True Dota 2 - How is brood these days?

How is brood these days?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 11:22 AM PDT

I haven't played her since before the talents/invis change.

How is she without invis? is she still really strong? How is she in the 2v2?

Any other updates? I like to run her mid but off her sometimes.

Do you guys buy boots?

submitted by /u/svene
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Obscure Warding video

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 12:30 AM PDT

So this is a video i made in response to this post

It's a video guide of less commonly used ward spots that are more likely to last their full duration without being dewarded, while still giving useful vision.

Edit : so as you could probably tell if you watched I'm still pretty new at making content, just wanted to say thanks for my first 100 view milestone, especially since it only took 4 hours to break it. Would be open to any feedback anyone has in the comments or suggestions / requests for more DotA videos.

Edit #2 : over 200 views on it now, I know it's not a lot compared to many many many channels / videos out there but it feels good to hit that milestone. Thanks to the people who have checked it out / do in the future.

submitted by /u/HailCthulhu
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Returning to the game, what’s popular/good these days?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:50 AM PDT

Used to play HoN a lot, got pretty good. Then moved to Lol in order to play with some friends, and played Dota 2 when people weren't around. Went to college, and just didn't play as much until it tapered off completely. Now I'm looking to take the plunge and I want to know which heroes/strats/items/builds are in.

submitted by /u/AeternaAurum
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How to play brood vs timber mid

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 10:09 AM PDT

From broods perspective - do you just ignore him and farm? but how do you apply pressure then?

submitted by /u/mojaaa
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Is aether lens a game changer for any hero?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 07:45 AM PDT

I really like this item, especially on supports. But sometimes I think I might be over building it, especially to compensate for my bad positioning.

Is there any hero where aether lens is truly a core item, where you get it close to 100% of the time? I know it's very good on ss, combined with his cast range talent. I also know core Zeus and pugna usually build it.

What about supports, like venge, Oracle, warlock, etc?

I know it's pretty good on omni too these days after all his cast range nerfs.

submitted by /u/ak1247
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How do I better secure my carry's lane as pos.5?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 01:42 PM PDT

Lately been doing team games for a small local tournament, and in most, if not in all of our games, our safelane gets fucked, usually by enemy dual lanes that keep us zoned enough so that we lose on kills and on last hits.

Just thought I might get some advice here to get my lane working again and stop disappointing my carry.

submitted by /u/Riflekiller
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Spec players : Can you recommend if I got the right items this match? Want to know why we lost

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 09:50 PM PDT Got a good start ( 13 min relic) but delayed radiance (21 mins). Thought of a bkb vs CM/BS but thought my blademail and tankyness will reflect the damage back but wasnt enough :(

submitted by /u/raghavr
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How to itemize/play spec correctly in 3.5-5k bracket

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:58 AM PDT

Hi Guys -

I feel like I dont play SPEC to his fullest potential. Can I get some tips?

I always go RoA first but confused what to do after. I see some people go urn - > radiance. I've seen others go Spirit Vessel - > Radiance.

When do you get blademail? When do you get diffusal? Etc.

What is a good / bad time to use her?

submitted by /u/strokin3
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Strongest Mid / HC heroes this patch in 3-4k bracket

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:20 AM PDT

Hey guys,

Which heroes are stompers in the current meta in the 3-4.5k bracket?

submitted by /u/strokin3
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Best HC / Mid combo for 2 friends playing together

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 05:15 AM PDT

Hi -

Me and my friend want to start grinding MMR. We want to play the middle and safelane carry roles. What are the best combos for that? Easiest heroes to just dominate those two lanes so we can take over the game regardless of how toxic the 3 other players on our team are.

submitted by /u/strokin3
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What am I doing wrong with pitlord?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:19 PM PDT

I've been spamming a lot of pitlord in the 4k bracket on NA I can't find success despite having decent performances.

I think part of the problem is my tendenacy to stay in the offlane too long and try to farm up defensive items to help my cores instead of rotating to help them early. Another problem is that teams at this are level are extremely uncoordinated, and maybe this hero requires more teamwork.


submitted by /u/neptune_1
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Started spamming meepo recently, any tips?

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 07:12 PM PDT

My previous rank was legend 3 (haven't calibrated yet), I'd say I'm okay-ish at micro (obviously a shitton to improve), and I started spamming the guy 4 days ago, played him 18 times so far (15 more before spamming). Anyway, I think my main focus atm shouldn't be micro because I assume that'll come with time and I'm good enough for my level I think, I wanna know when I should actually start fighting or going for pickoffs, when I should group up with my team and push, what's my general gameplan in most games, how do I itemize (I usually always go 3 wraiths before treads blink sheepstick but sometimes I'll get shadow blade instead)?

A lot of the times I also have trouble finishing games because my team composition often has no good initiation and I'm the one who's supposed to jump a sniper 1v5 (which really sucks, even with aegis I usually still die)

Thanks in advance folks, I'm gonna calibrate with 10 mappo games after my 100th game with the guy.

p.s. as to why I'm spamming him - he's super fun and feeling overpowered is always nice, that's why I like alch and arc warden aswell. Also free 4 commends if I do well (which is common, the guy is basically clinkz on drugs in some areas)

submitted by /u/WaddapImLiz
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Mid Rubick discussion: How to build and which teams benefit from it

Posted: 04 Jul 2018 04:53 PM PDT

Recently I found myself humiliated by a Rubick that decided to play mid, since then I have played quite a lot of Rubick mid in unranked and it has honesty been the most fun I've had in dota in a long time, the problem is my win rate is abysmal now, falling from 65% when played as a pos 4-5 to 40% as a midlander, it seems like even though Rubick can dominate many midlanders (especially those that have targeted nukes), I alsways seem to fall off mid game and am unable to rely on my carries to keep up momentum. So my question is this: Is mid Rubick realistically viable in ranked games, what builds and teams might he excel in, or will middle Rubick remain a meme pick for smurfs looking to finesse noobs with their own abilities.

submitted by /u/Skullyhop
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Static field bug ?

Posted: 05 Jul 2018 12:09 AM PDT

I was testing zeus in demo mode and i noticed that cast range (aether lense / lvl 25 talent) is not working with static field. If you hover over the spell the range is increasing (green circle is moving) but the spell is still affecting only units in the non-upgraded state. Is this a bug or is it working as intended? If cast range would affect static field the lvl 25 talents would be more balanced imo.

submitted by /u/FuriousSalad
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