True Dota 2 - Itemizing Lich and Crystal Maiden -- how to take advantage of their mana regen in the mid to late game?

Itemizing Lich and Crystal Maiden -- how to take advantage of their mana regen in the mid to late game?

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 09:06 AM PDT

Lich and Crystal Maiden have the strongest mana regen abilities in the game (and both were buffed in the last patch), but I really only feel their impact in the mid game. Early game, they have the same mana problems as everyone else and late game, I can't use my mana fast enough so I feel like the full impact of their skills is being wasted. Are there particular powerful, mana hungry items that Lich and CM can use liberally but other heroes can't?

In CMs case, the buff to her aura now makes a 1-1-1 build very viable, and that's certainly nice. But, late game she has 4.2 base regen before multipliers which is just insane--a bloodstone gives 6.9 base regen. How can I use all that mana? Can I use it for farming, killing, what? Maybe she can use force staff liberally, since they increased the mana cost?

Same with Lich, low level sacrifice is way more powerful, so I feel the impact mid game. Late game, I'm always full mana and sacrifice is way more mana than I need. How can I put that mana to use?

I feel like I should use their ults to farm or push waves more often, but the cooldowns feel just a bit too long for that.

Incidentally, both of these heroes have strong autoattack dps talents I don't know how to use either. And they are natural tranquils builders, which doesn't help matters.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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Gathering Turbo match data

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 02:07 AM PDT

I realized there wasn't enough Turbo statistics so I wrote a small Python script to gather match data so then I can extract statistics. It works but it is very slow, Valve only lets me to get 1 match per 1 second and the progress is nearly slower than the pace new matches are played. It would be nice if we ran the script together and then merged the data.

Below you can see the script. It is very small and simple, it requests matches one by one and sees if it's a public match and if it's Turbo. If it is, script writes the match data to a file.

Right now I have matches between 3534259740 (which is the first ever public Turbo match) and 3534544867, that makes 8715 matches and totals around 32MB of data. I've gathered them in 3 days so it going to take hella lotta time. But if we split the work it can be done sooner. I think everyone should do 1 million match IDs in one go, that would be the best IMO.

import requests api_key = "" match_id_start = 3534544000 current_offset = 0 while True: match_id = str(match_id_start + current_offset) match = requests.get("", params={"key": api_key, "match_id": match_id}, timeout=1000.0) match_json = match.json() match_status = match.status_code try: if match_json["result"]["game_mode"] == 23: with open("matches\\" + match_id + ".json", "w") as fp: fp.writelines(str(match.json())) fp.close() print("Match {0} is Turbo".format(match_id)) else: print("Match {0} is not Turbo".format(match_id)) except KeyError: print("Match {0} doesn't exist".format(match_id)) current_offset += 1 

If you are interested, let me know in the comments. Thank you.

submitted by /u/BeardedWax
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Aquila on AM

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 02:56 PM PDT

I believe this was discussed a few months back.

Since Aquila is a very good item to just pass, is it viable to build it on AM considering battlefury has to be completed as fast as possible? Or maybe just plain boots -> Aquila -> Battlefury is viable?

submitted by /u/The_Mamushka
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Solar crest vs butterfly heroes

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:36 PM PDT

Anyone care to explain the math and how much miss chance do I get as a hero who apply 40 % accuracy on a 35% miss chance target?

Quick maf but this can be super wrong, 40% of 35 = 0,14 total miss chance.

In theory, lvl 15 pl with butterfly has:

  • 1600 hp
  • 60% armor resist
  • 35% miss chance
  • EHP = (1600 * 60%)*1,35 = *3450 ehp

With solar you reduce:

  • 10% armor resist
  • 20% miss chance
  • EHP = (1600 * 50%)*1,14 = *2700 ehp

No wonder why the best hero to reduce EHP is ET, you would reduce his EHP to 1800 hp or 50% less hp just by existing and solar.

PS: If you are from valve please fix the tooltip on solar debuff.

submitted by /u/MiloTheSlayer
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Ways to use runes effectively

Posted: 07 Jul 2018 12:54 AM PDT

So this one might not be news to everyone because I see effective uses of different kinds of runes in my games regularly, but, at the same time I do also see people use runes poorly, or hastily. That being said, it was requested by u/colematterson ( hope its what you were expecting ) in one of my other threads to do a video about runes, so here we are.

If anyone else has a request for a video, or feedback, feel free to let me know.

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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