next game, that's why I like Fallout 1, 2, 3, and New Vegas so much and replay them more. They made the game world feel like it responded to you.

And can we bring back the end game slides.

submitted by /u/wait_i_was_talking
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Medicine Bobblehead

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:01 PM PDT

I missed the medicine bobblehead when I did the hole in the wall quest, how do I get inside the secret vault again?

submitted by /u/ALamppost
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Country roads or Big Iron?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 06:59 PM PDT

This is a very important question that isn't being asked.

submitted by /u/LennySpammer
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Is the fatman always overkill?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 06:47 AM PDT

recreational nuclear weapons seem a bit overkill if i'm being totally honest. is there actually anywhere in any of the fallout games where using the fatman is justified or even necessary? let alone a MIRV.

it seems like even something like a behemoth isn't really something that would require a nuke in the context of fallout. maybe if there were a bunch of behemoths at once there'd actually be a reason to have a MIRV

submitted by /u/Avnas
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Goodneighbor in real life

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:10 AM PDT

I'm in Boston, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on what real life location would be equal to Goodneighbor.

submitted by /u/Nukaboy1777
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Video Game Melodies - A playlist with peaceful music from Fallout, The Elder Scrolls, Journey and many more

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:06 AM PDT

[FO4] how do i get audio to work for a custom replacer for the Special intro?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:52 PM PDT

i been trying to figure this out but how do i get audio for the special intro. i got the video to work but no sound when launching game.

i know mus_maintheme.xwm is forr the main menu but what the file name that goes with the special videos? ty

submitted by /u/Xtskezza
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Foreigners in Fallout

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 05:38 PM PDT

In fallout 4 alone, we have the bobrov brothers, who are Russian and Cait who is very Irish. How did they get to the U.S. and why did they come? I mean, the U.S. is probably more screwed then anywhere else. I don't know if there's a real explanation, but does anyone have a theory? Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/soorow
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The fact that you can't pull rank on Ironsides is just heartbreaking

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:29 PM PDT

I mean, I wouldn't expect him to recognize your rank as either General, or your current BOS rank. But just an attempt to order Ironsides to relinquish command to you, or to order him to make port near fort Independence would be so awesome.

submitted by /u/danktonium
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Can you get kidnapped in the hotel Rexford?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:29 AM PDT

Ok so when you go into the hotel rexford Claire mentions that if you get kidnap you don't get a refund so does that allude to the fact that you might actually be able to get kidnapped whilst staying in the hotel?

submitted by /u/callumbarton75
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TIL: there's a Chinese invasion failsafe in Tranquility Lane.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 10:21 AM PDT

This is so cool and a nice way of getting out of the quest.

Fallout 3 is getting better by the day for me.

submitted by /u/HarraReeves_
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What’s your favorite aspect/thing to do in the Fallout games? Mine is passing Charisma checks.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 09:12 AM PDT

Is there a mod that allows you to scale difficulty yourself?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 03:10 PM PDT

If I remember correctly there is a mod that let's you change damage outputs of you and enemies. For example running x4 damage from enemies and x2 damage from you as opposed to just scaling down your damage like very hard normally does.

submitted by /u/XJollyRogerX
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What is your favorite ending in any fallout game?

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:15 AM PDT


My Favorite ending between the games is the railroad ending in 4 because you feel like a spy slowly building an army of synths inside the institute until you launch your final strike. Also when you take down the brotherhood that is epic watching it crash down while you flew away in one of their own vertibirds. So whats yours?

submitted by /u/darthon1710
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Could The Great War have been averted if America shared its fusion technology?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 04:30 PM PDT

All of my information is taken from this timeline so if anything is wrong then I blame the fact that I used a single source.

America developed fusion tech 10 years prior to the bombs being dropped, and a few months prior to China's invasion of Anchorage. China's reason for the invasion was due to desperation; the need for resources, such as oil, which America had. By 2077, America has defeated China and is enclosing in Beijing on October 22nd. A day later war the Great War begins and ends.

Is it possible that nuclear war could have been averted if America shared its technology? It could be argued that China was justified for invading Alaska as oil was a necessity for them, whereas America already had stockpiles of oil as well as newly developed fusion technology. Therefore, if America shared its fusion tech it could have averted further conflict and ultimately avoided The Great War.

On the other hand, had America of shared its new technology they could have risked starting a fusion arms race as well as risked giving China the upper hand in combat, meaning a nuclear war would still have happened.

Or maybe nothing could change to prevent nuclear war. Perhaps humanity is too divisive and self-destructive in nature, meaning that war... war never changes.

Edit 1: I suppose I should mention that it is obvious that America would have little to no reason to have actually shared their technology. I'm more curious as to what people think would have been different if they did share their knowledge of fusion.

submitted by /u/emilyjwarr
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Mad Mulligan’s Mine is bugged.

Posted: 18 Aug 2018 11:57 AM PDT

Every time I go in there, the game freezes when I try to save. I can reload to an earlier one and it seems to be fine, but this effectively means I can't complete the quest. Mods to fix this?

Auto-saves also seem to cause freezing. In addition, if I complete the quest without saving and try to leave...the game never loads the outside, leaving it stuck on the loading screen (I waited twenty minutes once and it never loaded Nuka-World, so I'm pretty sure the location itself is broken).

submitted by /u/searchingformytruth
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So who remembers the number stations creepy pasta?

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 08:35 PM PDT


Whats funny about it is that they actually thought the Queen would die lol.

submitted by /u/Just_speaking_truths
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